Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 23, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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From a brilliant sport boy to a lower slave and isnot because he has been a delinquent or he had done something bad to deserve beenslaved, his only crime was have been a contender in "The Millionaire Contest".He in contrast with the teenagers that wanted participate for the ambition towin a lot of money easily without considering the consequences, he had realpossibilities to win and still he doesn't understand how he could louse and whyhis own family bought him, now this white black haired eighteen years oldslaves is stood behind the window looking at his parents and siblings go out tohave lunch in a fancy restaurant, he'll have to cook diner because they'll haveguest that night and the house must be spotless. But the reason why he'sfrightened is because for first time his father and mother families will seehim as a naked slave. He had to beg rather his father and brothers to allow himwear something to cover his nakedness, but they didn't want to hear a wordabout that. Even his little brother told him that he wasn't naked at allbecause he was wearing the collar, so he didn't need wear something else. Nowhe's coursing have been a contender on that dam contest but is too late and hehas to obey or otherwise he'll be severely punished, and now something thatonce was considered impossible now is a reality in his life, the one that hemost fear of all his masters is his little brother because he's the cruelest ofall of them when he punishes him, and when he does something that displeases toany of his masters all of them punish him. Instead to be allowed to sleep onthe bed that is in the servants' room he has to sleep locked inside a cage andis his baby brother that every day at night locked him there and in themornings takes him out, but the fear he has for his younger brother is due thathe makes him do humiliating and degrading things, and although he doeseverything he was ordered in the way that he was told, anyway always the damnsnot find something wrong although it wasnt true and he's punished,furthermore that his former father and brothers dont listen to him when hewants to tell them how his younger brother is treating him, since at the end ofthe day he's only a slave and his brother is a free citizen and as slave he'sconsidered lazy and lying so as not to be punished. One of the things that the younger brotherforces him to do is that he has to pee and shit in the cage while he's locked,and if he doesn`t do as he was told is brutally punished by him and later infront of his brothers and father, so the brat punishes him twice and then everybrother and his father do the same, But if he obeys and urinate and defecate inthe cage anyway he's punished because apart from being dirty the smell of theroom is nauseating and that offends his brother, other thing among many otherthat he's forced to do by his younger brother is that always that his friends arrives he has to greet him puttingapart his ass cheeks so they can see his hairless hole and without exception hehas to suck their cocks and swallow their cum, and if any of his guestcomplains about the service that the slave gave him was unsatisfactory theneach guest punishes him. So now that he's looking at his family leaving to havea meal in a luxury restaurant brings him mixed feelings, since he would like tobe able to go with them and spend a moment of joy and coexistence as it was inthe past and now because of being a slave has been denied to him, and on theother hand relief because being alone does not have to be worried about beingpunished especially by his little brother, although he knows that when theyreturn everything will change.

Next: Chapter 97: El Concurso Millonario 9

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