Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on Apr 21, 2011


Ward's Shoes By Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Gay: Authoritarian, High School


This story is copyright protected and remains the property of the author.

This is an adult story with sexual themes. If you are not of legal age to read this where you are accessing this story or it is illegal for you to do so for any reason, or if you find material of a sexual nature of any kind offensive, you should exit the website where this story is posted immediately. This story is only intended to be viewed by those who may legally do so and who enjoy this kind of literature.

Your comments are welcome. Please email me at the above email address.

Ward's Shoes -- Lesson 8

Ward's Introduction

Maybe some of you think that Jimmy's tears made Wardy turn to mush. Oh no, What's going on here, Jimmy sheds a few fucking tears and Ward gets all sappy and the story changes into a fucking soap opera? You guys know nothing about domination. You gotta know when to take a little step back and when the push the envelope, whatever the hell that stupid expression is supposed to mean.

I intend to use and control Jimmy in every way thinkable, but I want him to want that and not to resist me every step of the way. Oh, I know he ain't gonna love all the shit I dish out, but I want his dick to get hard and stay that way most of the time, and just like Jimmy doesn't want me to hate him, I don't want him to hate me.

The trouble with too many dominant guys is that they think everything is about them, and that it don't matter if the sub gets any pleasure. That is just plain dumb, unless you are one of those psychos who thinks of a sub as somebody, or some body, of no value.

I don't see it that way; I appreciate a true faggot, a guy who gets off on being used, humiliated, and punished. I want him to enjoy taking what i dish out to him, and I want him to worship me. I don't want him to like everything I do to him and make him do, but I do want him to be hooked on me and to get turned on by the way I treat him, the way I get turned on by fucking with him.

Any moron can dominate with a club like caveman, but I want my slave to look up to me as a god to be worshiped not as an ape to be feared and despised.

I want Jimmy to serve and obey me, but sometimes I want to see some fight. It's kind of like reeling in a fish. It wouldn't be any fun if the fish never put up a fight. At the same time, I know that if you give a fish too much slack he may wiggle off the line.

Anyway, Jimmy will tell you about what happened on Sunday.

Lesson Eight

I never thought I would make it through yesterday. I was so humiliated by having to go outside in my tighty whities and by being seen like that by at least two, maybe three people. And I couldn't believe that Ward made me lick his shoes. That was disgusting, but I have to admit that while I was doing that my dick was so stiff that I thought I might blow a load before I could finish licking Ward's loafers.

I woke up this morning with the sun coming thru the bedroom window. I was so grateful that it was Sunday. I was sure this would be a better and easier day because I knew Ward wanted us all to go to church, and Mom and Dad had said they would go too. Boy was I wrong about it being an easy day.

I was happy that Ward asked for a blow job as soon as he woke up, because I practically lived to suck Ward's dick these days, but I still wasn't thrilled when it was time to lick Ward's ass and suck on his asshole, but today he also demanded I kiss his feet and even suck his toes. He demanded I spend some time sucking each toe and then I had to lick between each one. How humiliating; but still my cock was stiff all the time I was doing it, just like when Ward made me lick his shoes.

But before I go into detail about Sunday's events, I should finish telling about yesterday. Everything I told about in the last lesson only took the story up until supper time.

We didn't see Mom and Dad all Saturday afternoon while we were washing and waxing Dad's van. At the dinner table, Dad went on and on praising the job we did on the van. It was the first time I came to the table in just my tighty whities and Mom seemed surprised.

"I had forgotten you wanted Jimmy to wear only his underwear at home, Ward" she said.

"I know it's kind of awkward, Mom, but at least until jimmy grows up some more, and learns more about how to be a good, respectful, and obedient boy, it's for the best. I love you and Dad so much, and you don't know how much your enthusiastic support for my efforts to help Jimmy with his behavior problems means to me, Mom"

"Oh, it's fine, Wardy. We can all handle things being this way, since it's for Jimmy's own good, and I'm sure this is for the best because Jimmy was so adamant about us giving you a free hand with him, Ward. You still feel that way don't you, Jimmy?"

Again I felt the pressure of Ward's shoe pressing down firmly on my bare foot, and just like one of those dolls that you squeeze somewhere to make it talk, I answered my mother's question the way I knew Wardy wanted it answered.

"I feel that way more then ever, Mom. Anything Ward makes me do or any rule he makes me obey is good because it is really for my benefit and designed to teach me something. There is no reason at all for either of you to prevent Ward from doing anything he feels is necessary. I don't like wearing only my tighty whities around the house and even outside in the yard, but I feel Ward should be able to make me do it, Mom and Dad".

The pressure from Ward's shoe diminished considerably as I spoke.

Then Dad said, "Yes, Jimmy, you are absolutely right. I don't care if it inconveniences your Mother and me, or even if we feel awkward in front of friends or relatives, or anyone else for that matter, I want Ward to be able to teach Jimmy the lessons he feels are necessary and discipline him in every way he decides is best. And Jimmy, I feel so much closer to you and so much fonder of you because you want Wardy to have that kind of control over you. To me that is a sign that you are improving and beginning to grow up".

"I hope you are right, Dad, but believe me Jimmy is not going to grow up over night. He will relapse into his childish behavior many times before he really learns. I know what I am doing, Dad, and I promise that you will be happy with the long term results."

"I'm sure of it, Wardy".

We had all finished our salad. It was Saturday, so we always had hot dogs and beans. We had rolls for the hot dogs and all the fixings, and we also had Mom's homemade potato salad. I took two hot dogs and a big pile of potato salad but since I don't really like beans an awful lot, I only took a couple tablespoons. I would have taken even more food except I knew by the way Ward pressed down with his shoe on my foot, that Ward didn't want me to load up my plate too much, but at least he cut me some slack.

Ward also took two hot dogs and, a smaller portion of potato salad then I did, but he took a lot of beans, and later went back for seconds, and took as many beans as he did the first time around for his second helping.

Mom had baked an apple pie for dessert and I asked for a big piece, but Ward stepped on my foot pretty hard and I changed my mind. "Can you just make that a medium sized piece with just a very little vanilla ice cream on top, Mom? I ate so much dinner I really shouldn't stuff myself".

" How sensible, Jimmy" Dad said "I am so surprised you realized that without one of us telling you".

"Thanks to Ward, I realize a lot more than i used to, Dad".

"And it's a good thing you do, Jimmy. I would hate to tell you can't have dessert, but sometimes I will need to do that"

"Yes, Ward" I answered, "You know best.

Dad changed the subject taking the conversation back to the van, and the terrific job Ward and I had done. Dad was also pleased that Ward had not played the radio too loud and had not kept it on long enough to affect the battery.

"The wax job is the best I've ever had, and the windows are spotless" Dad concluded.

"I did the windows, but Jimmy did most of the waxing. We both enjoyed doing it a lot. I don't think that Jimmy was really thrilled about meeting Mrs. Henderson or Captain McNab in just his diaper; that's what I usually call his tighty whities now, to remind Jimmy that he is dressed like he is to remind him that he acts like a baby a good part of the time".

"Both of our neighbors saw him like that? Mom asked. "And what did they say?"

"I explained to Mrs. Henderson about Jimmy acting like a baby and getting punished. She seemed to understand, but scolded Jimmy. Jimmy explained to the Captain, but I expect he will have a chat with Dad about it. He suggested that Jimmy might benefit by spending a weekend in JDC. He said he can arrange it. All I need to do is ask him, or make Jimmy go and ask. I'm toying with the idea".

