Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on Apr 19, 2011


Ward's Shoes By Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Gay: Authoritarian, High School


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Ward's Shoes -- Lesson Seven (Continued) By Dick Love Apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Ward's Introduction

Jimmy has already had a busy day, what with getting his ass well spanked and him learning just how far Mom and Dad will go to back Me up in my plan to totally control him and make him my pussy boy slave. I know he is gonna really love not being able to wear anything but his tighty whities around the house. I wasn't sure if he realized that meant out in the yard too, even the front yard. Well, we'll get the faggot's reaction when he tells about the washing and the waxing of the van. I'm not sure that it's sunk into his little queer head yet either that he can't wear long pants anymore just shorts. For right now, he can still wear them to school, but once Dad checks to see if shorts are allowed by the dress code that's gonna change too. If shorts ain't allowed, I will find a way around that because I want Jimmy in short pants wherever he goes and I will make that happen. I know one thing, Jimmy will be wearing shorts to church tomorrow. He may squawk like hell about it, but that's all right. I ain't worn my hand out yet, and there is many a good spanking waiting for the little wuss, all he has to do is smart off or talk back.

Many of you guys have sent emails and told about what you think of me and Jimmy or giving your own ideas about what you'd like to see happen. Mr. Dick Love, who puts the story Into writing for you guys lets me know everything you write. So, if you haven't done it yet, tell him whatever you have to say. Do it for Wardy, because if he doesn't hear from you he figures you aren't real interested, and then he may forget your buddy Ward and write about something else. I think Mr. Love is one of those egghead professorial types, so he may decide to write about the mating habits of the horny anteater, or some such shit. If you don't tell him he's got no way to know that you like knowing about what Wardy is up to and about my fag bitch Jimmy too.

Well, so much for the pitch for building up Ward's ego as Important as I think that is, I know you are all dying to hear more of the story. Front and center, Jimmy. The guys are all waiting for you to continue the story, but be careful because I'm listening to your every word.

Lesson Seven (Conclusion)

After I had thrown all my clothes except for my tighty whities In the laundry basket, and gone to my room to put my sneakers away and put on my flip flops, I came back downstairs and told Ward I had done what he asked.

"I guess we're ready to out and start washing Dad's van", Ward replied.

"If we are going outside, I will need to put on some shorts. Is it okay if I go do that now, Ward?"

"I told you that when you're at home you wear only your tighty whities, Jimmy. You have your flip flops on, so you are all dressed up to go out in the yard".

"No way, Ward. I'm not going out in the yard with nothing but my

underwear. The neighbors will see me. People will laugh at me".

"Jimmy, you are in your tighty whities, which takes the place of a diaper. In fact we can also call your tighty whities your diaper. That's fine too because we have decided you are a baby, so that's what you wear. You will wear your diaper inside or outside the house, as long as you are in your own yard. There are no exceptions to the rule, no matter who sees you like that".

"But, Ward, what if one of my friends comes over, like Henry from across the street, or kids from school, my friends Harvey, Preston, and Stanley especially? And then there are relatives that come to visit, and my grandparents. What will they all think?"

"They will all think you are a baby, Jimmy, because that is what Mom and Dad will tell them, and what I'll tell them too".

"That's no fair, Ward. You can't do that, and neither can Mom and Dad. I won't take that. I won't!"

"Don't have a cow, Jimmy. Your temper tantrums won't help you. You will take it because what I say goes, and Mom and Dad will back me up. You either obey or get punished. I've heard enough from you, Jimmy. I've been more than patient, but now you know the score. So, you know how it is, fucking live with it. Next time you mouth off; you won't get a second chance. You got that?"

I hesitated, but then I answered, "I got it, Sir".

"Good, let's get to work. Follow me, boy!"

Ward was wearing cut off jeans and a tee shirt. I only had my `diaper' as Ward now referred to my tighty whities. We both wore no socks and flip flops.

We went out into the garage first. Ward opened the garage door and we got all the stuff we needed together to wash and wax the van. Ward ordered me to get everything needed outside even before he backed up the van. I carefully looked both ways as I emerged from the garage, hoping nobody would be outside. It was sunny and about 75 degrees with a light breeze, so of course people would be out.

