Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 13, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


These two whitey teenager light brown haired boys that are identical

twins were lost when they were coming back with their herd to the forest

with the food that they had gotten, this was the first time that they

went to get food after they weren't considered pups anymore and now

have the responsibility to feed themselves and other pups.

But these pups never had been much disciplined and they hadn't put

attention to the instructions that were given by the more experienced

males, they were more worried to suck each other cocks and other boys'

cocks of their same age to get the cum and the proteins that it gave

them and fell the pleasure that that gave them, furthermore that also

they were insatiable when it comes to drink the breast milk from the

females nipples and hidden look at other males fucking each other.

When they were nearby of the town the twins didn't follow the

instructions that had been taught to the other pups because they didn't

know them, and that made that several black master saw them, and even

they walked away from the group when they were in the trash deposit

because a thing called by the little black masters toy caught their

attention, instead to focused to get the food that the herd and they

needed, other thing that was fashion between the black teenagers and was

a very important factor to make that these two twins were lost, was that

the black teenagers persecuted the naked white teenagers boys and they

took pictures and movies while desperately the naked white boys were

running trying to escape, and later in their school the black teenagers

shown their pictures and moves to see which pictures and movie were the

best and the winner was rewarded with a handsome monetary award,

although in many times the naked whitey pups or teenagers boys were

captured and taken to the school to be exhibited as trophies, there they

were humiliated before to be sent to a Tame or Maturity Center, and when

they were ready to serve as slaves they were brought back to the

teenager that had captured them to be his slaves, and capture a naked

white pup or teenager boy brought prestigious to the black boy that

had captured them.

The identical twins' herd managed to escape without anyone being

captured by the black teenagers and guards, thanks that a vigilant gave

the voice of alarm when he saw come the black teenagers and guards, and

all the naked whiteys ran in all directions and after they reunited in

the forest deeps in a place that had been already established after they

were sure that any black superior was followed them, together they went

where the herd was living, but for security reasons they decided to go

by other way.

The two pup twins also ran but instead to separate they did together,

and as it wasn't very common see wild naked whitey twins several black

teenagers and even guards were interested in the wild boys and they

persecuted them, and that made easier that the other herd's members

could escape without being captured.

The twins ran going into the forest deeper and deeper without putting

attention where they were going but they still knew where they were, but

they had bad luck because several black guards were persecuting them and

they could see their naked backs and buttocks between the foliage in

addition the noises that the twins were making, but at the end the two

inexperienced naked wild animal climbed into a three and they hid

between the branches, and never the black guards thought that the two

naked pups were excellent climbers so they never turned to look above

where the twins were hidden.

When the tweens felt safe they came down from the tree but they took the

wrong way to go where they herd was living and now they are lost, alone

and hungry, and both boys are in the middle of the forest without

knowing where to go and soon will be dark, the hunger and thirst have

become their worst enemies, and one of the twins in his desperation is

standing and is jerking off to offer to his brother his cock with the

hope that he also offers him his, so they can suck each other cocks and

get some food and proteins, while the other twin is squatting trying to

find out where they are o hear a noise that can tell him where

should they go, without knowing that they never are going to be

again with their herd and parents, and that they are in great danger to

die eaten by a wild animal or hunger because they also don't know where

is the town, so they can go to the trash deposit and get some food,

since their cum is not going to be enough to feed and keep them alive,

so now the best for them is be captured by the black masters and sent

to a Tame Center and then be sold as slaves.

These two naked white beasts despite that they are eighteen years old

and the color of their hair is light brown with small light brow nipples

are thin, but also they`re muscular and both are the proud owners of a

beautiful buttocks, and for an estrange reason they are wearing sandals

that have allowed them run without experiencing any problem considering

that practically all the white human animals that live either in

captivity or in freedom are barefoot and wear something in their feet

more than help them would be a hindrance, their muscular buttocks are

rounded and are a real delight for the sight and the two white naked

animals are good looking so they would be an excellent reward for the

hunter that captured them, beside that they won`t last long in training

because how they are not very disciplined if they were captured soon in

the Tame Center they will would be broken, since being punished

constantly for their lack of discipline the pain would be an invaluable

tool to tame them.

But they have a hope yet to keep being free although is not very

probable, since in their desperation to find water and food and go

deeper into the forest they find other naked wild males roaming for that

cold zone that had snowed mountains, and be adopted becoming their

sexual toys, in exchange to be feed and provide them the proteins that

their balls produce, but these situation is very hard that happens

because being a cold place even though is sunny and there is a lot of

vegetation there aren`t many naked human beast roaming in that place,

but also is not completely empty and this could be an option to avoid be

captured and be sold as slaves or even die of hunger or hunted by a wild

animal, and remain free as the naked wild animals that they are now,

showing in an innocent but shameless way their cocks in both states

flaccid or hard and their balls hanging, and their buttocks and

depending the position in which they are even their anuses.

Next: Chapter 684: Chicos Tontos 47

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