
By moc.mocten@nam2nam

Published on Mar 18, 1995



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Charlie was a good looking kid. He was your typical high school jock. His best friend was Jeff Adams. They were sitting on the ground in Chuck's driveway sweaty and hot from having played about two hours of one-on-one basketball. Both boys had long ago stripped off their T-shirts. Chuck's cut off jeans were dark from sweat. They stuck to his legs and irritated the hell out of his balls but there didn't seem to be much he could do about that. He had glanced over at Jeff who wore loose fitting shorts and wished he had also chosen to wear his gym shorts.

Chuck found himself staring at Jeff's crotch. Looking up along his buddy's solid legs he spotted a slash of white. Jeff's underwear was showing. Chuck could see the doubled over cloth sewn around the leg opening and a bulging pouch filled with cock and balls. The sight made him realize all the more just how much he got turned on by underwear. It also made him think back to last year when after a night of beer drinking and talking about "getting it," he and Jeff had ended up in a two man circle jerk.

It had started out with the two of them just trying to adjust their swelling cocks as they talked. But, soon both boys became aware of each other and without any words being spoken, they pulled out their cocks and jerked off. They no sooner had shot their loads when the "guilts" settled on each of them. Neither said anything about it since.

Chuck thought about some of the things he had done lately and started getting a hard on. He could never talk to Jeff about his neighbor or some of the great solitary jerk off sessions he had in his bedroom. Chuck knew that Jeff would never understand why he had started getting his kicks from underwear.

"Let's call it a day, Okay?" Chuck wiped the sweat from his face and chest with his T-shirt. "I'm hot, soaked and tired."

"Yeah, I've had enough. I should go home to clean up and eat. I want to catch the early bargain movie downtown. You interested in going?"

Chuck thought for only a second and said,"Yeah, My folks are gone for the night. I'll meet you back here in about an hour and we'll head out."

"I don't know if I'll make it that quickly 'cause I know my mom will make me eat with the rest of the family."

"You could call her and tell her you're eating here. We could clean up and grab a pizza before the show. We'd have plenty of time."

"I don't know," Jeff said,"I'm soaked and I've got to shower and change."

"So you'll wear my clothes. We're the same size," dark haired Chuck said.

"Sounds okay to me," Jeff replied. The two boys got up and hurried inside to make the call. Within minutes everything was set with Jeff's mother.

"Go ahead. Shower and dress while I take out the trash," Chuck said.

Jeff went up to Chuck's room and quickly stripped off his sweaty clothes. He tossed them on the floor and headed to the shower. Chuck walked in as Jeff's bare ass disappeared into the bathroom. He moved over to the pile of clothing and spotted the white underpants lying on the top of the pile. He picked them up and examined them. They were hot and sweaty and smelled of Jeff. There were even a few pubic hairs trapped in the cloth near the fly. Chuck could read the label of the Fruit of the Loom. Size 28-30.

Chuck stripped out of his own clothes. He was glad Jeff was in the shower because Chuck had on his "fancy" underwear. He never wore it to school because he didn't like changing in the locker room when he was wearing colored Calvin Klein briefs. He slipped out of everything and waited naked for Jeff to complete his shower.

Jeff walked back into the room wearing a towel around his shoulders. His heavy cock was hanging softly and moving as he walked. His light brown hair had formed a dark forest at the base of his tool.

"That felt great! Taking a shower is one of the greatest feelings!"

"Yeah...my turn now. Hunt around and you'll find something to wear," Chuck said as he moved into the bathroom for his shot at the shower.

Jeff opened the second drawer from the bottom of Chuck's dresser and found it to be the underwear drawer. It seemed like an unwritten rule that all guys used THAT drawer for underwear. There was an assortment to choose from and Jeff seemed to enjoy his mini shopping trip. Chuck's drawer had lots of plain white briefs and fancy colors. He sported the JOCKEY name on some of the neatly folded waistbands as well as Calvin Klein and Perry Ellis.

Jeff never realized how many brands of men's underwear actually had names on them. There were some with neat letting saying JOHN HENRY and others that advertised BRUT. One even said HANG TEN. Jeff started to smile and thought how there should be HANG EIGHT or HANG SIX and everybody could wear just the right size underpants.