Sure enough Mrs. Henderson was bent over her flower garden, pulling up weeds. She looked up and spotted me. ""What in creation are you doing outside with nothing on but your underwear, Jimmy? She asked.

"Well...uh....uh" I stammered in reply.

""Where are your manners, Jimmy?", Ward said as he came out of the garage to join me. "Introduce me to your neighbor".

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Mrs. Henderson this is Ward. He is living with us now."

"Glad to meet you, Mrs. Henderson. Jimmy's dressed like he is because he's a bad little boy. He has to be that way until he learns how to behave himself. He acts like a baby, so he almost had to wear Pampers"

"Jimmy, what has come over you? You used to be so smart, and did so well in school. Now you are behaving like a baby. Shame on you! Now I understand. I have to get back to my plants, But Ward, it's nice to meet you. Look after Jimmy, make sure he stays out of trouble".

"Oh, I will, Mrs. Henderson. I promised Mom and Dad I would. Jimmy's parents trust me so much that they see me as another son, And so much more grown up, that they have me looking after Jimmy; kind of like I'm his big brother, and baby sitter"

"Well, I can see that he needs a babysitter. I'm going to say bye for now boys. Nice meeting you, Ward. I hope you start being a good boy again, Jimmy. Well Toot-a-loo, boys".

"Bye, Mrs. Henderson. Nice to meet you, Maam"

Ward started to get things organized for the job we had to do. He had me fill a bucket with hot water and add a special cleaner so I could scrub the tires of the van with a brush and then go over them with a sponge, while Ward washed the van windows inside and out.

Things were quiet for some time. There was no one else in sight, until I saw Captain McNab's cruiser coming down the street. Captain McNab lived next door to us on the opposite side from Mrs. Henderson and her husband. He was the man in charge of The Juvenile Detention Center in our county and I found him kind of scary. All the cops who investigated juvenile offenses as well as the truant officers and school police were also under McNab's supervision.

I was definitely afraid to have this kind of super cop for bad kids see me out in the front yard in my tighty whities. I quickly grabbed the bucket and brush and scooted around to the other side of the van where I would not be so visible to McNab as he drove down the street.

"What are you doing, Jimmy. You hardly began washing the one tire and now you've moved to another. Go back and finish the tire you were working on". "I will in just a minute, Ward. There is a reason why I have to wait a minute before I do, Sir"

Although McNab's car was going real slow (the speed limit on the side street we lived on was only 20 miles per hour) he was now only about 100 feet away.

"Now, Jimmy! When I give you an order you do what I say right away".

"Please, Ward".

"Move your faggot ass now".

I knew Ward was really getting pissed off, so I dragged the bucket back To the other side.

The next thing I saw was Captain McNab's police car stopped at the end of our drive, and the captain walking up the drive.

"What is going on here? Jimmy, what the hell are you doing out here in nothing more than your skivvies, boy?"

"Oh, hello, Captain, Sir. I'm being punished because I was bad, Sir, My Mom and Dad feel that since I behave like a baby they are going to treat me like one. I have to wear only my tighty whities when I'm at home, even in the yard, Sir.

"I see. Well, I guess you won't be going anywhere without permission. Will you?"

"No, Sir".

"I never thought you were a bad boy, Jimmy. I know you always did well in school. Are you still getting good grades?"

"Yes, Sir. It's not my grades. I'm real smart. I hardly need to work at getting `A's', Sir. It's my attitude. I guess I've been too much of a smart ass. Talking back and not doing as I'm told".

"Well, I'm glad you recognize that at least, but you better watch your step, boy. You keep your nose clean! You don't want to get yourself on my black list boy. Maybe I should talk to your parents. If they think it's needed I can arrange a weekend stay for you at JDC. A little time in lockup may teach you why you want to behave yourself".

Up to this point, Wardy hadn't shown his face while Captain McNab was talking to me, but now he appeared as if from nowhere.

"Is Jimmy in more trouble, officer?"

"And who are you to be asking, young man?"

"I'm Jimmy's cousin, Ward, Sir."

