Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 23, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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When Richard's parents died in a car crash he thought he was going to

inherit his father's fortune and properties, but to his disappointment

he didn't left a will, but what Richard didn't know was that all his

father fortune was done together with his uncle, so when the boy asked

for the part that he thought that belonged to him he couldn't get

anything because his uncle was the only owner.

The eighteen years old light brown haired boy with middle sizes light

brown nipples and with athletic body, and cut cock that was really big

and with big balls that hanged very low and they were perfectly outlined

in his scrotum and that could be seen the beautiful ovoid form, didn`t

want to give up and he decided to fight for what he considered that was

his and his uncle was taking away from him, for what many time he had

heard say to his father he really was very wealthy and many important

business that now were those that his uncle didn`t want to give him

belonged to him, but without a will was going to be very difficult prove

that considering the attitude that his uncle had taken about didn`t want

to share anything with him.

So Richard didn't accept what was happening and he fought for the part

of the wealth that he thought that belonged to him, but his uncle

didn't want to hear about him and of course he didn't give him a

dime, and that leaved the boy in a very precarious situation because the

only thing that now belonged to him were the bank account that his

mother and father had, but for his desperation they didn`t have much

money and he couldn`t understand how it was if they really were very

wealthy and he knew that and the life that they had simply showed it,

since they lived in one of the city most exclusive zones, he had several

slaves which gave to his schlong pleasure by their two corporal orifices

and with pride he has shown them to his friends, he was student of one

of the most exclusive school in the nation where also were slaves that

were servicing him although they were the school's property, and even

many times he exhibited himself naked by the corridors of the

dormitory building where his luxury room was breaking the school rules

since the school despite that its students were very wealthy had certain

rules that they had to follow, but in many times they didn't even

follow and until certain point the school allowed that they break those

rules while the students weren't trouble makers and their grades were


Richard usually was a well behaved boy but when it came to showing his

manhood and above all show the other students his pride that was his

schlong and balls size because only a handful of students have them

bigger than him, he was look for the way to show off himself to the

others and show them how well-endowed he was in the area of his sexual

tackle, and even he was looking for humiliate some of the students that

were boasting and felt superior because they were saying that their

cocks and balls were as bigger as the horses and donkeys, and even to

show how well- endowed his tackle was he looked for the way that the

students accepted the "Au Natural Day", where three times a year all

the students had to be completely naked in classes and that included the

PE class, go to the dining room or to any other activity that they had

being completed naked, at first the school authorities refused the idea

but as the students above all the most popular agreed considering that

was an only boys school, the school authorities didn`t have more option

but accept that shameless conduct because according to the psychologists

this wasn`t going to be harmful for the students beside that the school

had naked slaves all the time servicing the students, so those three

days a year the school closed his doors so any visitor could go in and

look at its naked students, however neither the teachers and the school

staff were allowed to participate on those three days "Au Naturel"

and Richard and other friends without the authorities knowledge they

were in charge to up load the all students naked pictures into an

internet website where only the school's student had access to that

website, and all the students without exception made an oath in which

they were committed to not reveal the secret of the website where the

naked students photos were and that was knowing by the students as

"true yearbook" and not the one that the school gave with the

students dressed, however was vital that nobody said a world about the

website where all the students without exception naked pictures were

exhibited, because if someone which pictures wasn`t there saw the

website then he could accuse them of indecent public exposure and the

punishment for that offense was slavery for life, and despite that this

was very risky Richard dared to do it and he made sure that all the

students without exception were naked in that website, because he knew

that nobody was going to be so foolish to tell about their secret and

take the chance to be enslaved for life, and in this way their secret

was safe.

