Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 5, 2023


Wales discovery - Part 5

A fictional story of Ray and his journey to adulthood. Set in northern England in early 1970's Ray is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life in his gloomy, soot blackened mill town.

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Wales - Part 5

We got to the showers and went in, one cubicle door was open and Kevs dad was stripping off his shirt, his hairy, tanned body flexing as he undressed. We hovered a moment and a lad ran in with his towel straight into the other shower cubicle.

`Just missed it' he said.

Kevs Pa says `and shit, I've forgotten the effing 10p's'

We've got loads' I say we can share'

`You sure?'

we nodded

`Thanks lads, oh and for looking out for Kev'

`Our pleasure' Don said, smirking.

We stripped off quickly, our raw sex smell mingling with Kevs dads masculine funk, we loaded the slot with half a dozen 10p's.

`That should do it, but I've got some more if it runs out'.

Don started the flow and stood back whilst it warmed up. I was trying not to think of how fucking sexy Kevs Dad was, everything my Dad wasn't, beefy, hunky, hairy and in front of me, inches away. I didn't want to get a boner.

Kevs Dad stood in the flow oh to be fucking cool' he said as he rubbed the water into his skin. Can I borrow your shower stuff'


I bent down to pick up the bottle, we touched skin in the small space. I felt my dick rise as I was level with his thick cock, I could smell the pissy, cheesy funk, hes an older mirror image of Kevs big one.

I bent back up and passed him the bottle, He smiled, looking at my predicament as if to say something, then he thought again and said

`You might as well do my back seeing as we are here, I can never reach there, I must've pulled my shoulder muscle on a site last week, it's fucking nagging me more than the missus'

Don said `I'll wash the front, you can do the back Ray and we'll massage him like we do the blokes after footy. That'll give us something to do but shiver and speed things up, that timers ticking'

`Thanks lads' he said, then that leery grin again as he looked down at Dons throbbing cock.

`Mine were like that at your age, and my Kev, well he's never fucking soft from what can I make out'

`Come on let's get cracking else we'll run out of water.'

We lathered him up, Dons hands rubbing his front exciting his nipples, now proud and hard, Don pinches one, he smiles and his eyes roll upwards as he exhales. Don suckles it and pinches the other. Kevs dads dick rises, a solid lump of sex, the tip resting now on Dons abs aside his impressive 7", looking puny now. I massaged his shoulders, my cock fell into his hairy arse crack. I pummelled his shoulder muscles hard, getting right into the muscles and sinew. He flexed and rocked, groaning, making my cock slide up his crack.

Push it in' he says. It'll go in easy, after having my lads up there, you can go first then I want this torpedo next, holding Dons shaft tight in his fist.

I put my hands on his broad shoulders and pushed on in, he barely winced, with the shower gel acting as lube, I fucked him raw, deep and fast, the sound of my balls slapping his arse echoing around, masked a little by the other shower running.

Kevs dad wanked and tugged at Dons equipment as I fucked him, I was close and pulled out. He bent over as Don and I swapped places, my cock about to burst as he opened his mouth wide and pressed his lips around my rim and I came as Don ploughed hard.

I was still spurting, now over his face and dripping on his hairy chest and belly, my cum matting in his hairs as Don shoved in and brought himself to a rapid conclusion. Kevs dad rose up, held the base of his huge shaft, foreskin pulled back as I knelt and tickled under his cock until he pushed me away and wanked out his load high into the air, he came in a rush, his legs juddering as he spurted his cum up my body.

He rubbed shampoo into our hair and washed us as his cock, deflated, the suds running down over our bodies, his hands washing away the cum. I kissed the cum from his belly and kneeling down I cleaned off his cock in my mouth,

'you taste like Kev' I said

`Yeah, he's a great kid'.

We did a quick spunk check and opened the cubicle door, we dried off quickly, we were both boning up again at the sexy situation but quickly pulled on shorts to cover our rapidly expanding poles.

`So Kev and his dad fuck each other' I said to Don as we walked back.

`No wonder his little bro's such a pain, he must feel left out?'

`His turn will come once he starts spurting juice'.

