Warren Warren

By Branden Renfro

Published on Aug 19, 2001



Disclaimer: This story is about a sexual encounter between two men. Some statements are fact, but everything else in pure fiction. I wish that it were all true. Nobody knows about Warren Cuccurullo's true sexual orientation. I heard that he's bisexual, but let's pretend that he's straight for now. If you're under 18, go watch a Power Rangers movie. The rest of you: read on and enjoy!

Warren Warren


Wesley Jaxon

One muggy summer night in Seattle, I went to a set for a story I was doing for an underground magazine. I was given that particular assignment that morning; I had to interview the lackeys there at "Club Snake Pit." I walked into the smoked filled mosh pit with my pad and pen in hand, expecting a slow night of mind--numbing heavy metal music. The emcee went on the mike with a twinge of slurring in his voice as his scratched his potbelly. Oh, yeah. This was the life I was subjected to. I would have been out at the clubs looking for new ass, and I had to be in a hellhole. He announces the band's name, I couldn't remember with a hint of whiskey trailing to my sinuses.

The lights faded to the band setting up. There was a tall, muscular man dressed all in black from his bucket cap, sunglasses, open vest and pleather pants. The color that he displayed is his cherry red electric guitar in his hands. He looked very familiar to me like I seen him from somewhere. The lights rose to reveal Warren Cuccurullo, the Irish stud that was in Duran Duran. Wow! I thought that the whole break-up was just gossip, apparently not. I hoped that other rumor was also true. (You'll find out eventually.) Warren takes the mike and the crowd goes wild and so did I. I felt a little stirring, and then I realized that I tented my pants. I tried to cover my growing basket with my notepad. He rocks out with this unintelligible words shot out of his mouth along with his saliva. That was so sexy. I could see beads of sweat forming on his freshly shaven head as he took his cap off. The spotlight shines cascading the lights throughout the room. Looks like a celestial presence was there.

Then, all of a sudden the moshing begins and I was knocked down to the stank, pissy floor. My notebook was nowhere in sight, I scrounged around it to be inadvertently kicked and pushed in the process. Finally, I found my way out of the melee to be at the foot of the stage, staring up to see a vision, a sight to behold, Warren's crotch. I was entranced by it's sheer magnificence. Taking a break while he was singing his hypnotic song, he looked at me being in a stoic state. I could felt his dark, mysterious eyes peering at me. I looked at the god's eyes himself; his grungy ragged goatee drew me in. Then, the song ends as I was still on the floor in my vegetable state.

"Hey, dude. Are you all right?" a voice calling me back to reality. "Dude, dude." Finally, I woke up from my coma.

"Yeah, what?!" I snapped at the stoner boy above me.

"I was to know that you're okay."

"Yes, I'm fine thank you." I said politely, but in my mind I was saying. `Thanks for nothing. I was having the perfect wet dream about this guy's bulge, and this asshole interrupted it for me.'

The straggler walked off leaving me in the quickly departing pit as everyone headed toward the bar. Out the corner of my eye, I saw a sign saying, "Press Room." My devilish mind was at work to get Warren in that room. The inebriated emcee stumbled onstage to say the decipherable, " The band will be back in a few minutes. Enjoy the bar. Make way for me."

Now how can I lure...I mean, meet him in there? I pondered this as the owner stumbled out the crowd. I thought he had a few too many screwdrivers; I pulled him aside. " I wondering if I could use your press room to do a quick interview with Warren Cuccurullo during his break."

"Yeah, whatever," said the bar owner trying to stay on his feet.

"Thank you!" I'm in. "Can you tell them to meet me there?"

"Uh-huh." He disappears.

I slithered my way to the Press Room. Now, I had the perfect opportunity to get Warren for a little one on one. I was congratulating myself for my triumph. Usually, I don't do this. Besides, the guys I usually screw are young, dumb, and fuckin' horny. He was a little older than 30. (My usual limit for a guy I'm interested in.) My excitement overwhelmed me as I touched myself. Closing my eyes I envisioned what would it be like to fuck a rock star. Be a male groupie. A grouper. That's a good name.

