Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 10, 2023


Wales discovery - Part 9

A fictional story of Ray and his journey with his childhood mate Don to adulthood. Set in northern England and Wales in early 1970's. Ray is now 18 and is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life and his gloomy, soot blackened mill town.

They go off to Wales in his grandads car for some fun, broadening more than their horizons.

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Wales - Part 9

We awoke, disoriented, busting for a piss, I noticed a potty under the bed and knelt, `don't use that, that's for winter you twazzock', just nip out' whispers Don.

I pulled on shorts for modesty, unlocked the bedroom door, ran downstairs and out to the privy. A long stream hit the pan in the gloom. Don opened the door and joined me, his cock semi soft now, I knew every vein, every fold of skin, I'd know his cock anywhere, fuck I've taken it everywhere this holiday.

`What you looking at' he grins and shakes his drips off, his cock growing.

`What you thinking of' I say looking at his cock, my own cock hardening,

`Dare'ent say' he says as I lean over and we kiss, stood over the pan, the smell of piss filling the air. I reach up and pull the chain, the old Niagra tank empties washing the piss away. We get to the scullery and one of the Misses gives me a tray with tea and bread and butter. I take it upstairs and I hear her sigh as she watches our arses climb up the steps.

We scoff quickly and supp up.

`Let's finish chopping the wood and see what else needs doing'.

We work up a sweat, more sharp home made lemonade and bara brith to sustain us. Till the gate opens and it's Thomas with an older version, bright red hair, pink to red skin, a burly bloke.

`Hi Don, Ray this is my Dad, Bryn'

He says something in Welsh to the two misses and they have a short conversation. he says `come on boys, we'll have some snap at ours and you can drive to Pwhelli to collect an order for the ladies, save them the bus ride.

We get to their house, Thomas makes 4 cheese sandwiches and a brew.

So Thomas tells me you want to join the phones?

I nod,

`Well it's a good job, secure, well paid and interesting. I was in Korea and learned about comms from the army then fell into it. Lots of work, everyone wants a blooming phone these days'.

`First thing, get a bloody haircut, they won't have you looking like that. Second get a reference from your headmaster or your science teacher, vicar, local plod, and someone who works there already' he grinned,

`Do you know anyone who might do that for you?' as he said it, he gripped his cock and looked at me,

`I might know someone and I'd be very grateful' said Don

`How grateful?' said the dad.

Very, Bryn' as Don gripped his cock, showing the thickness and length to Bryn, This much'.

`I likes a good pole, I do. I'm up and down them all day, dropping poles into holes erecting new ones, repairing tired old ones, long poles are my favourite'.

We're all gripping our tackle now.

So Thomas told you about us' then?' We all nodded.

Bryn continued;

Since my missus had Thomas well she, how can I put it? She shut up shop' so to say, I've not had a sniff since then, and well, Thomas loves it, don't you boy' we don't tell anyone.

He nodded.

`Look boys, she's out this morning so why don't we write the reference together, after, in case shes back and we can have some fun now. You two fit lads have my hole twitching already.

We go to Thomas's room, he's got a big brass bed like the two Misses.

Thomas strips Bryn, unbuckling his belt, dropping his flies and delving in for his dads dick, then pulls out his nuts, his dads jeans peeled back like a banana skin and his undies tight under his balls. Bryn puts his arms behind his head and with his eyes closed he sways his dick slowly under Thomas's nose, his firey red pit and bush hair resplendent in the brightly lit room bathed in sunlight.

Don undresses me and I him. Don kneels and together they worship Bryns and my cock.

`Let's swap over lads' says Bryn and Thomas the pig is grunting at my cock, snuffling under my balls, sniffing and licking up at my hole.

Don pulls down Bryns trousers and he pulls them off. Don takes Bryns cock and suckles him, he's getting good at this, I think, as he's taking him all in, right to the pubes. Then he's on his nuts, sucking the hairy balls one at a time, then Bryn opening his legs wider , Dons face trying to get to his hole.

