Wannabe Gangsta

By Fluval Fluval

Published on Nov 24, 2022


Dwayne starts off towards the gym, of course the mansion has a gym, but the wannabe white gangsta likes to go to a public gym to show off his massive muscles. Dwayne is wearing a red durag and backwards hat, an oversized "Jordan" Bulls basketball jersey, huge baggy black basketball shorts still below Dwayne's thick ass leaving his tight red boxers exposed, and a set of black and red Air Jordan 4s on his feet. Another effort to show off, the outfit cost over five-hundred dollars. Dwayne thinks about driving, his rich parents bought him a new car when he turned eighteen, but the muscle bound thug decides to walk, hoping to run into some old rich people that live in his neighborhood to harass.

After a while of walking, Dwayne arrives at the gym. He walks in and surveys the scene. There are only two people in the gym, a girl working the at the front desk, and an old man, in his eighties, working out with one-pound weights. Dwayne moves to the desk, one hand on his crotch keeping his oversized shorts from falling down. "Yo, girl, what's good?" Dwayne ask, with his best gangsta imitation, attempting to flirt. The girl rolls her eyes, annoyed, Dwayne is at the gym almost everyday, and even though she thinks Dwayne is hot, she knows the wannabe white gangsta only ever talks. Dwayne has a tiny one-inch penis, which embarrasses him, the wannabe thug has never had sex with a girl, too scared they would laugh at him; the only sex he's had is yesterday getting raped by three Asian elementry kids, which he is humiliated by. Dwayne is annoyed the girl isn't giving him attention, so the wigger decides to pick on the old man. Dwayne swaggers up to the old man and starts flexing his muscles. "Yo, old nigga, move." Dwayne growls trying to intimidate the old man. The old man looks at Dwayne with a gentle smile "I'm almost done, young man" the old man says kindly. Dwayne scoffs and swaggers away grabbing the crotch of his oversized shorts. The girl looks at the old man with concern "Are you okay, sir?" The old man nods "Yes, I'm just fine" staring after white gangsta's bouncing bubble butt.

After five minutes, the old man is sweating and is unable to continue lifting the weights. He drops them and walks over to the cardio machine. Dwayne, curling 100 pound barbells in each hand, the oversized shorts falling dangerously low, taunts the old man. "Yo, old nigga, just leave." The old man smiles at Dwayne, "I guess working out is for the younger generation" the old man says simply "I'll go to the sauna now." A goofy expression crosses Dwayne's handsome face. "The sauna, nigga please, no one wanna see you naked" the white thug teases. The old man continues to smile, and says "Bye kids, have fun" as he walks away. The girl at the desk, who has been ignoring Dwayne, stares at him with disgust. Dwayne, lifts his jersey, reveling his defined eight-pac abs and baggy oversized shorts barely covering his tight red boxers, puffing out his muscular chest. "Yo, girl, what you wanna do now?" the wannabe thug asks rubbing his crotch. The girl decides to mess with the fake gangsta, "Alright, lets fuck right here" she says simply. Panic crosses the wigger's face, Dwayne stops rubbing his tiny crotch. "What?" Dwayne ask, dropping his gangsta persona for a moment. "Lets fuck" the girl says again with a sly smirk on her face. Dwayne panics, he doesn't want anyone to know he's a fake gangsta with a tiny penis, but the girl is starting to laugh. Dwayne drops the barbells, sweating slightly from the workout and the panic. "Imma get a rubber, I don't want no baby mommas" Dwayne grumbles, regaining his gangsta mannerisms. Dwayne stumbles away towards the locker room leaving the girl yelling after him to hurry.

Dwayne is panicked, his heart is beating at an alarming rate, he's terrified someone will find out he's really a fake gangsta with a tiny penis. The white thug is subconsciously flexing his massive arms, his body trying to boost his confidence. Dwayne sees the old man entering the steaming sauna, the old man is wearing just a towel, his wrinkly skin on display, he is skinny, weighting 110 pounds at most Dwayne thinks. Dwayne wanting to regain his manhood, follows after the half naked old man, looking to intimidate the defenseless elder. Dwayne enters the sauna fully dresses, the hot room makes him instantly sweaty, his jersey sticks to his abs, making the eight-pac clearly visible. His oversized shorts begin sliding down, unable to stay on his sweaty body. His expensive Jordan shoes slip on the moist floor. Dwayne adjust his backwards hat, the durag wrapped tightly around his head, is burning up, making his dizzy. The old man is sitting across from Dwayne, a cage is located in the middle containing burning stones and wood, he looks at the dizzy white gangsta with a smile. "Young man, have you come to join me?" he ask politely. "Nah, nigga" Dwayne states rudely, his face turning red and his blue eyes crossing. "Came to fuck you up" Dwayne adds dumbly, grabbing his shorts to keep them up. "To fuck.." the old man says with a sudden coldness in his voice. "Nah" Dwayne starts, "to fuck you.." "To fuck" the old man says, his voice bellowing around the empty sauna, the old man stands up, removing his towel reveling all of his wrinkly body and his ten-inch drooping cock. Before the white thug realizes it the old man is in front of him. "Suck me" the old man demands, all traces of kindness gone from his voice. "Nigga...wha.." Dwayne starts, moving away from the old man. The old man grabs the white gangsta's bouncing pecs, squeezing them hard and twisting the round nipples, pointing through the jersey. The old man pulls Dwayne's bulging pecs downwards, forcing Dwayne down to his knees, putting him eye-level with the pulsing cock.

