Want a Slave

By Mike Hambre

Published on Jun 25, 2014


This story is intended for readers 18 and older. Everyone in this story is 18 or older. This story depicts several risky or dangerous acts. Readers should remember to always play safe and legal.

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******** Want A Slave? Chapter 3

Note: This chapter is lighter on action because of the contract text included. I try to keep these chapters to a reasonable length for readers, so I pushed most of the action planned back to next one.

I didn't sleep well at all, but that wasn't surprising seeing how I was squished into a plastic dog transporter that was meant for a pooch half my size. I woke up sore all over, but especially in my balls and neck, both which had had a metal chain rub against them all night.

I had no clue what time it was, but I saw that the computer showing photos of Rob was still going strong. I sat there for a while just watching images go by. Rob really was a gorgeous guy. At 24, his body was extremely well built with a strong looking chest and some abs showing below it, add to that his powerful looking arms and solid legs. His short brown hair was always styled perfectly, and his skin was naturally tan, which only made his great smile stand out even more on his chiseled face.

I realized looking at those photos just how much I had missed being able to look at his face and admire him while serving. I hadn't exactly had time to sit back and take in his body and everything until now. I also realized that I wouldn't be allowed to look at his face and look him in the eyes again after I signed that contract. That was going to be difficult, especially since I once had worked and joked with this man as an equal. That wouldn't be the case any longer.

At some point I had drifted back to sleep because I woke up again to the sounds of Rob moving around the apartment. I couldn't tell what he was doing because the television was on again, but my dick sprung to life as it anticipated him coming in to make use of me.

I really couldn't wait to sign the slave contract he'd given me last night. There were parts such as limits that we'd still have to talk about and insert into the agreement, but I was committed to serving him at this point. As I sat (more like hunched due to the height restrictions of the transporter) and waited for Rob to come in, I grew slightly nervous. I knew signing this contract would change my life, and it wasn't something I was taking lightly. This scenario was as close to some of my biggest fantasies as it'd ever get. I just couldn't get over the fact that someone I knew well and considered a friend ended up being the man I would submit to.

With no clock to tell time I had no idea how long I waited to hear Rob's footsteps come down the hall, but judging from the number of television shows that I had heard, he had left me to myself for about two hours since he'd been up. As the doorknob to the room turned, I sat up as best I could to be ready for him, but Rob just headed over to the computer carrying a cup and plate. He was still in his boxers and had some serious bedhead. I heard my stomach growl at the smell of the food he'd brought in; it'd been more than 16 hours since I'd last eaten anything. I also realized just how thirsty I'd gotten as well. While Rob had two beers last night, I had not been given anything to drink except the piss I licked off the floor, and licking the floor clean had only made me thirstier.

"I hope you enjoyed reading the contract and watching the slideshow I prepared for you, slave," Rob said in between mouthfuls of food. "I also hope you appreciate that I gave you a nice place to sleep. Not every fag that comes over gets to sleep in such a comfortable position."

"Yes, Sir, thank you for letting me sleep here and for the contract and slideshow," I replied. "I loved watching your amazing body throughout the night, Sir."

"Yeah I bet you did," Rob said with some satisfaction in his voice. "Ain't too many faggots that can resist a man that looks like me. Now I'm gonna give you a piece of paper and pencil to write me your limits while I shower and get ready. As you write them I want you to think about only the things you really want off the table. The more limits you have, the less useful you are to me. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir," I said as Rob was bringing the paper and pencil over. He grabbed the laptop and put it back on the desk. He then grabbed his glass and plate and headed out the door, closing it behind him.

I wrote down my limits divided into the categories Rob had requested in the contract. There were some I had to put down, but I tried to list as few as possible so that I could serve Rob better. Shortly after I finished, Rob came back in fully dressed and opened the transporter door after unlocking it.

"Crawl out with the contract, limits and pencil in your mouth," he said.

