Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 2, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.

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These three eighteen, nineteen and twenty years old students are participating in the "Scholar Millionaire Contest" in the sciences area, in the event they had to bring to the judges the plants or flowers that they had given to the contenders written on a piece of paper with the scientific names.

However the contest wasn't an easy one since the contenders took several days to find the plants and flowers, and they received a heavy back pack with water and food, as well as uniforms that they had to wear so the common people could know that they were "The Millionaire Contest" contenders and they don't help them.

The uniform consisted in boots with white socks, and a green or brown shorts and shirts, as in the event they didn't have to be naked it wasn't necessary that a judge issued an enslavement order, however many of them were enslaved when the TV cameras showed them naked cleaning their bodies in the rivers or lakes, or when they took off their short and they were only in undies or naked when they wanted to sleep under the charge of public indecent exposure, others were enslaved because they asked to the citizens anything without mattering if they were asking for directions because they were lost.

Other rule to enslave them was when they were with the judges with the plants that were on the list, and they would have chosen wrongly one or more of them, so in this specific event might have the situation that no one might win and all the contenders were enslaved, and if the contender overcame all those difficulties the last criteria to enslave him was if he had taken more time to find the plants and flowers than other contender.

However for everyone astonishment four contenders overcame all the criteria that had been established to enslave them and even they had the same time, but the "Millionaire Contest" rules clearly established that only one contender could be the winner, so the judges had a reunion to decide how the winner would be chosen and once more they decided that the audience resolved that situation.

At the end was decided that each contender fucked one slave, so how the slave and the contender had to be naked then a judge had to issue the enslavement orders to the four contenders that were still on the competition and they could be naked in front the audience.

Each contender would have to fuck a different slave, but the slave had to be "modified" that meant that instead that the slave had cock and balls he had to have a pussy, and the enslaved contender would have to fuck the modify slave by his pussy, by his mouth and by his anus, and he would have to cum inside the three body holes, and the cum or viscous liquid that was expelled by the pussy, by the mouth that could be spit and the anus and felt down to the floor and made the biggest puddle would give the victory to its owner, ant this was the reason why each enslaved contender needed his own slave.

The first contender that also is white is in full fours naked and exposed to the TV cameras and he already had ejaculated inside the slave that now had begun to expel from his pussy and anus the cum, even though the cum that is in the mouth is going to be put in a glass recipient and later is going to be put together with the cum that is on the floor, while the other three contenders are still dressed waiting their turn to get naked and fuck the slaves that was assigned to them.

The second "modified" slave now is ready to be fucked by the second contender, while the other three contenders are still dressed waiting their turn to strip and fuck the slave that was assigned to them, and once that all the contenders had finished to fuck their respective slaves would have to be naked and in full fours until the judges announce the winner, then the winner will receive back his freedom and he'll receive the awards that consist in a huge money quantity and a new house, and in addition will receive an additional money amount as a compensation for the humiliation to be naked in public.

While the other enslaved contenders won't have to worry about to be naked, since as slaves they will have to be like that for the rest of their lives, and only they'll have to wait if someone of the audience wants to buy them while the TV transmission is live, or if they are sent to the Slave Processing Center (CPE) and later be sent to an auction center to be sold.

The fist contender that is an eighteen years old dark brown haired boy that is in full fours ant that the audience can see his exposed anus, his meaty buttocks and his balls hanging between his legs, if hes enslaved he wont have to worried to be send to the SPC because the bids to buy him already have begun to arrive and the event's commentators have said that is an excellent piece of flesh to own and be served by this white animal, with beautiful buttocks and a prominent perineum.

For the audience delight the slave that is in full fours that is a light brown haired white slave has begun to expel the cum from his pussy, and as his back if facing the audience the public can see how he has begun to expel the cum that is in his pussy and in few seconds more also how the cum that is in his anus is coming out, his legs are separated and both his anus and pussy are exposed for the spectators delight and even thiese modified animals also are for sale in case that someone in the audience wants to buy them, but if they are sold even though that they are handsome his sale price would be lower because they aren`t virginals.

The other three contenders that are waiting their turn to get naked and fuck the slaves are two more whites one is dark brown haired and the other blond and a black haired Latin boy all of them are eighteen years old, the whites look worried and the Latin boy looks more confident, however they cant understand at all how a scholar contest ended up such degradation that now they have to be naked in public and fucking a slave while the audience is looking at them, and even though that they know that if they lose they are going to be undressed in public they cant understand yet why they had to get naked before they lose, and above all why the audience has to see their cum production.

The eighteen years old blond slave that in few minutes more is going to be fucked also is in full fours, and he's turning his head to the camera because he was told to do that by one of the judges that is his better, although his face is not completely visible because his shoulder is hiding it partially, but he's very humiliated because being a modify boy he was castrated taking a way his balls and cock and now he has a vulva with very prominent lips that even in that position with his legs separated can be seen, and the event commentators are defining him as a bulky because his vulva lips are very prominent while his mate is called flat because his vulva lips are not prominent, and he can`t understand at all why they were castrated and put them mounds that is the way that also are named the vulvas.

But what is more incredible is how the society in its eagerness to have uncommon entertainment that includes the sexual arousal had allowed that a scientist contest in which students are participating, becomes in a so degradant event that even young males castrated are fucked by naked young students in public that are fighting not to be enslaved, but the modern society is not interested if someone is humiliated in such way what matters is entertain the audience who pays for this kind of events that leave a lot of money, and the millionaire contest that this time was the scholar has made that more innocent victims are enslaved.

Next: Chapter 660: Hora De Cobrarselas 45

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