There were white underpants with stripes on the waistband and some with just plain white elastic. Some of the colored ones had no elastic at all. Tucked off in one corner were a few jock straps.

He could hear the shower turning-off and figured that Chuck would be out in a moment. Without taking too much more time, Jeff chose a pair of plain white Calvin Klein to put on. They felt great as he pulled them up and adjusted his balls and cock. They fit just right. There wasn't any of that loose cheap feeling his own underwear always had. The cloth pulled tightly over the curve of his rear and sat lower on his waist. He couldn't explain it but he felt a little excited standing there in Chuck's underpants, especially these Calvins. He felt like the model in the Calvin Klein magazine ad that lay on the bring desert background wearing only his briefs.

He grabbed a pair of 501 jeans from Chuck's closet and pulled them on just as Chuck came out of the bathroom.

"You're right, the shower feels great!" Chuck said.

"I grabbed these 501's, Chuck. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all. Any of the shirts are okay, too." Chuck had toweled off and was standing at his dresser. "Whose underwear do you have on?"

"What? I mean...yours of course."

"I know that but whose brand?" Chuck asked.

"Just plain ones. Not your fancy kind."

"Yeah, but what brand?"

"Calvins," Jeff said.

"They're great. You'll like them." Turning back to the drawer Chuck picked out a pair for himself. "I think I'll wear Old John Henry tonight." As he shook our a pair of white, fly- front, lo-rise shorts. "Or maybe these Calvins just like the ones you have on." He put the John Henrys back in the drawer and drew out the Calvins.

"I never knew there were so many brands," Jeff stated.

"Neither did I," Chuck answered.

"How come you have so many?"

Chuck pondered a second before answering. "It's a long story and I don't know if you'd believe me. Besides, I might get embarrassed." Chuck reached into his snug white briefs and adjusted his cock and balls in front of his buddy. He adjusted his cock off to the left of the tight white cotton pouch.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you remember the night you and I got drunk on beer and... well... we jerked off?" Chuck continued as he walked to the closet showing Jeff his bubble-butt covered with cotton.

Chuck's comment made Jeff blush. "Yeah... we were drunk, all right!"

"I know that but that doesn't mean I don't jerk off. Everybody does, right?"

Jeff was uncomfortable discussing this. "No, I mean I guess THEY do."

"Don't hand me any of this THEY stuff. I know you must." Chucked teased as he pulled his 501's and began buttoning the fly.

"Yeah, well...that still does not tell me anything about all the different underwear you have."

"Look, Jeff. If you promise not to laugh or tell anyone, I'll tell you all about it."

"You're on."

"Well, when I jerk off, I usually lay on my bed. When I come I usually shoot into my underwear so I don't make a mess.

Jeff was embarrassed listening to his best friend make this confession. He also wanted to hear more and figured he would make Chuck more comfortable if he told some of his secrets, too." "I usually do it in the shower. Sometimes my Mother yells because I'm in there so long."

"wait a minute. This gets better. See, if you sit on my bed you can look out of my window. I never thought about it because I'm on the second floor and there is nothing over there except my neighbor's attic. One night I was lying here stroking away and realized that my neighbor was over there watching me. I got real paranoid and turned off my light"

"No, shit, what happened?"

"I closed up the blinds and went to sleep without finishing myself off. All I could think about is this guy was probably watching forever."

"Gee, I almost got caught once, Chuck. But that was by my folks."

"The next day I' was coming home and my neighbor was working on his front lawn. He smiled and said, "Don't be upset. If you behind my garage I'll leave you something to fill up."

"That's all?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, that is all he said. That night I went to the rear of his garage and there was a small paper bag. I opened it and there was a pair of JOCKEY underpants. Plain white Jockey with the fly that's looks like an upside-down Y, size 28 which is my side and a note that read TRY THESE TONIGHT AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKE THEM. There was also a five dollar bill."

"What did you do?"

"What do you think I did? I went upstairs and without turning any lights on, I stripped down and put the Jockey brand underpants on. They were freshly washed so they fit really tight. They were so comfortable. I figured 'what the hell' and went over to my bed with the blinds opened. I turned on just the little lamp over my bed started checking out every seam of the new briefs. I ran my fingers over my cock bulge and got myself real hard. I arched my hips up so my neighbor could see my big dick sticking up through his underpants. I got so excited, Jeff, that before I realized it I shot off my load into the tight briefs and soaked them."