Even in some pictures the students were having oral and anal sex with

the slaves and between them and also here all the students without

exception had to participate, and for the shame of many of the students

that were considered weaker or with the smaller cocks and balls were

forced to suck the slaves' cock and even be fucked by them, which was

repugnant to the society where they were living since they allowed that

in private a free citizen fucked a slave or the slave give him pleasure

in any way that he wanted, but what wasn`t allowed under any

circumstance was that a salve fucked a free citizens or the free

citizens sucked his cock, and even wasn`t allowed that the free citizen

had sex between them either anal or oral although in reality was well

know that the free citizens had sex among them or in private their

slaves in many times fucked them, but this was a secret that had to keep

as such and never be reveled, since at the slightest suspicion that a

free citizen being a male had been anally penetrated either by other

free citizen or a slaves could be asked to the authority for a public

medical examination, in which a judge signed an enslavement order so the

wretched free citizen that was going to be checked could be naked in the

court in the presence of the judge, the lawyers and all the free

citizens that wanted to see that degradant spectacle, and they could be

witnesses how a legal enslaved vet that also was naked firstly applied

an enema so he could be cleaned by inside in the presence of the

attendees and then he put his fingers by the anus to determinate how

tight his sphincter was and give his verdict about if the temporary

slave that was being checked had been anally penetrated, although there

was the possibility that he would have been but as it had been long time

ago since the last time that he had been penetrated the anus was again

tight, and if the enslaved vet when putting his fingers in didn`t fell

the anus tight o he had his doubts then he declared him fag and then the

free citizen that has been temporarily enslaved so he could be checked

naked in public he became a permanent slave, and the enslaved vet`s

decision was unappealable since being in those moments a slave the male

that had been checked didn`t have any right to protest or reclaim the

decision because being an inferior being the free citizens didn`t have

to hear him, in addition that the enslaved vet was his equal and was

supposed that his verdict was impartial, but in reality this situation

has made that many revenges took place and even boys that were virginals

ended up being enslaved for life.

And now that his uncle didn`t want share with him the wealth that his

father and him had accumulated together he knew when the scholar years

ended he would be expelled since he wouldn`t have the money to pay the

tuition of the next scholar year, but the worst of all was that he was

going to become in the mockery of the other students and in addition he

was going to miss "the au natural days" that always began one

afternoon before the next day when all the students took their classes

naked and once that all of them had dinned, and they had to sleep naked

over the blankets because in the nights were inspections to be sure that

all the students were naked, and even in many times they were forced

to have sex between them or with the slaves and since then the

pictures began to be taken, and even though in many times the students

were forced to have oral and anal sex with other slaves or even give

pleasure to the slaves which enjoyed those three days where some of

their betters were humiliated, where they were forced to do what they

were ordered by the boys that had the control of the school's student

body, and of course the need of revenge and the hate that felt those

humiliated students towards the ones that had humiliated them weas

growing, but it was very hard that they could take their revenge because

they hadn`t the control, and the "au natural day" ended the next

morning that took place the "au natural day" when they took a shower

and dressed to go to have breakfast and to their classes, so for more

than twenty four hours can be seen all kind of cocks cut or uncut, thin,

thick or normal, with big, small or normal balls, and all kind of

buttocks in motion or resting from those that weren`t attractive to

those that were beautiful and was a delight look at them either in

motion or resting, although that the most exciting of the "au natural

day" was force the students have oral and anal sex between them and

with the slaves, in addition that for all the students was forbidden

have anal hair only they were allowed to have pubes only if they were

trimmed and some in their arm pits, and that rules had to be followed

doesn`t matter if the student wanted or not, so for him leave the school

meant leave behind the event that he had created and that had given him

so much pleasure, because even he had fucked several students and the

photos had been up loaded to the website where they could be seen by all

the students, however he never had allowed to someone penetrated him

since at the end of the day he was one of the students with the biggest

cock and balls that made him the envy of the other students, although in

reality he had more enemies than friends, but in that school the

manliness was shown enduring what the most popular students imposed on

the others without saying a word and keeping their secret to avoid be

enslaved, and even many of the most popular students ended up being

forced to fuck each other or suck the slave's cocks and be fucked by


So Richard decided to have that which by right belonged to him and he

tried illegally to get the passwords of his uncle's bank accounts, and

he was discovered since one of the students that hated him because he

had forced him to suck the cocks of several slaves and be fucked by them

had gone into his room because he was thinking to make a joke that he

never was going to forget, and how his PC was on he discovered what

Richard was planning so he copied the file and he sent it to the police,

which when made the investigation discovered that all was true and

filed a requested for a trial against Richard which would have to face

the trial dressed since he wasn`t a slave and for the boy that had

decided take his revenge disappointment, and Richard had to face all the

trial being in jail since he hadn`t money to pay the bail and much

less to pay a lawyer and the government considering that he wasn`t a

slave provided him one which defended the boy in an admirable way, and

he would have been released If one of the bank institution wouldn't

prove that someone had tried to go into one of its customers account

illegally that in this case was his uncle and he was sentenced to a

slavery for life, so in the court and in front of the judge, lawyers,

his relatives and all those that had gone to the trial he hadn't more

option but strip naked since as slave he hadn`t receive the

authorization to be dressed, so his family jewels were exposed to the

attendees including his relatives, and even the families of his former

schoolmates that had gone to be in the trial, and could be heard

appreciative comments about the now slave's cock and balls and once

one of the most powerful student in his school, and after be forced to

walk between the audience so those that wanted could touch his body most

intimate parts and even put apart his buttocks so they could see his

anus, the students that were his former schoolmates took pictures of him

as slave so later they could upload into the website where all of them

were naked and all the students could see his fall, and he was taken to

the court basement cells where he had to wait together with other slaves

to be transported to the auction center where he was going to be sold to

the best bidder, but his uncle was decided to buy him in revenge for

what he had tried to do and despite that many were interested to buy

him, his uncle ended up buying him but the sale price was very expensive

considering that he wasn`t considered as a handsome slave, and his uncle

sent him to one of the quarries where he works unceasingly during

eighteen hours a day completed naked carry the heavy baskets with the

stone that are considered as waist to be taken to a crushing machine

where they would be powder , but even there his balls and cock stuck out

for their sizes of the other slaves that were working in that quarry,

but despite of all those things he wasn`t enough strong to defeat many

of the slaves and all nights when they were locked into the slaves'

