Warmest Eyes

By moc.loa@13sonpyH

Published on Oct 6, 2000


Hey Every one!!! Thank you for reading this Installment of the Warmest eyes. I know my story is not that action packed and basicaly has no sex in it. I appreciate thos who ahve stuck with it and thos who are new readers. As always I'm Scott and you can reach me at Hypnos31@aol.com

Disclaimer: This story contains subject manner a bout male to male realtionships. If you don't like it then you are clsoe minded but we are allowed to our own opinions even if they are wrong. Just Kidding. Bus seriously if ya don't like it please stop reading.

This story again is a work of Fiction. (thats mean not real...hehehe)SO if you Nsync guys are reading this and not liking it Please write me and we'll straighten it out. : )

Last but not least. The Thank yous! Kyle~ forr being so awesome Jay~ for being the strong silent type :) Collen~ for being one of my cheerleaders Kelly~ For calling me "cutie"

I came in the door and Will was sitting at the kitchen table. He had a book open and was writing some notes down.

"What's up, Will?"

"Abnormal Psyche"

" Oh, cool."

"I guess"

"I loved psychology."

"Why did you quit school, Scott?" Will asked me arching his eye brow

"So I could spend my time focusing on theater." I stated plainly

"Do you regret it?"

"Well...yes and no"

"Yes and no?"

"Yes. I'm doing what I love, that's why I don't miss school. I regret giving up school because sometimes I feel intellectually lazy." I said

"Why don't you go back and take some night classes?"

"I don't have time. I have my AA. If the Theater thing doesn't pan out I'll go back but right now I'm pretty comfortable." Will nodded and went back to marking some notes down.

"Good night Will, I need to go to bed." I dug into my wallet and pulled out the rent money I had set aside and put it on the counter. "Here's the rent money, Will don't go spending it on pot or anything." I laughed

"Oh ya Scott, you know me and (at this point he made quotation marks with his fingers) "The POT". I cracked up.

As soon as I calmed down I went to bed.

The next morning I woke up and started getting ready for work. As I came out of the shower and changed the phone rang. I grabbed it quickly because Will was sleeping and he doesn't get much sleep with his Job and school.


"Is Scott there?"

"That's me." I said not recognizing voice on the other end.

"Hi, Scott it's me J.C"

"Hey J.C" this confused me. I didn't expect J.C to call me.

"I was just wondering what you are doing today?"

"I work till about 3 then after that I'm free."

"How would you like to accompany me to an Art exhibit?"

"That would be cool." I said, "What's the theme?"

"A Vision of Color: The Expressionists"

"Cool...I love Renoir and Monet."

"I like Monet also. But I'm in love with Van Gogh."

"Oh, I really liked Starry, Starry Night but that's the extent of it. I guess the Iris one was cool." I said thinking

"Great! We'll have an awesome time." Then there was a pause. "Hey do you think you get off a little earlier?"

"I think so. We're trying to cut hours."

"Awesome. Give me call when you get off." He then gave me his cell number, which I wrote down and shoved it my wallet. I glanced at my watch. If I didn't leave now I would be late.

"Will do, J.C. But I gotta go or I'll be late." I said.

"Okay. Bye Scott"

"Bye J.C"

I basically went running out of the apartment and I grabbed my bus. Who needs a Car in New York? I knew a couple ways I could get to work. The bus was a little slower then the subway but the bus would be more likely to be on time.

I got to work and opened. When my Manager came in I asked her if I could leave at one. She said it would be fine as long as I finished my tasks that were assigned for me. I quickly got that done and started helping one of the new part timers with the Sheet music. Which isn't hard but a frustrating task all the same. I called J.C at 11: 00.


"Hi, J.C, this is Scott."

"Hey Scott. Did you get any time off early?"

"I can get off at 12:00" I stated.

"Great that's fantastic!" Then there was a slight pause. "Oh, Justin and Lance say Hi"

"Hi guys" I said with a smile

"Okay. I have the car so I will pick you up in the north parking lot"

"Fine. Hey J.C, do you like Tori Amos?"

"I've heard of her but not a lot by her."

"Okay cool. I was just wondering."

