Warmest Eyes

By moc.loa@13sonpyH

Published on Sep 4, 2000


Hey all I'm so sorry about this taking so long. I just got all tied up I hope you all love this chapter. Please write me I lvoe letters and I'm pretty good about writng back. : )

Here's the disclaimer you know the drill. If you're not supposed to read it then don't. Simple as that. oh ya I almost forgot this is not implying anything about the memebers of Nsync. I do not know whether or not they are gay or straight. Sorry!

I like to thank all those who read this ahead of time and told me your opinions.

Thanks Kyle, Bill, Kelly, Jay, Ryan and Kenrita. If I forgot anyone please write me and I'll fix it. Here we go!!

As we rode in the car I could hear the radio softly play a song. At first it was hard to hear but once I made an effort to pay attention to it, I could make it out nice and clear.

I know I'm not the first one You have had love in your path before me But when you lips touched my lips

I felt like I was kissing destiny

Angel eyes with your angel eyes Will you always be there to hold me? Angel eyes I'm satisfied I don't to hear your story Cause I can see the things I really want to see I'm in love

I believe in what I'm feeling I'd give everything up just for you Love is devoted to those who see That the last dance you dance with trust

Angel eyes with your angel eyes Will you always be there to hold me? Angel eyes I'm satisfied I don't to hear your story Cause I can see the things I really want to see In your eyes

Angel eyes just want you here to hold me Angel eyes

For some reason the song just hit just hit me. I concentrated on every word and hummed to the melody. The song was about truth and hopes. It said what I wanted. But how could I get what I wanted? Next to me was a sweet, caring, sensitive and humorous individual who kept me amused and appreciated me. This great person I could feel myself getting attached to. What was I going to do? What could I do? Could I think about jeopardizing our budding friendship on the minuscule chance that there might be something between the two of us? I just don't know.

I could feel the car stopping. At that very moment everything seemed surreal to me. I felt like I was watching my own life take place in front of me. I got myself out of the car and glanced at my companions. They were smiling. They must be quite happy that they are getting a chance to even go out.

"Scott are you coming?"

"What?" I was quickly brought out of my trance. "Sorry, I zoned."

"I said are you coming? Will we have the pleasure of you joining us this evening?" Joe said with a wry smile

"No, I thought I'd guard the car...you know against rabid fans."

"Shut up!" Joe laughed

I looked around and didn't recognize anything at all. It was almost disturbing in a way considering I had lived in New York for about a year and a half at that point.

"Where are we?" Lance chuckled at my confusion.

"Impish Glee"

"Impish Glee?"

"Yes. Impish Glee. I know it sounds fairly odd but the place is Awesome! The music pumps non-stop. The music is never part of any one genre; it's a good mix. They even let you request. Which is so cool. Sometimes the club mixes of songs are better then the original." Lance explained

"Oh, that..." I was cut off by Joe at this point

"You will absolutely love this place. Like Lance said the music and the D.J's are great, The whole atmosphere is unreal inside. The place just makes me want to dance." Joe said to me

"It does sound cool."

" We just knew you'd have the time of your life." Joe told me.

I nodded as we walked to the front of the building. I was little nervous at first. Not just the idea of being out with the guys but being in club this was my first time in a club and I was afraid I might not like it. Then what option would I have? I couldn't go home, I wouldn't! I could not spoil the guys evening just because I was stupid and didn't enjoy myself. I closed my eyes and let the rain fall on my face as I stood in line. "ID?" a burley man stood in front of me with an open palm and a not so happy look on his face. "ID" this time he demanded. I basically shoved it at him in fear and he stamped my hand. The stamp was to signal the bartender that I was underage. I was nineteen years old; I was not a child. But what could be done now? Oh well I thought as I stepped into the club following Joe and Lance closely.

As we walked into the club it was rather dark. My eyes shifted quickly. The room may have been black but it had random blinking lights and various neon signs and things on the wall. With the colors swirling and the intense music pounding I stood in awe until Lance tapped me on the shoulder.

"You like?'

"I love."

"Good. Hey Scott?"


"Have you ever been to a club to before?" This question of his scarred me. If I answered with the truth it made me sound very naive. Which I wasn't I just never had a lot of time to go to clubs. I'm always busy with some show or work. And I had my own personal reason for not going that I just didn't want to get into.

"Do you want the truth?" I asked

"Yes." Lance smiled.

"No. This is my first time. Lance please don't tell Joe."


"I just don't him to think that I'm naive and gullible, I guess."

"I don't think he'd think that, Scott."

"Lance, please"

"Okay, I'll do what will make things come out for the best."

"Thank you, Lance."

"No problem." He smiled at me. He still looked confused though. He must not understand why I didn't want Joe to know. It was simple. I am a social person but I'm rather insecure. I'm only social with people I know. I hate going to new places. It scarred me. So the reason why I had never gone was mostly that I didn't want to go by myself. It scarred me ten times more to have to explain that.

Joey soon came over to us laughing and chatting with three other guys. These guys I recognized as the rest of Nsync. I hadn't met the other guys not including J.C who was kind enough to work with Joe and I on our song for the show. Joe introduced me to the group.

"Chris and Justin this is Scott. Scott this is Chris and Justin." I smiled and shook their hands." And of course you know J.C from the other day."

"Of course. Hey thanks again"

"No problem. So are you little more confidant with the music?"

"Ya, I think so." I said

"Good. Once you're in your comfort zone you'll do great."

"Thanks, J.C' I really like J.C. He is so nice. He seems to know exactly what to say. He has that certain way about him that makes person feel at ease around him. I wonder if he knows... probably not.

"So, you're in Joey's show" Chris asked me

"That I am."

