Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Jan 25, 2021


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"Dead on time" said Kyle, who opened the door just as I was about to press the buzzer. "So far you are proving you can be punctual and follow orders. I like that, although I'm sure it won't last." He put out his hand and took the lead off me See you tomorrow at 6.30.

He closed the door in my face . Yes, 6.30 I whispered. I headed home, I needed something to eat before heading for a night out The flat was thankfully empty, the flatmate was probably at a Sauna. I heated up a ready meal in the microwave and, the had a shower. There were two texts from friends, one apologising that they weren't going to make it tonight. Damn I thought. I was looking forward to a few hours on a dance floor letting off steam. The second was from another asking if I was heading to Backstreet that night?

It hadn't been on my to do list, but suddenly a night surrounded by leather and cigar smoke seemed rather attractive, so I quickly said yes, and pulled out my leathers. i got dressed, black leather trousers, blue leather shirt, and knee high biker boots. Looking in the mirror. "Something's missing" I thought to myself. `It needs a collar". "Why did I suddenly think that? My submissiveness involved round sucking dicks in dark corners, followed by the occasional Thank you Sir,. Why suddenly had I thought that I needed a collar. I scrabbled around and found my favourite leather tie, yellow.I hoped I'd get a bladder full of piss if nothing else that night.

I jumped on the tube, i'd be there in about twenty five minutes. I closed my eyes, and thought about what could lie ahead that night. I opened them and almost directly opposite, a young man, in grey jogging bottoms, and a tight fitting t shirt that outlined his gym honed physique, his legs wide open, in between on the floor a bulldog. The lead hanging loosely as it connected the dog and its owner As I looked up from the dog to the young man, he caught my eye and scratched his balls I looked away, closing my eyes again I found myself wishing I was the dog. WTF where did that thought come from. Before I could think too much I was at Bank, and had to change to the Central line

I had more fun that I had anticipated, and to be blunt more cock than I had had in some time. Suddenly the lights came on, it was time to go leave. Thank fuck for the night tube. I got home and was about ready to go to bed. It was 4 am. Fuck. I had to be at Kyle's at 6.30 I couldn't risk falling asleep, and not waking up. I made myself a strong coffee, and then another. I killed time by looking at the dating apps on my phone, working out which of my neighbours was still up at such a late hour.

I opened my eyes, it was light I must have fallen asleep despite the coffee, it was 6.15. I was still in the leathers. Shit no time to change. I looked at the dried cum stains on my tight were I'd been too slow to swallow the load. Shit. I ran out of the house, and ran to Kyle's. His front door was open, he was standing there, arms folded , his stomach straining against the waistband of his boxer shorts

6.31 he said. "We can discuss why and the consequences later, it's Sunday I'm having a lie in, so don't come back for 90 minutes" "Ninety minutes Boy". He shouted as I led the dog along the path. Again I found myself wondering if he was talking to the dog or to me. Those ninety minutes were the longest in my life. South London on a Sunday morning in full leather. What was I thinking. Cum stained leathers at that. I was also barely able to think coherently, other than those few minutes I had dropped off earlier I had been awake for almost 22 hours. it suddenly began to rain, Boy seemed excited with it, I was less so, we had only been out 50 minutes, Kyle had given instructions that we would be away for 90 minutes. His welcoming words as I arrived this morning had made it clear he expected his instructions to be followed to the letter.

We had been outside Kyle front door for eight minutes. The shower had turned to rain, but i wasn't confident that he would welcome us back before the ninety minutes were up. With two minutes to go, the door opened. Kyle was there, still only in his boxer shorts. I spotted tuffs of pubes trying to escape the fly. He looked at his phone, ignoring me, and Boy who was sat obediently on the doorstep.

Ten, nine, eight, seven six, five, four, three, two one. . Ninety minutes exactly. Come in, I unclipped Boy's lead, and he scamped in to his owner who was down on bended knee to greet him. I was still on the door step, waiting for him to dismiss me.

"I said come in. You need to follow orders." I walked in, and joined Kyle and Boy in the kitchen. He pointed to a chair, and I sat down. He put down a cup of coffee, and a plate of scrambled eggs. i sat there wordlessly. He put down a bowl for Boy, and joined me at the table .

"Eat". He was looking directly at me., Eat Boy, he turned round looking at the dog. He said nothing else as we ate the food in silence. Eventually the silence was broken. "Speak." He looked at me. "Come on speak" "Um um" "Just say something , ask me a question" "How long have you had the dog? " It was the first thing that came out of my mouth, but it was something.

