Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 23, 2022


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


Slavery has become the way in which many human problems has been

resolved since the social point of view, and although can be considered

as a cruel way to resolve the social problem that actually is facing the

society, nobody can deny that until the this moment has been one of the

most effective ways to can control the behavior of those that are part

of it, although as everything many excess are committed in the way that

the laws are changing to be improved them and then each one of the

benefits that are achieved are better, and of course that the

cost-benefit is very important to determinate how good is that law and

if it should continue to apply to the citizens.

Despite that the slaves are considered as one more merchandise inside

the society and even though they are thinking human beings from the

social point of view they are considered just living beings, which can

be sold, bought, export and import and even exchanged for other slaves

or merchandise because as the slavery is considered as a punishment for

those citizens who didn`t know follow the country law to those citizen

their rights were taken away, and simply they became in living beast

where others are who take the decision for them and therefore they don`t

have any right to give their opinion about what their lives will be

because with the punishment they forfeit the right to decide about their

own lives.

And in this new society the breeding farms were very important in

relation to can have slaves that served to the good citizens that follow

the law because a part of having both males and females of excellent

quality destined to the breeding of the new slaves that were who in a

long term were going to be servicing to the new society, also they had a

very desired product which despite that would give the same results that

the male and females was much more easier to commercialize and which

didn't require the paperwork to buy and sale it and even for the

importation and exportation, and in this case was the spunk that the

males produced, and was enough to have the white viscous liquid

without mattering who had produced it either a free citizen or a slave

so that it could be sold but what had to be clearly indicated if the

jizz had been produced by a free citizen or by a slave, since the

resultant offspring if was used to pregnant a free female then if the

cum had been produced by a free citizens the resultant offspring was a

free citizen, but if the spunk were used to pregnant a slave then the

resultant offspring was a slave and if the cum had been produced by a

slave without mattering which kind of female was pregnant the resultant

offspring was a slave, and the name that was given to the offspring if

was free was boy and if was a slave piglet or puppy, and daily the

companies in charge to transport this kind of merchandise transported a

very impressive quantity of spunk, and they had either in their planes

as in their ground transportation a special area where store them to

keep it frozen and arrived in good conditions to their destination.

However the sanitary authorities to avoid that the diseases that could

be generated by this kind of merchandise expanded had to have a very

strict sanitary control over this kind of product that was very special,

and all the producers that wanted to sale their spunk if they were free

they had to go through a sanitary quarantine imposed by the authorities

to be sure that the quality of the product produced by the balls of the

male that was the provider of the jizz was of excellent quality and was

not a carrier of any kind of disease, even though sale the jizz had

become into a very profitable activity for those free males that wanted

to sale their spunk and how there wasn't a law that would prevent them

to do it they could do it as many times as they wanted, but also the

public health authorities were forced to put sanitary rules to can be

sure that that so special product was of an excellent quality and

wasn't a transmitter of any disease, and despite that the same rule

applied to the breeding farms was much more easy keep them controlled

because the same slaves' owners that used this business they took care

that the product that was sold either a male of female slaves or the cum

that was produced by the males were not carriers of any disease, to

avoid that their reputation could be affected and with this the sale of

those products that were so special and was so demanded around the


But there was other way to get the slaves to obtain the product produced

by the human's males balls that although it was known that it existed

it wasn't very easy to control it that was the slaves illegal sale

where the young wretched males that were the most demanded were kidnaped

and sold to prohibited prices, or many times the same kidnappers kept

the boys and sold their balls product to a marked without sanitary

control and which every time was more eager to have more slaves that

served them and show how wealthy they were, so every day in the

different countries young and adolescent males disappeared who never

heard from them again and who became part of the slaves who were kept in

that social condition illegally, and these breeding farms where either

the sale of slaves of the spunk that the males produced was done

clandestinely and that also was very profitable and where the legal

breeding farms had a very active participation buying the products in

which they were interested in this kind of farms, and the most purchased

product was the spunk which were sold to certain very special customers

and were in a special area, however the boys who were in their last two

years of adolescence committed many foolishness where they ended up

being either legally or illegally enslaved.