"Hello Ward, I'm Captain McNab, Director of the Juvenile Authority. Have you got anything to do with Jimmy being in trouble? Maybe you are the bad influence on Jimmy? Do I need to investigate what's going on here, Ward?"

"No,Sir, Captain McNab, and I'm sorry I mistook you for an ordinary

policeman, when you are more like Chief of Police, Sir".

"Yes, Ward, I'm like Chief of Police but only just for kids, Tell me more about what's going on here with Jimmy. Do you think I need to be really concerned?"

"Yes, I think you do, Sir, especially if you and Jimmy's Mom and Dad are friends, Sir. You may want to have a talk with them. Jimmy was behaving worse and worse until I arrived. Mom and Dad will tell you how much better he's doing now. They have me helping them with getting Jimmy to be respectful and to tow the mark."

"Interesting! You have the appearance of being a tough kid, Ward. My first impression of you is that you might be one of the boys on my Black list."

"I can understand you thinking that, Sir, but you can find out from Jimmy's parents what they think of me, Sir. They think of me as another son, Sir. I really admire someone like you, Captain. Maybe someday I can be a police officer. I doubt I could get to be a great man like you, but with a lot Of hard work, who knows what's possible"

"That's true, Ward. I was telling Jimmy that maybe he could benefit from coming to stay at JDC for a couple of days, that it might give him a better idea of why he should behave and be a good boy. What do you think, Ward?"

"Mom and Dad have me in charge of Jimmy and making sure he behaves himself. I think I am doing a good job of correcting Jimmy's behavior and improving his attitude, but I'm glad to know you are willing to help with Jimmy's discipline. May I call on you if your help is needed, Sir.

"I'm right next door, Ward. Come see me anytime. I'd be only too happy to help".

"Thank you, Captain"

"Maybe it's a good thing for you to have to go around at home in your jockey shorts, Jimmy. As long as I've lived next door you have always acted like you were better than everyone else, even your parents. Something like this will humble you. Whose idea was this, Jimmy?"

"It was Ward's, Sir. He is like a big brother to me, Sir. My attitude really has improved since he came to live with us, Captain McNab. I wouldn't be outside like this today but Ward wanted to wash and wax Dad's van for him, and insisted I help, Sir?"

"Do you think it would help you if I arranged for you to spend some time at JDC, boy?"

"I have learned a lot lately, Sir, especially from Ward. If Ward hadn't come along when he did, I probably would ended up in JDC, but I think I am going to be a good boy now, Captain, but if not, I bet Ward will let you know, Sir".

"Okay, Jimmy. Let's just leave like that for now, but you just remember I'm right next door and that if you don't behave I'd be more than happy to make you one of my boys. There is always room for another boy on my black list, Jimmy"

"I understand. Thank you, Captain McNab"

"We'll talk again, Jimmy. I'm really interested in you now, and I'm pleased to meet you, Ward. Teach Jimmy the right way."

"I will, Captain. Nice to meet you too?"

"Bye, boys".

I was really shaken up by Captain McNab's visit. But it didn't seem to faze Ward at all. He got right back to work on Dad's van, and got me going again too.

"Keep working on scrubbing those tires for now, boy, but when I'm done washing the windows; I'm going to put you to work on the inside of the van wiping down the leather upholstery and vacuuming the carpeting. I really don't think you are any good at getting the tires and rims clean and shiny, but maybe you can do better inside the van, and it will get you out of sight for a while, so you should like that, faggot".

Of course Wardy was right, I did an especially good job working on the inside of the van because it got me away from where anyone could see me in my tighty whities, so I really took my time.

However, before I got inside Dad's van I saw my friend Henry come off the street and into his driveway riding on his bicycle. "Oh shit" I said under my breath. "I hope Henry didn't see me. It will be so hard to explain ".

This project of Ward's to wash and wax Dad's van had turned from just being a tedious and boring chore, to being extremely stressful for me because Ward insisted on this business of Making me wear nothing except my tighty whities. I guess I should have been happy Ward didn't make me wear a real diaper, but all I could think about was how embarrassing it was to be dressed this way.

