Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Feb 28, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 8

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

Everyone is Angry

Edan insists on dropping Mica off at home after their eighteen-hour date. Mica returns home in his own street clothes. Walking into the kitchen in drag would never do. He would be driven out and never return.

Mica's parents and sister are working and he is all alone. Mica finds a note from his mother expressing concern. She phoned his friends to no avail. He has been away two nights in a row and did not phone home the second night. The note reminds Mica he is to phone home when he has sleepovers. Sleepovers, it hardly describes his night with Edan. Edan’s drive to breed Mica was relentless. The rich boy compressed his entire adolescence of desire into one extended date-rut.

Mica closes his bedroom door and falls asleep. Sometime in the afternoon the pimp-phone Cain gave him rings in the small shoulder bag Edan bought him. He doesn't hear it. Mica sleeps dreamless.

Mica surfaces before supper. His parents are home and for a change the three of them have a meal together. He endures the expected verbal dressdown. Mother and father tag team this family “struggle session” while Mica spoons macaroni and cheese in silence. Lobster and the luxuries of a high rise apartment are a vanished dream.

Mica's rhythm is skewed and he stays up late connecting with classmates on Cain’s pimp-phone. He wishes there was someone to share his life with, but nobody talks about the perks and problems of being a gay hooker, so Mica doesn't want to introduce the topic. His friends strategize scoring dates with girls. Mica murmures encouragement while he tries to count the times he has copulated in four weeks. You’re such a slut, Mica concludes. His friend messages, and Mica shifts his fingers between his prick to the keyboard.

Edan wanted his phone number and email address. Mica didn't see the point. If he has to hustle he would rather work Edan, but the dude wants a genuine boyfriend and Mica is too pragmatic believe the rich boy and he can be that for each other. Mica looks at porno on the phone and thinks about better than eighteen hours of intermittent sex with Edan. That is about the point it comes to him he didn't go over to The Sykes’ house that day.

Mica stays home for a week. When he goes out, Mica stays very close to his parents. For the first three days, Mica stands by the windows watching for signs of his tormentor. The pimp-phone rings until he mutes it. Then it buzzes, so he turns it off. Mica convinces himself he can keep it up until the end of the summer. It stands to reason that Cain will move on to other projects now that he has (not) graduated. Cain has his siblings to abuse.

Mica is of two minds about this rest. He feels staying home is some earned penance for his promiscuity. In the morning, as he desecrates his earthly temple in the shower, Mica lets the verses run through his head. Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Mica catches the spunk as Alea and Vikki expect him to. “This is my body.” Bitch-boy whispers beneath the sound of falling water. The spunk coats his tongue before dissolving into his saliva. Then Mica pisses into his cupped palm and brings a spoonful to his lips. “This is my blood.” The Whore-slut tells himself, “Do this in remembrance of me.” In the midst of cleansing his soul, the bitch recalls the acrid taste of the Lout’s piss in his mouth. His pool dilutes in the shower fall, so Burley’s-bitch finishes the Eucharist. Mica goes to services twice a week, and plays Alea’s angry texts over on the phone with a boner.

By the fourth day of his freedom, Mica concludes he has been a fool. All he ever had to do was simply stay away from the sadistic family. Cain Sykes was really powerless. Mica brought the whole nightmare on himself by walking over every day. Dumb-blonde stupidity, Mica scolds himself with the Lout’s naisal voice. You are a stupid Bitch-boy walking over there every day. Mica ties a shoe string around his scrotum till his balls distend. He flicks them to remind himself of Alea’s cruelty. He eats the spunk from his ejaculation from his mother’s prized silver tea spoon.

Mica sees the Deacon in chapel Wednesday night. His father and mother sit prominently together at the front. Mica is fifteen, so he is permitted to sit with teenage friends in Sinner’s Row at the back. Mica is certain that the pastor directs every text at him. He gets boned when the Deacon’s voice rolls over his body with its memory touch. The Deacon’s voice taunts Mica’s returning purity. His Bible laid across his crotch shields a busy hand in his pocket. A look from the Deacon reminds Mica he is still a hungry Bitch-boy. It is like the Deacon is commanding Mica to desecrate his earthly temple right there in Chapal. He knows I’m touching myself.

Mica is too hard on himself. He is fifteen male-horny. He is a spunky kid. He sits in Chapel in a row of like-minded boys. Not one in ten is thinking about the scripture. Mica thinks of Edan and the Deacon. He is not Cain’s Whore-slut anymore, but why not slut for myself? 

