Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Mar 26, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 20

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

Proper Little Slut

Ben picks Mica up for what seems like an ordinary date. Things turn ugly when the man adds handcuffs while Mica is bent over his lap on the front bench. Mica's protests are ignored as he is marched to the trunk of the car. “Sorry kid, I’d just as soon you don’t know where I live.” Mica curses for a while, then lies in silence throughout the rest of the drive. Mica has been spoiled by the car dates. This reminds him of working for Alea and Cain.

When Mica looks up from the trunk, there are three new men looking down at him along with Ben. This does not look good to Mica. The odds are bad. “You never said anything about other people. We did not agree to bondage.”

Ben leans in close and confidential. “We are renegotiating kid. It’ll be a party. Is this your first time taking a train?” Mica bites his lip. He can earn four times what he expected. “Thought so; let's have some fun, kid. You’re already here, after all.”

“Do I need a safe word?” Mica asks. Ben just laughs and shakes his head with a smile.

“Get out son” One of the others adds kindly. Mica climbs out, reassured.

“You look a proper little slut.” They are big men. Despite Ben’s friendly smile, Mica finds them threatening. “Come here bitch”. They each take turns kissing him and fondling his package. Mica’s wrists are cuffed behind his back. Despite the friendly smiles, this is a dominance game. It whispers excitement and fear. Bitch-boy is not sure if he will piss or cum first.

The last man pushes him across the garage floor and Mica falls to the hard concrete. So it is going to flow like this. One man moves in with an expensive digital camera and begins snapping pictures like he is on a fashion shoot. “Don’t just sit there! I’m not paying you to sit on the floor.”

Roll play, I can do roll play. Mica turns and poses smiles and flirts for the camera. The handcuffs are restricting. Ben unshackles him.

“Start taking the clothes off!” a man urges him.

Mica undresses slowly as one man films him and the other catches each moment with his phone. Finally he sits naked on the floor not sure what they will wish next. The photography session is not finished. He is urged to display varied poses for the camera. They want him to excite himself. The camera captures the jets of spunk across his smooth gut and chest. “Eat it,” A younger man falls to his knees and laps the spunk off his body.

Three men surround him. “Fight us” a foot nudges Mica over and another lightly kicks his hip. Mica rises slowly. This strange garage is too like Cain Sykes’ basement. Pretending to fight with these men is too much like losing the battle with the sadistic teenager. Dominance games, Mica sighs, do these guys even know how to play the game like Javier and the Man? Mica pushes half heartedly at a broad chest. He is shoved violently back at another man who slaps him lightly across the face. Mica elbows this one and receives a gentle punch before being pushed to the third man. It is not like Michael in the back seat of Seven’s Ford Fairlane. It is not a rough trade with Jalen in the three teenager’s flop bachelor suite. This is Whore-slut feeling worthless.

Mica knows they are not trying to hurt him, but the pent up rage he feels bursts out and he begins lashing out with all his strength and fury. Cain treated him like a sex slave. His sanctimonious, loveless parents banished him. His dad threw rocks. Bitch-boy is surrounded by men, naked and half hard at the thought of what comes next. The Deacon and his dad saw right through Mica. Bitch-boy is damned if he does. Fuck them all, I’m doing it for myself.

Mica launches himself at first one and then another. Ben lets Mica slap him across his face, Mica takes a slap in retaliation. “Go ahead and slap me, old man!” They can hurt Bitch-boy, it makes him stronger.

He is getting bruises for his trouble. Mica is too small, too few and too tired. He breaks his silence again and screams at the men, tears streaming down his cheeks. They stand still watching as he turns to each in turn screaming his pent up range. One man steps forward. He grabs Mica’s disarray and holds Mica’s head tight. There is another slap across his face that stings delicious like the Fat Man’s flogger or Jalen’s fingers.

These four men are Cain in the basement. It does not feel like sex at the moment. This is a testing. If there was anything erotic in those basement beatings, Cain stored it up and vomited his pent passion all over his sister Alea. Cain would beat Mica to a babbling pulp, then fuck his sister blind. Mica realizes these four men are trying to be like Leon’s partner, Javier. They have no clue. The Fat Man’s flogger was magical and he was an artist with it. These men know nothing. Mica is just back in the basement with a fresh batch of ignorant men.