"Well, maybe it would be a good experience for Jimmy, but do you think you might wait a while before making a decision, Ward?"

"Sure, Dad, I'm not even sure I want to take Captain McNab up on his offer yet. It depends a lot on how Jimmy behaves during the next few weeks".

I got goose bumps just thinking that Ward might really consider that as an option, but I knew he might, especially since Dad didn't say much to make him stop thinking about the idea. The idea of such a punishment really scared me, but at the same time it gave me a wicked boner.

When dinner was over, I offered to help Mom with the dishes and putting everything away.

"Go for it, Jimmy. That will make up for the other night when instead of going to help Mom as you were told to do, you put your ear to the study door to hear the conversation I was having with Dad".

"You are right, Ward, but from now on I will be glad to help Mom every night after dinner".

"Very good, Jimmy, you've got years of not helping out when you should have to make up for. I think Mom deserves to have a lot more help with house work than she has been getting, so I'm hoping that you will give that some thought and come up with your own ideas about how she can get that help".

And, of course, while Ward was making the last remarks his shoe was pressing down once again on my foot.

"There is also a lot of work that Dad does around the house and yard. He comes home from a hard day at work and has to do things around here, and you know, Jimmy, that this has been going on for years without you lifting your little finger to help, but I don't want Dad to have to do anything around here that you and me can do, Jimmy, and we both know it will be mostly me because you are too uncoordinated and (let's come right out and tell the truth) too much of a sissy. Am I wrong, Jimmy? If I am, you just go ahead and say so, right now in front of Mom and Dad".

Ward pressed down so hard with his shoe that this time I almost shouted out `Ow', but somehow I kept from doing it. I thought about what Ward was saying, and I knew he was making me look bad, even though and maybe because of my offer to help Mom; and Wardy was daring me to contradict him. I knew I would get another spanking in front of Mom and Dad if I said the wrong thing, and probably a lot more punishment too, so I not only kept my feelings inside, but decided to try to say exactly what Ward wanted to hear.

"I am so sorry, Mom and Dad, that I have been such a bad boy, and yes, a bad son too. I have been very selfish and lazy. It is so good that Ward became part of this family. He is teaching me to recognize the error of my ways, and to want to make up for what I've done wrong. Ward, I have been thinking about helping Mom more, and that's why I wanted to help now, but if you hadn't made me feel so ashamed of myself, I would never have said the part about helping in the kitchen from now on. But, that isn't enough either from now on I want to help Mom with the laundry and all the other housework. I will dust and vacuum, and anything else Mom wants done whenever she wants it done.

"You are also right about me being so uncoordinated, Ward, to the point where I am a klutz when it comes to doing the kind of work real men do, and since that is the way it is, I need your help to do the things Dad always did around the house, but I will be glad to work with you on those jobs and do whatever I can".

"You won't have to do that much of the he-man stuff, Jimmy, just help a little here and there. Besides you being lazy and thinking you were better than anyone else, one of the main reasons Mom hasn't gotten much help with the housework is because she didn't have a daughter. It's expected that a girl will help her Mom with the housework. I want you to try to think of yourself as that daughter your mother never had, Jimmy. You are real good at acting Jimmy, so I want you to play the role of Mom's daughter. It's okay we all know that you aren't really a girl, Jimmy, or they would have put that on your birth certificate, but trust me and do what I'm telling you. Whenever it's a good time for you to be mommy's little helper, put on one of Mom's aprons and get into your role as Mom's daughter. I want you to do that, Jimmy. It works! You don't object to that do you?"

Object! I really wanted to scream. First Ward makes me a baby, and now he makes me a girl. This was so humiliating, but I didn't dare argue about it. The most I could say was:

"Whatever you say, Ward. I'm sure you know best".

"Dad and Mom, I hope you don't think it's a weird idea, but i know it's going to help, but you will also have to trust me, particularly Mom. You see how much I've helped Jimmy before now, and things are much better for you too, so please help me help Jimmy. Mom, will you play along and when Jimmy helps you with the housework pretend that he's your daughter, the sweet little girl you always wanted?"

"I think we should trust Ward, Mother. He says it will work, and he's been right up until now. Ward knows what he's doing, even if his methods are sort of unusual" Dad said.

"Of course you are right, dear. I trust Ward; I'll do my best to help".

"Mom, and you too Dad, you are wonderful. I'm not going to disappoint you. I am going to help Jimmy become everything he should be. I'm sure Jimmy is grateful for everything you do to help me give him the correction he needs. Isn't that right, Jimmy?"

As Ward asked that question he pushed down really hard with his shoe. It really hurt, but I know it still could have been much worse.

"Yes, Ward. You are right, and I want Mom and Dad to help you".

"Then I will act the part of my little girl's mommy whenever Jimmy helps me with the housework, Ward. I will give an academy award performance if that helps".

"Mom, you are a real peach' Ward answered.

As promised after dinner I helped Mom with the dishes and clean-up, but before Mom would let me do anything she picked out an apron and put it on me, tying it in the back.

"Isn't that better, dear, a nice lavender apron with pink pansies on it. Now you really do look like my little girl. I am just so happy to have my daughter helping me do things. Don't you love helping me?"

"Of course, Mom", I answered.

Later, after Ward and I went upstairs to get ready for bed, I thought of saying something to Ward, but he stopped me in my tracks.

"Before you say anything, Jimmy, I got to tell you I give a lot of credit to your mom and Dad, they are being so great about going along with the training I'm giving you. And I just loved seeing you in the apron she picked out for you to wear. Pansies and pink ones! How fucking appropriate is that? And I am just so pleased with you, Jimmy. You went along with everything the way I wanted,. I was prepared to give you a real good ass beating because I thought for sure you would talk back and throw a fucking tantrum. Because you've been so good tonight but letting give a long, slow blow job anyway you want to give it."

After a speech like that what could I do but shut up about any complaints I might have and get to work making love to Wardy's dick, and that is just what I did.

I used my tongue to lick up and down and around Ward's cock and tease it good. I sucked and slurped his balls, and then I took his pecker as far down my throat as I could and took it in and out until Ward got hard as a rock, and then went back to licking his dick and making love to his balls. I repeated the process of teasing and serious sucking several times until Ward finally tensed up and sent spurt after spurt of cum in thick strands into my mouth, and I greedily swallowed every drop. When we were done Ward and I showered together. I washed his entire body lovingly, and he took me in his arms and hugged me and just before we got out of the shower stall , Ward kissed me. He drove his tongue deep in my mouth and I could tell that there was some passion in his kiss, and I responded in like manner.

"I can do that once in a while now that you have accepted being treated like a girl when I want that. You're still a faggot, but I can forget that every so often and pretend for a moment that you're my girlfriend. Did you like having me kiss you, Jimmy?"

"You know I did Wardy"

"Then close your eyes and open your mouth, Jimmy"

I did what Ward told me, and he spit a big gob into my mouth.

"That's so you don't get any funny ideas about me being queer for you, bitch".

When we got into bed Ward began making some nasty farts.

"Those beans get me going every time, faggot. I tell you what, Jimmy. I don't want you to miss out on the best part of this action. Get your head down under the covers, and put your sweet little face up against my ass crack. You are about to become my personal fart smeller. I ate so many beans just so I could give you this special treat".