"Wow! And your neighbor saw you do it!"

"The next morning I put the wet Jockeys back into the bag and left it behind the garage. I checked later and the bag was gone, so I figured he took them."

"You're kidding!"

"No, I wouldn't fool about this. Anyway, I started check every so often. A few days later there was a bag behind the garage, again. I took it and there was more underwear in it. This time, the note read 'try sleeping in these tonight. They're just right for a hot summer night.' I pulled them out of the bag and checked them out. They were white and had a fly and all just like my regular ones, but they were cut lower and fit a little tighter."

"Yeah," Jeff muttered.

"I did what the note said. I stripped down that night and wore just the briefs to bed. I turned the light on over my bed and before I knew it, I had a hard on just from knowing my neighbor was watching. I tried to pretend that I was sleeping by my big boner was stretching the shorts far out from my stomach. I put on a real performance for him. My cock shot off a really heavy load into the briefs. When they were soaked, I got up and walked next to the window and slipped the briefs off and squeezed my cock and caught the last few drops into the briefs. I put them into the bag and the next morning I put the bag behind the garage again. Within an hour the bag was gone."

"Is that guy watching right now?" Jeff asked.

"No, he doesn't get home till 6."

"Was he watching the night you and I...ah.."

"I don't know, Jeff. Maybe."


"This whole thing keeps going on. One day there was a pair of plain white Hanes and a pair of colored Hanes in the bag. The guy put a five dollar bill in with them and a note that said "Why not wear the ones you like and some nice loose gym shorts. Come on over and talk."

"You didn't go over, did you?"

"I sure did. I went upstairs and tried on both kinds. They were tight fitting but the colored Hanes made me feel funny so, I put on the white ones and some gym shorts and went over. the whole time the guy is talking he kept watching my crotch. I sat on the ground in front of him and sort of let him get a good view up my leg and ... well ...."

"Yeah," Jeff prompted. He realized he was getting turned on by Chuck's talk. His cock had started to fill with warmth and excitement.

"Nothing really happened. We just talked. At one point he asked me to stand up and when I was standing he came over and started to reach for the waistband of gym shorts. I figured 'this is it' but all he did was pull them down enough to see the waistband on the underpants. He kept telling me how sharp I looked. After a while I had such a fucking hard on I had to leave or sit there and squirt my load.


"I left. I went home and jerked off. I went to my room and turned the light on and laid there and jerked off."

"I can't believe it," Jeff said.

"I told you that you wouldn't believe it. Anyway, one Saturday he took me shopping. We went to about five different stores in the mall and the only thing we bought was underpants for me. He acted like he was my Dad and we would go in and to the men's department and shop for briefs. In the store we asked the clerk all sorts of questions about the fancy colored briefs and ended up buying the ones that the clerk said he wore. They are comfortable."

Jeff was trying not to move enough to hide his growing cock.

"Later that night, I went to my room and tried all the different kinds of underpants. I stood in front of my mirror and opened each package. I tool out a pair and put them on and smoothed them out. Then I modeled each pair, knowing the whole time that he was over there watching me."

Both Jeff and Chuck were not at the point where neither could hide their hard-on pricks.

"Looks like we're sort of in the same condition as we were the night we drank too much beer." Chuck said looking at Jeff's hard cock pushing against the denim of the 501's.

"Yeah..I think so...," Jeff admitted,"What time is it?"

"About 6."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. He'll be home any minute now."


"You want to do it?" Chuck asked Jeff.

"Do what?" Jeff asked.

"Don't bull shit me. Let's both give him a show tonight."

"What should I do?"

"Just do what feels good. I'll sort of show you."

"Yes, Chuck. I really do want to do it"

"Just do what I say. Let's get over on my bed." Chuck led Jeff to the bed which was length-wise under the window. The window was double-wide so the entire length of the bed was visible to the neighbor. The mattress was level with the bottom of the window.

Chuck sat beside of Jeff with just his Levis and underpants on. He looked at Jeff who was dressed like him and looking like his twin. Now just lay down on the bed while I sit beside of you telling you what to do. Now start rubbing your hand over your fly. Get your cock full hard, Jeff. If it bothers you to have me here you can close your eyes. I'm going to be doing the same thing that you're doing."