Whenever he collapses on the floor they drive him back to his feet with well placed kicks. He hurts. They start to hold him in their turn and ravish his numb body with hungry kisses. Mica tries to respond, tries to capture the pain-ecstasy the Fat Man taught him to appreciate. They take their taste of his adolescent lust, before slapping him on to the next man.

Mica finally lies on the floor sobbing. His nose is bleeding. The camera is exchanged as the four men strip off their clothes. The battered whore-slut has aroused them all. As their clothes come off, Mica knows what will follow. He cries with fright because now their ignorance might begin to hurt him badly. They are older, but they look strong. Mica pulls himself to his knees and waits. Finn is waiting for him to bring food money back. Autumn  approaches and Finn needs a warmer coat and shoes. Finn needs him to come back.

One man approaches and, as the others watch, he grabs Mica by his long hair and holds his face close to his erect member. Mica smells the sweat and musk. “Suck it you little bitch”. This is finally welcome territory. Mica opens his mouth to the prick. He runs a hand along a hairy thigh. The man lets him explore and nibble his way about the scrotum and hard shaft.

The big man forces Mica’s mouth to swallow the glans. Mica hears his jaw crack. Mica doesn’t have to suck. The prick in his mouth just disgorges. Mica chokes on the spunk at the back of his throat. The prick withdraws again. The man tugs his head back under the dripping prick and Mica takes the final squirts he squeezes. “You fucking slut, lap it all up, pussy. Take your fill of my cum.” The man wants Mica passive-helpless, so Bitch-boy lets his wandering hand drop to his side.

Mica doesn't struggle when they lift him up. He plays the doll in their hands. He gives himself up to submission and the erotic sensations of being handled. Two men carry him by his armpits and a third grabs his legs. They carry him to the hood of the small car. So many hands, no way to seperate the sensations.

Mica has only had one Trick at a time. Edan fucked him repeatedly through a long night, but there were breaks between. The four men are about to run a train on Mica. This will be like the Fat Man’s nine-inch nail going on and in forever. That went on for three minutes or an hour, Mica could never remember afterward. He just lay across the Fat Man’s leg, aroused by the brilliant flogging, and let the giant dildo own his ass as he screamed through the dildo gag.

This is the date. Mica will be the willing whore-slut waiting obediently for the first prick to pierce his waiting rectum. They push his legs apart and a hard prick saws across his anus. “You ready to take a man’s cock up your pussy cunt, fag-boy?”

“Fucking give it to me, old man!” Mica needs to hear the group chuckle. Friendly laughter is reassuring. “Pop another Viagra and do me!”

The first one uses a condom and he enters Mica carefully. Mica’s sphincter relaxes at the push. His practiced anus stretches and the first boner slides home all the way. It is a fullness Bitch-boy celebrates. Mica’s shoulders are pressed down into the cold metal by the others. As the man pumps and grunts Mica feels the corner of the car cut into the base of his prick painfully. His chest rubs against the wax on the car. With a final thrust the man peaks too soon for Mica’s prostate. The first man pulls out, and Mica's stretched rectum is an invitation to the next hungry man.

The second man pauses to squeeze Mica’s scrotum, then enters less carefully than the first. Mica cries out with pain. The first man pushes the used and spunk-filled condom into Mica's mouth. “Here's a candy sonny. Chew on that for a while.”

Mica tastes the latex and the man’s spunk. The second penetration seems endless. The condom’s lubrication burns off and Mica is stinging as the steady pumping continues. His anus is getting flogged. About this time, an orgasm breaks over Mica’s entire body. It lingers in his colon while the second man punishes him. Mica pushes the used condom from his mouth with his tongue. The second man ejaculates and pulls out. A second condom is stuffed in Mica's mouth. The men hold Mica's cheeks back while the camera man takes a picture of Mica's battered anus and the slow recovery of his sphincter muscles.

Then the third one takes his turn. Mica retches and spits out the used condom. Before the third man orgasms, the Trick withdraws his throbbing boner, strips off the condom and jerks his load across Mica's anus. The cameraman shoots the viscous flow as it drips between the fifteen-year-old's legs and rests hanging like snot on his low-slung balls.