I did as ordered and felt some relief in my legs. Rob grabbed the papers and pencil from my mouth and headed back to the desk chair. I didn't dare move, so I remained on all fours like a dog that had been ordered to stay.

"Not too bad, boy," he said as he looked over my list. "I can definitely work with these. Now get in the kitchen, I left you some breakfast on the floor. Once you've finished, clean up the mess from breakfast, load the dishes and crawl back in here."

I headed off to the all too familiar kitchen and saw there was a bowl and small glass waiting for me. As I got near the bowl, I realized it was cereal, but it looked funny. When I reached it, I saw that instead of milk there was a yellow liquid in the bowl. It didn't take a genius to realize it was Rob's piss drenching the corn flakes. I looked in the glass and saw it was water, but it looked slightly grey and dirty. I wasn't sure where that came from, but I chugged it down anyway.

The cereal took a little more effort. To start, there was no spoon or utensil to use. I first tried just grabbing some of the flakes with my fingers, but that result in a mess. I eventually resigned myself to just digging in like it was a pie eating contest. I shoved my face in the bowl and went to town. The flakes were bland but fine. The piss itself was rancid. I'm sure this was the recycled beers Rob had last night because it tasted so sharp and salty. I was surprised that I didn't gag or have any issue drinking up the piss, but I guess I was thirsty or just really glad to finally get to taste something that had come from Rob's cock.

When my bowl and cup were empty I stood up to do the dishes. The counters and stove were completely covered with crap again. It looked like Rob had made himself pancakes and eggs for breakfast. The pancake mix was still out, and plenty of it was spilled on the counter too. There were three empty eggshells dripping goo and a host of paper towels and other pieces of trash strewn about too. I got to work picking things up, wiped off the excess mix and other debris. Then I grabbed the pans from the stove and put all the dishes in the dishwasher. With it started, I dropped back to all fours to head back to Rob.

When I entered the room, Rob snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot I had been at last night. So I positioned myself on my back again and once was used as his footrest.

"I hope you liked the meal I fixed for you, fag," he said. "I'm sure you enjoyed my delicious piss, and hope you savored that glass of bathwater I saved from last night. You really are one lucky slave, do you know that?"

I told Rob I did and thanked him for the meal. He told me it would be the last time he ever did anything for me. After the contract was signed, breakfast and just about all other domestic duties would be my responsibility. After that, Rob went back to work and ignored me for quite some time, until I heard the printer start to gear up again. My already half hard cock jumped and began to stiffen at the thought of signing my contract.

"Get up and kneel beside me with your body facing the chair," Rob said. As I got into position he grabbed the papers from the printer. "This is the updated contract, which includes your limits. Read over it again and then sign it if you agree to the terms. Remember, you have no obligation to be here until after you sign this sheet of paper. Think carefully about what you're getting into, fag. I take this very seriously and expect you to as well."

He took a pen and signed the contract on the line reserved for him, and then handed it to me to review. The contract read:


This document pertains to the parties Rob Clinon, hereinafter referred to as "Master" and Mike Hambre, hereinafter referred to as "slave."


The purpose of this document is to recognize and formalize the transfer of power, control and decisions from slave to Master. This document will act as the boundaries in which the relationship shall function and be effective. Both Master and slave, being of sound mind and body, enter this contractual agreement voluntarily and of their own volition.


This contract is valid from this day until twelve months have passed, and then it may be renewed or renegotiated if Master and/or slave feel it needs to be. At that time, both parties will receive a new contract and the option to sign it or break ties.

--Contract dissolution and safeword--

Prior to reaching the twelve month renewal or renegotiation, Master or slave may initiate a dissolution of contract should either be unhappy with the situation or if life-altering events occur. The use of the safeword (newspaper) by either Master or slave will act as a temporary contract dissolution so that both parties may pause and discuss issues. Both parties agree to only use the safeword when necessary, and overuse may be terms for contract dissolution at the other person's discretion.

