Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 20, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


This wild honky has just arrived to the Tame Center and is outdoors into

the reception area waiting to be admitted, he's naked and inside a

cage, and he's wearing a muzzle with food to feed him, however he's

very uncomfortable inside de cage since he's on the full fours position

but he can't lift up his body or change position, so his stomach is

touching the cage's floor, his buttock the cage's back bars, his legs

and his heels are on the hard metal floor, he already is wearing the

collar and even his hands are chained to the collar by short chains, and

his hands are holding the cage's front lower bar that only has two that

also are the door.

This wild black haired eighteen years old male animal was captured while

he was trying to steal food from a house's kitchen, but his try to

defend himself and avoid be captured was so fierce that the black guards

decided punish him putting him into a very small cage, and he's

desperate to stretch his legs and go out of that confined place despite

that is not closed, however the food for the moment is keeping him calm

and distracted from the pain that he's experiencing on his buttocks,

legs and head that are touching the bars.

Also the black masters have decided punish the animal depriving him of

water and with the food they know that very soon the slave is going to

be tormented by the thirst and since that moment his domestication

process is going to begin, forcing by the punishment and reward method

to begin to fear and respect the black masters.

Is a cloudy day and is going to rain and the wild animal in his

desperation to drink the rain water he's going to move his head from

one side to other, to try to remove the muzzle from his face but it is

firmly hold to his mouth by a rope that is tied up to his neck and the

cage's bars without success, even he's going to hit his head against

the bars while the black masters are going to mock and insult him

knowing that the animal can understand them since he speaks their same

language, furthermore they're going to put a very thick dildo into his

rectum by his anus without lubricant to force him to scream in pain and

beg them to not hurt him more.

Also they had thought leave him outdoors all night long so he was wet

and cold, but they know that specific punishment was useless since the

honky how all his life had been naked, the cold weather and the rain

weren't going to bother him, but they knew that something that was

going to affect him was not let him sleep, so other tame whiteys that

were ready to be sold were going to torture the wild animal all night

long, and they are going to confuse his mind because he wasn't going to

understand how other whiteys like him were hurting him instead of help

him to scape and they were going to be supervised by a black trainer.

But what this slave didn't know was that he had ahead many days of

suffering, because the brain wash was a very painful process but it

didn't take away his rebel conduct, but only taught him to be ashamed

to be naked and fear even more the black masters, but the discipline

through the physical punishment at the end was going to break him and

turn him into a tame slave as the other honkies that already had gone by

the tame process.

But while this happens this naked white wild animal is going to try to

protect himself making that in the time that he isn`t being tortured and

he's not asleep he remembers happy moments of his wild life together

with other pups or piglets of his same age or even some of them young

and older than him, and many times he`s going to remember with longing

the times when he was sucking the schlong of an older male to get the

proteins that his body needed so much while the male was caressing his

buttocks, the perineum and even his balls, and how he with pleasure

separated his legs so that the male's hand touched those part of his

body that were very sensitive while he was peacefully sucking his

benefactor's cock , and how the hand carefully took out his youthful

cock from beneath his body between his legs and began to caress the

glans making that he shuddered of pleasure but avoiding that he cum to

no waist the source of proteins that his body produced.

Also he was going to remember how happily he ran naked by the river bank

jumping either without realizing or on purpose the stones leaving

exposed his pinkish anus so the other herd's males could see it and

wanted to fuck him after swimming in the river's cold water, although

generally with most he used fucked was with the pups of his same age but

what happened was that always were very close watched by the herd's

adult males, first because they had to keep a close eye on them to

avoid that they fought between them because despite that they knew each

other being wild they could be very aggressive, in second place to try

to protect them in case that they saw a black hunters, and finally to

tell them were to go in case that the black hunters that it was the way

how they called those that persecuted them were hunting them and they

could be safe.

Although for this eighteen years old young wild male for an strange

reason despite that he felt fear when the hunters were persecuting them

and that even they captured many of his herd`s member and even many of

them including the piglets died trying to escape, he loved the emotion

to be persecuted and always his schlong was hard while he was running to

be safe and the sensation in his body that was a mixture of excitement

and fear made that he enjoyed those moments, even he had been witness

how his young male lover moths before had being captured by the

hunters and they had taken him a way meanwhile with desperation he tried

to rescue him, but one of the adult males that was looking after them

didn`t allow him do it and simply he had told him that forget about him

although until that moment he couldn`t do it and still he was missing


But now that he's caged and is helpless he feels impotent and even he

has peed for the fear, and although the food has calmed down him the

desperation about can`t move and defend and look at the black hunters

and the black masters so close has made that he's very nervous, even

though the thirst soon will be other of his enemies as the dildo that

they are going to put into his body by his anus but he hopes to see his

captured lover and have the opportunity to love each other again.

Next: Chapter 637: Salvajes 44

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