The fourth man dropped a load in Mica’s mouth already on the floor. He passes off the camera and finds his second wind. “Let’s see your face, bitch.”

The gathered men flip Mica over so the last man can take him with his legs folded to his chest. Mica tries a sultry look on the man. The boner stretches proud and Mica licks his lips as if this is the first and not the fourth prick invading his space. The men like the chatter. “Give it to me old man.” Old man, they grin when he lays that one on them. “Got an angry cock and elderberries, oldie locks.” Mica bites his lip because he is not a Fleshlight and the hurt is on.

As the fourth man saws his swollen prick in and out of the boy, they try to jack Mica’s limp prick back to life. Mica has been burned to a cinder by the anal orgasm from the first three fucks. His limp prick has nothing left for the moment. When the last is done, they let his legs drop down on the car grill. Mica tries to think of something sassy to say, but he is too dizzy. They laugh as the last man turns his condom inside out to let the white spunk drip into Mica's slack mouth.

Limp from the long orgasms, Mica is carried over to the middle of the floor by all four of them. He lets his legs get strapped at the ankles; then they lift him high up to the open rafters. When they let him go, he is suspended upside down. His legs are slightly parted by a rod. He swings gently back and forth. It’s a new thing for Mica. The block screwed into the open rafters, the ankle straps and bar; these four men have worked this out before.

The four men crowd around him. A height adjustment is made so his mouth is at their groins. He twists around grabbing one pair of hips after another, rewarding their manhood with his mouth. Four different pricks on such diverse bodies. He will hang off one, coaxing a response, abandon it and swing to another. This is very funny to the men, secretly rewarding to the whore-slut. More amusing than the beat down, Bitch-boy tells himself.

Mica's head hangs loosely at their waists. He can see the men looking at him. They leave him there. Mica’s hands reach up to feel his prick and balls. His fingers can touch the rough concrete, so he walks them around a circle examining the ordinariness of the suburban double garage. When they come back, they have drinks in their hands. One starts him swinging while they talk about his body.

“You never had four cocks at one time?”

“Nope.” Mica takes a swipe at one waist, but it is out of reach.

“You’ve played rough, though.” Ben concludes. Mica shrugs upside down. He is not going to give these four any fresh ideas. “You’re a proper slut, you are. Your pussy is tight but it is greedy for man-cock.” Ben comes over to Mica and squats down close to his face. One hand grabs Mica’s dangling scrotum and starts massaging his balls. The other offers the bottle neck to Mica. Mica swallows the cold beer until it backflows out of his nose. “Just a cum-dump.” Ben concludes.

“Just filth.”

“What did you say?” Ben cocks his head.

“I’m filth.” Mica explains. This is that sort of date.

“He’s too old. Let’s skin him.” Ben pulls on Mica’s balls, stretching them low over his shrunken prick. A man leaves while the other plays with his scrotum, pulls on his prick, pours liquor on his abraded anus, and screws a full bottle of IPA into his rectum.

The missing man comes back with shaving cream and four straight razors. Mica urinates in fear as they open the blades. The piss runs down his body in hot streams dripping on his chin and eyes. He tries to wipe his eyes.

“Okay stop, enough; you can’t do this.” Mica twists on the rope. The beer is finding its way into his bowels. This is Cain Sykes in the basement now and he won’t have it. He reaches up and yanks the bottle out of his rectum. Beer spews everywhere and he throws the bottle at one of the men. “Forget the money, forget the ride back downtown. Just let me leave. You’ve had your fun, so let me leave now!”

“What’s the safe word?”

There is no safe word. “Don’t do this man. It isn’t right. Please don’t do this. Fuck me again, all of you. Come on, I’m waiting! My cunt is beer-ready! I’ll give you all a blow job. Where’s your dog? I’ll let your dog fuck me! You can fuck me! You can fuck me!”

“Better hold still or you’re going to get cut.”

Mica freezes as they start to spread shaving cream all over his legs. His tears clear the sting of urine and beer from his eyes. He begins to sob uncontrollably. His chest heaves with the effort and snot blows out of his nose. He can feel the bile mix with the flavor of cum and latex in his mouth.

