Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 4, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


The slaves sale in the small towns and when were sold the sons of the

richest families had become a great event on those places, one of the

country most important slave dealer agencies had opened in several small

towns branch offices, where the degraded to much less than animals human

flesh from the farms and little towns around there was sold.

When slavery was accepted as a way to punish those that had bad behavior

or committed any kind of felonies, many of the citizens thought that the

rich and powerful never would be enslaved, but short time later they

realized that justice was for everyone and therefore everyone could be

enslaved if they didn't do the things as was expected, but in reality

that justice was applied to everyone equally since was needed that

society supported slavery and the human need to control their peers was

growing, although in reality only certain members of the society could

buy and have slaves.

But time after the citizen began to be frightened because the law began

to be harder and harder and for anything that they did wrong although

was an insignificant thing they were enslaved, and when the slavery

began all those that were enslaved in the little towns or farms were

sent to the big cities where they were sold, but then the big slave

dealers corporations opened branch offices in those little towns, and

then all those that lived close the towns and could afford buy the

slaves could see the human flesh that was being sold and buy it and take

it home immediately, instead to have to wait to be delivered by a

courier services furthermore that in many times they had to buy it by

internet without being inspected.

Many of the young flesh that was sold in the country came from the

schools due to the students bad behavior, but in many times the parents

enslaved their children so they can sale them and get money to pay their

debts, although when this happened the family had to prove that was

strictly necessary enslave a son or a daughter to save all the family,

otherwise the judge didn't' sing the enslavement documents, however

even in this the judges stopped to be strict because the society each

day required more and more slaves to keep functioning and the demand was

so high that if a father wanted enslaved one of his children, the only

thing that he had to do was to show a document that indicated that he

had a debt without mattering if he could pay the debt or not, or the

school could ask for a student enslavement petition if they considered

that he or she was a bad student or if he had behaved improperly.

This brown skinned black haired eighteen years old boy is being

exhibited naked in one of his town slave dealers branch offices shop

window that is located just in front of his school, since his father

that was the owner of the town's gold mine was accused to illegally

enslave several male teenage boys and young men and then hire one of

slave dealer agencies to make that the enslavement documents were legal,

without having to pay much money for the slaves that were working in the

mine, and to make the things worst for the boy he also was the school

owner where his son was studying.

The boy very early in the morning was called to the principal's office

where two Slave Police (SP) agents were waiting for him and when arrived

without any explanation he was ordered to strip, the boy wanted to

protest but one the SP agents slapped him very hard on the face and the

boy landed on a couch, and when disconcerted he turned to look at the

principal the man coldly looked at him but he didn't do anything to

protect him, so the boy knew that no one was going to protect him and

if he wanted avoid be punished again by the SP agents he would have to


The boy firstly took off his jacket, then the tie and shirt, after that

the shoes, the socks, his trouser, the t-shirt and then he begged to the

SP agents that allowed him to keep his underpants that were a very small

light blue bikini that the school demanded to all the male students to

wear, but when they boy saw that one of the agents was going to slap him

again without thinking twice he took off them and he was completed naked

in front of the three men, and instinctively he tried to cover his balls

and schlong but when he saw that again he was going to be hit he

desisted to do it.

The normal procedure to take out from the school an enslaved boy was

taking him to the transport by the back side of the school without

nobody could see him to avoid that the free students could be

frightened, so following the procedure to avoid that a new enslaved

could run away, the boy's hands were cuffed on his back and his ankles

were shackled with a short chain allowing him to give short steps and

avoiding that he could run, other procedure that was followed was that a

rope was tied up to the slave's balls and like that he was taken to

the transport and if the slave wanted to do something foolish he was

going to hurt himself, but suddenly the principal asked to the SP agents

to take out of the school the new slave by the school corridors so

every students could see him, the boy was going to protest but when he

saw that one of the agents was going to slapped him he decided don't

say a word, but with a low voice he told the principal that as soon as

his father found out what he was doing who was going be enslaved, but

the principal laughing told him that his father was already a slave

since the last night he had been enslaved and castrated and now he was

working into the mine deeps.

The boy thought that the principal was lying but suddenly he

remembered that his father neither his mother had had breakfast

with him that morning, and then the boy began to be very frightened and

even he peed inside the principal's office, one of the school's

employees on that moment went into the principal's office when he saw

that the boy was going to be punished by the SP agents because he had

dared to pee showing that he was a filthy animal, and he asked the

principal about not punished the boy since he was living a very

traumatic situation and thanks to that the boy was saved to be severely

punished In front of all the students body, but he couldn't avoid be

taken naked by the school's corridors so that all the students could

see him naked as if he was an animal, in addition they were allowed to

touch any part of his body and was included the most intimate parts,

and as he had his hands cuffed on his back he couldn't protect himself

for the assault to his body, so the most parts of his body that were

more touched were his buttocks, nipples, schlong and balls that were

tight in the scrotum by the rope that had been tied there to guide

him, and due to his cock manipulation he cum and his former schoolmate

mocked at him and called him names, and also they opened his buttocks to

see his small and virginal dark brown colored anus.

Now he's exhibited naked in one of the slave dealer shop windows and

in few minutes more the students of his former school are going to

see him exhibited sat on a wooden cage, his pubes has been trimmed and

his left leg is hanging while the right one is flexed and his foot

sole is leaned on the cage top part, and he knew that despite that he

didn't do anything wrong he was enslaved as a punishment for what his

father had done, his right hand is partially hiding his face because

he's ashamed while his left one is behind his body leaned on the

wooden cage top part, but he was told that his cock and balls have to be

exposed all the time so the potential buyers can see them and the

brilliant shop window's lights highlight his young body and in special

his must intimate parts, and the worst of all was that he and his

parents were victims of the judge avarice who was who signed the

enslavement documents, because he wanted be the goldmine owner and

because he said that his father enslaved the people illegally because he

wanted that they worked there, and despite that his father effectively

did that the judge also should had been enslaved because he was who

signed the enslaved orders but enslaving the man that knew his secret

now he was save because nobody would believe a salve if he tried to say

the true, in addition that the judge was the slave dealer agency owner

and sending the father to the mine deeps nobody would discover what this

judge did and he'll keep doing, so this boy became in one more victim

of his father's avarice but above all the judge who could have

prevented that the boy was enslaved, and be sold as salve to his best

friend who is going to take his cherry and constantly exhibits him with

his friends completely naked so they also can sexually use him as the

animal that he's now, and the judge enslaved him to prevent the boy

for claiming what was once his father's.

Next: Chapter 696: Salvajes 48

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