Warehouse Boys

By Michael

Published on Oct 18, 2023


Warehouse boys9

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I kept to myself most of the evening and crashed earlier than everyone else. I did awake a few times during the night. The guys were really partying hard, except for Ben I looked over saw he had hit the sack too.

Ben and I were up early. There was a note on the table "More beer needed" and a 50 dollar bill accompanied it.

"Hey Scott up for a booze run?...I'll need help carrying it back if ya don't mind...You got wheels down the hill yeah?" Ben asked.

"Yup...Let's roll" I replied as I got up and realized I'd be walking funny for at least the day.

Ben and myself headed down the hill. It was an epic day weather wise, Maybe a little on the hot side, But epic non the less!

"Bro you alright?..Moving funny there partner" Ben asked.

"I'm fine...Took a header yesterday and must have jerked something...Thank you for asking" I replied.

"Ben...what your story Bro?" I inquired.

"Well...by day I build houses and at night I do a lil rodeo...How bout you" Ben asked.

"I do office work at a warehouse daily and for recreation I enjoy reading, mostly" I answered.

"Ya got a girl Scott?" Ben inquired.

"Nope...I mean I have female friends, but nothing beyond that" I stated.

"I didn't think so...I dunno...You don't seem like the girlfriend type" Ben said. I thought best to change the topic, so "How did you get into the rodeo thing Ben"

"It's a family thing. My Dad's Dad started the whole thing and here we are" He answered.

Ben was tall and thin. 6'3"ish and maybe 180. He sported a buzz dark brown head and hazel eyes, A straw Stetson and snug wranglers. He easily could have been a western wear model. I dug the twangy thing he had going on also.

It was a solid 4 hour hike and we hit the parking area at 10am sharp.

"Which ride is yours Scott" Ben asked as looked over the options.

"That one" I said as I pointed at my Mini.

"I coulda guessed Bro...Looks like kind of car a dude without a girl would drive" He said smirking.

We saddled up and rolled east. There's a convenience store about 20 minutes down the road and I'm pretty sure they sold liquor too.

"Sorry about the no A/C...I need to have Tin take a look at it" I said.

"You know my boy Tin do ya?..Guess I shouldn't be surprised" Ben asked, I think.

"I'll run in and grab it...couple cases good you think?" I asked Ben.

"Why don't we make this easy on ourselves...Grab two bottles of whiskey...They just wanna get drunk and not gonna care how they get there" Ben directed.

I was back in a jiffy. Ben was flipping threw my CD collection and laughing.

"Madonna....Really dude?" He said as he pulled his sweat drenched t-shirt over his head"

I thought best to disregard the comment and focus on driving.

"Cher?...you got to be fucking kidding me" He barked while undoing his enormous belt buckle.

I had no defense, plus I liked Madonna and Cher.

"Oh we have a winner...Lady Fucking Gaga" He said as he looked disapprovingly in my direction.

"I get it Ben...You don't care for my music...I probably wouldn't care for your tastes either" I said in a bitchy tone.

"I dunno...I'm thinking you'd come around with a lil coaxing" Ben snarked.

Ben kept flipping and judging the entire ride back. We couldn't get back fast enough as far I was concerned. I was out of the car on the trail.

"Scott...What's the hurry dude...Let's chill for a few first okay" Ben demanded.

Ben sat on my hood and gestured for whiskey and took a big gulp like it was water, Kind of impressive really. Don't think I've ever drank straight whiskey. I do know I couldn't get past the smell. Shit smells toxic.

"Come on Scott....Do a shot with me and we can set out" Ben requested as he extended his arm in my direction.

I hate to admit it, but Ben is hot. lean ripped body with farmer tan lines. Although he could certainly use a bath. His B-O stench was wretched. From his filthy hands to the stained jeans, Dude's a slob, A sexy slob, but a slob.

"Just one little swig Bro...Come on" Ben insisted.

I seldom do, but I gave in and took a swig and immediately spit it out and tried speak between coughs "Ben that shit is gross".

"You think Madonna's a spitter or swallower?" He asked me catching me completely off guard.

"How the hell would I know" I replied and headed toward the trail.

Ben continued to tease me for the next hour and it got to a point where enough was enough "Ben...Lay off the gay innuendo already...Your being a total fucking dick Bro" I said in a clearly irritated tone.