I finally finished inside the van. After Ward inspected my work, he actually had some good words for me. "See Jimmy, you can do good work when you want to. You did a good job this morning after I got on your case, and now you did really well with with the vacuuming and upholstery.

"Now, I'll hose down the van, and we'll both go over it with soapy sponges. After that, we can take a little break before we wax it".

While Ward was washing the van with the hose, I started telling him how badly shook up I got by Captain McNab's little visit and how we would never have attracted the attention of the police if I had been dressed like a normal boy instead of being made to wear nothing but my tighty whities.

All of a sudden Ward turned the hose on me and kept soaking me with it.

"That should cool you off and make you stop your bitching.".

The cold water chilled me and gave me goose bumps, but my dick was still real hard. It seemed like it never went down any more, or practically not at all.

"Look Jimmy, now that your diaper's all wet you can see everything you got thru your tighty whities".

I was not amused.

It took the whole afternoon to wash Dad's van, vacuum it out, and give it a complete paste wax job. I got so tired of applying the wax and waiting for it to dry to a haze, one little section at a time, and then rubbing the wax off with a cloth and buffing each area to a high gloss. Wardy enjoyed doing it, but I thought it was the pits. I never realized before just how big Dad's van really is. And, Wardy had a country music station playing on the radio for a good part of the time. I hate that hee haw, hayseed, shit kicking kind of music. That just added to my displeasure. You've got to know, I couldn't wait to finish up and go back inside where I could lay back and relax and watch a movie on HBO. I was even more exhausted because of my concern with who might see me wearing just my tighty whities, and who did see me.

Dad was ecstatic when he saw his van all spiffed up and shining. He beamed as he praised Ward for taking on this project. He even thanked me for helping out too. But by that time I was way too tired to care. When we finished, I told Ward that all I wanted to do was go to my room and rest. But that didn't seem to sit well with Wardy at all.

"First of all, faggot, it ain't your room any more. It's my room, dickhead. The second thing is that you didn't ask me. Instead you told me what you wanted to do. I don't give a sweet shit what you want to do. You ain't gonna do it unless I say so. You have done a lot today, so I will allow you to go up to my room and lie down, but don't you dare turn the TV on without my permission or do anything except take a nap. Do you understand me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir Ward"

"Good. Then you go up there now and take a nap like a good little baby"

"Sir, may I ask you something, please?"

"K, Jimmy, I'm listening. Go ahead and ask".

"Well, there is this good movie on HBO that is going to be starting in a few minutes. I've been waiting to see it all week. May I please have permission to watch it, Sir? Maybe we could watch it together?

"Nope; I'm gonna watch the football game with Dad. And, you need to rest, so no TV, no radio, no reading, no nothing except a nice nap for my baby brother. You need your beauty rest, faggot."

"Why are you calling me a baby, Ward? You are two years younger than me. I'm no baby!"

"Oh, ho, I got a wiseass rebellious slave boy on my hands, do I? K, you wanna give me back talk? Fine, asshole. No TV for you for the rest of the weekend. And if I hear one more remark out of you right now, Jimmy, there will be no TV for a week. Just keep your mouth shut and go upstairs and get in bed, like a good baby!"

By the time Wardy called me a baby for the third time I was really seething inside, and I hated him for making me miss the movie too. But, I knew it would only get worse if I didn't just keep quiet and go up to the bedroom.

I sulked and brooded for a very long time before I fell asleep. And then I dreamed. It was a weird dream, as so many are. I was sitting in a playpen wearing nothing but diapers. Wardy came into the room carrying a baby bottle with a rubber nipple on the end. The bottle was filled with some sort of liquid. He put the nipple in my mouth and commanded me to "Suck it all up!" When I tasted it, the bottle was full of cream. I mean the kind that comes out of a guy's dick not the kind from a cow. It must have been Ward's jizz. I nursed on the bottle. Wardy picked me up as if I really was a baby and held me in his arms. "Daddy is so proud of his little baby for taking his medicine", Ward said. He laid me back down in the crib which turned into a jail cell surrounded by steel bars. Ward was now dressed like a prison guard, who stood looking at me from the other side of the bars. "Finish up your gruel, jailbird, there is a big pile of rocks waiting for you to bust them up. Eat up. You'll need your strength. Do you hear me prisoner number 12345?"