--General rules--

slave agrees to obey Master to the best of its ability at all times. Unless addressed in this document or previously discussed with Master, slave is to obey Master's orders exactly as he communicates them. slave should never question Master's orders, and it should obey as quickly as possible.

slave's primary purpose is to serve Master in any capacity Master desires. Types of service may include, but are not limited to: sexual, domestic, urinal, massage, amusement, torture, comfort, and platonic. It is the responsibility of Master to clearly outline to slave what he is expecting at any given time.

slave shall demonstrate its acceptance of its role at all times while in private and in public. slave will always speak of its Master in terms of love and respect. slave will address Master as either "Master" or "Sir;" any other titles may result in punishment. Master retains the right to call slave by any name and may have others do so as well. To further show respect, slave will never look upon Master's face or make eye contact. Doing so would mean that slave thinks it is equal to Master, which is not the case.

slave hereby acknowledges that Master's authority and wishes supersede its own in any decision regarding: travel plans, visitations, activities, chores, recreation, monetary expenses or expenditures, punishments, obligations, diets, bodily functions, priorities, communications and any other areas both parties agree to. slave's wants may be vocalized with permission, but Master is under no obligation to take them into consideration.

slave agrees to keep its body available for the use of Master at all times, and slave must stay within driving distance when Master is in town. slave recognizes Master has complete say over its body and will accept any changes or modification Master desires. slave also agrees that Master possesses the right to determine whether others can use its body and how. Master will discuss all such instances in advance with the slave.

While slave retains total control over its finances, Master may require it to make reasonable purchases of equipment or services that will help improve its training and deepen its servitude. slave should always know what its current financial standing is and how much it has available to spend at any moment. slave should never hesitate to share this information with Master when asked. Master agrees to work with slave and its budget limitations to avoid any financial issues as a result of its service.

--Symbols of ownership--

Upon the signing of this contract, Master retains the right to bestow marks or tokens on slave as visible reminders of its status. These symbols or marks should be worn with pride as they signify slave's strength in living a life of servitude. slave should never make any attempts to hide, remove or alter a symbol or mark without explicit permission from Master.


Limits for this arrangement are divided into four sections: no-go, never, hopefully not, and please not. No-go limits refer to things that both Master and slave agree will never be part of this arrangement. Never limits are things that slave has an extreme opinion about not getting involved in. Hopefully not limits are things that, given time and enough built up trust, slave might be open to slowly and safely exploring. Please not limits are things slave does not enjoy, but will accept if Master desires.

No-go limits include: broken skin or bones; blood play; weapons, knives or guns; scat; activity involving children, animals or minors; extremely risky physical behavior; unattended bondage; fire; breath play; and illegal drugs or activities.

slave's never limits that are not included above are: head shaving; diapers; sounding/catheters; and fisting.

slave's hopefully not limits include: activity involving women; tattoos; piercings; ingesting snot; and dirty ass licking.

slave's please not limits include: nipple torment; severe lashings; forced worship of ripe body parts; extreme abuse; and temperature torture.

Master will always respect no-go and never limits. Master must proceed carefully and ensure slave's relative comfort before engaging in an activity that falls under a hopefully not limit. There is no obligation for Master to stray from please not limits; they are stated for informational purposes only.


Both Master and slave recognize that punishments are an important part of training. slave agrees to accept any punishments Master finds fit, and Master must inform slave of why it is being punished. Master cannot punish a slave with no reason, but he is permitted to perform abuse for his amusement as agreed to in another section.

The form and extent of the punishment shall be at Master's discretion, and Master shall make it clear to slave that it is being punished when a punishment occurs. After a successful punishment session, slave will be expected to thank Master for the punishment and explain what it has learned and how. Master should record these instances should slave forget and repeat the infraction. Upon a repeat infraction, slave shall watch its first punishment prior to receiving another harsher punishment. A third repeat infraction will result in watching both recordings followed by three severe punishments. A fourth repeat infraction is grounds for dismissal from service.