Just a few hours ago I thought Ben was a kind considerate person. What was I thinking? The old adage is true in this case. Instant asshole just add booze! I maintained my distance and moved quickly up the trail. It wasn't too far now, another 20 minutes or so and I could be rid of this bastard. Judging by his slur he was getting hammered.

I stopped for a moment and looked back. No Ben. I should have just left his ass, but that's not the person I am. After backtracking a 100 yards I could hear his voice.

"Scott...Help Scott...Scotty....Scotty" He said.

I followed his voice which lead me into the woods. Not a clue how he got so off path, but there he was, lost and hammered. I helped him to his feet and he draped an arm around my shoulders. Fuck this dude is ripe and not in the good way. The whiskey did somewhat mask his stench, but not nearly enough to make it tolerable.

I managed to get us back on trail and heading in the correct direction. This last 20 minutes was gonna take an hour at this pace.

"Thanx Scott...Sorry bout that shit talk Bro...Didn't mean anything by it all...Can't blame a guy for trying can ya?" Ben slurred.

"You should be trying to carry your own weight Ben...Why don't ya give that a try" I said being snarky.

I thought we made a made some kind of break through. An unspoken truce perhaps, but it was short lived.

"If I could turn back time...I'd take back all the shit I gave Scotty...If he'd just be gay" Ben did his best to sing.

I had to admit for the first time he was actually being some what funny, but also the first time the G word had been uttered. I just giggled a lil and moved on. The final stage was filled with light hearted chit chat. Ben's agenda had shifted or maybe he truly felt bad for the harassment. Camp was within site, another 200 hundred feet. I could hear the gang hanging in the afternoon sun. Ben let out a holler to indicate our return and finally stood on his own two feet.

"Scotty...Thanks Bro...Let's pick up this talk another time Bro" Ben said and continued on without assistance.

"Take a fucking bath Ben" I yelled.

By some miracle Ben was suddenly sober-ish. What the hell was that all about? I had just about carried him up the hill? His aroma had become mine. I set my gear on the table.

"Where's the beer Fellas" Evan asked.

"Ah...We were smart and went for the more easily carried option" I said as I whipped out a bottle of Jim Beam and handed it off to Evan.

The guys passed the bottle around while doing the guy talk thing. This was the part I disliked most about being around straight dudes. They talked about one thing, Pussy, and it made me somewhat uncomfortable. I got myself a pale of water and went in the cabin to wash the Ben's stink off and throw on some cleaner clothing.

"Mon Scotty come hang wit your buddies and bust out that second bottle...This one didn't stand a chance" Ben yelled.

He may have not been drunk before, or maybe he was?, but now he was trashed for certain. I knew the second bottle was not in my charge, but rifled threw my pack just the same.

"Ben...You had the second bottle Bro...Remember" I said from the porch.

"Fuck...He right...Scotty run and grab it would ya...You know where I set it down ya?" Ben said laughing.

"Actually I do not have a clue" I said to Ben.

"How quickly we forget...haha...Remember you were trying get cock and I had set it down to fight ya off" Ben said in full on laughter.

"Haha...Very funny...That's not how that went" I said as I looked around the group.

Their eyes revealed it all. Evan, Dave and Jake smiled slightly knowing the tale at least could have been true. Jack had a look of disbelief mixed with curiosity, but he did take notice of how the other guys reacted. I did my best to dispel the allegation, but I doubt I pulled it off. Everyone got quiet. Ben had provided and out for me, so I jumped on it.

"Oh...you mean where you fell and I had pick your ass up....Yup I remember...I'll be back in a flash fellas" I said as I headed back down the trail.

"Hold up Bro and I'll go with ya" Ben said as he did his best to stand.

I said nothing and just kept moving. I thought I'd recall where Ben went off trail but now I wasn't so sure. I did however eventually across a play to sit. I sat to consider my options. I could just hangout here till the guys passed out, which probably wouldn't be long, Or I could go back to camp and tell them I couldn't find it. Some snapping branches grabbed my attention. I turned to have a look and of course it was fucking Ben. I was surprised I did not smell him sooner.

"Sup Bro...Told ya I'd come with" He said looking down at me.

I didn't know what to say. Ben made me a little uncomfortable, not exactly sure why, but he did.

"Aight...great...let's head back" I said quickly and tried to get past him.

"Hold on Bro...Not so fast Madonna" Ben said as he grabbed me by the shirt and snickered.