I did what Ward said, but it was really gross. Ward's farts smelled really bad. He kept ripping out one nasty fart after another. At first they made feel a little sick, but then I started thinking about the fact that these were Wardy's farts that he was making just for me and that I had no choice except to smell them, and then, sick puppy that I am, I got a hard on.

(End of Lesson Eight -- Part One -- To Be Continued)

Ward's Shoes -- Lesson 8

Ward's Introduction

Maybe some of you think that Jimmy's tears made Wardy turn to mush. Oh no, What's going on here, Jimmy sheds a few fucking tears and Ward gets all sappy and the story changes into a fucking soap opera? You guys know nothing about domination. You gotta know when to take a little step back and when the push the envelope, whatever the hell that stupid expression is supposed to mean.

I intend to use and control Jimmy in every way thinkable, but I want him to want that and not to resist me every step of the way. Oh, I know he ain't gonna love all the shit I dish out, but I want his dick to get hard and stay that way most of the time, and just like Jimmy doesn't want me to hate him, I don't want him to hate me.

The trouble with too many dominant guys is that they think everything is about them, and that it don't matter if the sub gets any pleasure. That is just plain dumb, unless you are one of those psychos who thinks of a sub as somebody, or some body, of no value. I don't see it that way; I appreciate a true faggot, a guy who gets off on being used, humiliated, and punished. I want him to enjoy taking what i dish out to him, and I want him to worship me. I don't want him to like everything I do to him and make him do, but I do want him to be hooked on me and to get turned on by the way I treat him, the way I get turned on by fucking with him.

Any moron can dominate with a club like caveman, but I want my slave to look up to me as a god to be worshiped not as an ape to be feared and despised.

I want Jimmy to serve and obey me, but sometimes I want to see some fight. It's kind of like reeling in a fish. It wouldn't be any fun if the fish never put up a fight. At the same time, I know that if you give a fish too much slack he may wiggle off the line.

Anyway, Jimmy will tell you about what happened on Sunday.

Lesson Eight

I never thought I would make it through yesterday. I was so humiliated by having to go outside in my tighty whities and by being seen like that by at least two, maybe three people. And I couldn't believe that Ward made me lick his shoes. That was disgusting, but I have to admit that while I was doing that my dick was so stiff that I thought I might blow a load before I could finish licking Ward's loafers.

I woke up this morning with the sun coming thru the bedroom window. I was so grateful that it was Sunday. I was sure this would be a better and easier day because I knew Ward wanted us all to go to church, and Mom and Dad had said they would go too. Boy was I wrong about it being an easy day.

I was happy that Ward asked for a blow job as soon as he woke up, because I practically lived to suck Ward's dick these days, but I still wasn't thrilled when it was time to lick Ward's ass and suck on his asshole, but today he also demanded I kiss his feet and even suck his toes. He demanded I spend some time sucking each toe and then I had to lick between each one. How humiliating; but still my cock was stiff all the time I was doing it, just like when Ward made me lick his shoes.

But before I go into detail about Sunday's events, I should finish telling about yesterday. Everything I told about in the last lesson only took the story up until supper time.

We didn't see Mom and Dad all Saturday afternoon while we were washing and waxing Dad's van. At the dinner table, Dad went on and on praising the job we did on the van. It was the first time I came to the table in just my tighty whities and Mom seemed surprised.

"I had forgotten you wanted Jimmy to wear only his underwear at home, Ward" she said.

"I know it's kind of awkward, Mom, but at least until jimmy grows up some more, and learns more about how to be a good, respectful, and obedient boy, it's for the best. I love you and Dad so much, and you don't know how much your enthusiastic support for my efforts to help Jimmy with his behavior problems means to me, Mom"

"Oh, it's fine, Wardy. We can all handle things being this way, since it's for Jimmy's own good, and I'm sure this is for the best because Jimmy was so adamant about us giving you a free hand with him, Ward. You still feel that way don't you, Jimmy?"

Again I felt the pressure of Ward's shoe pressing down firmly on my bare foot, and just like one of those dolls that you squeeze somewhere to make it talk, I answered my mother's question the way I knew Wardy wanted it answered.

"I feel that way more then ever, Mom. Anything Ward makes me do or any rule he makes me obey is good because it is really for my benefit and designed to teach me something. There is no reason at all for either of you to prevent Ward from doing anything he feels is necessary. I don't like wearing only my tighty whities around the house and even outside in the yard, but I feel Ward should be able to make me do it, Mom and Dad".

The pressure from Ward's shoe diminished considerably as I spoke.

Then Dad said, "Yes, Jimmy, you are absolutely right. I don't care if it inconveniences your Mother and me, or even if we feel awkward in front of friends or relatives, or anyone else for that matter, I want Ward to be able to teach Jimmy the lessons he feels are necessary and discipline him in every way he decides is best. And Jimmy, I feel so much closer to you and so much fonder of you because you want Wardy to have that kind of control over you. To me that is a sign that you are improving and beginning to grow up".

"I hope you are right, Dad, but believe me Jimmy is not going to grow up over night. He will relapse into his childish behavior many times before he really learns. I know what I am doing, Dad, and I promise that you will be happy with the long term results."

"I'm sure of it, Wardy".

We had all finished our salad. It was Saturday, so we always had hot dogs and beans. We had rolls for the hot dogs and all the fixings, and we also had Mom's homemade potato salad. I took two hot dogs and a big pile of potato salad but since I don't really like beans an awful lot, I only took a couple tablespoons. I would have taken even more food except I knew by the way Ward pressed down with his shoe on my foot, that Ward didn't want me to load up my plate too much, but at least he cut me some slack.

Ward also took two hot dogs and, a smaller portion of potato salad then I did, but he took a lot of beans, and later went back for seconds, and took as many beans as he did the first time around for his second helping.

Mom had baked an apple pie for dessert and I asked for a big piece, but Ward stepped on my foot pretty hard and I changed my mind. "Can you just make that a medium sized piece with just a very little vanilla ice cream on top, Mom? I ate so much dinner I really shouldn't stuff myself".

" How sensible, Jimmy" Dad said "I am so surprised you realized that without one of us telling you".

"Thanks to Ward, I realize a lot more than i used to, Dad".

"And it's a good thing you do, Jimmy. I would hate to tell you can't have dessert, but sometimes I will need to do that"

"Yes, Ward" I answered, "You know best.

Dad changed the subject taking the conversation back to the van, and the terrific job Ward and I had done. Dad was also pleased that Ward had not played the radio too loud and had not kept it on long enough to affect the battery.

"The wax job is the best I've ever had, and the windows are spotless" Dad concluded.

"I did the windows, but Jimmy did most of the waxing. We both enjoyed doing it a lot. I don't think that Jimmy was really thrilled about meeting Mrs. Henderson or Captain McNab in just his diaper; that's what I usually call his tighty whities now, to remind Jimmy that he is dressed like he is to remind him that he acts like a baby a good part of the time".

"Both of our neighbors saw him like that? Mom asked. "And what did they say?"

"I explained to Mrs. Henderson about Jimmy acting like a baby and getting punished. She seemed to understand, but scolded Jimmy. Jimmy explained to the Captain, but I expect he will have a chat with Dad about it. He suggested that Jimmy might benefit by spending a weekend in JDC. He said he can arrange it. All I need to do is ask him, or make Jimmy go and ask. I'm toying with the idea".