The son of one king in a western country that managed to escape the

vigilance that he always had in a party he got drunk and was illegally

kidnaped and send to a breeding farm in a very far country, since his

balls production was going to be much in demand in the high society

where the families either royals of the other countries and presidential

and very wealthy men as well were going to want it for what implied

those balls productions and that special producer so scarce that was

known as "RS" that wasn`t other thing than royal spunk, and kidnap

the royal boy wasn't a problem because being unprotected simple when

he went to the bathroom a drug was injected and when the boy woke up he

was in a cage into an airplane cargo area completely naked piled up with

fifteen other boys, and by the time they realized his disappearance in

the royal castle he would already be lost in the world of the black

slave market where they would never find him again, and his

disappearance would be a scandal that would lead to the slavery of all

bodyguards who had the obligation to have taken care of him as well as

the palace's security officers for not realizing what had happened.

Considering the terrible notice about the royal palace had lost one of

its males royal member and knowing which one was going to be his and his

descendants destiny they had done all that is possible to find and

rescue him at least the lost boy is not the heir to the throne, the

royal house has tried to localize him in all the known slaves markets

both legal and illegals but all their efforts has been in vain, since

this merchandise type is not openly exhibited to the public, and only is

exhibited to those customer that is known that are not going to tell a

word and they are interested to buy the products of his balls, however

for this prince despite that he was a very special merchandise and his

balls' product very demanded by the market, the treat that has

received as slave has not been different that the other slaves receive,

because for his new master he's not more than other slave which has to

do all that the other slaves do without mattering from where come from

the balls that produce the spunk and the piglets that are sold, the

discipline has to be kept and any disobedience act or not please a

superior being is severely punished by the overseers or the naked

enslaved foremen, however this clandestine reproduction farm that is

where is enslaved the rebel prince, only allows that the balls that

produce the jizz or the piglets that are sold there are young and at

least they have to produce five milliliters of the enslaved cum by

ejaculation, and on each emission of the spunk ejaculated a computerized

recount was made to be sure that the slave has produced the necessary

tadpoles (spermatozoids) to his balls could be considered as an optimum

production source, and therefore it remained part of the stock of male

jizz producers and the minimum amount required to continue maintaining

them as part of the production plant of the illegal breeding farm was

between two hundred and three hundred million tadpoles per emission.

The transport for this prince was a hard wake up to the real life

outside of the palace protected environment where even though there was

discipline all what he wished and wanted usually he got it, and despite

that he had slaves that were servicing him and even he sexually used

them he never had realized what meant to be a slave, and being naked

together with other fifteen more boys piled up inside a cage and have to

piss and shit in that cage was a traumatic wake up to the new reality

that he had ahead, for him was normal see naked males because that way

they had the slaves of the palace who served them but that he was naked

was something completely different they were even so tight in the cage

that several times while he dozed during the trip he woke up having a

prick or balls on his face or in his mouth, but there was no way to

avoid that, when the plane landed one by one were taken out of the cage

in the plane and for him and the other boys was a relief could breathe

fresh air because truly the air in the cargo compartment stunk to

excrement, urine and sweat and naively the prince thought that there he

would have an opportunity to can escape but soon the realized that this

wasn't going to be possible because who were taken them out from the

cage were very strong naked slaves either whites, blacks and Asians

which even they were wearing a belt where they had the modified cattle

prod to use it in case to be necessary and subdue the rebel slave

although using that control instrument was very rare since the slaves

were so traumatized and numbed for being so long into the cage locked,

that they couldn't move quickly, once outside the plane it was bleak to

see what surrounded them because it was pure desert and if the heat in

the plane was unbearable outside was worse, and could be seen how the

armed and dressed guard watched the slaves that were disembarking from

the plane and that were the merchandise, and once outside the naked boys

were forced to clean with frozen water in pairs, to remove the shit and

urine from the body and remove the bad smell and when they were clean

they were forced to kiss on the mouth and caress the balls and cock as

well as stimulate the nipples, however they weren`t allowed to cum

because without the new slaves knowledge this was the first evaluation

that they made to determinate which slaves were aroused by other males

and which not, because this was vital for the clandestine breeding farm

because the slaves that were exhibited in front of their potential

customers had to have both anal and oral sex in front of them, and

always was for the customers a great attraction force a slave that

considered himself as hetero sexual have homosexual sex.