"Okay..." He seemed suspicious

"Oh it's nothing J.C. I was just thinking." I said "See there a few artist's I feel I must expose other to."

"Ahhhh." He smiled

The last hour of work zipped by so fast I hadn't realized it until I glanced at my watch out of habit and saw it said 11:55. I quickly counted out my register. The Assistant manager got there and took over and I walked to the north parking lot. I stood in the parking lot for about 5 minutes until a car drove up to me. J.C. was in the driver seat and Justin was in the passenger seat.

"Get in." J.C smiled. I did so and sat in the back.

"Hey guys" I said as I put my seat belt on.


"Hey" Justin said with what seemed like annoyance or boredom.

"So how are you guys?" I said trying to ease into a conversation

"Good at least my morning was." J.C said

"I'm doing fine." Justin said with an irritated tone voice. This intrigued me so I decided to play on it.

"So, Justin are you a big impressionist fan?" I said straightforward.

"Yeah, I guess." He said kind of curtly.

"I'm sure you'll find something you like. Though I don't think there are any portraits of Basketballs." With this comment a grin spread across my face. I could see J.C smirking and Justin flushing.

"Ha Ha. Very funny, Sean. Now shut up" Justin said this venomously I smiled and batted my eyes

"I do declare Justin that you have crushed my self esteem. A big star like you doesn't remember my name!" I faked a sob badly" I think I must start reevaluating my self worth! Where is Lance? I need some one to hold me." I sniffled out. By this time J.C was cracking up hysterically but Justin did not seem amused.

"It's Scott, Justin" J.C said between laughs

"I know that, Josh. Why did I even come? I should have stayed home at least there I'll get picked on by people I know and like." Justin spat out.

"Whoa Justin hold on. What do you mean by that? You're the one who started this off on a bad foot. You had the attitude. Though I know my comments sure didn't help but you brought this on yourself. All I did was retaliate, buddy."

"Whatever! You know what I meant...You're probably using Joey anyway. You're lucky that you met him because maybe now he can help your "little career!" Justin said with such conviction it surprised me.

"Fine. J.C please pull over." Which he did and I got out and started walking. I was so upset but I would not let a jerk like Justin see me all broken up. I could hear J.C calling to me but I kept walking. Finally he caught up to me and he spun me around with his arm.

"Whoa Scott! We're going to work this out! Justin didn't mean it."

"He did to. Did you hear him? The tone of voice he used? He meant it all right." I said half in anger and the other in shock. "I know you guys are best friends and all but can't you see he was trying to get at me?"

" And you let him..."

"I know I did but I will not stand for someone accusing me of using people. I am not shallow. I care so deeply about friendship." Showing for the first time how hurt I was.

"I know that, and so does Joey, Chris and Lance. We all enjoy your company. That's why I brought Justin so he could see what a great guy you are."

"But J.C he doesn't like me..."

"He doesn't know you."

"How can..." I started to ask.

"He doesn't know you Scott. He's not always good with new people. Try to make the effort reach out to him. Be the better person. He's an Aquarius. We must learn to put up with his idiosyncrasies. Who better to do that then a fair Libran." He said with a wry smile

"I guess..."

"Are you going to come back and see the Art exhibit with us? I was looking forward to your company today."

"Sure. I will and only because I was looking forward to using you guys for your fame so I could raise myself to the top of the New York social ladder. Then I could take advantage of my newfound power and purchase your record company. Then I would have complete control over your lives" I said sarcastically. Then I felt a hand smack me behind the head.

"Stop that!' J.C laughed "Not everyone gets your humor." I rubbed the back of my head as we walked to the car which was parked with Justin in the front seat with his arms crossed across his chest with a angry look on his face.

We road the rest of the way to the museum in silence. The museum wasn't much further so the silence wasn't too unbearable, though the thought of Justin not liking me was. I hate knowing when somebody doesn't like me. Call it codependency if you like but I don't care.

We quickly got inside the museum and started looking around at all the brilliant masterpieces. J.C and I chit chatted about this and that while Justin stayed fairly quiet. He made quick comments every once in awhile.

J.C had left us because he had to use the bathroom which left Justin and I alone together looking at the Monet section of the exhibit. We were looking at none other then the famous Water Lilies when I decided now was my opportunity to reach out to him.