The heat has made Dwayne dizzy and dumber, the old man pulls the front of Dwayne's oversized jersey up over his head, reveling the puff and bouncing pecs and defined abs and tight red boxers, showing far above the sagging shorts, and down his muscular back, this forces Dwayne's arm up into the air. Dwayne is confused but scared, he knows he doesn't want this, as he tries to get up the old man's hand wrap around Dwayne's muscular neck. The old man says "Suck" again, this time in a commanding tone, the old man's cock twitching, leaking precum. Dwayne doesn't move, he's scared, looking down at the throbbing ten-inch cock, the old man's hand gripping his neck, the other forcefully holding Dwayne's backwards hat covered head. Dwayne's eyes dart back up to the old man's face, his hazel eyes staring at Dwayne with intensity. The old man says "Suck, bitch" with a commanding tone, his cock twitching. Dwayne is terrified, he can't move, but he also can't stand to let the old man fuck him.

The old man begins to hump Dwayne, he shoves his hips forward, forcing Dwayne's head towards his cock. Dwayne can't breath, he's terrified the old man will suffocate him. The old man grabs Dwayne's head, pulling him in closer. The old man's breathing heavily, his wrinkled stomach and chest heaving, his cock twitching, precum leaking heavily. Dwayne trying to move away, the old man stands up and points his dick at Dwayne, saying "Suck" he says in an evil tone, he suddenly and roughly shoves his dick in Dwayne's mouth. Dwayne gags, forcing his head backwards, trying to escape. The old man throws his head forward, forcing the huge white cock down the helpless thug's throat. Dwayne gags, the pain is unbearable, he can't breathe, his mouth and nose covered by the scum-filled pucker. Dwayne, forced to his back, begins to slowly gag, choking on the cock. The old man starts to thrust, violently shoving his ten-inch cock down Dwayne's throat, rubbing his cock in-between the thugs bulging pecs. Dwayne is gagging, he's in unbearable pain, the old man thrusts his cock in Dwayne's face, forcing it in front of Dwayne's lips, the moisture dripping out. Dwayne begins to drool, his spit dripping on the ten-inch cock, lubricating it. Dwayne tries to plead with the old man, but his voice is lost to him, he can't speak. The old man pulls his cock out of Dwayne's mouth, lifting up Dwayne's head. The old man shoots a load directly into the wigger's handsome face. Dwayne gags, coughing up the sour cum in his throat.

The old man stares coldly at Dwayne, "Stand" he demands. Dwayne can't hear, his head is cloudy, the old man grabs the helpless thug by the throat, pulling him to his feet with ease. The old man rubs his still leaking ten-inch cock against Dwayne's thick, bouncing ass. "Yo..please" Dwayne tries, tears in his eye, "Please..don't.." The old man stares directly into the masculine face of the wannabe gangsta and says "This is what you get for fucking with your elders" coldly. The old man tosses Dwayne towards the cage in the middle of the room, Dwayne trips over his sagging shorts falling onto the cage and screaming as the hot metal burns his skin, the old man is behind the massive thug, pushing Dwayne's muscular body onto the burning cage. The old man pulls down Dwayne's tight red boxers reveling the two white globes for ass-cheeks, still showing signs of the attack from the young kids earlier. The old man smacks his ten-inch cock against the thugs white ass-crack, as Dwayne kicks around to no effect. "Don't worry, young man" the old man says with authority. "I'll make it quick." The old man smacks the huge white ass-cheek, then again, then again, then again. The thug is screaming and thrashing as the old man smacks it, the massive cock meat hammering into his already bruised and battered ass-cheek. The old man grunts in pleasure, the huge cock slamming into the thug's ass. The old man smiles, then rams into Dwayne's ass, thrusting hard all the way in, making Dwayne scream in pain. The old man immediately starts hammering Dwayne's ass, the pain too much to handle, Dwayne quivers on the hot metal, trying to hold himself together. He doesn't have a chance, the pain is too intense, he wants to give up, he can't take it anymore, he wants to die. The old man slams his cock in and out of Dwayne's ass, the old man pounding the wigger's ass, Dwayne begging for it to end, begging for it to end. "Please, stop" Dwayne cries. "Please, I can't take it anymore" he cries "please, stop." The old man shouts, the sound of his voice causing the thug to cower in fear. "No..NO..NOOOO" screams Dwayne, his voice dying in his throat. The old man thrusts deeply, Dwayne can feel the dick pushing his organs. "PLEASE STOP" Dwayne screams, the old man grabs Dwayne's durag covered head, and slams his face into the hot metal bars, blood pooling in his mouth.