`Bed' says Don and Bryn lies down and Don is at his hole, Bryns a big fella, mainly muscle but a bit of a belly, his blush red skin almost white when stretched and at the edges, like his foreskin, his ear lobes, his nose, elbows. All set off with his fiery red hairs of different lengths, long and dense on his bush, sparse but long on his balls and cock shaft, short and dense on his pecks, sparse around his hole, then bushy in his upper crack and lower back. What a stud.

Don is at his hole, fingering him, Bryn moaning. I'm laid back watching as the piglet snuffles at my hole, slavering over my cock.

Don rises and Thomas copies his every move. Don spit lubes his cock and pushes into Bryn. Bryn bears down, his face grimacing then as Don is fully in, Bryn wiggles his arse, setting the position and grins up

`fuck lad for an English cunt you're not half bad'. Don says,

`your my third Welsh cunt this holiday and I can say the same'

`fuck mi galed chi cunt Saesneg' says Bryn

He's saying fuck me hard you english cunt' says Thomas.

Don grins and takes his first thrust, opening Bryn up as Bryn moans and grins at Don.

`Hard as you like mate, I'm liking your wooden pole already'.

Dons getting adventurous and does Bryn on his back, doggy style and then with Bryn leaning against the wall and Don fucking him standing up then cumming all over Bryns back and shoulders with Bryn then sucking Don clean.

I'm on the bed, doggy style as Thomas the pig engine rams me senseless, finally cumming in me.

Fuck lads our turns now', says Bryn. =I fancy this one up me next' he says grabbing my cock.

Don says `go for it mate, you won't regret it'

Bryns kneels and spins he round, `sit on me' he says and I lower my arse to his face as he breathes in my odour, letting out a low growl.

He's attacking my perineum with his tongue, my balls falling back onto his face as he pushes his face deeper into my arse, his hands hold me tighter as he manipulates my body, painting his tongue up my hole and to my nuts, he swings me around to face him, and delves under again, lifting up my balls on his nose as he licks under, licking up that puckered crease of skin that starts at my arse hole up continues as if stiching the two halves of my nut sack together and up my shaft to the gap in my glans and the frenulum stretched tight between my foreskin and glans.

My cock is shiny wet, slaver coated, glistening. Bryn stands up and bends forward, his hands on his knees as I stand firm, letting Bryn get his position and height, he pushes back to me, impaling himself on my cock,

`o ie bachgen mawr fuck mi anhyblyg' Bryn says

Thomas says `he says Fuck .... me hard .... big boy'

Pausing as Don pounds into piglets arse, mercilessly.

I've got my hands on Bryns back, I'm watching my cock push in and out of Bryns arse, his smell invading the air, I find his soft cock and tug at his balls, getting him hard, he cums into my hand, like a stopper over his cock head, filling my fist with his load, oozing out between my fingers. He clenches his arse tight as he shoots and I breed this willing Welsh cunt with my load.

He falls to his knees. Don is still jumping Thomas, I open my fist and let Thomas lick up his da's spunk, Thomas shoots, Don pulls out and rams his dick into Thomas mouth for him to suck him dry and clean him up.

Thomas, get dressed lad' says Bryn and put the kettle on, then we'll write this reference for stud boy here', slapping Dons muscular arse hard.

We come down slowly, sat on the bed as we dress.

Bryn opens the curtains and the window to let some air in, checks around for cum splashes and rubs one into his socks, polishing the Lino.

te i fyny dad' shouts Thomas Teas Ready' says Bryn.

We go downstairs and between us we cobble up reference from Bryn. `I knows a guy at Chester depot who'll put a good word in as well, I reckon that's the nearest training centre to where you are. Hughie Jones, he's called, he's quite high up, he likes my handiwork as well, he's inspected my pole often'.

We heard the key in the lock, `right lads fuck off now, back door, Thomas pour your mam a cup of tea.'