The Deacon finds him in the customary glad-handing following service. His hands are warm on Mica’s shoulders. “To whom shall I speak and give warning that they might hear?” The Deacon latches onto Mica’s ear and pinches it, “Behold their ears are closed and they cannot listen. Behold, the word of your Lord has become a reproach to you.” His voice changes timber, “My little Helper, they have no delight in it.”

The Deacon steps into Mica’s slight body, as if to allow someone to pass behind him. His hand closes over Mica’s groin, mocking his freedom. Lips that know his body (in the Biblical sense) whisper, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Do not deceive yourself with empty words, Little Helper, for because of these things that wrath of God comes upon the son of disobedience.”

The Whore-slut shivers in the Deacon’s grasp. “I’m … I’m done with that.” Mica manages. The Deacon steps back and nods to a passing parishioner. “I looked for you this week and found you wanting. I have an important friend who wants to meet you and the little one. 1st Peter, 2:18, Mica.”

Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters … “Why do you care?” Mica asks angrily. This seductive-erotic submission, he has been missing this. “Just leave me alone!” Then just as quickly, “I’ll meet you if you want.” A supplication, a surrender, but on his terms, the Deacon can use him on his terms. The Deacon simply taps the side of his nose and points the finger at Mica. With a knowing shake of his head, the man turns in a fulsome greeting to the next person. Mica watches his back and fumes. Mica is done with the Sykes.

What he doesn't count on is Cain and Alea. It is about midmorning when Mica is woken by the crushing weight of Cain sitting on his back. Useless as he knows it is, Mica begins to struggle against Cain’s 240 pounds. The former senior easily tapes his hands behind his back. Alea hands Cain a strip of duct tape to seal his mouth. They tape his ankles before Cain throws Mica over his shoulder and carries him out to the waiting car. Brother and sister don't seem to be concerned about being seen. They toss him in the trunk and Alea drops his new shoulder bag with various necessaries into the trunk with him. Alone in the dark, Mica has time to cry.

Cain carries Mica down to the basement. The boy has been down in the basement a few times and absolutely everything he has done since has been about avoiding this repeat. When Cain starts carrying him down the stairs before he starts screaming into the duct tape.

Mica is so terrorized he pisses when the young man drops him on the floor. Alea cuts his boxers off with a box cutter and straps a thick dog collar Mica's neck. Cain snaps Burley’s leash to the collar and drags him to his feet. “Are you watching the slut-boy, Finn?” Alea asks. The little boy is perched on a tread hugging his knees. He nods his head, eyes saucer-wide. Finn is definitely watching Cain and Alea’s naughty slut-hustler get his.

Mica can't talk with the tape over his mouth, and Cain has nothing to say. There is nothing Cain wants to say. The young man is methodical and surgically careful for a change: a soft knee to the groin, and almost loving punches to Mica’s tender sides, and when Mica collapses, he is hauled to his feet again and slapped with slow-soft deliberate blows across the face. Cain jerks on the leash to pull the boy closer for a punch and lets him fall down because his ankles are still taped together. Cain pauses to cut the Whore-slut’s legs free. They simply repeat this all with slight variations and tempo.

After a while Cain pushes Mica into a wall. The impact and the broken doll manner in which Mica falls interests Cain. He retrieves his whore and duplicates the phenomenon on a different wall. The third time, Cain doesn't wait to watch Mica bounce off and crumple to the floor. Cain wants a hard drink.

Alea has been watching patiently while her brother works the slut over. She is upset to see him go up stairs to start drinking in the morning. While he is upstairs she leans over Mica and rips the tape off his mouth. While Mica sobs and tries to breath she scolds him. “You stupid fucking useless hustler, do you have any idea how much money we have lost? Everyone is angry with you. Cain has been taking it out on us. You fucking selfish little prick. That rich faggot offered $400 for you five afternoon’s in a row and we had to turn him down.”

Mica tries to focus and beg her to make her brother stop. He is talking to himself. “I won’t do it again. Please make him stop, make him stop. Anything you want, you know I will be good. I’ll be good, I’ll be good, I’ll be …” Alea uses her razor nails to vent her frustration. Mica’s screams echo in the empty basement. Finn ducks his head and covers his ears. Mario World is running in his mind. Finn plays the levels from memory. He will only listen to the electronic noise in his head. Finn won’t listen to Burley’s-bitch’s shreek collapse into a broken endless moan as his sister pinches, claws and compresses flesh and organs.