The door opens. My daydream was interrupted as I took my hands off my crotch to view the pile-in. He strolls in drenched with sweat, patting himself down. Some more people marched into the cramped room; I was shocked. `Damn, how can all these people be in here? Unless, they wanted to observe us making sweet, sweet monkey love.'

"He is the band, miss," the bar owner tried to form a half-baked sentence.

"Thank you, kind sir," I said trying to keep up the masquerade.

He mutters and then closes the door.

"How are you doing, Warren?" I asked in anticipation. I wanted him to sit in the chair in front of me. Seeing perfect physique tried to pull me in that statue state. "My name is Konn E. Langus from Moist Hole magazine."

He politely nodded as we shook hands.

"I have a few questions to ask you." I said trying not to blurt out `I want to suck your big beautiful cock!' in front of everyone. I came up with a clever way to get them out of the room. "Do you mind if your band leave the room for awhile? These are deeply probing questions."

"You heard the man. Get out!" Warren barked at them. Oh, I love a man that takes charge. The pair left the room in a huff, and slammed the door behind them. Finally, we were alone. It was the perfect opportunity to ease to him to a nice screw.

"My first question is, Warren, are you done with Duran Duran?"

"Regretfully, yes. I am done with the group, but Simon [Le Bon] and Nick [Rhodes] are still going on strong." He tells me this with his apparent Brooklyn accent trying to catch his breath as his chest heaves. Umm!

"What about Frank Zappa or the Missing Persons?" I tried to pull all of the bands that he's been associated with.

"Zappa is long gone to spin-off Missing Persons. I'm back with the Missing Persons now as a matter of fact. The band was just in here. Dale [Bozzio] and Terry [Bozzio].

"Oh, I couldn't hear anything with the slurred emcee out there. Is this permanent?" I wasn't writing anything down on my pad.

"Well, you'll never know what happens now or in the future. That all I have to say," he says as he readjusted in the chair. I caught a glimpse at his crotch and then quickly looked up.

"The another questions are kinda personal, do you mind?" I was getting a little antsy. I was through bullshitting.

"No, I don't mind at all," as he sits up in the chair.

"Is it true that you are a pansexual?"

"A what?" This really woke him up.

"You know, a person having sex in kitchens?"

"I guess so. Yeah, particularly on top of the kitchen table. Very erotic," Oh, yeah. Now, I started to write the intimate details down. That really got my two heads at attention.

"Really. Umm...can we discuss about you going Full Monty?"

"Sure," saying that nonchalantly.

"I have to say, I loved your very revealing pictorial for the Brazilian magazine, G. Very hot," he looked pretty damn hot for him being in his early 40's. " How did this come about?"

"Well, my lover for 12 years, Claudia, said that the magazine called her because they liked Pop Trash when I was in Duran Duran. They feature any celebrity that would strip to the buff, football players, actors, politicians, or whatever. They could gay, straight, it doesn't matter^×on the cover, and they do feature of the cover model. They only had locals on the magazine, they wanted a Northerner, so I stepped. I didn't know that I going to be naked. I thought I was going to be wearing a swim suit or something."

He was certainly confident showing his dick to the whole Southern Hemisphere.

"Uh, what it hard to get hard in front of the photographer?" I inquired.

"Well, I was perfectly comfortable being naked, but they wanted to be necca dora." Warren said.

"Necca dora? What's that?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

"It's a Brazilian slang term for a hard-on." He places his hand on his bulge to demonstrate the meaning of the word. My lusty restraint was buckling.

"It was great spread. Really."

"Thanks. I glad you enjoyed it. How did you see it?"

"I have a friend at the Equator send me his copy. He knew how much I liked you," a little Freudian slip. "I like your music."

`Damn, straight! Not the music. Fuck that. I need to jump his bones!' I imagined but I wish that he would listen to my thoughts. "I especially loved the picture of you pouring that hot wax all over your chest and dribbles to your stomach." My mouth was literally watering picturing this stud pouring very hot white wax on his body. That wax made me think that it was cum. Damn, I hope it's my cum.

"What about the red wine one?"

"Very classic."

He laughs.

"I hate to admit it, I have one of your photos on my bedroom wall." I wanted to get the ball rolling.

"Really. Which one?"