"So you can tell us the truth. They gave him the part out of pity, huh? Come on you can tell us, we won't tell anyone." He grinning ear to ear

"Well since, you asked. Joe didn't even get cast he just fills up the water bottles for the dancers." All of them chuckled

"Aw, come on don't tell them that!" Joe mockingly whined "Damn! There goes my confidence."

"Hey don't worry, Joey you would have never used it anyway plus who needs confidence when you love yourself as much as you do?" Justin laughed. Joey eyes went big and his jaw dropped.

"Harsh." Was all I could say with a chuckle.

"Well, I have to love myself Justin. I don't have all those little girls stalking me where ever I go." Joe said with a triumphant laugh. Justin turned a shade of red that I had never seen before. That almost made me laugh harder.

"I'm going to dance." Justin announced and pushed himself out to the floor.

"I'm going to agree on those sentiments, come on guys." Chris said and we all followed in toe.

We shoved our way onto the dance floor and instantly the music seized me. I started dancing like I had never danced before. At that point in my life, I think it was the first time I didn't worry about what people would think, I just had a good time. I have been happy myself for awhile now I'm just not sure if others would be.

After a good number of songs I took myself to table near to where we met up. A server came up to me and I ordered a 7-up and I sat down. I just sat back and gazed at the club and all it's greatness. Man! I loved this. Soon Joe came up to the table and sat down next to me.

"Hey Scotty"

"Hey Joe"

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"I'm having the absolute best time. I love it in here. Everything! The atmosphere, music and the people."

"Great! I told you...it's always good to see someone enjoying a club for their first time. So many people have a rough time their first..." I really didn't comprehend the rest of his sentence because it hit me that he knew. I just sat not believing that Lance had betrayed my trust.

"Scott is there something wrong?

"How did you know? I asked full knowing the answer.

"Know what?"

"That this was my first time?" I asked

"Well Lance told me" I automatically shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Scott, please don't be mad at Lance. I made him tell me. I saw you two talking and asked him if there was anything the matter with you. He said there was nothing but you just seemed so uncomfortable that I kept on pushing in him until he told me. He also told me that you made him promise he wouldn't tell me, Why did you do that?"

"It's just that I didn't want you to see me as this Naive and gullible individual who knew nothing about the world and who was oh so unexpecting of all it's dangers. I thought if you thought that you wouldn't want to get to know me." I said in embarrassment. He just looked at me and smiled

"Scott you worry way too much. It's doesn't matter to me that this is your first time. I think it's great. There are so many of my favorite places I can take you to now. Besides I like you the way you are. I know it sounds cliche but it's true."

Then he did the most unbelievable thing he kissed me. His lips gently brushed mine and I felt the very sincerity of his essence conveyed to me at the moment. He didn't kiss me hard but gently and sweetly. It wasn't anything heavy and hot or extremely passionate. But that didn't matter, it was heaven to me. He pulled his lips away from mine.

"Come on lets go dance. " He said with a smile. He got up and I got up and followed him. At this point I would have gone to the ends of the earth for him. I thought about my 7-up and shrugged. I didn't matter. All that mattered was that Joe liked me for me.

We danced the rest of night and into the morning. I danced with everyone. I loved dancing with Chris and Joey. They seemed so free from care and worry as the shimmied. Chris was Crack up. One minute he'd be serious and the next we'd be freaking out. Joey of course was so comfortable out on the floor grooving' to the music. He would just let loose. I admired that.

J.C and Lance came next. They were a little more apprehensive but still knew how to have fun. Lance at times seemed to be having more fun then any of us then h would like just stop. It was like he'd become self-conscious. I knew that feeling. J.C never seemed to make up his mind. He would be dancing like no one else then he'd do a complete one eighty and do small little subdued motions.

Justin just confused me. He danced like he knew he was good half of the time and the other times he danced like a thirteen year old lost on the dance floor. It wasn't like he was self conscious, that was only part of it. It seemed to go deeper. Like he felt he lacked something. t was almost like since this wasn't choreographed he didn't know what do to. It was odd in way. He was an Aquarius and they have of tendency to be confusing to everyone even us Libras.

They played every song I had hoped they would. I even requested "Love Shack" by the B-52's. The DJ smiled and played it next. Everyone on our group seemed to have so much fun dancing to the song. After which a mix of "Ray of Light" by Madonna came on. I was quite thrilled; it was such a good song. It was full of happiness and hope. It fit my mood.

The night came to an end way too quickly but I was happy in way. My feet hurt so badly. On the way home as I rode with Lance and Joe and I was in heaven. I couldn't help smiling. As I got out of the car. Lance and Joe got out and walked me to my door. Which I thought was odd.

"You guys really don't have to walk with me I'll be fine."

"No. We're coming with you. We don't want you to be stolen or anything do we?" Joe said. I laughed.

We finally got to my door. "This is it." I motioned to my door. "Thanks guys, for a great night."

"Hey no problem" they said almost in unison.

"Hey Lance."


"Thank you for looking out for me" I said as I hugged him.

"No problem" he said as he returned the hug.

"And Joe thanks for being honest with me tonight. It was just what I needed." And I hugged him. "Goodnight guys" I said as I went into my apartment.

"Good night, Scott" Joe laughed "See ya later."

"Night!" Lance said as they left.

I closed my door and slid done the door with my back against. I was kissed tonight. Joe kissed me. Did it mean anything more? Or is he just really affectionate? I started laughing in excitement. I almost screamed at myself to stop rationalizing the situation. I couldn't wait for the morning so I could call Kyle and ask his opinion. He was always good with things like this.

Next: Chapter 5

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