Cain's heavy tread comes down the stairs. Mica is babbling hysterically again as Cain gets closer. Alea slaps the tape over his mouth before he can say anything coherent. This is going to take a while so Alea goes up stairs. Finn is hiding his face and rocking back and forth. Cain is already back to work before she reaches the fridge.

Finn is sobbing silently on the stair tread. He soiled his pants before the slut-boy pissed a stream of slightly pink urine on the floor. Finn’s brother Cain did not even stop the punishment while the slut pissed. It did not seem to matter to Cain if urine splashed his shoes. Cain simply held the whore-boy’s collar and punched his torso with more light taps.

Alea will not let Finn leave the basement. Finn feels bad for the teenage slut. This is a new thing for Finn. Sympathy is a new feeling. Usually, Finn simply feels relief. His father and brother like girls, so Finn is relieved when Cain stops molesting him and pumps his seminal fluids into Alea. Alea tells Finn he is a whore-slut like Mica, but he is relieved that Mica is the one leaving the house each day to be used by strangers.

Finn wants Cain to stop now. “Stop, stop, stop.” Finn whispers to himself. Mica makes Finn feel good. Mica makes Burley feel good. The slut-hustler should not have made his big brother and Alea mad. “No, no, no,” Finn whispers to an uncaring world.  Finn was jealous of Mica. Mica also leaves the Sykes’ house to go to a home like Walter’s. Finn can never do that. For a week he has been hiding extra carefully. Alea and Vikki find him anyway. With Mica missing, the sisters turn their wrath on his small body. Finn wishes he could go to Mica’s house, or sleep over at Walter’s. “Let me go, let me go, go, go!” Finn flinches at a particularly loud slap.

Alea flops down next to Vikki on the couch and pops open a Coke. Vikki is curled into a tight ball. “He's drinking.” Alea sounds frightened. What will follow is sickening in its inevitability and both girls burn at the unfairness.

“Not much chance he'll fuck the slut is there?” Vikki asks with dark humour. Cain doesn't like boys.

“He'll want me, so cage the stupid hustler in the basement till he learns his lesson. Till he is ready to work. Put Burley in there with him. See if he has learned his lesson.” Vikki nods her head gratefully.

“Does he have a nice house?”

“Not really.” The girls watched television and flinch every time a noise drifts up from the basement. Finn comes up the stairs puppy-dog eyes pleading. His groin is a dark stain from the piss he spilled enduring the endless beating. He wants to go to his room. “Get back down there, Little-Bitch. Stay there till Vikki comes to get you.”

“He’s really hurting Mica.”

Alea stares back at the little boy because this observation is meaningless. Finn turns back to the basement before the sisters decide he needs to be reminded of his place. He pauses long enough to hear Vikki ask, “Why do we have to walk the streets while Finn stays home?”

“It’s harder than I thought. Pedo’s are a cautious bunch of pervs. I think it is word of mouth with them. The only date I had set up for Finn was screwed up by Bitch-boy in the basement. Both or nothing, the man said. Selfish prick, what does Mica care if we go hungry, get evicted? The rich kid, the creepy fat fuck with the moustache quoting the Bible, and the new one who wants them both. My God, Vikki, the money we lost this week. We will lose another week’s work after today. I hope Cain is not too drunk yet.”

When Cain comes up stairs he has drank half a pint of bourbon. He simply grabs Alea's wrist and she is yanked off the couch. Vikki sees that taming the hustler has made her brother horney. Vikki watches them leave the room, grateful that her brother always picks Alea. She hopes her breasts will grow, and hopes they won’t. Her father is halfway to Mexico, so she is unmolested at home.

So far, Vikki just gives head to old farts in cars. When her breasts grow, she will have to fuck. Cain will take her in turn. Vikki is prettier than Alea, less worn out. Alea frankly tells her, “The men will like you like they like the Bitch-boy.” They are sisters, but Alea will sell her body for Cain. We need more Bitches and Bitch-boys, Vikki tells herself. Cain left the half empty bottle of bourbon on the old TV stand. Vikki swallows half a cup before heading down to the basement.

Mica is lying in a slick of his own fluids on the cement floor. Sweat and violent slaps have loosened the tape over his mouth. Vikki pulls the tape off and pauses to listen to Mica's stuttered apologies and promises of good behaviour. He will do what they want. “Please don't send Cain back.” Mica is crying as she cuts the tape around his wrists.