"The one with your standing up in the bathtub with suds here and there. You were at full attention staring at the camera. I had to cover your cock with an `Oops!' sign, because it was offensive to my roommates." I couldn't believe I was being so frank to him. He was blushing. I couldn't believe that I was making Warren Cuccurullo from Duran Duran blush. Damn, I'm good. "Is it true that you are going to make a chocolate dildo of yourself?"

"Where are you getting' these questions from? As a matter of fact; yeah I am, but not only that, it could be a vase or a lava lamp." I don't know how can be possible, but who gives a damn.

"What's it called?"

"It's called Rock Cock. It's better than Rock Rod or Band Members. I'm trying to get another celebrities to mold their members for others to enjoy."

"I have to admit, a chocolate dildo? I never heard of that." I was still bewildered.

"Yes, you could suck it, eat it or thrust it up your pussy and/or ass."

"What if you want to suck it, shove it up your ass and then eat it?"

I laughed. Warren looked angrily at me. I felt like shit. Damn it, now I'll never get some. Then, he bursts out with laughter.

"I just got that."

"I'm sorry for that. I have no sense of humor."

"I think you have wonderful humor," he almost made me giggle like a schoolgirl. " Are there any more questions?"

"Yes. There are all these rumors that you are gay, can you clarify that?" I needed to move the train along. I was really horny. I haven't had a piece in about three months at the time.

"What the fuck? Where did you hear this?" I was startled.

"It was in the In Los Angeles newspaper. This person interviewing you, Joe Black, like that's his real name and Dale Bozzio. The columnist wrote that you have sucked cock but you weren't very good at it. You like to jerkin' em?' Is that true?"

"I just need some practice. Can you help me?" Saying with a wicked look in his eye.

I gulped. "With what?"

"My blowjob technique?"

"Uh," I was gone. I thought that I was pursuing this.

He got up and locks the only exit to the pit outside. Not that I was complaining. It was kind of a turn-on being trapped in a confined space with such a hot guy. This banished god walked up to me with a sexual intensity in his eyes as I looked towards the light. He grabs my face and plants a long, deeply sensual kiss upon my lips. I melted as his tongue in and out of my mouth, cleaning my teeth as he Frenched me. He walks his hands down as he unbuttons my untucked shirt. I moaned as he made his way down my neck to my slightly hairy chest. He stops and says, " Konn, I really love these hairs on the middle of your chest."

He almost got my rocks off as he traveled my treasure trail to lick a circle in my navel. He was doing double duty licking my belly button as unbuckled my pants. I was so hard that when Warren unzipped me my cock stood up hitting him on the face. It was still confined in its boxer brief prison, so he wrapped his mouth around my package. This made me crazy with desire. I wanted him to suck me real bad; I was bucking my hips to answer my request. I still had my pad and pen to keep myself from getting too ex=cited, they were knocked out of my hand. Warren hoists my underwear with my help to wiggle them to my ankles. He proceeds to grip my pole in one hand and play with balls with the others.

"Wow! Looks like someone needs to trim the forest," Warren says as she slowly jacks me off.

In ecstasy, I answered, "Yeah, I really need to shave." I didn't care about my pubes. This gorgeous man was masturbating me. That's all that mattered.

He replaced hand with his warm mouth on my balls taking both of them in his moist entrance. I threw my head back letting him go to town on my genitals. God, I wanted him to blow me. I couldn't take it anymore. "Hey, can you suck me, please?" I was begging him to put his mouth on my twitching manhood standing proud at 7.5".

"Okay, just guide me with this," Warren hesitated as he stared face-to-cock.

"Yeah, whatever. Just shut up and eat me," I didn't care, just suck my cock.

Warren took a deep breath and dove into my lap, taking 3 inches of my cock. I was thinking that he was an okay cocksucker, not fantastic. He does need some work though. He bobbed his head; that was a little awkward. He gagged a few times. I placed my hands on his perfectly head guiding him how to find my spot get me off. He moans as I rammed full dick down his throat. It felt so fucking good with my rod down to the back of his throat. Forcing more of my dick in his mouth, he backed up moving my hands off his ears so he could get nice suction. I was thrashing about the chair as my dick popped out of his mouth. He licked the shaft from top to bottom, giving it a tongue bath. This drew me crazy that I was stirring; I felt my juices coming up for a passion explosion. More of Warren's licking and ticking my mushroom head with his pointy tongue drew me over the edge.