The sun was sinking low, we packed away and zipped up the tent, laying naked on the sleeping bags, pressing our bodies together warming through. I fell asleep.

The zipper woke me, `It's only me' Kevs voice uttered and he slipped in cold between us, we soon had him warmed up.

`You OK Kev? I said ,

`Yeah but dads said we are going tomorrow, so this is it for us.'

`What do you want to do?' Don asked. He grabbed both our hard cocks and said

`I want you both in me at same time, a going away present'.

`You dirty git' I said

`How does that work?' Says Don.

`You lay down on your back' says Kev to Don.

Kev sat on Dons pole and bent forwards to kiss Don, full on. I saw Dons pole inserted into Kevs hole. I got the KY and pushed my finger in his arsehole above where Dons dick disappeared up his chute. `Oh yeah' said Kev.

I lined up and pushed in, quite easily actually and slid in alongside Dons cock.

I can't move' says Don and he left it up to me to push my shaft in and out, the tingling sensation as my cock rubbed on Dons in the warm dark confines of his arse pushing all my buttons. Oh fuck' I whispered as I shot and flooded Kevs hole and felt the extra warmth of Dons load flooding around my cock, dripping out on to my nuts and Dons pubes.

We collapsed and fell asleep. The birdsong and a humongous long fart from Kev woke me up,

You dirty bastard' says Don and it's a fucking smelly one'.

We lifted the tent side flap to let air in and pushed Kev out of the bag, his boner proud and ready. I jumped on him and we snogged then turned into a 69 and brought each other off.

`Fuck I'd better go back to my tent before bro wakes up and splits on me'.

Kev quietly unzipped the tent and scarpered. I heard him zip into his tent.

An hour or so later we were in the queue for the showers and ablutions when Pete and his Dad show up.

Hi boys' says his dad. Thanks for looking after Peter yesterday. We've a bit of a problem, I need to drive his mum back to Liverpool, can you mind Peter here all day? He says you won't mind?'

`Yeah, sure, we're going to drive to Hells Mouth today, if that's OK with you'

`Well so long as you take care of him, no drink driving and no picking anyone up on the way, it's full of hippies cadging lifts everywhere.'

`Yeah, you can be sure of that, we'll take real good care of him. I grabbed his hard spike unseeen,

`Well I'll leave you now kiddo, He's got his own money'. His dad left quickly walking to their pitch.

`Great, let's miss the shower and get off to the beach, we can have breakfast and a shit in the cafe, I feel a full English coming on' says Don.

`I feel a full arsehole coming on' says Pete.

`Oh this is fucking bliss' said Don as he pricked his sausage on his fork and sucked it suggestively before biting off the end. His large cooked breakfast displayed below him.

`I was absolutely starving after last night' Kev said, and better still, it's all on Pete's bill, fancy your old man giving you a fiver, was it for services rendered?' We joked.

Pete turned bright red. We left it and tickled him to break the mood. We all went for a dump in the cafe toilets and full of food and with emptied arses I drove the four of us to the beach car park.

It's a scorcher today, we stripped off our T's and with towels around our necks and swim shorts and flip flops on I locked the car.

We walked past surfers striping into wet suits, estate car boots open, sat on the edge, we were admiring their muscular naked arses as they zipped up and ogled the guys parading with the suits half way showing off their chests and packages.

`Fuck I'm horny already' I said

`nothing new then' said Don

He flicked my crotch with his towel, stinging my nuts. We ran through the dunes and dropped our towels on the sand and dashed down to the sea running in and whooping at the waves.

We play grab ass and swim in the water then lay on towels to dry, the maram grass prickly under the sandy towel sheet. Pete gets the sun tan lotion and massages it into my back.

`Fuck you're good at this' I said

`Yeah, I do it for my Dad after we've had a bath'

`What together?'

Yeah' he says we've always bathed together since like forever'

`Do you, you know bone up?'

`Sure, Dad does too, I love playing with his hard cock, I always have since I was little, making him shoot is the best! Dad says we've all got one and it's only nature, and to enjoy what we do, but don't tell anyone'

Wow' we said as Pete massaged my shoulders turn over' he said. A family had sat close in the gap next to us.