barracks he was forced to suck the stinky cocks, balls and anuses and he

didnt have more option to do what they wanted if he didnt want be

brutally punished by them and having to work soar the next day.

But Richard's misfortunes didn`t end there because other of the

students that had been humiliated in the celebration of the "au

natural day" was a friend of one of his uncle's sons and when he was

inspecting the quarry with him he saw the naked Richard carry the heavy

baskets to the crushers and he was disheveled, filthy and as now was

something usual he stank, and when he saw one of those that had been his

tortures he had an idea to avenge of the now helpless slave and the once

powerful student, and he made a comment to his uncle's son who smiled

and told him that was a very good idea and he was going to talk with his

father about that, few months passed and Richard's former school

students went as a guests to see how worked one of the quarries that

provided the marble to many of the country's rich people, so all the

school' student went but they weren't very enthusiastic to be a

whole day in a quarry where the heath would be unbearable and have to

endure the slaves pestilence, but they didn`t have more option but go

despite that effectively the heath was unbearable but the students could

be in one of the zone where the slaves that were working extracting the

marvel and carry the useless stone to the crushers can`t be, and only

could be there the slaves that were assigned to serve the free citizens

as pleasure slaves, and they have fun enjoying the facilities that were

used by the free employees that were living in the quarry which really

were excellent and very luxury, and even many of them could punished

several slaves that according with the enslaved foremen weren`t working

as expected thing that made the trip was more interesting even, and when

they were about to leave they saw a light brown naked slave with long

hair that was emptying the baskets that had the stone in one of the

crushers and event that this by itself hadn`t caught the attention of

any of the rich students that were talking about the fabulous time that

they had had in the quarry, one of them shout out the slave that laid

down on the stone looking at them and that he opened his legs and the

slave didnt have more option but obey if he didnt want to be punished

because he had disobeyed a better's order, and what the others

students saw left them amazed and couldn`t believe because the slave

that sat didn`t have cock and balls, but a pussy with very prominent

lips, which was looking at them with indifference since he hadn`t

recognized them at all but the students recognized Richard the student

that not long ago boasted to have very big cock and balls and that now

only had a pussy with a very prominent lips that were opened because he

had sat down with his legs opened such as he was told to do it, he was

clean because few moments before the free overseer had ordered him to

clean his body and his puss was hairless, and only he had hair on his

legs and few over his pussy, and his head hair was matted but clean and

it had grown, and the boy that had told him to lay down with his legs

wide opened was smiling, since the slave's master had followed his

comment about modify him and was the boy that months before had talked

with his cousin, and when Richard saw that the students group were his

former school mates he wanted to turn his face for the humiliation that

he was feeling but he knew that he couldn`t do that, and the students

began to take pictures of him that later were uploaded to the website

where were all the other pictures but now with one of them was a before

and after and this was Richard, but not only Richard was exhibited in

his shame about not having cock and balls, but in addition all the

students that wanted were allowed to fucked him by his three body holes,

and when they fucked him by his pussy they enjoyed much because his

glands was left on the deepest side of this vaginal cavity and when the

other boys' glans touched his in reality the sensation was delicious,

and he had to endure that while all the students that wanted fucked him

and of course photos were taken while the free boys cum went out of his

mouth, anus and pussy and Richard with desperation was thinking that for

his uncle hadn`t been enough have leaved him without a dime and enslave

him, but in addition always he found a way to humiliate him, but

unfortunately now his life was like this and there wasn`t a way to

change it.

But what Richard didn`t know and very soon he was going to discover was

that his father had left him a fortune but he can`t know about that

until he was twenty one years old because he didn`t want that his uncle

knew about that money, precisely for the fear that he was going left his

son without a dime and when Richard finds out that his exasperating life

will be a real torment, thinking about that he could have been rich and

free and for foolish and ambitious wanting to have all that belonged to

his father he ended up losing it, because now that he's a slave he

can`t have anything and all already belong to his uncle happening

exactly what his father wanted to prevent, but not only his foolishness

made that he lost his money and freedom, but also his manliness because

he lost his balls and cock.

Next: Chapter 672: El Concurso Millonario 46

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