Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 17, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Theslaves arrival to their final destination always is traumatic, and much morewhen they have been hours locked in a cage inside a cargo train wagon one overthe other and even had to shit and pee over the other slaves, but the worst ofall for every slave is don ´t know where they are taken and whom are theirmaster, since from the slave dealer agency they were taken to the train stationand from there to their final destination. All of them had to spent severaldays locked in the cage and only they were taken out to be fed and cleaned withcold water from a hose, but like they weren ´t priority delivery cargo they wereput into a wagon that was hooked to a train that was stopping in several citiesto load and unload cargo including slaves. The white males were more enslavedthan any other race because for long time they were allowed to break the lawwithout have to face the consequences, until one day that changed and the lawbegan to be applied on them with all its force, but unfortunately the whitemales couldn ´t adapt to the new circumstances and they always were in the courthouse facing trials under the charges of bad public behavior and even acts against the moral, and always they endedup being enslaved and only few exception weren ´t enslaved, even many of thewhite teenagers didn ´t have to face a trial since with the evidences that wereshown to the judge, he only had to sing the enslavement order and the newslaves were taken out from their schools naked and taken to the auction centerswhere they were sold. However many of these slaves were bought by othercountries slaves dealers where the majority of the population wasn't white andthere they were put on auction again and sold to the best bidder. When the slaves were taken to the train, busand truck stations or even to the airports or the piers where the cargo shipsdeparted by their new owners or by the slave dealers that had bought them orthose that were shipping them to their new owners, they had to make a line andpatiently wait until their turn the be registered by a slave that was naked asthem become but many times the line was very long, The slave was typing on acomputer each slave that was going to be shipped data, and the information was given by otherslave that like them was naked and was wearing the collar that identified himas the others as slave, and generally the only thing that he had to do was givethe enslavement order signed by the judge and the slave's sale documents indicating where he was to be sent and oncethe slave was registered, the system for all those slaves that were destined tobe exported gave them their Slave Identification Number (SIN) that always hadto begin with the letters "EX", since the number that had given him when he hadbeen enslaved and registered on the slaves data base had to be changed because hewasn ´t going to stay in the country, and when the slave arrived to the countrywhere he had been bought, there the authorities decided if the slavekept that SIN or they gave him a new one, but for the slaves that were sent todestinations inside the country they kept the same SIN that they had already given when they were registered for thefirst time. However the slaves ´ handling as cargo was made in a very cruel waysince the society considered that like they were lay breakers they had to betreated worse than animals without any right, so those that were in charge totransport and take care of them during the trip without mattering that alsothey were slaves, they could punished them as they wanted but the only thingthat they had forbidden was cause a physical or mental damage to the slave. Atthe immigration area are six slaves that just have been taken out from thequarantine area and days before they had arrived in the cargo wagon on whichthey were transported, five slaves are white four of them between eighteen andtwenty two years old and dark brown haired males, and one more blond twenty twoyears old male, and there is one more dark skinned black haired twenty fouryears old male. The six slaves are very happy to be taken out from the stinkywagon where they were kept locked, however when they were taken were frightenedbecause an impressive black slave that like them also was naked and was wearingthe collar, with a whip took them until the disinfection area, but while theywere taken there from the platform until that area they were whipped makingthem scream out in pain at the same happened when were taken from thequarantine zone to the immigration area. Once with the frozen water theycleaned their bodies from the shit and the urine that was in their skin, otherwhite slave that was a doctor check them to be sure that they weren ´t sick andhe took blood examples of each slave to verify that they weren't carriers ofany sickness, so the slaves had to stayseven more days in the immigrationquarantine area until they were authorized to go to one of the immigrationofficers, but while the slaves were in quarantine they were put in chastity toavoid that they might have sex between them considering that they were animals that couldn ´t controltheir instincts. Two of the slaves have already gone through the immigrationprocess and they had been cleared and now they are with their black master thatis wearing a gray oxford colored suit, blue shirt and gray tie, the two slaves are naked and the twenty two yearsold blond haired male is seated on the floor on his master right side and he'slooking at him very attentive, meanwhile the other twenty two years old darkbrown haired male is squatting on his master left side and as the other slavehe ´s looking at his master very attentive, the two slaves nakedness and whiteskin contrasts with their master elegant suit and black skin, but both slavesare happy because the nightmare that they had to go through while they weretransported is over, and they willing want to be an obedient slaves to avoid to go through the nightmare to be soldand transported again, the master that is behind the immigration officers under the screenwhere the slaves after had been accepted saw who was their master immediatelywent where he was, furthermore that due that they are naked and are wearing thecollar they can ´t go out from the immigration area if they are not taken out bya free citizen. The night mare for the dark skinned slave hasn ´t finished yetbecause the immigration officers couldn ´t find his data in their importedslaves data base and therefore he has been rejected, so a black employee thatis in charge to deport the slaves was called "to put under control" the muscledand impressive black haired twenty four years old male. The dark skinned salvewas disoriented and he hoped that the black employee wearing a white rob andcap could resolve the problem since as slave the immigration officers didn ´tput attention to him and when he wanted to speak he was threatened to be punishedif he didn ´t step aside, but the black employee instead to talk with theimmigration officers he chained his hands in front of his body without he could put them apart, and then hishands were chained to his collar by the front part as well, so now his handsare on his waist area without he can lower or put them apart, and the black employee ordered the slave to lower his eyes and that he had to look at his cocksince as slave he wasn ´t allowed to keep his head lifted up looking straightahead and looked at a free citizen eyes,also he had attached a chain to the front part of the slave ´s collar and withhis hand is holding the chain to take the slave to the storage area, where hewill have to stay caged until is decided if the slave is accepted in the country or if he ´s deported. The other three white dark brown haired eighteen yearsold slaves and that they are they youngers in the group are stood in front theimmigration officer, which is asking them question, the slaves ´ buttocks hadcaught the attention of some passengers that just have arrived and they arewalking to the free citizens immigration counters since the slaves immigrationcounters go from the twenty one to the twenty four, while the free citizenscounters go from the counter number one until the forty, and theslaves counters are in the middle so either the free citizens and the visitorscan see the naked bodies wearing the collar and be aware what might happen tothem if they broke the law, also they are looking at the impressive darkskinned slave's body and cock and on the back ground the other two white slaveswith their master. The three slaves that are with the immigration officer arevery nervous because they had seen that the dark skinned slave has been chainedand he's taken back to the cages, furthermore that they feel very uncomfortableand ashamed because they are naked and all the arrival passengers to theterminal are looking at them, since that immigration area receive all thetransports that arrive to that city, airplanes, trains, and ships, and theworst of all is some girls had said to his parents about the slaves' cute assesand they would like to have a slave like them. These three young slaves thatonce were pampered by their parents and now are living the others side of the coin being treatedworse than animals and as objects and they are kept naked in public, what theywant at must is that the immigration officer tell them that they were acceptedso they can watch on the screen who are their masters and they can go out ofthat area, and also leave behind the transport nightmare, but little they knowthat their trip hasn ´t finished yet, because they're going to be accepted inthat country but they still have to be put into a cattle transport since theywere bought by a slave dealer and he ´sgoing to put them in auction in a small town, so for the five salves that were accepted probably this isthe last time that they'll be in a pleasant and luxury place, while the darkskinned slave still has a head days of uncertainty and desperation since asslave nobody is going to tell him which is his migratory situation.

Next: Chapter 94: Victimas 8

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