Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on Apr 6, 2011


Ward's Shoes -- Lesson Six By Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Gay: Authoritarian, High School


This story is copyright protected and remains the property of the author.

This is an adult story with sexual themes. If you are not of legal age to read this where you are accessing this story or it is illegal for you to do so for any reason, or if you find material of a sexual nature of any kind offensive, you should exit the website where this story is posted immediately. This story is only intended to be viewed by those who may legally do so and who enjoy this kind of literature.

Your comments are welcome. Please email me at the above email address. Additionall chapters (lessons) will be posted soon

Ward's Introduction:

It looks like I'm going to have Jimmy underfoot from now on. The little cocksucker likes getting stepped on, and I know just how much pressure to apply and when to ease off. You should see his little pecker push up inside his pants every time I press down with my shoe on his foot under the table. I gotta admit he is kind of cute, but he's just like one of those stupid stuffed bears where you squeeze its ear and its nose twitches. I've outgrown dumb shit like that, but a real boy toy like Jimmy, that's something else; a real live faggot who I can train my way to be my fuckin' slave; now that's another kind of game. Yeah, Jimmy is gonna get stepped on plenty, but I won't crush him, just play with him like he were some kind of bug, and when the time comes, he can flap his faggy butterfly wings and fly away. Yeah, I'll let him go when I'm no longer amused by him; if that time ever comes ....and if he really wants to get away.

A couple of years ago we had an infestation of some nasty little beetles back home. The little bastards ate every leaf in sight. Us kids would collect them and keep them in jars with holes punched in the covers. Some kids would pour boiling water into their jars once they had a couple hundred beetles trapped. The beetles died almost instantly. Other kids, picked off their wings and pinched them with tweezers, and tortured their captives to death. None of that was any fun for me. I filled up a jar with these worthless bugs, and put it on a table, and sat there for a while thinking about what I could do with these little insects that would be fun.

They were too fucking dumb to learn any tricks, and it didn't seem right to burn the helpless little fuckers to death, or to poison or torture `em. But I knew that even a lowly beetle had to be good for something. Even shit isn't totally worthless. You need manure to grow stuff, and I can think of a few wiseass motherfuckers who I would like to push into a pile of shit too. While I was thinking about stuff like that, I came up with an idea. I took the jar full of beetles and brought them across the street to show Kyle. The year before, Kyle used to beat me up all the time. He was two years older than me. But one day, the balance of power changed. Kyle picked on me, but I beat the shit out of him. After that, there was a truce between us, and we sometimes hung out together, but I never forgot all those times that asshole had beaten on me before I was big enough to kick his butt. Anyhow, I showed Kyle all the beetles I had collected and suggested maybe we could go around together and see who could get the most bugs. He didn't seem to like that idea, but I didn't really care. All that son-of-a-bitch had to do was turn his back on me once and I grabbed him from behind and put that whole fuckin' jar of beetles down his pants. You better believe that I got a good laugh seeing Kyle dance around, jump up and down, and yell as those beetles crawled all over him and began to pinch his ass, and probably his cock and balls too.

So, you see, dudes, I'm not some sadistic jerk who enjoys torturing helpless creatures that can't think or defend themselves. But working over a smart boy like Jimmy, and training him to do whatever I want; that is another story. The big difference is Jimmy gets off on being fucked over. Even he knows that. Maybe he don't understand it all that much, but he fucking knows it. And, I really love this power I got over him. It gives me a real fucking high. It's really a challenge too, to get the little faggot to go along with the plan I got for him. You gotta know when to push and when to go slow. I've screwed chicks, and it feels great to put my stiff dick up some slut's hot pussy and give her a real good fucking, but somehow it's even more fun playing with Jimmy, and giving him one big mind fuck, that just keeps on going and growing all the time.

And then, there is Mom' and Dad'...It's hard to believe that two adults can be so gullible. Taking Jimmy from them and making him my slave, is like taking candy from a baby. They are so disgusted with their little smarty pants faggot son, that they are ready to just turn him over to Wardy to do whatever I want with him. All I gotta do is act like that perfect son they have always wanted. Jimmy saw through my little game the first night. Yeah, I guess I'm a con artist. That's how a poor kid like me gets his breaks. I'm not just street smart. Wherever I find myself, I size things up fast and just seem to have a feel for what I need to say and do to make Ward come out on top. I know how to play the game. Wardy knows when to pass out carrots to bunnies and when to give a jackass a good swift kick in the behind. I have gotten A's from queer teachers without doing' a lick of homework. Once I got over two hundred dollars in a day at the mall at Christmas time just by telling' strangers I was stranded without money to get the bus home. My mother told me that she couldn't buy me no presents that year, but I wasn't gonna go without. The one thing Ward knows how to do is look after Ward, and to do that means giving other people what they need too. And, I have found out that what most people really want from me is a real good fucking of one kind or another. I don't really want to hurt anyone. Honestly, I prefer to figure out some way of solving their problems while I work on my own. But if they really want to get fucked, I am only too happy to oblige.