Jeff kept his eyes open as his long thin fingers curved over the bulge in his crotch. He pressed and adjusted. Chuck did the same thing. Chuck looked over and saw the neighbor in attic window. "He is over there watching, now. Don't look over there. You're doing fine rubbing that cock of yours. Now just unbutton the fly real slow." Chuck watched as Jeff followed his commands. He saw the bright white of the underwear show above the dark blue denim. He couldn't explain it. He knew it would be his own Calvin's right from his own dresser that were showing, but when the gray letters were exposed on the elastic, his own cock got harder.

Jeff had the fly on the jeans unbuttoned all the way. The underwear stretched where his cock pressed into the soft white cotton. His one hand cupped his balls and filled the pouch and his other hand rubbed up and down the swollen tube that pointed up toward his left. Chuck laid back watching his buddy's performance. He had a solid bulge of hard on but he hadn't started to strip.

"That's it Jeff. Now take your Levis off. Let's see you in just your underpants. Do it, man!" Chuck ordered.

Jeff skinned off the jeans and laid back. Solid young legs stretched up to the bright white bulging underpants. A little fine soft hair covered the muscled calves and thighs. His head was tilted and he closed his eyes. His chest rose in deep breath as he continued to feel his erect cock that was still hidden behind the soft cotton. There was just a hint of downy boy hair between the nipples on his muscled chest. His stomach was flat and his waist was solid. The elastic waistband on the Calvin's stretched firmly across the sun tanned flesh. The swollen cock had pulled the elastic down into a gentle "U" shape as the cloth pushed into a tent of excitement.

"Oh, that's great, Jeff. Feel that cock and hold those balls of yours," Chuck directed. "Run those fingers up and down your cock. Yeah, that's it... Stick your finger through the fly and feel up that hard cock, Jeff."

Jeff could do nothing but obey. He massaged his forefinger into the fly and felt his cock through a single layer of cotton. The he slipped more fingers through the fly and grabbed his cock and gently jacked his prick.

"You look so fucking hot, Jeffy. Now, let's give him a real show." Chuck stood beside the bed. His cock was rock hard and tenting out the denim. He looked down at Jeff and said,"reach up here and unbutton my jeans. Yes, that's it...real slow. This feels so hot, buddy." Chuck's buttons were undone and Jeff opened the flaps for a full view of the cock bulging Calvins that Chuck wore. They were snow white and fit so snug that Jeff could make out the outline of Chuck's prick head and even see his piss slit. Chuck turned his butt to his friend and the unseen neighbor and slipped his jeans over his feet.

Jeff felt his own cock on the verge of squirting as he looked at Chuck's bubble shaped ass. The underpants looked like white spray paint from the tightness of the little white briefs.

When Chuck turned to face Jeff he said,"Lets both get up on our knees on the bed and face each other. We're really gonna give his a great show. I bet his cock is already gooey."

When the boys were standing on their knees facing each other, their prick bulges were only an inch apart.

"Jeff, I'm gonna check out every inch of your briefs and then you do the same to me."

Chuck sat down on the bed and stared at the bulging white briefs. His fingers traced every seam Calvin Klein had sewn into the garment. Jeff's breathing became faster as he looked down to see Chuck, his high school buddy, jacking his own cock through his briefs as he jacked Jeff.

"Get down on your hands and knees. Stick your butt up in the air," Chuck ordered. Jeff got into position. He felt Chuck's hands rubbing his ass and pushing at his butt hole. It felt warm and good. Chuck's hands massaged deeper and down into Jeff's crotch. Jeff gave a start as he felt Chuck's hands squeeze his hard cock through the cotton and gently jack his cock. Jeff was hot and needed to squirt. He also couldn't wait for his turn to touch Chuck's cock. He felt Chuck's hand move back up to the elastic waistband above his ass.

"Turn around a little so your ass is right in the window. Yeah, that's right. Now, I'm gonna do something that will really turn that fucker on over there. I'm gonna pull your shorts down just enough so he can see your naked butt."

Chuck did so. When the elastic waistband was below Jeff's ass cheeks, Jeff felt Chuck's hands spreading his butt globes apart.

