Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 2, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


The Slave Police (SP) with a camera crew had just arrived to the place

where this two contenders in "The Millionaire Contest" were and they

told them that they had lost and as slaves they had to undress, that was

the moment that the audience always was waiting for and this was the

reason why the event was the people's favorite, look at the

desperation and humiliation of those that had lost when they were

notified and were forced to undress.

These two white eighteen years old teenagers one dark brown haired and

the other light brown haired boys were victims of the "Scholar

Millionaire" Contest", they were chosen by chance to participate in

an event where all the state schools had to participate, and the event

consisted to find the check with the monetary amount that was going to

be given to the winner, but on this time would be for the winner couple,

each school had to choose twenty male students that were studying from

Junior High to college, but on this event the couples were integrated by

students of different schools and cities or towns and the students

didn't know each other.

The event took place in the forest and in the cities and towns as well,

and the participants had to follow the information that was given to

them every time that they arrived to the correct check point, the

contenders had to rest at night since with darkness the TV audience

couldn't see at all what was going on, so each couple was taken to the

closest city or town to rest when the event was suspended, and there

they were fed and they could shower and the next morning they were taken

to the exact place where the event had been suspended, but due to the

huge number of couples that were participating the last five couples

that hadn't arrived to the check point to which the other couples have

already arrived at the moment that event was suspended were

immediately enslaved.

It was considered that the event finished in two weeks but due to the

weather conditions because several days were raining and foggy it

finished two weeks later because the search became slow, these two boys

were enslaved at noon of the day before that the event finished when

they weren't one of the first three couples to arrive to the check

point, because in this moment due that the organizers wanted that the

event finished as soon as possible because the audience was getting

bored, was decided that the first three couples that arrive to the check

point that day will continue in the event while the others were going to

be enslaved , since in that time due that only were left in the event

very few couples, only were enslaved the last couple that failed to

arrive to the check point or if they made it the last one to arrive.

The two boys were in the forest when the SP agents and the cameraman and

his crew arrived to the place where the two teenagers were and

immediately the SP officer ordered them to get naked, the two boys with

desperation realized that they had lost, and as in the past they had

enjoyed watching how other contenders were undressed and enslaved

humiliating them, now the time to face the same fate had arrived for

them and they had to go through that bitter situation, also they knew

that was useless fight because then the SP would punish them in a harsh

way and the last thing that they wanted was to give the audience the

chance to enjoy their fall, so with tears in their eyes they began to

undress knowing that their family and friends were watching them.

But the humiliation didn't stop there, since the first to be naked

was the light brown haired teenager and the guards ordered him to assume

the full fours position with his butt pointing towards the camera, and

when the other teenager already had his trousers and briefs on his

ankles one of the SP agent ordered him to squat and he began to

caressing his couple buttocks and back, so he began to do that without

looking to the camera for the shame that he was feeling, while his

couple with his head lifted up was looking at the forest, since the

guards wanted that the TV audience saw the flower that the slave was

forced to put on his ear, what the two teenagers didn't know was that

very soon the boy that was caressing his couple buttocks would have to

open them so the audience could see the slave's exposed anus, and

after that he would be forced to suck his cock and swallow his cum after

have rimmed him, and then the other slave would have to do the same.

The bids to buy these two slaves began to arrive since this couple was

considered as prime flesh with smooth bodies that barely had body hair

in their crotches, armpits and anuses, and according to the information

that was provided by the program hosts until before losing their freedom

this boys were citizen of Adnaloh, who were considered ideals as

houseboys slaves considering their ages, handsomeness and their buttocks

roundness and the small butt that they had as well and the size of their

schlongs and balls, and other things that they were in charge to

highlighting was their nipples sizes because while the dark brown haired

boy had them big and brown colored, the boy with the light brown hair

had them smalls and pinkish and was well known for the potential buyers

that the color of the nipples was the same color of their anuses.

In their former lives these boys had been very popular in their schools,

and due that they were handsome they were somewhat cocky and not all the

boys including the girls could be part of their friends, and even when

they disliked someone they were rude when they rejected them but due to

their popularity all the boys accepted the way they were and without

their knowledge many boys that had been rejected by them were enjoying

their fall, and even many of them were interested in buying them since

for them what better thing that have a handsome boy that you dislike as

your slave naked and can treat him as you wanted and that he`s helpless

to defend himself, other thing that the boys that are enjoying the fall

of these two popular lads is that they are being forced to touch their

bodies' must intimate parts thing that they hated because always they

had said that they liked the girls and they never would have anything to

do with a male, but they were wrong because when they were enslaved

losing in The Millionaire Contest they can`t no longer take that


Both boys were bought by one of the wealthiest students in the country,

and now are used as ponies to pull his master's rickshaw and they are

exhibited as the naked animals that they are now in the towns where they

use to live and they were well known, because for their misfortune

despite that their home towns were in different states both were in a

metropolitan area son now all those that were their acquaintances,

friends and even relatives and schoolmates can see them constantly naked

pulling their master's rickshaw and even they touch their buttocks,

balls, shlongs and nipples, and in addition they open their buttocks to

see their anuses that are the same color of their nipples, and if their

master wants they have to kiss each other, suck their schlongs and lick

their balls and rimming, and even fuck each other in front of them and

in public, since as they are considered as animals the authorities

consider that they don`t have consciousness and they are allowed to have

sex in public places as long as their master wants, so these two boys

became in two more victims of the Millionaire Contest and the antipathy

that the other boys felt for them including their master for being so

cocky, but nevertheless for The Millionaire Contest is very beneficial

enslave such handsome boys that they reach very high prices when they

are auctioned.

Next: Chapter 610: Hora De Cobrarselas 42

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