Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 18, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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No more greatness dreams for this candidate to be a Titan since all is

over for him because he failed in the intelligence test when he failed

in the finance area when he made a disastrous investment that cost him

lose all the money that the Titans had given him so he could eat and pay

the rent of the place where he lived.

At first the candidates didn`t have money and completely they depended

on the Titans government while they were in training and their fate was

decided, but as their intelligence and audacity were evaluated while

they were in training had been decided that both the boy's father as

his friends gave to the boy certain amount of money, and the boy had to

show his abilities to invest it weather investing it or looking for

advice or by himself, and hos the boy didn`t know what he had to do with

the money he had to figure out how to make more money and according this

he was being evaluated show that now he had more money than when the

training had begun, and of course the expenses had to be discounted such

as feeding and lodging.

As nudity was mandatory for the candidates in private places and only

they could wear a loincloth in public places, the candidates only spend

money in the loincloths that they liked most and they considered the

most elegant and striking, but nothing in the forbidden city was cheap

and this was exactly the experiment intention force the candidates to

expend their money and be forced to have to look for a way to get more

money, since despite that they didn`t told the candidates that the money

administration was part of the intelligence evaluation what they were

told was that once they received the money they wouldn`t receive more

until their training was over, and the fact to have to buy a simple

loincloth to cover their nakedness in public cost a lot of money, or

even wash them to keep them clean if they didn`t want be buying them

constantly also was very expensive, and of course the food and the rent

were exaggerated expensive so or they looked for a way to invest their

money and get if not more at least what they expend, or they would be in

very serious economic troubles and without their knowledge would be in

serious danger to be enslaved.

Part of the candidates training included the sexual aspect where the

candidates had to kiss and fondle one with other, force the slave to

sexually stimulate wanking them, sucking their cocks and rimming them, a

part to keep them shaved of their faces or all body or part of it if

they wanted so depending on their preferences, and of course the most

important fuck the slave or even other Titan but under any circumstance

allow be fucked by other Titan or candidate while they were in training,

and if a candidate arrived to the training not being virgin immediately

was enslaved for the shame of his father and those that had economically

contributed to his support because they lost the money their money, and

even was allowed that that among them the candidates sucked their cocks

and was mandatory that during their training period as a greeting and

farewell they kiss other candidates, even it can be done during the day

or in their free time, and this was the reason why their anuses were

constantly checked either by the authority in their dormitories on in

the school by the trainers, and nakedness was an integral part of the

training since with that in first places was inculcated on the

candidates the control over their sexual need and by other side what was

awaiting them if they failed and become a slaves.

However nakedness was a trap for many of the candidates and was their

fall because being naked and looking at those buttocks, cocks and balls

move freely on those beautiful bodies and with ease can caress them,

lick or even suck a cock many of the candidates couldn`t resist the

temptation about don`t have anal sex and they ended up being enslaved,

since the lack of sexual continence for this society was a mortal

weakness, since being a very powerful male secret group that knew that

sex could be their ruin and if they couldn`t contain themselves the

secret could be reveled, because also outside their society there were

many handsome guys that seeing the wealth of the young and even adult

and mature Titans they would like have them as lovers and get as much

information as they could to have access to their money, and although

that wasn`t forbidden that the Titans had friends or lovers outside

their secret society because that was their right they had to be very

careful about don`t say a word about the secret society existence under

the punishment to be enslaved, and the Titans' secret service had very

vigilant the members that loved be outside of the forbidden city or that

they traveled to other places for precisely avoid that they secret was

reveled, enslaving either the Titan that had said something and all

those males and even females who could have heard something about the

secret society.

This young eighteen year old light brown haired boy candidate to be a

Titan with slim body but that was beginning to be muscular and it could

be seen in his biceps and back was enslaved because he ran out of money

and now he has not resources to sustain himself, and that automatically

was considered as he had failed in the intelligence test since as the

all the candidate when they realized that having to buy things in the

forbidden city their money was running out quickly, he was forced to

look for the way to earn more money or invest it to can recuperate the

high expenses either of the food, the lodging and the outfits that were

the loincloths, however his mistake was that he didn`t look for advise

as many other candidates had done because he wanted to impress his

trainers about his abilities to make business despite that in those

moments he didn`t know that was being evaluated his intelligence, and he

as many other boys that were ambitious and they wanted to be as high as

possible inside the secret society but his disproportionate ambition

lead him to make a fatal error causing him to run out of money, because

where he had invested his money was a corporation precisely established

by the Titans although this the boy didn`t know it was with the purpose

to cause that the foolish candidates instead to ask for advice and

help felt in the trap, thinking that they could do everything by

themselves and thereby enslave them because precisely the society

didn`t need boys like him but they need boys that could relate with

other Titans and recognize that despite that they were very intelligent

they needed the help of other members of the secret society to achieve

their goals, and then establish friendship ties and understand that they

weren`t better but part of a very select male group that were very

powerful and rich, although as was expected in that society also existed

rival groups that also tried to cause damage to the rival groups, but

that was accepted by the Titans because was considered as healthy

competition since if the rivalry didn`t exit then they were in danger

that the society disappeared.

When he was enslaved he was put immediately on sale and was bought by

one of the candidates that already had been accepted as a Titan and the

only thing that he was waiting for was the party where he was going to

be deflowered by other Titan and then be officially part of them, so now

the unfortunate young slave with his dream of greatness shattered not

only lost the opportunity to be a Titan but now he serves his new master

in his house, he's in chastity and the master that soon will be a

Titan new member had decided apply on his naked slave a new experiment

that without stopping he has to listening a recording where says that

the Titans society doesn`t exist and all was a product of his

imagination and he was enslaved because he committed a felony, and the

wretched slaved day and night is listening that and is desperate, even

right now while is cleaning his master's house he has taken his hands

to his face and is crying for the desperation to be a slave and the

torture to be listening that damn recording without stopping day and

night, but his master has put in practice that experiment because he is

thinking sale his young slave to a friend that is not a Titan and get a

very nice profit, but to do it the slave has to have gone by the wash

brain process and he doesn`t remember anything about the society, and

while for the master the happiness about very soon will be a new Titan

member and even soon he will have a big profit for his slave sale as his

first business if he gets that the slave can erase from his brain the

existence of the secret society, for this wretched slave the pain,

humiliation and desperation to have to listening that recording has

become the constant in his life and is powerless to escape to the

destiny that he has a head, for being so stupid to believe that he

could do the things alone instead to ask for advices, and instead of

having a bright future because really he was a very brilliant boy with a

great future a head, he became a naked and despicable slave that will

have to obey all that he was told as degrading as it might be without

mattering if is the Titans society or with the Titan's friend that

doesn`t know about their existence.

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