Well, Dudes, Jimmy's just come back. I sent him to the store to buy some Marlboro's for his Uncle' Ward. That fool clerk at the convenience store will sell cigarettes to any minor, so long as the kid tells him they're for an adult....It took you long enough to get your ass back here, faggot! Give me my smokes! Yeah, and a fuckin' light too. K, now you can go on with your story, boy, while I sit here and smoke a couple of cigs. It's a good thing Dad' smokes like a chimney, that way nobody notices when I smell of smoke. All right, Jimmy, go on with your fairy tale. You are such a fairy good boy! I love it when you tell everyone about us, Jimmy, especially how you suck my dick and how I fuck with you. Go on, dude, I'm all ears.

Jimmy's Story Continues:

When I got back to the bedroom and really looked around, I realized what a total mess it really was. There were dirty clothes strewn from one end of the room to the other. The bed needed to be made. I had a habit of eating potato chips and other snacks in my room while I lay on my bed reading or watching TV, but I hadn't vacuumed in weeks. Mom finally got so sick of picking up after me that she refused to clean my room any more. She had insisted that I pick up in there before Ward arrived, but I had just listened to her talk and ignored what she said. It was the same old yadi-dah and blah- blah-blah. It just went in one ear and out the other. I went into the bathroom and looked around to see what I had to do there. There was soap scum in the sink and a ring around the tub. The floor looked disgusting. It needed to be mopped, and the toilet was filthy. I figured I better start in the bedroom so it would at least look like I had made some progress before Ward finished doing the dishes and returned to the room.

I picked up my dirty clothes and other stuff and shoved it all under the bed. Then, I attempted to make the bed as best I could. I finally got it so it looked pretty good on the surface, but I knew it was screwed up underneath. As long as the room didn't look like a pigsty, Mom would make the bed for me. But since I hadn't done anything in my room for quite a while, she wouldn't even enter the room; and I didn't really know how to make a bed. Finally, I got the vacuum cleaner out of the closet in the hall and started to go over the carpeting with it, but I tried to pick up something that was too big and the vacuum cleaner got jammed up and wouldn't pick up anything more.

And then Ward came back. He opened the door to the room and looked in. He stood there for a moment kind of shaking his head, and then he went into the bathroom. I could hear him taking a piss, and I waited for the sound of the toilet flushing, but didn't hear it. Ward came back out into the room. He opened the closet and looked at the mess in there. His suitcase was next to the closet door. He still hadn't unpacked.

"What did you get done in here while I was downstairs helping in the kitchen?"

"Well, Sir, I picked my clothes up that were lying around the room. I made the bed, and I started vacuuming, but the vacuum cleaner got stuck".

"Right, faggot. And where are all those clothes you picked up? The hamper in the bathroom has nothing in it but a couple of smelly towels".

I hemmed and hawed, but didn't really answer Ward's question.

He walked over to the bed and pulled the bedspread back.

"Do you call this making a bed, asshole? It's put together all wrong. You can't really expect me to sleep in this bed again when it's all screwed up like this. I noticed last night that it wasn't made up right, but I thought sure as hell, you would put it together right this morning. Look at this! Are you a fucking dork, or what? The top sheet is all crooked and it stops almost a six inches from the foot of the bed. Don't you have any idea how to make a bed, Jimmy?"

"I guess I don't, Sir Ward".

"Good guess, dickface. And this room is a dump. From looking at how nice the rest of the house is, I wouldn't have guessed that you would be such a total pig. But, you are a whole notch below trailer park trash, boy" Ward answered as he walked over to the vacuum cleaner and picked it up to inspect the underside. "There's some kind of thread wrapped around the brushes. It's all tangled up and look...there's a lump of chewing gum stuck inside. What do you do, Jimmy, spit your gum onto the floor when you're done chewing it?"

Ward pulled the wad of gum from inside the vacuum cleaner where it had been lodged, and stuck it on the end of my nose. "You can wear this until you are finished doing your chores or until you go fucking cross-eyed, faggot, which ever comes first. And if you don't do a real good job, I just might make you put it back in your mouth and chew it again. Do you understand what I'm telling you, you slob?

"Yes, Sir, Ward"

"Follow me into the bathroom.....This is totally disgusting! Look at that toilet, and the tub; the sink and the floor too. You are a fucking pig, Jimmy! Let me hear you `oink' like the pig you are, boy! Do it, now!"

