Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 3, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


Two of the four slaves that are at the Slave Processing Center's (SPC)

slave waiting area are white adults, one of them young and the other

mature and they were contenders in "The Business Millionaire

Contest" and the other two are two white teenage males that were

contenders in "The Scholar Millionaire Contest", all of them are

dark brown haired and they lost.

The adult slaves and one of the teenagers couldn't be sold in the

moment that they lost and were enslaved and they were sent to the SPC

where they have been waiting to be bought by someone, while the other

teenager was bought in the event but he was sent there because his new

master had ordered some body modifications.

The slaves that haven't been sold yet are worried because they know if

they aren't bought soon they are going be considered old merchandise

and they might end up in the organ banks, the mines or the fertilizer

factories and they would be the fertilizer, the slaves are considered as

animals and they are treated like them and in the SPC they are kept

naked all the time.

The waiting area where they are kept naked is located in the building

deeps many meters under the ground level, and is built with stone and is

a very cold zone, thus the slaves always are cold and are moving

constantly to keep them warm, and they try to be as close as possible

when they can so their bodies can give each other some heat, in addition

that the place doesn't have any kind of furniture so if they want seat

or lay down they have to do it on the cold cement or if they want rest

their back on the wall they had to do it on the cold rock, and the

ceiling is so high that the light didn't give them any kind of heat and

although there isn't a door to go in and out of the waiting area,

they have to walk by an aisle and at the end of it there is a bar door

with guards whom control the slaves entrance and exit.

The young adult has been called to be inspected and is going out the

room walking towards the aisle and then to the bars door that is on the

left and at the end of it and from there he'll be taken to an

inspection room, and he hopes that this potential buyer was interested

and buy him, the mature adult slave is bending forward and rubbing his

knee and he's giving his back to the camera which is showing to the

potential buyers that are in the center and by internet his huge

buttocks, the young slave that hasn't been sold yet his body is facing

towards the camera, but he is looking at the ceiling because something

caught his attention and with his hands is trying to give some warm to

his torso and stomach and his cock and balls are exposed to the camera,

and the teenager that had been bought and is there because his new

master had paid to the SPC For the modifications that he wanted to be

done on his body, is looking at the camera with his hands behind him

so his master can see the modification that was done and that already is

healed , and the teenager that has not been bought yet only hopes that

if he's bought his new master doesn't do to his body the same thing

that was done on the other slave's body, since the modification that

was done to the slave consisted in remove his male genitals and put on

his body a pussy and vagina instead his cock and balls and a prominent

mound is what is there now.

The white slave that is going to be inspected has a meaty and rounded

buttocks and he knows how to invest in the stock exchange so he`s going

to be bought by the potential buyer that is going to inspect him that is

a young Latin, and he's going to be the first slave to work into the

stock exchange completely naked servicing his master there working

together with those that once were his workmates and equals, and despite

that this twenty eight years old white slave is certified to work in

that place as slave he'll have to serve his betters, and the young

Latin master will give expressly that order since he`s not interested to

use in a sexual way his slave but he became in something lucrative that

increases his profit, but for the slave is going to be very traumatic

above all the first days of his slavery because he will have to be

working naked in front of both men and women and even he'll have to

serve them in a sexual way but in the bathrooms, and he`s going to

discover how painful and frightening is not to give the expected results

to his Latin master, and this slave lost in the Business Millionaire

Contest where he had to calculate the investment in other countries'

currencies being wrong when he calculated the rate exchange of three


The muscle forty years old male adult with the big buttocks will end up

being send to the quarries because his physic is the ideal one to carry

heavy things and what better than chop stone and put it into baskets and

then take it to the trucks to be transported, and in this time nobody

was interested in buying him because he worked for a slave dealer agency

and his experience was in the area of evaluating the slave and keeping

them in order, and in those moments that profession was very saturated

by that kind of people, and in the quarry apart to have to chop the

stone and carry on the heavy baskets, when an enslaved foreman is

punished and put to chop stone and carry on the heavy baskets he'll

be in charge to supervise the slaves but this is not going to happen

often, and now always he`s going to be filthy and stinky and very rare

times he`s going to be allowed to bath and at nights he will have to

fight with the stinky slaves that are locked in the barracks, and in

many times the younger than him to have some pleasure are going to fight

with him to have the chance to fuck him but if the slaves are equal or

even stronger than him most of the time he`ll end up losing and being

fucked by the winner and have to suck the stinky cocks, and sometimes

he`ll be able to fuck the slaves of his same age or older than him when

he defeat them, and his only pleasure when lose is going to be can wank

when his sexual services are not required anymore, and this slaves lost

in the Business Millionaire Contest when he made the mistake to put

several slaves into the wrong transport since instead to send the slaves

that were assigned to him he sent the slaves that were assigned to other


The eighteen years old boy that still has not been sold is going to be

bought by his own father to avoid that he is sent to the organs bank and

despite that the boy is pleasant to the sight is one of the rare cases

where nobody was interested to buy him, however the father when he buys

him a bargain price he'll have to sign a document where he agrees

dont give him a preference treatment and that hes going to be treated

as other slave, and he`s going to give authorization to the SP to

supervise the way that slave is treated and as his family doesn`t have

slaves and hes going to be the first one hes going to become a

novelty, and humiliatingly for him he will have to serve his siblings

naked but the worst of all is that he'll have to serve them sexually

having incestuous sex with them although for the laws that doesn`t

matter, because any family tie will exist at least legally since when

someone is enslaved all family tie is lost with his loved ones, but in

addition he`s going to be exhibited publicly and privately to other

relatives and friends and he's going to be taken to the shopping

centers and grocery stores or be sent alone so he does the family

purchases naked, and this boys lost in the Scholar Millionaire Contest

in the programming event.

The eighteen years old boy that was modified and that now has the pussy

was bought by the father of his boarding school for boys richest boy and

he`s a gift for his son so he can serve him in his school, however this

wretched boy that has lost his schlong and balls doesn`t understand the

reason why they did that to him but now as slave he has to endure

stoically what they did to him and take with him the shame to have now a

pussy, since as slave he knows perfectly that his owner has the right to

do with him what he wants but what he doesn`t understand is why who

bought him did that if he has many slaves, but soon he's going to find

out his cruel destiny since now he's considered as a "bulky" that

is a term that is used in all those modified males or women that have

prominent vulva lips and he's going to become a novelty in his school,

and' he'll have to serve not his master that is the son of the man

who bought him but his master's friend and even his own former

friends, cleaning their rooms, putting the things in order, washing

their clothes and ironing them and even having to do errands going to

the establishment naked and showing his pussy, and even preparing food

and drinks when they have parties, and he will have to serve to his

master's friends and those that were his own friends sexually having

their cocks in his three body orifices and many times at the same time,

because his master doesn`t want him as his slave since he already has

his own, and as the glans of what use to be his cock was inside his

pussy as a clit it is going to give a lot of pleasure to the cocks

that are inside his pussy but also to him as well, even though also his

anus and his mouth are going to give a lot of pleasure and the students

will not mind sharing the body of this wretched boy at the same time

with other two boys that being using the other two free holes, and these

wretched boy was modified as a revenge because in the Scholar

Millionaire Contest where he lost in the robotic event, he was the cause

that the best friend of the young boy that now is his master was

enslaved and that also secretly was his lover and that now the enslaved

lover is one of the two slaves that are servicing the rich owner of this


Next: Chapter 645: El Concurso Millonario 44

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