He tries to stay still when he feels the first steady scrape of unsafe sharp blades gliding across the light hair on his legs. All he can see is men’s legs now and his body jumps involuntarily when a hand rests on his scrotum. More cream is rubbed roughly over his groin.

“Finn!” Mica screams, “Finn!” It is the only safe word that comes to mind. His scream has to penetrate the garage door and echo through suburbia to where his small companion huddles in the shed waiting for him. Finn counts on Mica to return and care for him. Finn alone, waiting for safety. “Finn!” Mica screams.

The other three stop and watch while Ben carefully scrapes Mica’s young manhood clean of hair. Mica feels the skin stretched and pulled as the blade finds surfaces to scrape him smooth. The man pulls his prick and scrapes its surface before lifting his bare scrotum and prick out of the way while his gut is cleaned. When the blade touches the base of his prick he whimpers and pees again. They clean the hair from around his anus and then it is a relief when they begin to attack his belly, torso, and arms. What little hair he has is taken from him, right to the hair line

When they have done even the down on Mica’s face and neck they stand back to survey their work. “Looks better now.”

“Wash him off boys.” They all piss on him and then Mica is sluiced down with a couple of hot buckets of water. They soap him down. The youngest jacks him off with a soapy hand. “Nothing to scream about, was there?”

“Finn the little boy you hugged before you got into my car?” Ben asks. “Are you ready to show us how much you appreciate our detailing your hot chassi?” Mica nuzzles Ben’s prick until he can feel it at the back of his throat. “Suck it, little slut. You got a phone kid?” Mica shakes his head in the negative. “Too bad, I’ve got friends you should get to know.”

They take him down and they insist on carrying Mica into a family room, where he is draped over an ottoman. The four Tricks enjoy the view of his shaved cleft over more drinks. Mica gets that this is more performance art. They shaved him smooth and now they want to study the aesthetic. Mica bends his knees so the tender halo-lips of his anus invite scrutiny. Beer dribbles out.

The unwelcome shave has drained him worse than the fight and fuck. Mica is a dead man lying across a horse. He is Finn’s-bitch killed in combat. Mica is not comfortable, but he is afraid moving will invite fresh interest in him. Everyone has a drink except him.

They are mostly older men, and they need time to get their second wind. The youngest demonstrates his prowess to the others. Mica’s flexing anus is too tempting. The young man penetrates Mica for a fifth long, slow fuck across the footrest.

“Come for me bitch. Come for me.” This copulation is the timeless flogging. Pain and pleasure, because the ignorant young man finds Javier’s rhythm, flogs Mica’s anal ring and hidden prostate. Mica orgasms on the ottoman. With a boner across his prostate, Mica always orgasms. The young man appreciates his cooperation. “He is such a sub,” the man informs his friends. “Fucking slut,” He ejaculates in Mica, then returns to his beer.

Mica is facing the big screen so that he can share the experience of seeing himself pummeled and penetrated by three burley forty-something’s and the younger one. His older dates need more time and some encouragement before they can turn their attention back to his body.

There are more drinks and the video gets a second viewing. Mica is impressed with how much screaming and crying he actually did. It seems he is the master of performance art. During the second showing, Mica gets to watch it upside down while Ben tries to suck his prick. Ben finally raises Mica’s boner. Mica doesn't notice if he ejaculates in Ben's mouth.

Ben is disgusted with the young hustler’s unenthusiastic performance. He carries Mica to a bed room and drops him on the bed like a rag doll. Ben props Mica’s back against the headboard. Ben spreads his legs and lets his hairy member droop down between his heavy balls. “Suck you little cunt.”

Mica rolls over and pulls himself up between Ben's legs. He grasps the fat prick still crusted with spunk and begins to suck and coax a fresh boner from the Boomer. As Mica licks and sucks Ben’s prick he feels fresh hands on his hips. Another man lifts his hips and assaults his anus. With his lips wrapped around Ben’s boner, Mica lets out a choked scream as fresh pain burns into his rectum. “Use a fucking condom Ralf. You never know what's been up this kid's ass.”