"Well, maybe it would be a good experience for Jimmy, but do you think you might wait a while before making a decision, Ward?"

"Sure, Dad, I'm not even sure I want to take Captain McNab up on his offer yet. It depends a lot on how Jimmy behaves during the next few weeks".

I got goose bumps just thinking that Ward might really consider that as an option, but I knew he might, especially since Dad didn't say much to make him stop thinking about the idea. The idea of such a punishment really scared me, but at the same time it gave me a wicked boner.

When dinner was over, I offered to help Mom with the dishes and putting everything away.

"Go for it, Jimmy. That will make up for the other night when instead of going to help Mom as you were told to do, you put your ear to the study door to hear the conversation I was having with Dad".

"You are right, Ward, but from now on I will be glad to help Mom every night after dinner".

"Very good, Jimmy, you've got years of not helping out when you should have to make up for. I think Mom deserves to have a lot more help with house work than she has been getting, so I'm hoping that you will give that some thought and come up with your own ideas about how she can get that help".

And, of course, while Ward was making the last remarks his shoe was pressing down once again on my foot.

"There is also a lot of work that Dad does around the house and yard. He comes home from a hard day at work and has to do things around here, and you know, Jimmy, that this has been going on for years without you lifting your little finger to help, but I don't want Dad to have to do anything around here that you and me can do, Jimmy, and we both know it will be mostly me because you are too uncoordinated and (let's come right out and tell the truth) too much of a sissy. Am I wrong, Jimmy? If I am, you just go ahead and say so, right now in front of Mom and Dad".

Ward pressed down so hard with his shoe that this time I almost shouted out `Ow', but somehow I kept from doing it. I thought about what Ward was saying, and I knew he was making me look bad, even though and maybe because of my offer to help Mom; and Wardy was daring me to contradict him. I knew I would get another spanking in front of Mom and Dad if I said the wrong thing, and probably a lot more punishment too, so I not only kept my feelings inside, but decided to try to say exactly what Ward wanted to hear.

"I am so sorry, Mom and Dad, that I have been such a bad boy, and yes, a bad son too. I have been very selfish and lazy. It is so good that Ward became part of this family. He is teaching me to recognize the error of my ways, and to want to make up for what I've done wrong. Ward, I have been thinking about helping Mom more, and that's why I wanted to help now, but if you hadn't made me feel so ashamed of myself, I would never have said the part about helping in the kitchen from now on. But, that isn't enough either from now on I want to help Mom with the laundry and all the other housework. I will dust and vacuum, and anything else Mom wants done whenever she wants it done.

"You are also right about me being so uncoordinated, Ward, to the point where I am a klutz when it comes to doing the kind of work real men do, and since that is the way it is, I need your help to do the things Dad always did around the house, but I will be glad to work with you on those jobs and do whatever I can".

"You won't have to do that much of the he-man stuff, Jimmy, just help a little here and there. Besides you being lazy and thinking you were better than anyone else, one of the main reasons Mom hasn't gotten much help with the housework is because she didn't have a daughter. It's expected that a girl will help her Mom with the housework. I want you to try to think of yourself as that daughter your mother never had, Jimmy. You are real good at acting Jimmy, so I want you to play the role of Mom's daughter. It's okay we all know that you aren't really a girl, Jimmy, or they would have put that on your birth certificate, but trust me and do what I'm telling you. Whenever it's a good time for you to be mommy's little helper, put on one of Mom's aprons and get into your role as Mom's daughter. I want you to do that, Jimmy. It works! You don't object to that do you?"

Object! I really wanted to scream. First Ward makes me a baby, and now he makes me a girl. This was so humiliating, but I didn't dare argue about it. The most I could say was:

"Whatever you say, Ward. I'm sure you know best".

"Dad and Mom, I hope you don't think it's a weird idea, but i know it's going to help, but you will also have to trust me, particularly Mom. You see how much I've helped Jimmy before now, and things are much better for you too, so please help me help Jimmy. Mom, will you play along and when Jimmy helps you with the housework pretend that he's your daughter, the sweet little girl you always wanted?"

"I think we should trust Ward, Mother. He says it will work, and he's been right up until now. Ward knows what he's doing, even if his methods are sort of unusual" Dad said.

"Of course you are right, dear. I trust Ward; I'll do my best to help".

"Mom, and you too Dad, you are wonderful. I'm not going to disappoint you. I am going to help Jimmy become everything he should be. I'm sure Jimmy is grateful for everything you do to help me give him the correction he needs. Isn't that right, Jimmy?"

As Ward asked that question he pushed down really hard with his shoe. It really hurt, but I know it still could have been much worse.

"Yes, Ward. You are right, and I want Mom and Dad to help you".

"Then I will act the part of my little girl's mommy whenever Jimmy helps me with the housework, Ward. I will give an academy award performance if that helps".

"Mom, you are a real peach' Ward answered.

As promised after dinner I helped Mom with the dishes and clean-up, but before Mom would let me do anything she picked out an apron and put it on me, tying it in the back.

"Isn't that better, dear, a nice lavender apron with pink pansies on it. Now you really do look like my little girl. I am just so happy to have my daughter helping me do things. Don't you love helping me?"

"Of course, Mom", I answered.

Later, after Ward and I went upstairs to get ready for bed, I thought of saying something to Ward, but he stopped me in my tracks.

"Before you say anything, Jimmy, I got to tell you I give a lot of credit to your mom and Dad, they are being so great about going along with the training I'm giving you. And I just loved seeing you in the apron she picked out for you to wear. Pansies and pink ones! How fucking appropriate is that? And I am just so pleased with you, Jimmy. You went along with everything the way I wanted,. I was prepared to give you a real good ass beating because I thought for sure you would talk back and throw a fucking tantrum. Because you've been so good tonight but letting give a long, slow blow job anyway you want to give it."

After a speech like that what could I do but shut up about any complaints I might have and get to work making love to Wardy's dick, and that is just what I did.

I used my tongue to lick up and down and around Ward's cock and tease it good. I sucked and slurped his balls, and then I took his pecker as far down my throat as I could and took it in and out until Ward got hard as a rock, and then went back to licking his dick and making love to his balls. I repeated the process of teasing and serious sucking several times until Ward finally tensed up and sent spurt after spurt of cum in thick strands into my mouth, and I greedily swallowed every drop. When we were done Ward and I showered together. I washed his entire body lovingly, and he took me in his arms and hugged me and just before we got out of the shower stall , Ward kissed me. He drove his tongue deep in my mouth and I could tell that there was some passion in his kiss, and I responded in like manner.

"I can do that once in a while now that you have accepted being treated like a girl when I want that. You're still a faggot, but I can forget that every so often and pretend for a moment that you're my girlfriend. Did you like having me kiss you, Jimmy?"

"You know I did Wardy"

"Then close your eyes and open your mouth, Jimmy"

I did what Ward told me, and he spit a big gob into my mouth.

"That's so you don't get any funny ideas about me being queer for you, bitch".

When we got into bed Ward began making some nasty farts.

"Those beans get me going every time, faggot. I tell you what, Jimmy. I don't want you to miss out on the best part of this action. Get your head down under the covers, and put your sweet little face up against my ass crack. You are about to become my personal fart smeller. I ate so many beans just so I could give you this special treat".

