Warmest Eyes

By moc.loa@13sonpyH

Published on Mar 4, 2000


Hey all Thank for reading my story. First of let me warn those who want a sex story this isn't one. It's more of love story. Please tell me what you think at Ganymede21@yahoo.com. I owuld appreciate it dearly. Please be nice I'm new to this. Okay here goes with all the disclaimers.

Please do not read this if under 18 years of age. Please I do not mean to imply anything about any of the members of Nsync. If they're not gay, okay then but, if they are more power to them.

Shout outs..

Kyle~ Thanks for all your help. It was wonderful and your stories are great! In this one I will not Break J.C's heart.

Bill~ Thank you for being so great from the beginnig your writing has inspired me.

Please read other great stories such as " love through chat"," not ment to be" and "Studio in the country"

Here we go!!!

"This I swear, This I swear by the stars" I belted out at the audition I was at. I could see Kyle smiling behind his clipboard. Everyone clapped as I sat down. I knew the drill. This was the way many auditions worked. A person got up did their song, then their monologue and then sat down as the next person got hopping to do better then the person before them. As I sat there watching the next performance Kyle walked over to where I was sitting. He was a good friend of mine, though I hadn't known him for very long we just seemed to instantly click. He was exactly what I needed at the time. He let me open up to him which I can never thank him enough for. He was the assistant manager for this show, which meant he did a lot of grunt work for minimal praise. It's sad really, but I guess we deal with what we are given. "You did great!" he whispered to me trying not to interrupt the next auditionee "Thanks, I just hope I stand a chance." "Oh I wouldn't worry about that" he smiled " I'll help you out." Which was rather funny considering we both knew he had absolutely nothing to do with casting. "Thanks" I sat at that audition for an entire Saturday and I felt as if I had wasted my time. Everyone was so good and polished. I didn't notice one mistake. It was very intimidating. I felt I would be lucky if I was cast in the show at all. When I got home I quickly pushed the audition out of my mind and found other things to busy myself with.First I cleaned the apartment from top to bottom, I ahve the worst problem ebing organized. After I had cleaned the apartment I went to bed decently early considering I had to work early the next day. I worked at Sam Goody and loved it! I lvoe all sorts of music so it was the perfect job for me. I was the 3rd manager, which meant I was pretty busy at work. Thankfully, this kept my mind off the audition, it was nice. When I got home from work, I even started preparing for my next audition. I already had my song picked out and I was revising my resume when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Is Scott Patricks there?" "Speaking" "This is Julie the stage manager for "Bringing Them Home". We were wondering if you'd like to play Henry Dyllon." She said chipperly I couldn't believe it, I finally had a part with a name. This was so big for me. I almost fell out of my chair. "Yes, definitely" I chimed in "Great.." she promptly gave me the info about when the first rehearsal would be. I was so excited. I quickly called Kyle who already knew. Then I called my voice teacher who was almost more excited than I was. I was on cloud nine from that point until the night of the first rehearsal. Which was in a week, So I found someone to cover my shift and left a note on the fridge for my roomate who is never home, to let him know where I would be. My roomate was so great! His name is William and he is very sweet, almost maternal. It's odd in way. We both worry about each the other spreading themselves too thin. I guess thats what happens when a Cancer and a Libra is in the house. When I came to the theatre, I was so nervous. This was only the third major musical I had been in and was the first I actually had more then one walk-on line. Getting to have a part with lines was exceptionally hard in New York because there were so many going after the same part you were. Sometimes the big parts were precast with famous people. So that their noteriety would sell tickets. I was quite glad that this show was all from auditioners. As I was entering I saw were my group was sitting. I went over and sat next to Kyle, who handed me a script and some paperwork. I quickly filled it out and waited. I knew we were going to have a read through because that's what usually happens at the first rehearsal. I looked around there were eleven of us including the people who just entered. Kyle started taking role. I counted the characters and I realized we were missing someone. Suddenly a figure came bursting through the door. He had a blue backpack on and a baseball cap turned backwards. He was looking at his watch. I could see some brownish-red hair poking out of the hat. "he'll Probally have to dye it" I thought to myself because the red parts of his hair was almost a clown red color. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know I was this late. I got well, tied up" he sputtered out. "It's okay," Julie said, " please sit" which he did, two seat away from me. Then Julie started " Okay cast we welcome you to Bringing Them Home. You will be the first cast of this show because this is a workshop show. Which means the writer and composer will be working on it with us. Which will be nice because they know exactly what they want and they will help you out. I'm Julie your stage manger and Kyle is my assistant stage manager. The Director is not here right now, he had previous engagements. He told me though to express his excitement for the show and working with such a fine group on talented individuals as yourselves. He also instructed me to do a read through. Before we begin I would like everyone to introduce themselves and tell us something that we do not know about you." We began and everyone was sickenly pleasant. I only say this because we all knew we were all being fake and sweet until we really got to know every one. People would say their name and something we didn't know about them. When it came to me I said " Hi my name is Scott and I'll be playing Henry Dyllon." "Is there anything else?" Julie asked me. "Oh, ya" I said" "I'm a Libra" that gained a couple chuckles from around the room. Then it came to our late friend. He looked around the room and smiled a bit. He had one of those smiles that make person want to drop to the floor in awe. It's almost life a heat wave rushes out and you don't mind being caught in the undertow. "My name is Joe and I'll be playing Jake Morric." Then Julie