Ralph finishes the sixth quickly with a “fuck that feels good.” The man pulls Mica’s mouth off Ben's prick.  He grabs Mica’s shoulders and bends Mica up and back till the boy's face is in Ralph’s spent crotch. Ben lifts the fifteen-year-old's legs up and penetrates down on his spread cheeks for the seventh fuck. Bitch-boy is cleaning cock while his clock gets cleaned. You’re God-damn filth, Mica’s father’s voice echoes. The Deacon smiles-superior.

Mica has lost track of the times he has been penetrated and he is not responding to Ralph's balls hanging in his face. Ralph gets his attention away from the pain of yet another prick sliding into him by squeezing his bruised balls. He takes the crusted prick in one hand and tries to lick the blood and spunk off the man’s limp organ.

“His ass is hot now” Ben comments as he ejaculates in Mica. They leave for another drink while Mica lies exhausted, legs still flung over his waist. Mica is drowsing in this awkward pose, waiting for the next Trick to use him.

The last two have not used condoms and when his legs finally fall, he feels his rectum releasing dribbles of spunk onto the bed as it attempts to close. Mica cannot go on.

Mica is numb, barely awake when the third man sits on the edge of the bed, drags him over, and then impales him on his prick. Feeling the meat deep within him for the eighth time, Mica makes an effort to respond to the man's kisses. His tongue is slow to respond to the energetic thrusts of his partner. “You gonna cum again, boy? Got it in you to bust a nut?”

“Yeah,” Mika responds in a slow tired voice. “Just keep fucking me raw.” He cannot go on. His hips rise weakly, but it is the man’s hands on his flanks that bring his rectum up off the man’s viagra prick. Gravity drives it back down to the hilt. “Do it!” Mica manages, but then it is just labor pains whimpering out of him. Each time the prick draws a bit more flesh off his body, each time Mica submits to the man, a soft cry vibrates out.

“You want’a fuck?”

“Yeah.” Soft submission.

The fourth watches Mica's feeble efforts. “I think we fucked this kid's brains out.”

His friend pushes the spent boy off his prick and Mica flops to the floor backwards. The man jerks his final load onto Mica’s torso. Mica has passed out. They let him sleep for an hour except for a few more trophy pictures with a digital. A couple of men want their money's worth so they return and slowly fuck the slack body on the floor. By the end, the four men have used his rectum ten times. Mica won’t remember that.

At 12:30 the men dump the boy back into the trunk and Ben drives him back to a secluded alley near to where he was picked up. Ben dumps Mica out of his trunk. He shoves a mere $100.00 into Mica’s pant’s pocket and drops his clothes on top of the naked body. That is worth a final picture for his friends.

Mica is roused by the sensation of rain hitting his body and Finn’s hands roaming about his naked flesh anxiously. Satisfied that Mica is still in one piece, Finn scoops Mica’s possessions together and drops them by the greater shelter of an alley doorway. Mica has not moved in the alley.

Finn needs Finn’s-Bitch to move out of the center of the alley. Mica is 140 lbs and while he is as skinny as a wet cat, Finn is not his brother Cain. There is no chance the boy can move his protector. “Oh, please Mica, please wake up!” He tries shaking Mica and just ends up hugging him.

“Finn,” Mica mumbles tired beyond caring.

“Yes!” Finn exclaims. “Oh Mica, what did he do to you?” Finn starts crying uncontrollably, and this brings Mica back to himself. “Just, just, you can rest over here. There is less rain. You have to get out of the road, Mica. Come on!” He urges.

Mica crawls across the filthy alley to the sheltered corner Finn selected. His little partner pulls the thin sleeping bag out and wraps it around his naked body. The fleece feels good against his numb flesh and he pulls it close around him. As the rain begins to pound against the pavement Mica shivers and stares at the growing puddles.

He drifts in and out of sleep throughout the night. In the gray dawn the rain stops and Mica peeps out at the dreary world. He has to find another way for them. He won't be able to get into the next car. He would have to be so stoned so he wouldn't care. Mica is afraid to start into drugs. He cannot go there for Finn’s sake.

Mica understands the street boys and girls he meets better now. Alone in the alley he slowly slips his clothes back on, oddly grateful to the men for leaving him his things. He stuffs the wet bag back into the worn book bag.

Finn is missing. His friend was there to take care of him, but now the alley is empty. Mica’s heart sinks.

Brief, Anonymous Survey:

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Next: Chapter 21

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