Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 20, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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"The Millionaire Contest" audience rating showed that for far was

the society favorite program in any of his modalities, the normal, the

scholar, the business and even the military, and the millionaire incomes

for the slaves sale that the government got of those that had lost in

the events in addition the incomes that the event's TV sponsors paid ,

by far was higher that the expenses such as the commission that had to

be paid to the slaves dealers that sold all the slaves that couldn't be

sold during the events TV transition, and also the millionaire monetary

quantity that was given to the winner in addition to the house that was

given to him, but "The Millionaire Contest" true success had been

that sometimes the public could participate giving their opinion about

how a specific event should be.

They were one day a way to celebrate the country most important

patriotic week where was celebrated "The Free Citizens Week", and

"The Millionaire Contest" organizers decide to make a special

event where in this occasion no only the contest winner was awarded if

not the audience too, and as was expected that brought huge interest

between the audience.

The first step that had to be given by the audience to aspire to win the

award was that the winner had proposed the winner idea about how "The

Millionaire Contest" event should be, the second step was if more than

one people had proposed the idea then the winner would be selected by a

public draw, and the third step was that the contendere that was chosen

by the winner of the draw still had the possibility to win the

millionaire contest at the moment to select the member of the audience

that was going to win.

The proposals had been receiving since one week before and all those

that proposed something that already had been transmitted on TV were

rejected and a computer with special program was who did that job, and

to choose the winner proposal the only thing that the public had to do

was vote for their favorite one and having the winner event the only

thing that was left was take the participants to the place where the

event was going to take place, but in this specific event would have

very special participants and the organizers were hoping that the

audience enjoyed like never before the event.

During the week when the event begun a huge number of participants lost

and where enslaved, but what made that the crowd that was watching the

program enjoyed it like never before, was the contenders anguish to

avoid to be enslaved and also their desperation when they had lost, and

that they were treated by the Slave Police (SP) with a cruelty that

never before had been seen.

But the audience participation didn't stop there, because one day

before that the event finished and it had to be the same day of the

celebration of "The Free Citizen Day", the organizers asked to a

judge that enslaved the participants that still were in the event so

they could be seen naked in public, and their naked bodies could be seen

by the audience.

So all the families that still were participating in the event without

mattering their age or gender had to be naked, and that made that the

event had more audience, since on the days before only the contenders

could be seen naked when they lost and were stripped by the SP agents

since as they weren't slaves they couldn't be seen naked during the


All the participants in that special event were all those citizens and

their families (wife and children) that were under investigation process

or trial to determinate if they should be enslaved or not, but with this

event wouldn't be necessary continue with the investigation or trial,

considering that only one could win, the other participants without

mattering if they were guilty or not would be enslaved together with

their families if not already they had been.

Only few minutes are left for the sunset and with that the event ends,

and only one family is still participating in the event, and despite

that they're the only ones and in normal circumstances they would had

won, in this event wasn't like this, now the father is in a desperate

situation, because his wife and his only son were captured and they are

being tortured by a slave, the naked body of the white light brown

haired woman is tied up by his ankles to two stakes firmly buried in the

grass and under a leafy three and her legs are opened, her arms are

extended to her sides and her wrist tied up to a threes branches that

are above her.

The slave that is a white muscular dark haired man is stood behind her

with a whip on his hands and he already had fucked her and even he

fucked her anally, and had given her a lash making the wretched wife cry

out in pain and with that the salve is trying that the husband goes to

rescue her, by the other side the naked teenage dark brown haired

eighteen years old boy that has his hands tie up on his back and that is

behind his mother on her right side and given her his back and on the

opposite side where their torturer is, is sit on his legs and his torso

is bended forward, he is uncontrollably sobbing because the slave before

fuck his mother raped him despite that he begged him don't do that.

The boy and woman rape made that the spectators bets about if the father

would have enough time to rescue his wife and son multiplied like never

before had happened, and for the son and wife disgrace the rape was

legal because they were slaves and there wasn't anything that could

stop it, the father with desperation saw how the slave raped his beloved

son that was his pride and his wife who he deeply loved, but he

couldn't do anything to protect them because he knew that the slave who

had raped them was expecting that he went to save them and then capture

and defeat him.

But the father made a huge mistake that he's going to pay dearly,

since on his desperation when he heard his teenage son scream in pain

when he was raped, and his wife too for the same reason and because

she has been lashed, he decided try to rescue them falling from a tree,

for him that was a good idea until when he was hanging from some of the

tree branches and saw how her wife was tied up and he knew that he

didn't have any chance to rescue her, and this white dark brown haired

father that is hanging the only thing that now he can do is rescue his

son, since due that he's naked he doesn't have a knife or other

instrument with he could cut the ropes that keep his wife tied up,

and despite that he has a plan on his mind to rescue her, making that

the slave with the whip persecutes him while his son untie his wife

once he has rescued him, he doesn't have enough time to do that.

So on this occasion there wasn't a winner in "The Accused

Millionaire Contest" that was how the audience had named this specific

event, however the same audience has requested to the organizers that

the family that still is in the event don't be enslaved and bring

them back their freedom, this request has surprised the organizers but

due that the public has done this petition, a judge went to tell them

that the event was over and that family had won and they were free

people, and again they could have their normal life.

However the family didn't receive the monetary award neither the house

since their award had been that the trial that the father was facing had

been canceled, and for the other side any audience member had won the

award because nobody had bet for them, but for this three family members

the damage had already been done, since the father once he took his

family to their home, he felt disgusted to fuck or even be with his

wife after she was fucked by a slave and all the nation had seen her

naked, despite that he loved his son so much be raped by a slave made

that he looked at him with disdain, and he decided enslave and put the

boy on sale because he knew that his life as a free citizen was going to

be a nightmare and torment, because all the nation had witnessed how he

was raped by a slave, furthermore that he even couldn't touch him

knowing that now he was a dirty boy for what the slave had done to

him, and when he realized that his wife had been pregnant and the pup

that was inside her belonged to the slave that had fucked her, he also

decided enslaved and put her on sale too.

But his destiny wasn't much better than his son and wife because all

the nation had seen him naked too although he wasn't raped by the slave

like his son and wife, however he was poor since nobody wanted to hire

him and he couldn't find a job after he had been humiliated on such way

by "The Accused Millionaire Contest", so one day when he went to a

job interview, he was kidnaped and he ended up being sold as slave in

the black market of his own country, so on this time there wasn't a

happy ending for these family that was declared winner by the

audience, since they didn't get the wealth and all the family members

despite that they had won ended up as slaves for different

circumstances, becoming in one more of "The Millionaire Contest"

event victims.

Next: Chapter 687: Hora De Cobrarselas 47

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