Master may not punish slave for expressing its desires, emotions or thoughts when slave has been given permission to do so. slave will always speak honestly and directly and will volunteer any information Master requests. While Master expects slave to speak honestly, slave should phrase its thoughts or concerns politely and respectfully, and then it should gracefully accept Master's judgment in these matters without further complaint.

slave reserves the right to cry, scream, whimper or beg, but accepts the fact that these expressions will not affect or stop its treatment. Master shall never punish slave for verbally or otherwise physically reacting to something in these manners. Master may, however, mitigate them with the use of gags or other instruments. slave also understands that shouting "no" or "stop" will not halt anything; only the safeword will pause any action.

--Sexual contact and bodily functions--

slave may not orgasm without Master's permission. To ensure proper training, Master will place slave in chastity when slave is not in Master's immediate control. Orgasms may be used as rewards, but slave should never expect an orgasm during its twelve months of service.

Master retains full control over all of slave's bodily functions. When not at work, slave must seek permission to use the restroom at all times. When permitted to use the restroom at Master's home, slave must do its business in the designated area(s). When at its residence, at work or in public, slave may use any available facilities. When in public with Master, slave's bathroom rules may be changed without prior notice.

Master's sexual actions or bodily functions are never restricted. Master is free to have sexual contact or relations with any person(s) of his choosing, and he may require slave to be present during such instances. Master must practice safe sex with any other partners to ensure neither Master nor slave contract any disease.

--Substances and illegal activities--

slave is not allowed to drink alcohol or use any illegal substances. Poppers also will not be permitted. Master may consume alcohol, but no illegal drugs.

slave retains the right to refuse any orders that it feels are illegal. If Master believes the order is valid and legal, then both parties will have a discussion about it to ensure slave's comfort in following such orders.


Master will not injure, permanently scar or mentally damage either slave or himself for the duration of this contract. Physical abuse may be administered at Master's discretion, but broken bones, blood or other bodily injuries are not permitted and are grounds for immediate contract dissolution. Master also is responsible for preventing others from causing any harm, either mentally or physically, to slave. Should either Master or slave fall sick or be injured, an immediate temporary dissolution of this contract will occur to assess the situation moving forward.

--Private conduct--

Private conduct between Master and slave will vary depending on the situation. Below are the different ways slave and Master will interact in private. Changes to these as well as other conduct expectations may be added later at Master's leisure.

During standard service, slave is to always kneel at the door and knock when it arrives at Master's home. After 30 seconds, it will open the door, crawl inside and strip. slave will never wear clothes inside Master's home. It will lock its clothes and belongings in a designated lock box. slave then will kneel in the entryway and await further instructions. Master will inform slave ahead of time if it will be used for multiple days of service or if it is required to bring anything when it comes to serve.

slave also may be called to serve by fulfilling short orders (such as doing household chores, running errands or being a cumdump). In these instances, slave is to act as invisible as possible unless told otherwise by Master. Drawing attention to itself while obeying short orders will result in punishment at a later time. When it arrives, slave will immediately walk inside and strip, but not lock up its personal items. slave then will go about the previously assigned task as quickly as it can before once again getting dressed and leaving. Master is responsible for letting slave know what is expected of it prior to its arrival. Should slave need further instructions during its short orders, it may ask for them, but it will automatically face extra punishments for doing so.

slave also will be responsible for serving while Master is out of town. Master will inform slave of the days or nights it will be performing in this capacity and what is expected of it. When slave arrives for this type of service, it will kneel outside for 60 seconds while silently thanking Master for being allowed to serve in his absence. slave then will enter, strip and lock its clothes away. slave will go about following its orders, providing any form of proof required by Master. When slave is finished with its tasks, it is to return Master's home to the state it was in, get dressed and leave. Master retains the right to have "Inspectors" check slave's work. slave will treat Inspectors with the same amount of respect it shows Master. slave also will obey Inspectors as it would Master.