I made the best pig imitation I could, but Wardy said that I was too much of a fuck-up to even do that right.

"I want you to go back into my bedroom, and get all that shit you shoved under the bed out from under there. Bring the dirty clothes in here and put them in the hamper; and throw the other trash you hid under the bed in the waste basket where it belongs. Then straighten out that shit hole you call a closet and make room for my stuff, which you will help me put away later on today. Then, I will show you how to make the bed, and you will watch me do that very carefully because after today you will be expected to make it right. In fact, peckerhead, I will inspect this room and the bathroom every fucking day, and your faggot ass is grass and I'm the lawnmower if you haven't done your chores to my total satisfaction. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Good! Once you got that stuff done, then you will vacuum the rug. After that you can start on the bathroom. Save scrubbing the toilet for last. You'll notice I didn't flush after I took a piss. If the rest of the bathroom isn't spotless, I will dunk your head in the toilet with my piss still in it. You got that, dickhead?"

"Yes, I understand, Sir Ward."

I worked my ass off all morning, doing everything possible so that Ward would be pleased. Finally, everything was finished with the exception of the toilet.

Ward inspected the bedroom, and then looked all over the bathroom to see if I had done everything he had ordered me to do. Then he told me "It looks like you did a pretty good job. I guess you are capable of making that lazy ass of yours useful when you know you gotta or else. You can take that silly looking piece of gum off your faggot nose now and throw it in the waste basket where it should of gone to begin with....K, now what about this toilet?.... I tell you what! Kneel down in front of it and put your face right over it."

""But, Sir, can I ask you something first....please? "

"What is it, faggot?"

"Didn't I do a decent job with the rest of the bathroom? You told me to leave the toilet until after you inspected the rest."

"Oh, yeah, so I did, Jimmy. That's why I am going to give you a break. You've worked real hard so you get to take a rest before you finish up by scrubbing the toilet. Now I don't want to hear another word out of your fucking mouth. Just do what I say! .....Kneel down and put your faggot face right over the toilet bowl, like I said before."

I was so afraid that Ward was going to dunk my head into that toilet bowl. The water was real yellow and I could smell Wardy's acrid piss even without putting my face over the bowl. But, I was even more afraid of what might happen if I gave Ward any backtalk or disobeyed him. So, I got down on my knees and bent over the toilet with my face right over the bowl.

"Excellent, faggot! Now you just stay like that until I tell you to get up. You stare at my fucking piss and breathe deep and enjoy the smell of it, asshole. Just don't you move from there or you will get dunked. I promised to punish you for being a bad boy last night, and I always keep my promises."

I heard Ward leave the bathroom, and then I heard the television come on. I figured Wardy was lying on the bed watching TV, but the bathroom door was open and he could look and see if I was where I was supposed to be whenever he wanted; without me knowing he was looking. So, I had to stay put. Ward's piss smelled strong and I didn't like it one bit. I felt humiliated too having to kneel this way with my face over the toilet.

I must have been there for close to half an hour. I could tell because I could hear the `Beverly Hillbillies' on TV. The show came on right after Ward left the bathroom and it had just ended when he shut off the TV set and came back in.

"Did you have a nice break, dickface?"

"No, not really, Sir?"

"Oh, if it wasn't long enough, faggot, I can add some more time".

"It was plenty long enough, Sir."

"K, you just stay there while I talk! From now on when I go to the bathroom, it will be your job to come in here after I've taken a piss, or even a dump. I'll tell you that it's time to flush, and you will come in here and kneel in front of this toilet just like you are now and take a good look at my piss or my shit, and you will count to one hundred with your fucking face right over the bowl. Then, you may flush it. If you fail to do this just the way I've told you.... then you will get dunked, but that won't ever really happen if you do as you are told, Jimmy. It's your choice. I don't like having to make you do this, but I think you need a strong reminder. I don't really want to dunk you, either, boy, but if that is what you want, I will do it. Any questions? "

"No, Sir."

"Good enough. Now you may get up and finish up in here by flushing the toilet and then scrubbing it, like a good little slave boy".

I didn't like the idea of doing what Ward had ordered, or the fact that he called me slave. It was disgusting to think that I was going to have to flush the toilet after Wardy went all the time. How totally humiliating. But what could I do? I couldn't say anything to Mom and Dad. They would never believe me. And I knew Ward would really stick my head right down into that toilet if I didn't do as he said. What a dilemma! I had gotten myself into something that was a lot worse than I ever could have imagined. I felt really low, even more so because while I had been kneeling there over the toilet looking at and smelling Wardy's piss, I had gotten another boner. What kind of a perv was I anyway?

(End of Lesson Six)

Next: Chapter 7

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