“Time to prove what a good bitch you are going to be.” Mica cannot stand up. Pain accompanies every movement. Vikki follows patiently as Mica crawls to the stairs where Finn sits rocking endlessly back and forth over his soiled crotch.

“Not Finn,” Vikki and Alea have worked this out together. “Go to the crate.”

Mica drags himself over to the large dog kennel. He crawls into this new circumstance and waits. It is 6x3x3, so Mica can lie down on the smelly blanket. He wants to pass out. If he could faint, it would all vanish.

“Finn, get the dog down here.” Finn is eager to please.

Burley is waiting in the kitchen. The Great Dane goes obediently into the crate with Mica. “You … you know what to do Mica.” Finn encourages the battered boy-hustler. “Don’t make Tia angry, please.” Finn is crying for the boy who makes him feel good. It is important that Mica stop doing things to make everyone angry.

Mica contorts inside the crate so he can reach the dog’s parts. Burley rolls on his back as if Mica was going to scratch his lean belly. Mica’s feelings about this congress with a dog are formless. Cain’s beating has stopped. That is all Mica’s traumatized brain can register. “Good job,” Finn’s anxious voice reaches him from some great distance. Finn’s fingers fit through the wire mesh, stretching out towards Mica’s bruised back, as if he would pet Cain’s obedient slut-whore.

Vikki watches as the battered boy resumes his duties without more prompting. It is almost comical to see the pair twist around each other in the tight cage.

Mica discovers it is best to lie on his back with his legs up against the cage top. Burley prefers doggy style, but they make it work. Mica rests while the dog tramples and scratches him. Burley returns for his usual second hump. Mica has to struggle to breath. Vikki is not sure if he is strong enough to continue. Careful as Cain is, the bruises cover the boy's entire body.

The Great Dane decides to lie across Mica’s chest and doze. Mica lies uncomfortably beneath the weight. His palm cups the dog’s genitalia as if the animal was just another Trick. If Mica does this, then Cain will not return to drag him from the cage and resume the pain. Mica is safe in the cage as long as Burley covers him. Burley’s canine prick is hidden in its sheath for now. Mica tries to forget the horror as he listens to Burley’s breathing.

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. This pops into Mica’s scripture-saturated mind. Red copper and silver tin forged into hard bronze. The Sykes siblings only know the copper pain they can inflict. Tricks know how to release Mica’s soft, pliable tin passion. The Lout is too self centred to practice the necessary alchemy to transform Mica’s bronze into polished gold sensation.

Mica is mostly in the 6x3x3 crate with Burley for the next two days. Finn takes Burley for his walks, Alea tests Mica on the basement floor. He is intent to please, so he is not asked to lean over the crate wire for punishment. He is an arthritic wreck, but obedience is important. When Finn comes back with Burley, the Great Dane is half erect at the smell of Mica’s unwashed body. They return to the crate together for fresh congress. “Good boy, Mica. He likes that, you’re doing great, Bitch-boy.” Finn whispers encouragement.

Alea is beyond furious with Mica. While he is healing, Cain insists both sisters walk the streets. Money has to be made for Cain, because their father has abandoned the three siblings to financing life in the expensive city.

“There’s no fucking food in the house.” Cain growls.

“I paid the rent, kept the power on.” Alea has to talk sweet to Cain, but she wants to scream. Cain’s drug business seems to lose money. Her brother grudgingly stops molesting her because she is out all night making household payments.

“There’s nothing to eat, bitch! Send the fag out.”

“Not yet”

“You hoes go out. Plenty of Chickenhawk will want Vikki’s putang. Take Vikki with you tonight.” The sisters agree the whore-slut needs to get back to work.

Finn is hiding in the abandoned camper. Vikki discovers the boy sitting on the toilet with his Nintendo. It takes a glare to send Little-bitch down to the basement. Vikki sets her Little-bitch brother to sucking on Bitch-boy’s prick. She wants to see if Mica can get it up.

Finn has difficulty getting any kind of response. “You're not cooperating like you said you would. It’s your fault Alea and I are out there getting fucked while you lie here in the basement. We are doing your work you selfish bitch!” Vikki starts to whip the cum-slut on the ass with the dog leash. He simply cries huge sobs. Mica seems to be past caring at this point.

Vikki pauses to consider the trembling boy curled into himself on the basement floor. Finn is back to burying his head in his hands and rocking back and forth. Tia decides on a different approach. Vikki pushes Mica back down and forces Finn to gently kiss Mica’s bruised body. Finn starts with Mica’s eyelids and swollen mouth.