"Isn't it gorgeous?"

"I guess...It looks like a mess to me." He said shortly

"Maybe what you need is new perspective on the piece"

"Are you implying that I don't understand art?" He asked searching for something to get upset about.

"No, not at all, Justin. All I am saying that Art is personal and interpretive. Though you may not like it you should be able to stand back and respect the artist for putting himself on display." I explained

"What do you mean putting himself on display?"

"Well I'm in the firm belief that every piece of art a person creates reflects back on them. There must have been some reason why Van Gough decided to paint "A Starry Starry night"." I thought for moment. "Here I'll show you. Justin close you eyes."


"Because I would like to show you something if that's okay."

"Fine." He said reluctantly. He closed his eyes and I led him a bit farther away from Water Lilies where you can see the shapes really form.

"Now open" He did and he just stood there awestruck. "Well?" I asked

"I think I can see where you're coming from. I really don't like this painting but I can see all the time and effort he put into this. I can see the magic."

"Exactly." I smiled

I looked over and saw J.C heading back our way. He smiled as we approached me. I met him half way leaving Justin to admire the work of art.

"So you two haven't killed each other yet?" he joked

"Nope." I smiled " And I think we even had a conversation"

"I call it the work of the angels" J.C laughed

"What's the work of the angels?" Justin asked as he approached

"That you and Scott had conversation without killing each other"

"Oh." There was a slight pause as Justin sort of shuffled his feet. " Hey do you guys mind if we get some food from the little café? I'm really hungry."

"Sounds good to me what do you think Scott?"

" I don't mind."

"Good lets go." Justin said.

We walked together over to the little café. He got some sandwiches that were overpriced but hey, I guess we pay for atmosphere. We sat down and dug in. There was a slight uncomfortable silence when J.C decided to start the conversation.

"So how's the show going?"


"It's work shop show right?"


"So have you worked with the composers or the playwrights yet?"

"Not really. They were there for one rehearsal where they went over my two songs and my and Joey's duet." I explained

"You sing by yourself?" Justin asked seeming amazed. I was almost hurt. Then I reminded myself that I must make the effort becasue he wouldn't. He was stubborn. So I spoke calmly.

'Yes, Justin I do."

"He's quite good Justin."

"Thanks J.C that's sweet of you." J.C smiled

'It's the truth." J.C smirked I smiled shyly and took another bite. There was small pause between us when Justin finally blurted out.

"Scott I'm really, sorry"

"For what?" Mind you I did remember what had gone on between us before we got there but it didn't think it was that.

"For being such jerk earlier. I don't know what came over me... I was being such an Ass. I've been fairly preoccupied lately.I've been so touchy. I know it's not your fault but it's easier totake my feelingso ut on you." Was I surprised? Not at all..I was down right amazed I couldn't believe it.

"It's cool, Justin"

"That's the problem Scott. It isn't cool. You are too nice. I was a jerk, simple as that! And I'm sorry."

" Apology excepted." I smiled out. He nodded and then he did last thing I expected. He hugged me, not one of those manly hugs with the patting on the back. It was a real embrace he showed he cared and he was sorry. J.C just stood back and smiled wide.

We finished our meal and continued to look at the paintings. Justin turned out not to be such bad guy. Once I gave him the benefit of the doubt he turned out to me witty, charming and even occasionally insightful. But at he same time he seemed so fragile. Like he afraid to get to know people because they might hurt him or leave him. This confused me about him because he was the most secure of the boys. He was the favorite and everyone knew it except Justin. The guys would joke about it. Not out of spite but out of playfulness. Justin would shrug it off, snap at them or even get a bit upset. Still with all this Justin turned out to be a fairly nice guy. It put me at ease to know that I could sit down with any of the guys and have a decent conversation.

The day at the art museum was bright and fun like a rainbow and faded to soon for us truly to find the proverbial pot of gold of friendship, but that day I felt I was closer to finding it, at least with Justin and J.C.

Thnaks all!!!! Next Chapter should be out fairly soon...if it takes too long write me to prod me along!. hehe

Next: Chapter 7

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