I did what Ward said, but it was really gross. Ward's farts smelled really bad. He kept ripping out one nasty fart after another. At first they made feel a little sick, but then I started thinking about the fact that these were Wardy's farts that he was making just for me and that I had no choice except to smell them, and then, sick puppy that I am, I got a hard on.

(End of Lesson Eight -- Part One -- To Be Continued)

Ward's Shoes -- Lesson 8

Ward's Introduction

Maybe some of you think that Jimmy's tears made Wardy turn to mush. Oh no, What's going on here, Jimmy sheds a few fucking tears and Ward gets all sappy and the story changes into a fucking soap opera? You guys know nothing about domination. You gotta know when to take a little step back and when the push the envelope, whatever the hell that stupid expression is supposed to mean.

I intend to use and control Jimmy in every way thinkable, but I want him to want that and not to resist me every step of the way. Oh, I know he ain't gonna love all the shit I dish out, but I want his dick to get hard and stay that way most of the time, and just like Jimmy doesn't want me to hate him, I don't want him to hate me.

The trouble with too many dominant guys is that they think everything is about them, and that it don't matter if the sub gets any pleasure. That is just plain dumb, unless you are one of those psychos who thinks of a sub as somebody, or some body, of no value. I don't see it that way; I appreciate a true faggot, a guy who gets off on being used, humiliated, and punished. I want him to enjoy taking what i dish out to him, and I want him to worship me. I don't want him to like everything I do to him and make him do, but I do want him to be hooked on me and to get turned on by the way I treat him, the way I get turned on by fucking with him.

Any moron can dominate with a club like caveman, but I want my slave to look up to me as a god to be worshiped not as an ape to be feared and despised.

I want Jimmy to serve and obey me, but sometimes I want to see some fight. It's kind of like reeling in a fish. It wouldn't be any fun if the fish never put up a fight. At the same time, I know that if you give a fish too much slack he may wiggle off the line.

Anyway, Jimmy will tell you about what happened on Sunday.

Lesson Eight

I never thought I would make it through yesterday. I was so humiliated by having to go outside in my tighty whities and by being seen like that by at least two, maybe three people. And I couldn't believe that Ward made me lick his shoes. That was disgusting, but I have to admit that while I was doing that my dick was so stiff that I thought I might blow a load before I could finish licking Ward's loafers.

I woke up this morning with the sun coming thru the bedroom window. I was so grateful that it was Sunday. I was sure this would be a better and easier day because I knew Ward wanted us all to go to church, and Mom and Dad had said they would go too. Boy was I wrong about it being an easy day.

I was happy that Ward asked for a blow job as soon as he woke up, because I practically lived to suck Ward's dick these days, but I still wasn't thrilled when it was time to lick Ward's ass and suck on his asshole, but today he also demanded I kiss his feet and even suck his toes. He demanded I spend some time sucking each toe and then I had to lick between each one. How humiliating; but still my cock was stiff all the time I was doing it, just like when Ward made me lick his shoes.

But before I go into detail about Sunday's events, I should finish telling about yesterday. Everything I told about in the last lesson only took the story up until supper time.

We didn't see Mom and Dad all Saturday afternoon while we were washing and waxing Dad's van. At the dinner table, Dad went on and on praising the job we did on the van. It was the first time I came to the table in just my tighty whities and Mom seemed surprised.

"I had forgotten you wanted Jimmy to wear only his underwear at home, Ward" she said.

"I know it's kind of awkward, Mom, but at least until jimmy grows up some more, and learns more about how to be a good, respectful, and obedient boy, it's for the best. I love you and Dad so much, and you don't know how much your enthusiastic support for my efforts to help Jimmy with his behavior problems means to me, Mom"

"Oh, it's fine, Wardy. We can all handle things being this way, since it's for Jimmy's own good, and I'm sure this is for the best because Jimmy was so adamant about us giving you a free hand with him, Ward. You still feel that way don't you, Jimmy?"

Again I felt the pressure of Ward's shoe pressing down firmly on my bare foot, and just like one of those dolls that you squeeze somewhere to make it talk, I answered my mother's question the way I knew Wardy wanted it answered.

"I feel that way more then ever, Mom. Anything Ward makes me do or any rule he makes me obey is good because it is really for my benefit and designed to teach me something. There is no reason at all for either of you to prevent Ward from doing anything he feels is necessary. I don't like wearing only my tighty whities around the house and even outside in the yard, but I feel Ward should be able to make me do it, Mom and Dad".

The pressure from Ward's shoe diminished considerably as I spoke.

Then Dad said, "Yes, Jimmy, you are absolutely right. I don't care if it inconveniences your Mother and me, or even if we feel awkward in front of friends or relatives, or anyone else for that matter, I want Ward to be able to teach Jimmy the lessons he feels are necessary and discipline him in every way he decides is best. And Jimmy, I feel so much closer to you and so much fonder of you because you want Wardy to have that kind of control over you. To me that is a sign that you are improving and beginning to grow up".

"I hope you are right, Dad, but believe me Jimmy is not going to grow up over night. He will relapse into his childish behavior many times before he really learns. I know what I am doing, Dad, and I promise that you will be happy with the long term results."

"I'm sure of it, Wardy".

We had all finished our salad. It was Saturday, so we always had hot dogs and beans. We had rolls for the hot dogs and all the fixings, and we also had Mom's homemade potato salad. I took two hot dogs and a big pile of potato salad but since I don't really like beans an awful lot, I only took a couple tablespoons. I would have taken even more food except I knew by the way Ward pressed down with his shoe on my foot, that Ward didn't want me to load up my plate too much, but at least he cut me some slack.

Ward also took two hot dogs and, a smaller portion of potato salad then I did, but he took a lot of beans, and later went back for seconds, and took as many beans as he did the first time around for his second helping.

Mom had baked an apple pie for dessert and I asked for a big piece, but Ward stepped on my foot pretty hard and I changed my mind. "Can you just make that a medium sized piece with just a very little vanilla ice cream on top, Mom? I ate so much dinner I really shouldn't stuff myself".

" How sensible, Jimmy" Dad said "I am so surprised you realized that without one of us telling you".

"Thanks to Ward, I realize a lot more than i used to, Dad".

"And it's a good thing you do, Jimmy. I would hate to tell you can't have dessert, but sometimes I will need to do that"

"Yes, Ward" I answered, "You know best.

Dad changed the subject taking the conversation back to the van, and the terrific job Ward and I had done. Dad was also pleased that Ward had not played the radio too loud and had not kept it on long enough to affect the battery.

"The wax job is the best I've ever had, and the windows are spotless" Dad concluded.

"I did the windows, but Jimmy did most of the waxing. We both enjoyed doing it a lot. I don't think that Jimmy was really thrilled about meeting Mrs. Henderson or Captain McNab in just his diaper; that's what I usually call his tighty whities now, to remind Jimmy that he is dressed like he is to remind him that he acts like a baby a good part of the time".

"Both of our neighbors saw him like that? Mom asked. "And what did they say?"

"I explained to Mrs. Henderson about Jimmy acting like a baby and getting punished. She seemed to understand, but scolded Jimmy. Jimmy explained to the Captain, but I expect he will have a chat with Dad about it. He suggested that Jimmy might benefit by spending a weekend in JDC. He said he can arrange it. All I need to do is ask him, or make Jimmy go and ask. I'm toying with the idea".

"Well, maybe it would be a good experience for Jimmy, but do you think you might wait a while before making a decision, Ward?"

