Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 7, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


This group of naked adult and young males has just taken out of the

plain that took them from their country to the country where is the

"Slaves International Market" (SIM), this males group were enslaved

in their country because they committed antisocial behavior or because

they weren't good students.

The SIM opened his doors not long ago to receive the slaves from around

the world, and was created with the intention that the slaves dealer

agencies, the big corporations and the rich people around the world had

only one place where they could see human flesh that was available to be

bought, although the local slave dealers in the different countries

still exist, but now instead to buy the slaves from the governments now

they have to buy them to the SIM, since this place doesn't sale slave

to those that want to buy one or two, at least they have to buy one

hundred or pay a very high price for one slave that only very few

could afford.

These slaves are in the SIM's custom area and they are being put in

two cells where they are going to be kept until the enslaved vets are

sure that they can't transmit a disease to the other slaves that

already have been accepted, however the cells are not enough big for the

slaves number that have arrived on this shipment.

The slaves are bewildered for the long trip and the inhuman conditions

in which they were transported, since they were in the aircraft's

cargo compartment locked in a cage one over the other, and even they had

to pee and shit in that same place and bear the nauseating smell and lay

down over their own body wastes.

When they were taken out from the plane they were allowed to wash their

bodies with a hose and they thought that their situation was going to be

better, but now that they are in the SIM's custom area soon they

will discover that the condition in which they are going to be kept

won't improve, while in the airplane they weren't bothered by the

guards, now they will have to endure the guard's insults and

humiliations and the only thing that they are going to wish is be sold

as soon as possible so they can forget the nightmare that they are


But even in the customs area they are going to be forced to suck each

other cocks and fuck each other as well, and to avoid that the place is

dirty they are going to have to drink the urine of each other putting

their mouths on their cocks and swallow the yellow liquid as fast as

possible, and if they need shit they will have to wait until the guards

take them to the holes, where they'll have to squat with their legs as

a part as possible so their anuses are completely exposed in the hole

center, and their buttocks almost touching the floor, but if for any

reason they can't hold it the offender will have to pick up with his

hands his own shit and keep it there until the guards allow him to put

it in the trash, as a punishment to fail to obey a better's order.

These white, dark and Asian slaves are not considered as prime flesh, so

is very probable that all of them ended up being sold as one lot to the

mines, the quarries or if they are very fortunate pulling very heavy

carts with merchandises on the city streets, industrial zones or even in

roads and rural roads, although is very probable that many of them could

be ended up in the organ banks depending of their health situation, even

though they dont know this and they are so stunned that they dont

realize that many of them are not going to live long.

The SIM quarantine zone is in an underground zone where there are

several cells the outside walls are white but inside the cell all is

grey and dark, since is not necessary show to the slaves any kind of

consideration beside that they don`t have to have any kind of comfort,

and despite that several Slaves Protection Association (SPA) had

requested that during the transport and while the slaves were kept into

the MIE facilities they were dressed, but for hygienic reason the

authorities rejected that petition and even a law was issued indicating

that all the slaves had to be naked all the time only wearing the collar

unless their master considered appropriated that they wear something

to cover their nakedness.

For these low class slaves the oral and anal sex is allowed because they

are not going to be used in a sexual way by their master, since they are

not very attractive beside that sex keep them calm down, however they

could be bought by some low class brothels even though that kind of

business are very selective in the slave quality that they want to serve

in their business, and despite that they are not handsome they have to

be good looking and their buttocks, cocks, and balls must be very

pleasant to the sight, and of these slaves only one dark skinned has a

desirable buttocks, and his musculature is acceptable so he might have a

chance to end up servicing in a low class brothel although there the

life is very hard too, other white slaves that also is behind him and is

taller and black haired that also has a pleasant buttocks might end up

servicing as the dark skinned in some brothel, but the others they are

going to end up servicing either in the mines, quarries, may be in the

farms sowing and harvesting, pulling carts or even in the organ banks,

but for the MIE where the slaves end up is not important since what

really matters is sale the slaves to the best bidder as soon as


But being into the quarantine zone doesnt mean that the slaves cant be

inspected by potential buyers since from the moment that they arrive

their naked bodies in all lewd possible positions are photographed, but

the quarantine warning is writing but in reality the quarantine only is

for few days until the medical results are ready, although for those low

class slaves not many customer will be interested in them since

definitely they are not attractive and therefore the potential buyers

prefer inspect a higher quality merchandise, so few days they will be

into the quarantine cells and only they are going to be taken out from

them to exercise, and as soon as they are declared healthy they are

going to be put in the zone where is the low class merchandise together

with other slaves that arrived before them and for any reason they

couldn`t be sold, and they will try to sold them as a lot, although is

very probably that above all the whites and the Asians end up inside a

sack as fertilizers and be sprinkled on the plants perhaps by the same

slaves that arrived together with them, since they are less apt to the

hard and heavy labor that they will be destined even though they are

going to have some chance to survive if they are bought by a factory,

and each slave that is sold legally or illegally has become in a

victim of the man's need to show his power and dominion over other


Next: Chapter 680: The Experiment 34

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