"What Ben?...The guys are waiting" I said nervously.

Ben had his zipper down, again. I could see some dark brown hair just below his waist line. Thought for just a moment maybe this won't be so bad after all, but that vision quickly vanished when he spoke.

"Don't get all gaga Bro....P P P poker face...Scotty got a poker face" Ben said clearly amusing himself.

"Well aren't you clever Ben" I said as I watched him whip out his cock to take a squirt.

He turned away to have a piss. A heavy stream of piss shot straight out from his groin, Which meant not only was he big he was probably hard too. I watched as he stuff himself back into his snug wranglers with both hands. Looked like quite the job. He turned back toward me and it was easy to why the effort was needed. A big dick snaked down his pant leg. 9 inches easy I thought. This county must have an above average cock size per capita.

"Feel better Ben" I said not trying to eye his bulge.

"You know it girl" Ben said entertaining himself some more at my expense.

"Haha Ben...Maybe you haven't noticed but I'm a dude" I said.

"Cher you are" Ben said chuckling.

"Let's head back buddy" I said trying to make light of the situation.

"Haha...We buddies all of a sudden are we...Shallow much?" Ben said.

I got to thinking. He wasn't wrong, Ten minutes ago this Dude got under my skin, but now, knowing what I do, he wasn't so bad. The stench was tolerable, His jesting had gone from annoying to amusing. The way I thought about Ben had completely changed.

"Just trying to make an awkward situation less so Bro" I said in a much lightened tone.

"Awkward?...Nothing awkward here...Buddy" Ben said putting heavy emphasis on Buddy.

"No reason we can't be amicable Ben" I said taking notice of my obvious attitude adjustment.

"Wow Scott...Gear shift much?" Ben said laughing and picking up on the deviation aswell.

I disregarded the question and headed back toward the path. I waited as he stumbled to catch up.

His distraction allowed me a peek the pipe strapped to his leg, Yup 9 inches all day. When my eyes rose and met his gaze I knew I had been busted.

"You're giving me a million reasons...Millions reasons" Ben sang badly.

"That's my favorite Gaga song...I love the message...It's about a girl who knows her relationship is shit and the dude an asshole, but she's in love and searches a way to make it work despite of millions of reasons it just won't work...It's beautiful" I said.

"Gotta be complicated don't it?...For guys a happy relationship is simple...Regular head" Ben snapped.

"Now who's being shallow?...There's gotta be more involved...What about an emotional bond...The feeling of being cared about?" I asked him.

"Nope...don't need that shit...Just need milked" Ben replied.

"I can see why you're single Bro...That's me see if I got this right...You just want a girl to satisfy you orally?..What about love?" I asked.

"Aight...Love is important...They gotta love a 9 inch cock...haha" Ben responded clearly feeling clever.

"Shallow fuck" I said.

"Nothing shallow bout my fucking...Buddy...Have I mentioned I got a 9 inch fuck stick?" Ben asked.

"Yeah...you may have mentioned it Ben" I replied.

"Well case I didn't and to clear up any confusion...Scotty I got a thick 9 incher" He stated.

"Impressive Bro" I said hoping he didn't hear my uncontrollable gulp.

"A million reasons...You keep giving me a million reasons" Ben sang, again,well sort of.

Just then we were back and as anticipated the guys had crashed. It had just gotten dark and the still lit fire illuminated camp.

"I'm gonna take a cowboy bath" Ben said as he walked in the water fully clothed.

I sat by the fire and quietly watched and waited.

"Hey Ben...I'm gonna crash Bro...I'll see in the morning" I yelled.

"Hold up...Let's finish our relationship talk Buddy" Ben yelled back.

I didn't respond, but I didn't take the opportunity to bail either. I sat and quietly waited.

Ben sat across from me and kicked off his boots. No socks how very redneck of him I thought and his neglected feet followed suit. I guess you could said I have a slight foot fetish. I'm not into toe sucking or anything, but boy if I were. Ben must have been at least a size 12, which looked even bigger considering his lanky frame. I watched as he positioned the boots closer to the flame and added a log. Next came off the shirt. I'd seen him shirt less earlier in the day, but the way fire illuminated his chest was fucking hot. it was oddly quiet for a few.

"So...where did we leave off Scott?" Ben asked.

"We were talking about healthy, mutually satisfactory relationship tools" I said watching him slip his belt off.