"Sure, Dad, I'm not even sure I want to take Captain McNab up on his offer yet. It depends a lot on how Jimmy behaves during the next few weeks".

I got goose bumps just thinking that Ward might really consider that as an option, but I knew he might, especially since Dad didn't say much to make him stop thinking about the idea. The idea of such a punishment really scared me, but at the same time it gave me a wicked boner.

When dinner was over, I offered to help Mom with the dishes and putting everything away.

"Go for it, Jimmy. That will make up for the other night when instead of going to help Mom as you were told to do, you put your ear to the study door to hear the conversation I was having with Dad".

"You are right, Ward, but from now on I will be glad to help Mom every night after dinner".

"Very good, Jimmy, you've got years of not helping out when you should have to make up for. I think Mom deserves to have a lot more help with house work than she has been getting, so I'm hoping that you will give that some thought and come up with your own ideas about how she can get that help".

And, of course, while Ward was making the last remarks his shoe was pressing down once again on my foot.

"There is also a lot of work that Dad does around the house and yard. He comes home from a hard day at work and has to do things around here, and you know, Jimmy, that this has been going on for years without you lifting your little finger to help, but I don't want Dad to have to do anything around here that you and me can do, Jimmy, and we both know it will be mostly me because you are too uncoordinated and (let's come right out and tell the truth) too much of a sissy. Am I wrong, Jimmy? If I am, you just go ahead and say so, right now in front of Mom and Dad".

Ward pressed down so hard with his shoe that this time I almost shouted out `Ow', but somehow I kept from doing it. I thought about what Ward was saying, and I knew he was making me look bad, even though and maybe because of my offer to help Mom; and Wardy was daring me to contradict him. I knew I would get another spanking in front of Mom and Dad if I said the wrong thing, and probably a lot more punishment too, so I not only kept my feelings inside, but decided to try to say exactly what Ward wanted to hear.

"I am so sorry, Mom and Dad, that I have been such a bad boy, and yes, a bad son too. I have been very selfish and lazy. It is so good that Ward became part of this family. He is teaching me to recognize the error of my ways, and to want to make up for what I've done wrong. Ward, I have been thinking about helping Mom more, and that's why I wanted to help now, but if you hadn't made me feel so ashamed of myself, I would never have said the part about helping in the kitchen from now on. But, that isn't enough either from now on I want to help Mom with the laundry and all the other housework. I will dust and vacuum, and anything else Mom wants done whenever she wants it done.

"You are also right about me being so uncoordinated, Ward, to the point where I am a klutz when it comes to doing the kind of work real men do, and since that is the way it is, I need your help to do the things Dad always did around the house, but I will be glad to work with you on those jobs and do whatever I can".

"You won't have to do that much of the he-man stuff, Jimmy, just help a little here and there. Besides you being lazy and thinking you were better than anyone else, one of the main reasons Mom hasn't gotten much help with the housework is because she didn't have a daughter. It's expected that a girl will help her Mom with the housework. I want you to try to think of yourself as that daughter your mother never had, Jimmy. You are real good at acting Jimmy, so I want you to play the role of Mom's daughter. It's okay we all know that you aren't really a girl, Jimmy, or they would have put that on your birth certificate, but trust me and do what I'm telling you. Whenever it's a good time for you to be mommy's little helper, put on one of Mom's aprons and get into your role as Mom's daughter. I want you to do that, Jimmy. It works! You don't object to that do you?"

Object! I really wanted to scream. First Ward makes me a baby, and now he makes me a girl. This was so humiliating, but I didn't dare argue about it. The most I could say was:

"Whatever you say, Ward. I'm sure you know best".

"Dad and Mom, I hope you don't think it's a weird idea, but i know it's going to help, but you will also have to trust me, particularly Mom. You see how much I've helped Jimmy before now, and things are much better for you too, so please help me help Jimmy. Mom, will you play along and when Jimmy helps you with the housework pretend that he's your daughter, the sweet little girl you always wanted?"

"I think we should trust Ward, Mother. He says it will work, and he's been right up until now. Ward knows what he's doing, even if his methods are sort of unusual" Dad said.

"Of course you are right, dear. I trust Ward; I'll do my best to help".

"Mom, and you too Dad, you are wonderful. I'm not going to disappoint you. I am going to help Jimmy become everything he should be. I'm sure Jimmy is grateful for everything you do to help me give him the correction he needs. Isn't that right, Jimmy?"

As Ward asked that question he pushed down really hard with his shoe. It really hurt, but I know it still could have been much worse.

"Yes, Ward. You are right, and I want Mom and Dad to help you".

"Then I will act the part of my little girl's mommy whenever Jimmy helps me with the housework, Ward. I will give an academy award performance if that helps".

"Mom, you are a real peach' Ward answered.

As promised after dinner I helped Mom with the dishes and clean-up, but before Mom would let me do anything she picked out an apron and put it on me, tying it in the back.

"Isn't that better, dear, a nice lavender apron with pink pansies on it. Now you really do look like my little girl. I am just so happy to have my daughter helping me do things. Don't you love helping me?"

"Of course, Mom", I answered.

Later, after Ward and I went upstairs to get ready for bed, I thought of saying something to Ward, but he stopped me in my tracks.

"Before you say anything, Jimmy, I got to tell you I give a lot of credit to your mom and Dad, they are being so great about going along with the training I'm giving you. And I just loved seeing you in the apron she picked out for you to wear. Pansies and pink ones! How fucking appropriate is that? And I am just so pleased with you, Jimmy. You went along with everything the way I wanted,. I was prepared to give you a real good ass beating because I thought for sure you would talk back and throw a fucking tantrum. Because you've been so good tonight but letting give a long, slow blow job anyway you want to give it."

After a speech like that what could I do but shut up about any complaints I might have and get to work making love to Wardy's dick, and that is just what I did.

I used my tongue to lick up and down and around Ward's cock and tease it good. I sucked and slurped his balls, and then I took his pecker as far down my throat as I could and took it in and out until Ward got hard as a rock, and then went back to licking his dick and making love to his balls. I repeated the process of teasing and serious sucking several times until Ward finally tensed up and sent spurt after spurt of cum in thick strands into my mouth, and I greedily swallowed every drop. When we were done Ward and I showered together. I washed his entire body lovingly, and he took me in his arms and hugged me and just before we got out of the shower stall , Ward kissed me. He drove his tongue deep in my mouth and I could tell that there was some passion in his kiss, and I responded in like manner.

"I can do that once in a while now that you have accepted being treated like a girl when I want that. You're still a faggot, but I can forget that every so often and pretend for a moment that you're my girlfriend. Did you like having me kiss you, Jimmy?"

"You know I did Wardy"

"Then close your eyes and open your mouth, Jimmy"

I did what Ward told me, and he spit a big gob into my mouth.

"That's so you don't get any funny ideas about me being queer for you, bitch".

When we got into bed Ward began making some nasty farts.

"Those beans get me going every time, faggot. I tell you what, Jimmy. I don't want you to miss out on the best part of this action. Get your head down under the covers, and put your sweet little face up against my ass crack. You are about to become my personal fart smeller. I ate so many beans just so I could give you this special treat".

I did what Ward said, but it was really gross. Ward's farts smelled really bad. He kept ripping out one nasty fart after another. At first they made feel a little sick, but then I started thinking about the fact that these were Wardy's farts that he was making just for me and that I had no choice except to smell them, and then, sick puppy that I am, I got a hard on.

