Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 23, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Thesewhites have just arrived to the Slave Processing Center (SPC) and they stilldon ´t know where they are, they were captured by the border patrol while theytried to cross the border illegally andbe save avoiding to be captured by their country black guards and be sent to oneof many Reunion Center. When the whites began to run away from their country tobe save, the other country allowed them go into its territory but they were putin immigration detention centers for illegal immigrants to investigate why theywere asking for politic asylum, and if they had a justify reason give it andallow them live in the country. But in few hours was so high the quantity ofmen, women and children that arrived that was clear that was going to beimpossible give to all of them the legal residency. So the two governments had an emergencymeeting to try to solve the problem and very soon they reached an agreement,due that the country from where the whites were running away wanted back theircitizen without causing any problem to the other. Due that the people of the governmentof the country where the whites had to be sent back were blacks, the countrywhere the whites were living as refugees chosen a black high commissioner to beresponsible to bring the whites refugees back, and the whiteys were told thatthey were going to be sent to other refugee camps that had just been openedconsidering that the camps where they were living were saturated. They malewhiteys were separated from the females and their families if they wereconsidered enough matures and if they don ´t need that an adult had to take careof them, and they were told that they were going to be sent first to otherrefugee camps so they could chose a cabin where they and later their familiescould be more comfortable and live with more privacy, however first they wouldhave go through a medical examination to check that they were healthy and if they weren ´t they could receive themedical assistance that they required , but little they know that they were takento the border and the place where they were going to be medical checked was oneof the many SPC that were in their country and had been opened to register andprocessing them and then given to slaves dealers to be sold as slaves. A groupof ten males between eighteen and thirty years old are naked waiting to bechecked up by the doctor, they have gotten out from the locker room area wherethey had to undress and take a shower to be clean. The waiting room huge size andthe air conditioning as well are makingthat the prisoners are cold and with apprehension looking around the placewhere they are, they are the last group of ten males that are waiting theirturn to be checked, since other ten groups have already gone through that processbefore them, however they are waiting since the last group that was before themhasn ´t finished yet to be processed , and the black agent that is wearingglasses and is in charge of the slaves control on that SPC and that is dressedwearing a jacket with a shirt with squares, is looking at the closed door wherethe slave that are inside that place are being processed, waiting that the redlight changes to the green one indicating that this group can go in and beginits processing. All the slaves will be seated on chairs with stirrups, theywill be immobilized and their legs will be tied up to the stirrups and open aswide as possible, several of the slaves will be modify that means that theirmale genitals will be removed and instead they will have a female ones, sincebetween the black master is the fashion to do that to the whiteys, other aregoing to be sold to the breed farms, and those that aren ´t considered handsomeare going to be castrated and sent to the mines, or modify and sent to thequarries to work as beast, even many of the slaves that are modified are goingto be exhibited in public pushing carts on the streets, what for the blackmasters have fun watching their pussies instead their cocks and balls shouldbe.

Next: Chapter 70: Victimas 6

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