Whenever serving in private, slave will be barred from using furniture without explicit permission. slave also will crawl unless told otherwise. It may be permitted to stand if that is necessary to complete an ordered task. slave must request permission before using or touching any item in Master's home; failure to do so will result in punishment.

slave's sleeping arrangements and schedule will be determined by Master on a case-by-case basis. slave may be forced to go with little sleep, but it will never be forced to go without sleep.

--Public conduct--

Unless ordered otherwise, slave will conduct itself in such a manner as to not call attention to Master and slave. When out in public with Master, slave will still show him total respect in public, including calling him "Sir" unless the situation would make doing so inappropriate. slave will defer choices to Master in public, and it will make every effort to show its submission while remaining discreet.

slave may dress himself for public outings with Master, but it must seek approval from Master prior to leaving. Master retains the right to dress slave himself if not pleased with slave's outfit selection. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the slave may not wear any form of underwear in public as a reminder of its role.

Any expenditures in public are the responsibility of slave. Master agrees not to abuse this power, but may require that slave be prepared to stretch its budget for some purchases or trips.

--Work, friends and family--

All friends and relatives of both Master and slave will be treated with the utmost respect.

Master may provide lodging for any friend, relative or person he wishes, even while slave is in service.

Master will never do anything that would prevent or impede slave from writing, visiting or talking to any family member or friend. slave may have to provide Master with extra details about interactions or a possible itinerary if requested. slave may have its in-person time with friends limited if Master feels slave's service is lacking as a result of excessive socialization.

No part of this agreement is intended to interfere with the slave's career. Master will respect slave's job and career and will never do anything to risk that. slave should provide Master with as much information about work events outside of 9-5 that might interfere with its service. During periods of work, slave is permitted to schedule appointments, to dress in a manner appropriate to work, and to leave the house when necessary. slave also may conduct business-related tasks without the expressed permission of Master. Master is permitted to provide slave with tasks or rules for work, but may not do anything that would cause slave's work output or quality to decline. If slave feels an order or rule is negatively affecting its work activity, it is required to bring that matter up to Master as soon as possible.

Master must also respect slave's right to be a slave in private and not do anything to cause slave to lose face with family, friends or co-workers.


While in service, any recreational activities of slave must be approved by Master ahead of time. This includes usage of a computer or a mobile device, watching television or listening to music. Any chores, commands or cleaning that need to be done will take precedence over recreation activity. Master also may incorporate punishments or other tasks into slave's recreational activities, so long as the modifications do not infringe on or break any other clauses in this document.

--Freedom of action--

When not in Master's immediate presence or following his direct orders, slave may participate in activities and do as it pleases, so long as those actions do not violate a clause in this agreement or a previously established rule. slave has the right to act as a "normal" person when away from Master with the only exceptions being behaviors or restrictions listed in this document or discussed with Master. When in doubt, slave is encouraged to contact Master with any questions. Master is responsible for quickly responding to these inquiries to avoid any issues.

--Recordings or photographs--

Any photographs and videos of slave are the property of Master. The images or recordings will only be shared if both parties agree. At the dissolution of this contract, all images and photographs will be shared with both parties for their own private records.

Having read the above clauses, the parties below agree to all terms and conditions as stated.

__________________________ Rob Clinon

__________________________ Mike Hambre

As soon as I reached the end of the contract, I used the pen Rob had placed beside me to sign it. Even before the ink started to dry, Rob slapped me across the face, sending me hurtling toward the ground.

"Welcome aboard, slave," he said sounding ecstatic. "Now let's talk about the punishments you've racked up since being here."

I hope you enjoyed the third chapter of my tale. I love to receive comments and feedback at alwaysserving@outlook.com.

More chapters are in the works. Hopefully I can keep up this fairly regular publishing and writing schedule.

Next: Chapter 4

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