(End of Lesson Eight -- Part One -- To Be Continued)

Ward's Shoes -- Lesson 8

Ward's Introduction

Maybe some of you think that Jimmy's tears made Wardy turn to mush. Oh no, What's going on here, Jimmy sheds a few fucking tears and Ward gets all sappy and the story changes into a fucking soap opera? You guys know nothing about domination. You gotta know when to take a little step back and when the push the envelope, whatever the hell that stupid expression is supposed to mean.

I intend to use and control Jimmy in every way thinkable, but I want him to want that and not to resist me every step of the way. Oh, I know he ain't gonna love all the shit I dish out, but I want his dick to get hard and stay that way most of the time, and just like Jimmy doesn't want me to hate him, I don't want him to hate me.

The trouble with too many dominant guys is that they think everything is about them, and that it don't matter if the sub gets any pleasure. That is just plain dumb, unless you are one of those psychos who thinks of a sub as somebody, or some body, of no value. I don't see it that way; I appreciate a true faggot, a guy who gets off on being used, humiliated, and punished. I want him to enjoy taking what i dish out to him, and I want him to worship me. I don't want him to like everything I do to him and make him do, but I do want him to be hooked on me and to get turned on by the way I treat him, the way I get turned on by fucking with him.

Any moron can dominate with a club like caveman, but I want my slave to look up to me as a god to be worshiped not as an ape to be feared and despised.

I want Jimmy to serve and obey me, but sometimes I want to see some fight. It's kind of like reeling in a fish. It wouldn't be any fun if the fish never put up a fight. At the same time, I know that if you give a fish too much slack he may wiggle off the line.

Anyway, Jimmy will tell you about what happened on Sunday.

Lesson Eight

I never thought I would make it through yesterday. I was so humiliated by having to go outside in my tighty whities and by being seen like that by at least two, maybe three people. And I couldn't believe that Ward made me lick his shoes. That was disgusting, but I have to admit that while I was doing that my dick was so stiff that I thought I might blow a load before I could finish licking Ward's loafers.

I woke up this morning with the sun coming thru the bedroom window. I was so grateful that it was Sunday. I was sure this would be a better and easier day because I knew Ward wanted us all to go to church, and Mom and Dad had said they would go too. Boy was I wrong about it being an easy day.

I was happy that Ward asked for a blow job as soon as he woke up, because I practically lived to suck Ward's dick these days, but I still wasn't thrilled when it was time to lick Ward's ass and suck on his asshole, but today he also demanded I kiss his feet and even suck his toes. He demanded I spend some time sucking each toe and then I had to lick between each one. How humiliating; but still my cock was stiff all the time I was doing it, just like when Ward made me lick his shoes.

But before I go into detail about Sunday's events, I should finish telling about yesterday. Everything I told about in the last lesson only took the story up until supper time.

We didn't see Mom and Dad all Saturday afternoon while we were washing and waxing Dad's van. At the dinner table, Dad went on and on praising the job we did on the van. It was the first time I came to the table in just my tighty whities and Mom seemed surprised.

"I had forgotten you wanted Jimmy to wear only his underwear at home, Ward" she said.

"I know it's kind of awkward, Mom, but at least until jimmy grows up some more, and learns more about how to be a good, respectful, and obedient boy, it's for the best. I love you and Dad so much, and you don't know how much your enthusiastic support for my efforts to help Jimmy with his behavior problems means to me, Mom"

"Oh, it's fine, Wardy. We can all handle things being this way, since it's for Jimmy's own good, and I'm sure this is for the best because Jimmy was so adamant about us giving you a free hand with him, Ward. You still feel that way don't you, Jimmy?"

Again I felt the pressure of Ward's shoe pressing down firmly on my bare foot, and just like one of those dolls that you squeeze somewhere to make it talk, I answered my mother's question the way I knew Wardy wanted it answered.

"I feel that way more then ever, Mom. Anything Ward makes me do or any rule he makes me obey is good because it is really for my benefit and designed to teach me something. There is no reason at all for either of you to prevent Ward from doing anything he feels is necessary. I don't like wearing only my tighty whities around the house and even outside in the yard, but I feel Ward should be able to make me do it, Mom and Dad".

The pressure from Ward's shoe diminished considerably as I spoke.

Then Dad said, "Yes, Jimmy, you are absolutely right. I don't care if it inconveniences your Mother and me, or even if we feel awkward in front of friends or relatives, or anyone else for that matter, I want Ward to be able to teach Jimmy the lessons he feels are necessary and discipline him in every way he decides is best. And Jimmy, I feel so much closer to you and so much fonder of you because you want Wardy to have that kind of control over you. To me that is a sign that you are improving and beginning to grow up".

"I hope you are right, Dad, but believe me Jimmy is not going to grow up over night. He will relapse into his childish behavior many times before he really learns. I know what I am doing, Dad, and I promise that you will be happy with the long term results."

"I'm sure of it, Wardy".

We had all finished our salad. It was Saturday, so we always had hot dogs and beans. We had rolls for the hot dogs and all the fixings, and we also had Mom's homemade potato salad. I took two hot dogs and a big pile of potato salad but since I don't really like beans an awful lot, I only took a couple tablespoons. I would have taken even more food except I knew by the way Ward pressed down with his shoe on my foot, that Ward didn't want me to load up my plate too much, but at least he cut me some slack.

Ward also took two hot dogs and, a smaller portion of potato salad then I did, but he took a lot of beans, and later went back for seconds, and took as many beans as he did the first time around for his second helping.

Mom had baked an apple pie for dessert and I asked for a big piece, but Ward stepped on my foot pretty hard and I changed my mind. "Can you just make that a medium sized piece with just a very little vanilla ice cream on top, Mom? I ate so much dinner I really shouldn't stuff myself".

" How sensible, Jimmy" Dad said "I am so surprised you realized that without one of us telling you".

"Thanks to Ward, I realize a lot more than i used to, Dad".

"And it's a good thing you do, Jimmy. I would hate to tell you can't have dessert, but sometimes I will need to do that"

"Yes, Ward" I answered, "You know best.

Dad changed the subject taking the conversation back to the van, and the terrific job Ward and I had done. Dad was also pleased that Ward had not played the radio too loud and had not kept it on long enough to affect the battery.

"The wax job is the best I've ever had, and the windows are spotless" Dad concluded.

"I did the windows, but Jimmy did most of the waxing. We both enjoyed doing it a lot. I don't think that Jimmy was really thrilled about meeting Mrs. Henderson or Captain McNab in just his diaper; that's what I usually call his tighty whities now, to remind Jimmy that he is dressed like he is to remind him that he acts like a baby a good part of the time".

"Both of our neighbors saw him like that? Mom asked. "And what did they say?"

"I explained to Mrs. Henderson about Jimmy acting like a baby and getting punished. She seemed to understand, but scolded Jimmy. Jimmy explained to the Captain, but I expect he will have a chat with Dad about it. He suggested that Jimmy might benefit by spending a weekend in JDC. He said he can arrange it. All I need to do is ask him, or make Jimmy go and ask. I'm toying with the idea".

"Well, maybe it would be a good experience for Jimmy, but do you think you might wait a while before making a decision, Ward?"

"Sure, Dad, I'm not even sure I want to take Captain McNab up on his offer yet. It depends a lot on how Jimmy behaves during the next few weeks".