"He's gonna love this cause I'm gonna show him some pink. Wow, Jeff! Your ass his hairless and your butt hole is so fucking pink! Okay...now why don't you check out my briefs?"

Soon Chuck was getting the same treatment that he gave Jeff. Jeff was a good student and didn't miss one seam or bulge. When Chuck got up from the all-fours position, he climbed to his knees again and faced Jeff. The two hard cock were almost touching through the thin layers of white cotton.

"Wow, you're starting to cream, Jeffy. Look at this, it's gooey and warm," Chuck said was he rubbed his finger over the darken and widening spot of pre-cum juice oozing from Jeff's piss slit.

"So are you, Chuck!" Jeff said as he too let his fingers play in his buddy's pre-jizz. Jeff shoved his hips forward and rubbed his cock bulge against his buddy's. Chuck returned and the two boys wrapped their arms around each other's shoulders as they fucked their brief-clad pricks against each other.

"Chuck, I will do something to you if you promise never to tell anybody," Jeff said shyly.

"Sure, I won't tell anybody anything, ever!"

"Okay, let me lay down and you straddle my neck. I want to feel you rub your underpants all over my face. I want to lick your dick through your underpants."

"Oh, buddy, YES!!! I'd like that a lot," Chuck shouted. When they took position Chuck lowered his crotch right into young Jeff's cute face. Jeff's mouth opened to receive the cotton pouch packed with cum.

Jeff bit, licked, and loved having his buddy's shower-fresh crotch buried in his face. Chuck's hard cock pressed all over Jeff's face smearing him with pre-fuck juices.

"Jeffy, I'm gonna cum. I can't hold back much longer. Pull my briefs down with your teeth and let me cum in your face. Please let me cum in your face," Chuck pleaded.

Jeff opened his mouth and grabbed at the waistband of Chuck's briefs and pulled it down, locking it under his buddy's briefs. Jeff stared at his best friend's cock directly in his face. He watched as Chuck reached for his wet dick and began jacking off in his face. Jeff wondered if he should open his mouth and catch as much of his buddy's jizz as he could. But, he decided to just let Chuck cream his face. At least this time.

Suddenly, Chuck threw his head back and cum began squirting out of his cut cockhead and spraying all over Jeff's cute face. Blast after blast of hot young prick cream shot all over Jeff's nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. One shot of "Chuckcum" hit directly into Jeff's left eye. Just when Jeff thought there could be no more cum for Chuck to squirt, another volley of the warm cream skirted across his face.

Just as the last blast drenched Jeff, Chuck slid down Jeff's body and began sucking Jeff's prick through his briefs. He sucked out and swallowed all of the pre-cum juice which had seeped into the tight white Calvin Klein's. Then, Chuck dragged the waistband of the briefs down to Jeff's thighs. Chuck had noticed that Jeff was uncircumcised when they first jacked off together. And now, he could see the foreskin up close. As Chuck rolled Jeff's prick head around under the loose foreskin, Jeff's entire body contorted from the extreme pleasure his cockhead was receiving. Chuck began pumping Jeff's dick with one hand and massaged his cum-filled balls with the other. He capped and uncapped the prick head.

"Now, Chuck! I feel it coming. It's starting to cum, man! I'm squirting!!!!" Jeff yelled loudly.

Suddenly, Jeff felt something he'd never experienced before, for when he looked down he saw his prick was inside of Chuck's mouth and Chuck was drinking his fresh load of hot cum. Jeff's body shook in contortions as his prick fucked load and load again into Chuck's mouth.

Chuck tried to drink Jeff's rich cum but there was way too much. His mouth filled to over-flowing and several squirts of jizz began to dribble down his cheeks and drop onto his chin. Remembering his neighbor, Chuck held Jeff's cuming-prick between his lips and faced the window. He opened his mouth so the neighbor could see several of Jeff's cum shots shooting directly into Chuck's mouth.

When both boys finally relaxed, Chuck crawled up over Jeff. The boys stared into each other's faces. Jeff's face was all covered with hot cum and Chuck had a lot of Jeff's juices all over his chin and chest. Chuck looked into Jeff's jizz soaked face and said, "Well, that ought to keep him happy till tomorrow. Maybe we can give him another show then."

The boys reached for their briefs and began cleaning each other's faces.

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