`You'd better do Don, I've got a boner'

Don moaned in appreciation and fell asleep whilst Pete rubbed the lotion in over his body.

`I'll do you now Pete, we don't want any lobsters today'

Pete lay on his back and I rubbed the lotion into his body, feeling him shiver as I ran my fingers over his nipples and on his soft belly, Pete flexing it into abs. I grabbed his cock shaft, his spike hard. I left his tanned legs.

We walked up to the dunes as the beach was filling with kids.

We found a hollow and lay in the sun, peeling our shorts down to our pubes and tucking the legs up. We must've drifted off.

A football hit me right in the goolies and woke me up, a Welsh lad ran over and said `sorry'.

Fuck he was fit, a short bull of a lad, no wasted fat on him but not a muscle bound guy, just fit. I'd say he was 18 or 19.

So sorry mate', the lad said with a thick welsh accent you on holiday?'

`Yeah, we're camping, we just came here for the day, to see what's going on' I said

`Who's the cutie?'

`Er that's Pete, yeah I suppose he is cute. We all shook hands, grinning at each other

`you on holiday as well?' I said

`Yeah, me and Bryn, our aunties got a caravan nearby, he's the one sunning himself over their, he's a right tart!'

I looked over and saw this guy, he looked starkers to me, laid out as bold as brass on a towel, his cock laying on his thigh, his hands behind his head, his pits showing dark like his bush.

`Hey Bryn' he called out and the lad rose from the towel and ran over to us.

Pete and Don ran over to me and we all shook hands, Bryn was naked! Close up he was even more beautiful.

`Cover your meat and veg up, you dont want to scare the lads off do you'

`I think they likes it' Bryn said as he ruffled Petes hair with one hand and grabbed his dick with the other.

`Won't you get done for being starkers?', Pete said

`Naw, this bit of the beach is popular with nudists, no one minds, so long as you're in the dunes, not walking naked on the shoreline or where the kiddies play.

`You ought to try it' he said.

Pete looked around then pulled down his shorts, his spike poking out in front.

That set me off pulling my shorts down and in the end we were all naked.

`Better rub some sun tan in boys, don't want to get burnt bollocks and cooked cocks' said Don.

Of course we all boned up.

Pete was the star of the show. We opened him up slowly, kissing him, massaging him, getting him super relaxed. We started with licking his hole, then in turn we'd kiss and fondle him, his cute body pressed warm as we sat him in our laps and hugged him tight.

I went first being the thinnest, and opened him up over the next hour, before I left his gaping hole and it was Bryns turn who whispered sweet nothings in Welsh in his ear, as he rocked and Pete mewled both in no hurry to finish, Don and Cerri were making out and waited patiently for Bryn to unload. Pete selected Don next, who was so hot he came almost immediately and Cerri slipped in on the bed of cum and slowky, lovingly brought Pete off as he filled his arse.

Lying close, dozing, chatting and groping as the sun fell in the sky.

The beach was clearing and smoke from fires could be seen rising among the dunes. Some older naked deep tanned guys collected driftwood and made a sort of bonfire on the main beach and women and kids brought crates to sit on arranged around.

Bryn and Cerri went to their caravan and brought us sausages and bread rolls which they cooked on a make do steel plate resting on stones with a fire under.

The sun set and the big beach fire was lit and we warmed ourselves in the radiant heat, watching the flames lick the stars in the clear night sky.

What a day, we said our farewells, pulled on our shorts over increasingly sore skin and walked back to the car.

Pete's dad was clearing up `Hi Peter, you eaten?'

Pete nodded `Can I sleep over with Don and Ray dad?'

`Oh I think they've had enough of you today, and besides I need company'

Pete ran to his dad and they cuddled `I've missed you' his dad said, mussing Pete's hair.

We walked away and Pete's Dad called `thanks for having him'.

`Our pleasure' we called back.

We fell into the tent. `What do you wanna do tomorrow?'

`I fancy driving further down, there's some good walks around The Rivals and there's a campsite that dad told me about'

`Magic' said Don.

We stripped each other in the dark, sex like Braile.

End of Part 5

Next: Chapter 6

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