I got goose bumps just thinking that Ward might really consider that as an option, but I knew he might, especially since Dad didn't say much to make him stop thinking about the idea. The idea of such a punishment really scared me, but at the same time it gave me a wicked boner.

When dinner was over, I offered to help Mom with the dishes and putting everything away.

"Go for it, Jimmy. That will make up for the other night when instead of going to help Mom as you were told to do, you put your ear to the study door to hear the conversation I was having with Dad".

"You are right, Ward, but from now on I will be glad to help Mom every night after dinner".

"Very good, Jimmy, you've got years of not helping out when you should have to make up for. I think Mom deserves to have a lot more help with house work than she has been getting, so I'm hoping that you will give that some thought and come up with your own ideas about how she can get that help".

And, of course, while Ward was making the last remarks his shoe was pressing down once again on my foot.

"There is also a lot of work that Dad does around the house and yard. He comes home from a hard day at work and has to do things around here, and you know, Jimmy, that this has been going on for years without you lifting your little finger to help, but I don't want Dad to have to do anything around here that you and me can do, Jimmy, and we both know it will be mostly me because you are too uncoordinated and (let's come right out and tell the truth) too much of a sissy. Am I wrong, Jimmy? If I am, you just go ahead and say so, right now in front of Mom and Dad".

Ward pressed down so hard with his shoe that this time I almost shouted out `Ow', but somehow I kept from doing it. I thought about what Ward was saying, and I knew he was making me look bad, even though and maybe because of my offer to help Mom; and Wardy was daring me to contradict him. I knew I would get another spanking in front of Mom and Dad if I said the wrong thing, and probably a lot more punishment too, so I not only kept my feelings inside, but decided to try to say exactly what Ward wanted to hear.

"I am so sorry, Mom and Dad, that I have been such a bad boy, and yes, a bad son too. I have been very selfish and lazy. It is so good that Ward became part of this family. He is teaching me to recognize the error of my ways, and to want to make up for what I've done wrong. Ward, I have been thinking about helping Mom more, and that's why I wanted to help now, but if you hadn't made me feel so ashamed of myself, I would never have said the part about helping in the kitchen from now on. But, that isn't enough either from now on I want to help Mom with the laundry and all the other housework. I will dust and vacuum, and anything else Mom wants done whenever she wants it done.

"You are also right about me being so uncoordinated, Ward, to the point where I am a klutz when it comes to doing the kind of work real men do, and since that is the way it is, I need your help to do the things Dad always did around the house, but I will be glad to work with you on those jobs and do whatever I can".

"You won't have to do that much of the he-man stuff, Jimmy, just help a little here and there. Besides you being lazy and thinking you were better than anyone else, one of the main reasons Mom hasn't gotten much help with the housework is because she didn't have a daughter. It's expected that a girl will help her Mom with the housework. I want you to try to think of yourself as that daughter your mother never had, Jimmy. You are real good at acting Jimmy, so I want you to play the role of Mom's daughter. It's okay we all know that you aren't really a girl, Jimmy, or they would have put that on your birth certificate, but trust me and do what I'm telling you. Whenever it's a good time for you to be mommy's little helper, put on one of Mom's aprons and get into your role as Mom's daughter. I want you to do that, Jimmy. It works! You don't object to that do you?"

Object! I really wanted to scream. First Ward makes me a baby, and now he makes me a girl. This was so humiliating, but I didn't dare argue about it. The most I could say was:

"Whatever you say, Ward. I'm sure you know best".

"Dad and Mom, I hope you don't think it's a weird idea, but i know it's going to help, but you will also have to trust me, particularly Mom. You see how much I've helped Jimmy before now, and things are much better for you too, so please help me help Jimmy. Mom, will you play along and when Jimmy helps you with the housework pretend that he's your daughter, the sweet little girl you always wanted?"

"I think we should trust Ward, Mother. He says it will work, and he's been right up until now. Ward knows what he's doing, even if his methods are sort of unusual" Dad said.

"Of course you are right, dear. I trust Ward; I'll do my best to help".

"Mom, and you too Dad, you are wonderful. I'm not going to disappoint you. I am going to help Jimmy become everything he should be. I'm sure Jimmy is grateful for everything you do to help me give him the correction he needs. Isn't that right, Jimmy?"

As Ward asked that question he pushed down really hard with his shoe. It really hurt, but I know it still could have been much worse.

"Yes, Ward. You are right, and I want Mom and Dad to help you".

"Then I will act the part of my little girl's mommy whenever Jimmy helps me with the housework, Ward. I will give an academy award performance if that helps".

"Mom, you are a real peach' Ward answered.

As promised after dinner I helped Mom with the dishes and clean-up, but before Mom would let me do anything she picked out an apron and put it on me, tying it in the back.

"Isn't that better, dear, a nice lavender apron with pink pansies on it. Now you really do look like my little girl. I am just so happy to have my daughter helping me do things. Don't you love helping me?"

"Of course, Mom", I answered.

Later, after Ward and I went upstairs to get ready for bed, I thought of saying something to Ward, but he stopped me in my tracks.

"Before you say anything, Jimmy, I got to tell you I give a lot of credit to your mom and Dad, they are being so great about going along with the training I'm giving you. And I just loved seeing you in the apron she picked out for you to wear. Pansies and pink ones! How fucking appropriate is that? And I am just so pleased with you, Jimmy. You went along with everything the way I wanted,. I was prepared to give you a real good ass beating because I thought for sure you would talk back and throw a fucking tantrum. Because you've been so good tonight but letting give a long, slow blow job anyway you want to give it."

After a speech like that what could I do but shut up about any complaints I might have and get to work making love to Wardy's dick, and that is just what I did.

I used my tongue to lick up and down and around Ward's cock and tease it good. I sucked and slurped his balls, and then I took his pecker as far down my throat as I could and took it in and out until Ward got hard as a rock, and then went back to licking his dick and making love to his balls. I repeated the process of teasing and serious sucking several times until Ward finally tensed up and sent spurt after spurt of cum in thick strands into my mouth, and I greedily swallowed every drop. When we were done Ward and I showered together. I washed his entire body lovingly, and he took me in his arms and hugged me and just before we got out of the shower stall , Ward kissed me. He drove his tongue deep in my mouth and I could tell that there was some passion in his kiss, and I responded in like manner.

"I can do that once in a while now that you have accepted being treated like a girl when I want that. You're still a faggot, but I can forget that every so often and pretend for a moment that you're my girlfriend. Did you like having me kiss you, Jimmy?"

"You know I did Wardy"

"Then close your eyes and open your mouth, Jimmy"

I did what Ward told me, and he spit a big gob into my mouth.

"That's so you don't get any funny ideas about me being queer for you, bitch".

When we got into bed Ward began making some nasty farts.

"Those beans get me going every time, faggot. I tell you what, Jimmy. I don't want you to miss out on the best part of this action. Get your head down under the covers, and put your sweet little face up against my ass crack. You are about to become my personal fart smeller. I ate so many beans just so I could give you this special treat".

I did what Ward said, but it was really gross. Ward's farts smelled really bad. He kept ripping out one nasty fart after another. At first they made feel a little sick, but then I started thinking about the fact that these were Wardy's farts that he was making just for me and that I had no choice except to smell them, and then, sick puppy that I am, I got a hard on.

(End of Lesson Eight -- Part One -- To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 10

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