"Yes, Sir, but why does this gruel taste like cum, Sir?"

"Because all the guys reading this story decided to beat off in your cereal bowl, boy!"

You mean this isn't real? This is just a story?"

"Or it could be a dream, or a nightmare, or better yet you could be awake, faggot!"

I was strapped into a chair by two big burly guys wearing black hoods. Wardy threw a switch and this extremely bright light was shining down on me; the kind they use for interrogating prisoners It hurt my eyes, and I tried to cover them with my hands, but they were shackled and I couldn't lift them up to my face.

"Wake up, cocksucker! You've had plenty of time to rest. It's already getting dark."

I was lying on the bed, and Wardy was looking down on me. I rubbed my eyes. It was hard to shake off the sleepiness.

"Get down on your knees in front of me, bitch", Ward ordered.

I forced myself to get up off the bed and drop to my knees in front of Wardy. From this lowly position I looked up into Ward's face. His cold blue eyes stared down on me.

"Get all the way down, with your face to the floor....Now lick my loafers, you lowlife pussy bitch!"

Ward's shoes were right up close to my face. I couldn't believe Ward wanted me to lick them. How could I do something that degrading? I kept staring at Ward's shoes. They were brown loafers the very tops of which had a woven look. They were also scuffed and dirty. I felt like I was frozen in position and in time too. I couldn't speak; I couldn't pull away; and I couldn't do what Ward had demanded me to do. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, but at the same time my pecker had stiffened right up as I looked at Ward's shoes and thought about what Wardy wanted me to do.

"Do what I say, faggot. Start licking my loafers you fucking punk. Do it now!"

With a great deal of reluctance, I pushed out my tongue onto the toe of one of Ward's shoes, and lapped it just a little; then I paused and looked up at Ward.

"That's it, you bootlicking foot faggot. But you just fucking started to give my loafers a good mouth washing. Back to it, bitch! Lick `em clean; every fucking square inch....Wait let me sit down over here in the chair, so I can relax while you give my shoes a good total cleaning with your faggot tongue, asshole.

"Wait. Let me lift this one up, so you can lick the sole. I bet that tastes good, you mouthy son-of-a-bitch. You wanna use that mouth some more to talk back to your Master, slave boy? Every time you do from now on, I'll make you lick my shoes or my boots, smart aleck. And sometimes I'll make you do this anyway, just so you start to remember how far beneath me you are.

I had to lick the tips of the shoes, and the tops that had the woven look. I had to lick the filthy soles and chew on the rubber heels. Ward made me lick them all over and do it over and over again. Then he made me lie on my stomach on the floor while he set his loafer covered feet down on my neck and then my back and my butt; and told me what a wonderful footstool a faggot like me made. It was terribly humiliating.

"This is a great lesson for a faggot like you, Jimmy! That's what the fuck this is; a great and heavy lesson from your Master Ward. I bet you feel the weight of my shoes pressing you down, Jimmy. You fucking lowly footstool; or maybe that should be `toadstool', Jimmy. You fucking mouthy little fagass bitch!"

I started to cry, and Ward asked me why I was crying.

"I am so sorry that I got you so mad at me, Sir Ward. I really want to be a good boy for you. I have to tell you I love sucking your dick. You are so rough on me, but I want you here, and I want things to be your way, but please don't hate me because .... I think I love you, Sir Wardy. I am happier with you in my life than I ever was before. I can take you controlling me, and having you chew me out whenever You feel I need it, and the punishment too, but if I feel that you really don't care about me, well that is something I can't bear to live with, Sir Ward.

Ward told me to get up. He held me in his arms, and gave me a hug. "You just be a good little boy for me, Jimmy. I don't hate you. You are my brother now, so I love you too. But you gotta behave because I'm not going to let you act like you used to any more. You are my boy now, and I plan to keep you in line. It's good for you that way, and it's good for me, and it's good for Mom and Dad too. You got that, Jimmy? Do you really get it now?"

"Oh, yes Sir Ward. I get it. I really, really do!"

(End of Lesson Seven)

Next: Chapter 9

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