"This one. two years" He's my fourth Boy in the last twenty years, I'll miss him when he's no longer here? Don't worry he's going to die. I've found it difficult owning a dog here in London. I'm too busy in work to give him the attention he deserves It was so much easier when we lived in the country. That's why i asked for a dog walker. My ex-returns from abroad in three months and he'll be taking Boy to live with him.. I was about to say something, how sorry I was , when Boy started running around barking, Shut up, Boy. The dog stopped barking. He looked me, and pointed Continue.

The interruption had made me tongue tie. "Let's clarify something" If I issue an instruction preceded or followed by Boy, its the Dog. All other instructions are for you. That's the only difference. I of course expect instant compliance from you. Understand?

I nodded "Good. Now you owe me an explanation. Two in fact. You were a minute late this morning. - Why? And explain this? " He said pointing at my leathers. I explained the previous nights events, and how it had led to me staying awake until I came to walk Boy. "I like leathers, as you saw last night, but as with your work if it's going to get in the way of you walking Boy, you need to rethink your priorities " He looked at his watch" Now leave."

i arrived back at the flat at the same time as the flatmate It was a few minutes before 10. He looked at me and just said Slut. He obviously thought I just come home from a night out, if only he knew. I finally got undressed and showered, and went to bed.

I was woken by the vibration of my phone, It was 3pm It was a text from Kyle. It's Sunday so you shod have nothing else to do, be here at 6, A few minutes earlier a friend had texted, asking if I wanted to go to Vauxhall for a few drinks to close the weekend. I'd normally have jumped at the chance, but made an excuse.I couldn't disobey Kyle.

5.59pm, Kyle was waiting for me as I turned up. Still bare chested in his boxers, the fly open. Had he not left the house all day. "At least you're not in those leathers "he said with a hint of disapproval. I was wearing grey sweat pants and a matching top. After this morning I had decided that it would be better to wear something as casual as possible that could be slipped off as soon as I returned home especially if I was to get caught in the rain. He handed me Boy's lead. Go. See you in thirty minute Boys.

Did he say Boys. I must have misheard I was still tired. However the phrase "thirty minutes boys played on a loop through my head for the entirety of the walk. Boy, Boys, did it happen, what was the significance if he had. It must have been a mistake. Did I want it to be a mistake, What kind of stupid question was that Perhaps I did though. As I approached the gate to Kyle's house I suddenly felt my dick explode. I had made myself cum. By the time I reached the front door a huge wet patch had developed. Shit .

I rang the bell , I crouched down and undid Boy's lead. The door opened, Kyle stood there, smiling. Come in Boys. so did you enjoy your walk " . "Was that "Boys so ", or "Boy, so " I thought to myself.

"Fuck sake Pete I said come in. How was the walk?" Um um . I hope your conversations are going to be better than that over the next few months. Have you eaten? No, not since breakfast. That's what comes from late night's and no sleep. You have no structure. I'll have to install some in you . Now how much do I owe you , £10 a day, let's pretend yesterday was a full day, that's twenty quid. He picked up a wallet from the table and took out a note. As he did, it slipped out of his fingers and fell to the floor. "There you go pick it up." I crouched down , it was next to his foot, I guessed a size 11. Broad, with long toes, it emitted a musky scent .. He drummed his toes, as if he knew that my attention was fixed on them . "Are you picking it up or not ". "Sorry" I said and stood, the twenty pounds firmly gripped in my hand.

Ok sit and eat, He placed a bowl of pasta in front of me and pouted himself a glass of wine.

Let's talk about this, He said waving his hand towards my outfit. Twice you have turned up here in highly unsuitable clothing, I expect my employees to be smart. Do you wear a shirt and tie to your office jobs? Actually I don't want to know. From now on you will turn up at 6.30 in a shirt tie, and proper smart trousers. You will feel much better for it I can assure you, and they will hide the little accidents like the one you had on the walk. Believe me no one wants to see some else's fresh cum stains. I blushed as I swallowed the final mouthful of pasta. Understand, ? Yes Kyle I responded.. I think we have passed the Kyle Stage , don't you. Mr Stephen's please from now on Yes Mr Stephen's I answered, I felt another twinge in my dick, and knew he was right about wearing dark trousers

Good Now leave.

Next: Chapter 3

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