looked at him as if to say...and? "And I like to sing" he smiled triumphantly which earned him a couple laughs from around the room. Well this is a musical so it was a good guess that we all liked to sing. "Oh, he's so witty" I thought to myself sarcasticaly. THought I don't mind cheesyness. It can be amusing. The read through started and we read through the first act rather quickly. We were allowed a break and I got up, stretched and walked over to Kyle. "Hey" I smiled. "Still nervous?" he asked "Still" I laughed. "So what do you think of everyone?" "Everyone seems very nice. Though I don't really recognize any of them from the auditions" "That's the way things work, we had 5 day of auditions not including callbacks." "Callbacks?" I asked because I didn't have a call back "They didn't need call you back. They knew." he smiled and I smiled sheepishly back. "So what do you think of your part?" "I'm so nervous about it. Two songs, a big dance sequence and a duet with Jake...I mean Joe" I explained Then I heard a voice ask, " We have a duet?" It was Joe. "Ya" I said "It's called Duty" I was trying so hard not ot sound like an idot. I don't think it worked. "Oh" he nodded "Hi, I'm Scott" "I'm Joe." "I always like introducing myself personally better." I said "I can see how that can be good" he replied I looked at him and I was sure I knew him from somewhere. He had the warmest eyes. I have always had a thing with eyes. I truly belive that alot can be discovered about a person just by their eyes. Some people have empty cold eyes that put shivers down my spine and other don't. I'm partail to the others. Oh, of course there was that smile of his. Before I could say anything, Julie shouted: "Alright, everyone sit down. Let's get started" We went through the second act as quickly as first. We finished the read through and listened to a lot of the music from the show. The music was really good. I couldn't wait to start singing it. We finished up and everyone left. When I got home I started to clean up the apartment. William came in the door. He basically changed right there and left his clothes on the floor. "Hey Will" "Hey Scott...I can't really talk I need to find my books, quick" They are on your bed" I knew because I put them there when I was cleaning. Will went to both school and work. So I didn't mind cleaning the apartment up. "Thanks, I'll see you later, Okay?" he said as he exited the door. I smiled and took his work clothes and placed them on his bed. Then I flipped on the TV so I could listen to music as I was cleaning. I heard I Drive Myself Crazy by Nsync come on. I liked Nsync quite a bit, though I Drive Myself Crazy was not one of my favorite songs. As I looked at the video, it hit me. I knew where I had recognized Joe from. He was Joey from Nsync. I couldn't believe it. Mostly I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed. Then I became nervous. What would he think? Would he think I had an awful voice? would he think he was better then everyone else or would he be normal? All I could think about was how lucky we were to have a famous person in our cast. Then I wondered if he had to audition? Probably. The next rehearsal came rather quickly. With me working, it came before I knew it. This was our first music rehearsal. The music was new to all of us, but we sang along. Most of the melodies were very cool. My song was a character song. I battled my way through it, which was quite sad. I felt sorry for all those who had to listen. Then I waited around for the duet. I was dreading it so much because I didn't want to make a fool of myself, especaily in front of Joe. When the time came, they taught Joe and I our parts separately and then we put it together. I was quite scared but we both had our parts down well enough that we sounded decent. We had a couple more songs in the second act but they were mostly chorus numbers and reprises. I liked a few of the chorus numbers. There was a song called Falling Sky, in which both Joe and I had a couple line solos. When the chorus came it was gorgeous. The finale was great as well. Then our rehearsal was over. Everyone was leaving when I heard "Scott, Do you need a ride?" It was Joe and I instantly smiled like an idiot. See what those eyes and nice smile can do to me? "No thanks, Kyle said he'd give me a ride but thank you I really appreciate it" "No problem. Goodnight." Right as Joey finished his last syllable Kyle walked over to me. "Scott, can you find ride home, Julie needs me to stay?" Kyle asked. My eyes instantly shot over to Joe who was still standing there with a wide grin. "The offer still stands" he stated happily " Okay, thanks Joe but I do not want to be an inconvenience..." "Shut-up" he laughed as he cut me off " Really it's no problem, I already asked my ride and it's cool. Besides I was the one who asked so how could be an inconvenience?" he asked like a smart-ass. I shrugged and said "Thanks" "No prob, but if you say thanks one more time I think I'll have to mute you." he said as he made a motion like he had a TV remote. I was cracking up. So Joey and I headed over toward the door where a blonde was standing. He was definitely a bleach blonde. He had the most amazing green eyes I had ever seen. They had almost a surreal quality tothem. It was something they both had in common, nice eyes. I was quite pleased. When I had approached him he smiled and put out his hand. "Hi, I'm Lance" "Hey, I'm Scott" I said as I shook his hand. I was so proud of myself as I kept my cool. I mean it's not everyday that some one like me meets someone famous. I bet they were both happy that I hadn't freaked out. But why should I, they were just normal people, right? I had to keep reminding myself that. Lance was nice enough to take me home. He was basically quiet though the bit of conversation I heard from Joe and he, I concluded that he must be the one to deal with the business. He spoke to Joe about the show, Joe's part and the music in the show.I only really spoke up to tell him where to turn. As the car turned by my apartment I said "This is home, Thank you very much Lance" I smiled at Joey just waiting for him to mute me which he did. I said " Oh dear it doesn't work" in a mock sadness. All three of us laughed. "Bye Joe, see ya tomorrow at rehearsal" "Hey if you ever need a ride just ask" Lance told me "Danke" I said with a smirk "bye" "Bye" they both said in unison I got out of the car and went inside. I just couldn't stop smiling, I was so content. I was also happy because I didn't have to work the next day. I looked around the apartment. Will wasn't home, of course, so I made myself a sandwich and went to bed. That night I slept soundly.

Next: Chapter 2

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