We left and went back to the Misses. `Oh boys you look tired, has Bryn had you chopping his wood as well', we nodded.

Well you two cool off and wash under the hose and I'll bring you out a towel each.

We went to the hose at the back of the privy, a sort of trellis screen with ivy up it shielding it from view.

`Come on no one can see us, we need to get the cum out of us and clean up.' I say

We pulled our shorts down and poked them through the trellis off the floor. Don bent over and pulled opened his arse crack and said,

,shove the hose in, give it a rinse out'.

I broddled the hose in and turned the tap on slowly,


he said and he yanked it out, he bore down and a stream of water, cum and shit sprayed out.

`Do it again'

We did this till the water ejected was clear. We swapped over, the hose felt weird up my hole and odder when my guts were filled with water, I sprayed out and after three goes ran clear.

I soaped up Don with the sliver of carbolic soap.

'I fucking love this smell' said Don,

`Oh you found the soap'

says one of the two misses,

We covered our nuts

`I'll leave the towels here, boys'.

We washed each other and were soapy white, showing off our summer tans, even our arses we're a bit tanned, ah that day in the dunes, my thoughts went back and I hardened up.

`What's got you excited?' Says Don

`You ya big lummox, come here',

and we kissed, pressing our soaped up bodies tight together, our cocks touching, rubbing up our groins as we made out. The soap started to dry, we rinsed each other off and dried ourselves on the thin, scratchy towels. Slipping on our shirts we hung the towels to dry in the yard.

`Would you pick up some things in Pwhelli for us boys'

We nodded, they gave us the list and explained where to park. They said it's all on our account so you won't need to pay, and here's a pound note to get an ice cream each and a ride on the dodgems.

`No rush boys, we'll have supper at 7:00. We'll be sad to see you two fine boys go tomorrow, won't we Evadne', they both nodded.

We met two fit lads on the dodgems, who knew how to ride, not only the dodgems, looking at the way they were together, the way they looked, they had bleached pale jeans on and tight T shirt tops, their hair really long at the back but shorter at the sides, I guess they were 14.

`Got any fags mister?'

`Naw, don't smoke, mugs game mate'

`Gonna get us a ride on the dodgems then?, we'll fucking easy beat you English cunts' he said laughing at his bravado, his face lit up.

`You think so, I said

`I fucking knows so' said his mate who looked the same age'

`You two twins?' Said Don sussing them out.

`Yeah, what of it?'

Nothing at all', Don said just either a double delight or double disappointment'

`Oh we're a delight for sure, come on old man and we'll show you'

We had best of three on the dodgems, we lost, but it was close. We were laughing and we climbed out of the bumper cars and walked together down the wooden steps and out towards the exit of the tiny fun fair. Fancy a drink lads? Yeah, I'll have pint of lager and lime, thanks'

`Don't be daft you'll never get served' how old are you?

`We're 15'

`What in two years!'

`Fuck off, no next year'

Dumbass' said his brother, what drink can we have'

`Depends what's on offer' says Don adjusting his cock in his pants.

Coke for a blowjob', 10 Park Drive cigarettes for a fuck'

`Bloody hell' says Don, shocked at their boldness

OK then a coke for a fuck, says the cocky lad, I like you two anyway and would've done it for nothing, wouldn't we', his brother piped up `yeah, fuck all else to do in this dump'.

We got them cokes and crisps and walked on `so where then?' Don says adjusting his cock.

Fuck he's horny today I thought.

`look lads we ain't got all fucking day, put up or shut up' says Don.

`I know a place, behind the Cinema, there's a shed with old electrics in'.

We gets to the cinema, it's just a bingo hall now. We nip around the back unseen. The lads open up a shed door, it's dim but holes in the woodwork light it up enough. The floors dusty but clear. The wall has big switches labelled Screen', Foyer', `projection', it must've been emergency lighting or something.

