Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 23, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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This white eighteen year old dark brown haired boy never thought that he

was going to be naked In front of his military squadron waiting to be

blessed by the minister as an object, and then officially become the

military squadron's slave that once he had been the commander.

He doesn't understand at all yet what had happened and how he lost in

the "Scholar Millionaire Contest" that on that occasion the military

academies were involved, and when the general that was on charge of his

military academy told the cadets that they were going to participate in

the "Scholar Millionaire contest", this slave felt very proud

because he was sure that his school was the best in all and they

wouldn't have any problem to win, although he was a little bit

disillusioned because he knew that his squadron wasn't going to be

chosen since all his members with the exception of him were freshman,

and his academy wasn't going to take the chance to lose several of its

students if they lost and then were enslaved.

For several weeks anyone talked again about the contest and even several

cadets between them he had thought that the contest had been canceled,

but one day the general told the students that the next day the

"Scholar Millionaire Contest" was going to take place and the

authorities that day were going to be in their military boarding school

to choose the cadet that was going to represent the institute, and as

was well known only would be one winner who will receive great honor in

addition the millionaire monetary award and a house on each nation's

state, because this was a military contest where all the military

academies of the nation would participate and each state would give the

millionaire monetary award to the winner, so that lucky guy wouldn't

have to worry for anything the rest of his life but as was well known as

well the losers would be enslaved, and randomly was going to be decided

on which military academy each new enslaved cadet would serve.

As was expected that announcement made the cadets were very nervous

because the contender wasn't going to be the academy's best cadet as

usually happened when the "Scholar Millionaire Contest" took place

and no one wanted end up being a slave, so the academy different

squadron commanders had to talk with the cadets that were their

responsibility and calm them down, and that afternoon the educational

authority arrived to the academy and was chosen this slave that was one

of the cadets' commanders, and despite that he wasn't the best he was

very good in the military tactics and he was ranked on the third place

in the academy and everyone was convinced that he was going to win.

The next day one thousand cadets were ready to begin the "Scholar

Millionaire Contest" and when they were told what they had to do every

boy there was very excited, since the event consisted on that they had

to hunt each other and the last one that remained without be hunted was

the winner, so each cadet was allowed to choose a gun fire and the

weapon instead to shoot real bullets it would shout darts with a

paralyzer drug, that meant that if a cadet was hit by a dart without

losing consciousness would be paralyzed, and the cadet that had shot him

would have to strip him naked and tie him up, but the cadet that were

undressing and tying up his victim would have to be very alert because

in those moments he would be very vulnerable, and he might be hunted by

other cadet and then the other cadet could strip and tie up the other

two cadets or more if that was the case.

But to make the event much more interesting the cadets only would

receive five darts, and if they needed more they would have to get them

from their victims, otherwise they would be at risk to be the other

hunters easy prey if they ran out of darts, also they received a back

pack with limited food and water, and if they needed more they would

have to get them from the hunted cadets, the slave that is waiting to be

blessed and become the slave of that once was his squadron really did an

excellent job, since he managed to subdue fifty cadets, so he had

enough food, water and darts to face the final part of the event,

however when he was about to hunt one of the most experienced contenders

and with it practically win the event, he never noticed that a rookie

cadet was hidden between a tree's foliage since his military campaign

uniform had made him almost invisible and when he turned around to check

the area he never saw him, and when he walked near by where the other

cadet was hidden then the rookie shoot two darts to him one on his left

buttocks and the other to the neck and paralyzed him, then the rookie

following that same tactic he hunted the more experienced contender and

then the only thing that he had to do was strip naked and tie up the

two commanders and with that he became the winner of the contest, he

still put into his two victims mouths his cock and he rubbed his naked

butt on their faces, and with it a rookie without experience defeated

two experienced cadets with a simple tactic to keep hidden and wait the

correct moment to attack.

When the raffle was made to decided where the nine hundred ninety nine

new slaves would have to serve, this former commander had to serve in

his academy and the general gave him to the cadets that once were under

his command, as an act of contempt towards the slave because he had

been defeated by a rookie, so now he's knelt beside the table where

the fire guns, the new squadron commander and the minister are, the one

hundred squadron cadets wearing their campaign uniforms are in the back

ground observing how the minister is blessing the objects and he has

begun by the weapons, the new young commander is holding the bowl with

the water that is being used to bless the objects, while the slave has

his hands on the back of his head, and his impressive muscles despite of

his short age are exhibited.

He already is wearing the heavy stainless collar that identifies him as

slave, his body has been fully depilated and only he was allowed to keep

his head hair, he has his eyes closed for the shame to be naked

furthermore to be forced to have his cock erect all the time and with

his face despite that his terrified show that he's happy otherwise he

is going to be brutally punished, he knows that later the new commander

of his former squadron is going to take his cherry, and later the other

cadets are going to fuck him, and once that everyone had had fun with

him fucking his two body holes and be forced to drink their piss and cum

as well, he is going to be taken to the academy vet to be circumcised

without anesthetic and without have time to recover he is going to be

put to work, washing the horses and cleaning the stalls, the weapons and

dormitories and doing the laundry, in addition of other tasks that he

was ordered to do, furthermore than the demanding situation to have to

sexually serve during the night to the one hundred one cadets members

of his squadron and have few rest hours, now he's feeling the cold

water that is falling on his naked skin indicating that he already has

become the military academy property where once he was a very

respectable cadet, and the minister has already named him "pinky

blue", since his pink anus will be exposed for long time because

he'll be forced to have his legs opened and receive inside him his

betters' cocks, furthermore that he's going to have his balls

swollen and that is called blue balls because he wasn't going to be

allowed to cum.

So this eighteen years old dark brown haired white boy with pink middle

size nipples became in one more victim of The Millionaire Contest, that

took place in the forest where usually his country army practices with

the tanks and that show that the military uniforms are very effective

when they are used as a camouflage, since a rooky boy without experience

but who was the son of a general defeated two experienced cadets using a

very old but effective tactic, if you think that you can't defeat your

rival then hide don`t move and when he's distracted and you have a

good probability to win attack, and this boy together with the other

participants of The Millionaire Contest that lost became in one more

victim of the man morbid need to enjoy the others suffering.

Next: Chapter 674: Hora De Cobrarselas 46

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