Cain went a little too far, Vikki admits to herself as she watches the bitchs twined together. Cain wasn't supposed to leave Mica’s body so damaged. “Lick his chest, Little-bitch.”

Finn’s lips are soft and warm on Mica’s body and he lets his tongue play on Burley’s-bitche’s chest as he travels down to Mica’s groin. Vikki watches him. Both know far too much about pain and sex. When her little brother settles on Mica's prick, she joins him on the floor and fingers Bitch-boy’s nipples.

Finn remembers Mica’s kisses on his body in the bathtub. His mouth moves up from Bitch-boy’s prick to Mica’s mouth again. Finn wills Burley’s-bitch to come back from where his mind is hiding.

“Come on Bitch-boy,” Finn pleads softly. “Mica, wake up! You can do it!” Finn tries putting his tongue in Mica’s mouth. Mica’s hand shifts around to cradle Finn’s small torso against his side. His fingers run down to Finn’s familiar ass-swell. Gradually his tongue engages with Finn’s.

Mica has dreamed of Edan and he begins to respond to Finn’s lips and tongue as if the young boy was his movie-handsome Edan. The nightmare in the basement is not over but he feels at rest.

Vikki has him hard with persistent masturbation. Mica is still wracked with pain. She patiently works on his boner until she senses the hustler is close to peaking. Vikki catches Finn's attention and they swiftly exchange places. Finn’s mouth and soft hands bring Mica to orgasm, Vikki watches. The ejaculation wracks Mica's sore body and he cries out quietly in a bronze haze.

Finn murmurs as the slut’s spunk fills his small mouth. Vikki is satisfied with her progress. Finn is still sucking as she yanks his shorts off. “Suck on the Little-Bitch, Mica.” Finn lets the large prick slip from his mouth. He sighs and helps the process by straddling slut-boy’s face. The slut buries his head between the boy's thin thighs.

Mica can take everything Finn has into his mouth, and Finn can feel the slut trying to make his dick stand up. Mica’s sucking usually feels good to Finn. The eleven-year old thinks of Burley humping Mica’s face. His hips begin to hump and girate.

Vikki returns with the big dildo-douche bulb. Finn watches her work it slowly into Mica’s boy-cunt. The hustler lifts his knees. Holding Burley’s-bitch’s knees seems to be the right thing to do. Mica holds onto Finn’s hips so he won’t be pulled away as Vikki saws the rough homemade dildo in and out.

For Mica, it is his mouth and lips accepting Finn’s finger-prick. The soft scrotum mashes onto his nose, and he opens his eyes to the small brown anus flash about his eyes. If Finn could ejaculate, he would. Through the open door they can hear Alea crying in a bedroom. The three in the basement remain connected on the basement floor. There is no end to this and neither boy cares. This is the absence of pain and the comfort of mutual pleasure. That is all that matters in the basement.

Cain comes down the steps to see what Vikki has achieved. He watches the threesome for a moment before turning to leave the house. He could have four whores in his stable, but the sisters are useful allies. In exchange for controlling the faggot he discovered and training his pussy little brother, Cain will keep them off the streets when the fagot is ready to work, for now.

The atmosphere lightens as soon as Cain leaves the house. Vikki can hear Alea moving to the bathroom above their heads and soon there is the sound of water running through the drainage pipes. Cain will be gone for the rest of the day and Alea will not want to hang out with anyone until the sisters return from walking the streets. It is left to Vikki to decide what to do with the two boys.

Vikki is tired of playing with the dildo so she lets it slip from the slut’s hole. The anus is red and swollen. After her attention, it really does seem like just another a cunt. “Stop Finn.”

Vikki knows Finn wants to get up and do something else. His little prick is still hard. She throws his pants at him and tells him he can go to his friend’s house. Vikki pushes the hustler onto his side and then onto his stomach. He really is beat up and Vikki thinks this will be a problem. Cain and Alea want him back to work but Vikki doesn’t think this is going to happen soon.

He is dozing as she runs her hands over his body. The high school boy is a proper slut now. Vikki appreciates the lack of danger she feels around the broken boy. She sees older boys in school, talks with her classmates about boyfriends. If Mica was her boyfriend, it might be nice. Alea explains no man can be trusted. They are all assholes. Mica is just an asshole like the rest.

“Back to the Burley’s crate Bitch-boy.”

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Then go on the drain over there.”

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Next: Chapter 9

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