The lads strip off their jeans and tops, they're commando, and attend to us, falling to their knees they grin at each other and grab our cocks saying something in Welsh and laughing. Fuck they are good, they slick us both up and then bend over showing us their puckers and beautiful arses, small white dimpled globes, pale white , set against grubby tanned legs, their upper bodies tanned and skinny, tiny nips on bony bodies, ribs like a skeleton.

Come on give me that English dick' says one and Don shoves it in, fuuuck' they say together. Don is on him, fucking him fast and furious. I'm shocked at Don,

I push in, harder' says the lad fucking do me'

I copy Don, I fuck the days out of him and cum inside him, i'm almost crying at the tightness, the extreme burning sensation.

The lads turn and we suck them off, their cum spurting into our mouths in a moment.

Happy, the lads dress and we pull up our shorts.

Well guys, we gotta be home for tea in 5 mins, thanks for the coke' the other lad burps. We'll take the crisps' he says and they're off.

`Come on we'd better scarper' Don says. We left the shed and dashed back to our car and to the Two Misses.

We have mackerel and bread and butter again and an apple pie and custard for pudding, `a treat, the two misses say. With the pie, the gallon of tea, the hard day, the sex, we bid the ladies goodnight and brush our teeth under the hose and piss and dump in the privy.

Upstairs we lock the door and strip each other. We stand in the window, the curtains filtering the setting orange sunlight and we kiss, tenderly, feeling our bodies with our hands, a squeeze, a press, fingers tracing contours, lips kissing hollows, tongues licking holes. We lie on the bed and continue the exploration, silence, just the murmur of ecstasy, as a button is pushed. We build up, passion stirring, impatience beckoning, trying to extend the inevitable.

I'm laid on my front, a pillow under my tummy, my arse raised. Don is fucking me slowly, his weight on one arm, caressing my spine with the other, then leaning over to breathe on my nape and kiss or trace my ass cheeks with the other, grabbing my balls, or pulling my hard cock through my legs, then changing arms and repeating on the other side. Then sinking in, his weight fully on me as the bed moans and Don fires his love into me.

I'm taking Don, his legs akimbo, on my shoulders, deep into his arse, I'm moving quickly but only an inch, a pulsing motion that I like, flexing my dick, a muscle deep down doing the work as I rock forwards and back a little, changing the angle, the pressure as he builds up,

`Ooh I like that Ray, keep on fucking keeping on'

unable to take anymore Don squirts up his chest, forcing my cum out of me as we collapse and I lick up his cum and my own from leaking from his clean hole. Nothing wasted, nothing for the two weird misses to find. We drift off.

Morning comes, we count up our money.

`We've enough for 1/2 a tank petrol to get us home and a full English over the border.'

`What happened to the emergency money? Says Don

`oh yeah, forgot about that, the £5 note mum gave me for doing so well. It's in the back of a book I've not had time to read!'

Let's have a couple more nights, were loaded now', says Don, anyway we've nowt pressing to get back to have we? I've heard the lads on about a place called Beargallery, some wolf kills a prince or summat?

That's Beddgelert, It's in the AA Camping Guide to Wales' I got out of the library', I continue.

`It looks a great place. Reading the guide there's a pub with a camping field at the back, no showers, but he lets you shit in the pub toilets.'

`That's nice of him' laughs Don

`So let's stay whilst the weathers hot and the sex hotter'. I say and peck his forehead.


he complains then pushes me onto the bed and kisses me, we roll over and we're both hard. Gotta be quick, so I turn around and we 69 for a protein breakfast each.

We pack and make sure there's no tell tale cum or damp patches.

The Two Misses stand together and watch us to the car. `Lovely to see so much of you helping us out so', they say and present us with a bacofoil parcel containing two slices of apple pie.

The old boy on the car park waves to as we leave.

`Beddgelert, our next and final destination' I say like a train guard to him.

We drive off shirtless, the hot air blowing through the car. `Final destination' I think and my stomach turns.

End of part 9

Next: Chapter 10

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