The prince that already has several weeks enslaves is an eighteen years

old dark brown haired white boy, slim and even though he can`t be

considered handsome for many of the customers is considered as a good

looking boy, he has small dark brown nipples, his height is one meter

with eighty centimeters and his weight is eighty kilos, his main job is

produce the jizz that that the farm sales illegally at very high prices

and he's milked four times a day, and a part of that extenuating

activity he has to sexually serve the customer, the breeding farm owners

and the free supervisor as well and some time the enslaved foremen,

sucking, their cocks, balls and nipple, rimming them and allowing them

to fuck him, many time he participates in sexual shows fucking or be

fucked by the slaves to entertain and arouse his masters and the

potential customers, the prince in this moments is being milked for the

third time in day and his face of desperation and distress is notorious

but still he has the foolish hope that he can be located and be rescued

from that desperate situation in what he's now, without knowing that

he will never be rescued and that when it is no longer useful they will

get rid of him without anyone knowing what happened to him and where he

ended up, but for his humiliation and the other slaves to be milked they

are seated on the floor, their arms and legs are immobilized by a

metallic bar, the legs are immobilized exactly over the ankles and at

each end of the bar and the hands by the wrist in the middle of the bar

although they are not together, in addition his neck is attached to

other bar that goes from one side to the other of the structure where

the machine milks him and immobilized to be sure that everyone present

there can see his face, having the legs opened is assured that either,

his cock, balls and anus are completely exposed to the eye of all the

spectators and overseers and foremen that are going to carry out the

slave milking process, and is of vital importance that the anus is

exposed since many timer for the spectators fun the mechanic penetrate

and fucking them while the milking process is being carry out, but to

make more interesting this process the slave several time is taken to

the limit and when he's ready to cum all is stopped and the slave's

frustration at not being able to do it is evident in his face and this

to be consider a show is what the potential buyers are looking for, and

his cock has been put inside a transparent tube that its function is to

wank the slave and when he ejaculates the jizz is going to be sucked out

and taken into a glass container, the prince is desperate to cum since

several times has been about to do it but the process has been stopped

leaving him frustrated.

But in this time a big glass recipient that is half full and contains

the prince and other very special slave that is in the same breeding

farm and that the other slave spunk is known as "PS" or presidential

spunk, since the other slave is the son of a president and he was

enslaved in a legal way because he committed the foolishness to drive in

an inconvenient state and having crashed the car, crime that in his

country was considered as a serious one and was punished with slavery

for life, and in this case the enslaved president's son was the same

age old that the kidnaped prince with a very similar body, and the only

differences was that he had the nipples pink and was blond and he was

considered very handsome, and the reason why the glass recipient is

being exhibited with both the royal and presidential spunk mixed, is

because a very powerful Latin man bought these two slaves balls

productions for the six first months, so he`s going to be the first to

have the spunk produced in slavery by both the prince and the

president's son because both slaves arrived on the same plane and

they were couple to clean, kiss and caressed the balls and cocks of each

other in front of their captors, and despite of the hard and desperate

conditions in which the illegal enslaved prince and the president`s son

legally enslaved live they have fallen in love and when they can they

fuck each other to show their love, something that has entertained their

captors and that seize the opportunity to torment them, so these two

boys descendants always are going to live as naked animals enslaved

servicing their betters, without never knowing that are actually

descendants of very prominent families and in the case of the prince's

descendants that their relatives are kings and princes of one country,

and for these two slaves their love will last until their masters

separate them.

Next: Chapter 620: Granjas De Crianza 15

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