The old man slams his cock into the thug's bleeding muscular ass, Dwayne's eyes are full of tears, he can't see the old man but he can feel the brute cock ripping his thick ass shooting the elder's cum deep in Dwayne's gut. Dwayne opens his mouth to scream, but he's unable to speak, the pain is too intense. The old man pounds Dwayne's ass mercilessly, slamming his giant cock in and out, his cock filling Dwayne with pain, fucking Dwayne over and over. Blood is gushing out of Dwayne's mouth, his eyes rolling in his head, he is exhausted from the attack and with the heat makes him feel like he's going to black out, he stops struggling and collapses onto the hot metal cage burning his face and massive chest. The old man looks down at the buff wannabe gangsta, no longer struggling, the thug only wincing with each pump of the old man's cock. "Young man, I thought you were stronger than this" the old man taunts "Guess it's time to end this." The old man pushes Dwayne against the metal cage, plunging his cock as far in as possible, cause the wannabe thug to tense-up, flexing his massive muscles and tightening his ruined ass around the attackers cock. The old man unloads a huge load of cum deep inside the guts of the helpless thug, holding his pulsating cock inside till every drop is out.

The old man pulls his cock out slowly from the muscle bound thugs ass, the ten-inch member wet with cum and blood, Dwayne barely conscious, remains on the burning cage, as the old man wipes his dick off on the thugs' jersey. In one last act the old man reaches into the cage, removing one of the large hot rocks and pushes it against the leaking ass of the sobbing thug, causing Dwayne to stir slightly, the next moment Dwayne screams as the old man shoves the stone fully into his ass, feeling the rough and jagged rock ripping the walls of his muscular ass. The old man pulls Dwayne's tight red boxers backup, cum and blood leaking into the tight fabric, but keeping most of it inside the wigger's ass. The old man, wearing his towel again, then stands Dwayne up with surprising strength, and walks the thug to the door to leave the sauna, Dwayne wincing with each step, the hot rock scraping his ruined ass with each step. The old man opens the door, letting a blast of the cold hallway air into the boiling room, a shiver comes over Dwayne, waking him up slightly and causing his nipples on this bouncing pecs to harden. The old man deposits the wannabe gangsta onto the floor in a heap, he leaves and gets dressed, returning to see Dwayne just starting to stir. The old man looks down at the bloody teen and says casually, "I hope you learned a lesson, young man" and walks away leaving the wannabe thug to recover.

The cold air of the hall is clearing Dwayne's head letting him think clearer, but heightening the pain in his thick ass. First Dwayne gingerly pulls down his tight boxers, seeing traces of blood and cum staining the fabric, Dwayne squats down, embarrassed doing this here, unable to move to the bathroom. Dwayne pushes hard, trying to expel the still hot stone from his burning ass, but only pushing it out a little, blushing from embarrassment Dwayne reaches one of his strong hands into his irritated ass, shoving most of his hand inside, pulling the stone free with a sickening pop. Dwayne drops the bloody stone in the trash. Pulling his tight boxers back up, stopping the flow of cum from his gapping hole, Dwayne fixes his clothes, pulling his oversized jersey over his head, covering the burns on his chest and abs from the hot cage, the old man cleaned his dick off on the fabric right in-between Dwayne's massive pecs, leaving cum streaks. Dwayne takes off his backwards red hat, letting cool air onto his sweaty head, he unties his red durag, letting it sit loosely on his head and puts his hat back on backwards. Lastly he pulls his baggy shorts up, holding the large shorts up with his hand, keeping his usual swagger walk, Dwayne goes to leave. Dwayne sees the girl still at the desk, he doesn't want to be seen and hopes to sneak by her. Dwayne rushes pass as fast as he can, but with his sagging shorts around his knees, it's not very fast. The girl calls out without looking at him, "Oh baby, I waited so long" she starts mockingly, "Did you get a rubber?" "Uh, nah, yo" Dwayne begins still making a beeline for the door "I'm out, peace." Dwayne musters as he reaches the door, the girl looks after the wannabe thug, smirking at the wet stains she sees on the wigger's bouncing ass.

Dwayne continues home as fast as possible, feeling the warm cum sloshing around his soaked boxers, running down his muscular legs and ruining his Jordan shoes. Dwayne arrives home, Fiddy, greeting him at the door again, Dwayne roughly pushes pass the pitbull and heads to the shower again. Dwayne washes, shooting cold water up his thick ass, cleaning the assaulters cum out. Attacked twice in one day, by people much weaker than him, Dwayne looks angrily at his useless massive muscles, "Fuck" Dwayne says. Dwayne gets dressed wearing tight black boxers under a pair of huge grey sweatpants, if Dwayne lets go of them they'll fall off completely, a skin tight white wifebeater, stretching to cover the thugs massive pectorals and a black durag tied around his head. A silver cross hanging from a silver chain around his neck rest around his waist. Dwayne stumbles to his giant, spacious room, falling into the soft bed, the affects of the assaults catching up with him, as the wigger falls asleep instantly.

Next: Chapter 3

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