"Yeah Yeah...that's right we were discussing my 9 inches of meat" Ben said enjoying the moment.

"Ben I think you have an obsession with the size of your penis" I stated.

"Now your getting it" Ben said as he unzipped, for what I calculated as third time in my presence.

"She needs to share my obsession and we good...Hey Scott mind running in the cabin and grabbing my shorts...They on my bunk...Thanks Buddy" Ben asked.

I snuck in the cabin and found them and quickly made my way back. I was hoping to finally see Ben's 9 incher when he changed, but that not how it went. He carefully kept it from my view and plopped back down.

"Ben...You smell a whole hell of a lot better" I said.

"Scott...Let me ask ya something kinda random...I mean...If you were a chick...Hypothetically speaking wouldn't ya be happy coming home to this shit?" Ben said as he pulled a short past his package for a full second.

There it was, finally. It was magnificent. The 9 fat inches he repeatedly felt a need to tell me about. A purplish vein ran the length and supplied blood to the head.

"Ben...There's more to life than a big penis, but that being said...You have the most beautiful cock I've ever seen" I said while involuntarily biting my lower lip.

"Seen some cocks have ya?...Buddy" Ben asked.

It got quiet. I had no intentions of answering his attempt to expose me. Not sure why I was being elusive considering the last 3 weeks of events, but Ben did still make me uneasy to an extent. If it weren't for the big dick I don't think I'd be sitting here now. I'd think about just going to crash and then my thoughts go right back to the image of his big shit.

"Alright Ben...I think you figured me out hours ago, but yes, I've seen a few" I said feeling some relief.

"Wait...Think I figured what out Buddy?" Ben asked.

"Do I really need to say it?...Fine...Ben I am gay" I spit out.

"Just so we clear...Do you mean gay as in happy?...or gay as in cocksucker" Ben asked.

"The latter, I guess" I answered not having the courage to look at him.

"Well shit...Maybe ya shoulda mentioned that from the get go" Ben said.

He sat back and locked his fingers behind his head and just stared at me. I didn't know what to say so I said nothing.

"I ain't gonna ask Scott and this is your one fucking chance...I need to nut Bro...it's a suck it now or never kinda thing...So what's it gonna be?" Ben asked as his shorts hit his ankles. What a piece!

"Can we take a walk or something Ben?" I asked him.

"Nope...I like to watch" He stated sternly.

"But...what if someone gets up or something" I asked.

Ben said nothing and reached down an worked his shorts back up. The window was closing and in a panic I sprinted to kneel in from of him.

"Nah Bro...You missed the boat...I'm just gonna stroke one out...You're welcome to watch" Ben said as he began the session.

I watched intently as Ben jerked his big rod. Stopping only briefly to load a palm with spit. His eyes locked on mine the entire time. It was plain to see I was frustrated. He was enjoying denying me his cock.

"Scott...I'm running dry...How's bout lubing me up Bro" Ben asked.

I lowered my head into his lap.

"Oh no ya don't" He said and pushed me back with a familiar shove to the forehead and extended an opened palm. I spit into his hand and watched as he slathered his pipe with my saliva.

"More...Be a good boy and I'll give a treat" He said.

I mustered up a good sized wad of spit and delivered it to his hand. I was bothered, but also enjoyed watching him. I thought if I were patient he'd at some point let me on him, but he didn't. He slowly stroked and judging by look in his eyes he was getting close. He broke gaze for a second or two to investigate a distant noise, but went back to the eye lock and big grin.

"You wanna eat my seed Bro?' Ben asked still grinning.

"Please" I quickly replied.

He stood and stroked his big cock just and an inch from my gaped mouth. The first shoot was a direct hit. I swirl his jizz around in my mouth as the second batch dripped down my cheek. I tried to get my lips on him but he wasn't having it. The third shot ended up in my hair. Ben was done blasting and released the grip he had on himself.

"Clean that cockhead off Scott...Only the head got it?" Ben ordered.

I Swirled my tongue around his head collecting any available fluid, Some of which was sweet nut. Ben looking satisfied with hands on hips rubbed his cock on my face with body motion only. He again looked to his right and his gaze returned to me with a big smile. He was done and walked toward the cabin. I watched him strut the distance and then I realized why he was grinning like he was. Jack was standing on the porch and likely had been for the entire deal.

"You're up Bro" Ben said as he tapped him on the shoulder as they passed one another.

Next: Chapter 10

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