"Warren, I'm gonna explode," saying building my sperm army to attack Warren's taste buds.

"I want you to cum on my face. I want all of your fuckin' jizz all over my face." With that encouragement, he prepared for my love juices shoot out of my cock. I spasmed as the eight cum bullets rocketed out of my loins hitting Warren at their intended target, the face, mouth and also his neck and chest. My breaths were shallow from draining my cum bank of its deposit. Warren milked me as his licked up the remaining spunk off me. Now, it was my turn to suck him off.

"How was my technique, Konn?" Warren asked as his got off his knees.

"Very, very good for a guy who couldn't suck good cock," I was recovering, but I still have the hunger to suck his flawless cock.

"I learned from the best."

"Warren, I want to suck you now. You may be good for now, but let me give you a little taste of my technique." I stood up practically naked to the fully dressed guitarist; I took him against the wall. I licked off my sweet cum off his bronzed upper body. I roughly removed his sweaty vest coated with my freshly squeezed seed. I started to caress his hard pumped up chest. His breathy escapes convinced me to worship every nook, and cranny of this hunk's body. I gently touched his nipples letting my fingertips and tongue to all the talking. I was getting rock hard again just fondling his tits. He placed his hands on the back of my head and shoulders, encouraging me to proceed with my assault on his salty flesh. I copped a feel and watched him flex his bazookas for me to squeeze and tease. Inspecting his perfect six-pack in an up and down motion. I puckered up to all the muscles of his abdomen. This act really got him hot. Lifting myself up, looking him right in the eye, I lowered my hand to massage his privates through his pleather pants.

"Suck me, Konn," whispered Warren in the heat of lust.

I didn't want to deny the Adonis for having the ultimate pleasure done to him. Trying to give this golden statue of sex a hickey as I fumbled with pants button. I finally succeeded, zipping down his fly; I released his 3 ½" soft cock from its confines. He was going commando in his pants; I kind of knew that wasn't going to wear any. Those tight pants accentuated all of his assets. I shimmied his second skin off down to his knees; I looked at the glorious sight. Warren placed his hands on the back of my head to proceed giving him a blowjob. But I had a better idea; I gently kissed the limp head of Warren's cock. Teasing him, I turned him around to behold his creamy white ass, I personally don't like tan lines, but I'll wavered that. I ran my tongue across the peach fuzz of his ass, he shuddered at my touch, kissing, massaging both globes of his ass. I could feel that he cock would respond from my teasing his equator. Finally, I decided that he had enough and wanted my hot mouth giving him oral.

"Suck my fuckin' cock, Konn. Please?" That right there was the word I was waiting for. As I suspected his pole was responding to my touch. It grew and grew and grew to its ultimate eight inches. It's not very thick, but perfect for my expert deep-throat technique. I took his head into my mouth and swirled my tongue over the pre-soaked slit. His mutters set me off as I took all eight inches of his dick into my mouth.

"Ooooh, yeah. Fuck! Goddamn you're good," I wanted to respond, but I wanted to have himself melt into my mouth. Bobbing my head, he thrusts his hip towards me, forcing even more of his dick going down to his nicely trimmed pubic hair. I really got into face fucking him. Pumping his cock into my mouth like a jackhammer. I was sucking him so hard that it created a sloppy sucking noise taking in his monster. I reached out and clasped his ball sack in my hands; kneading them. I felt them contract and I realized that he was going to give me a nice little surprise. I stopped my suction of his dick. Out of his trance he blurts out, "Cock tease."

"No, I'm not. I want you to fuck me," I said waiting for my ass to get plowed. Warren lowered to eye level; he looked into my eyes and gently pressed his lips upon mine. He placed one of his hands on my chest to lower me down to the ground.

Then, there was a knock at the door, "Warren, are you done in there? Everybody's getting kinda antsy out here. Come on, let's go."

"Dale, I'm just gettin' started. I'll come in a little while," he said yelling thought the door. He returned to me lying on the floor, using both of his hands he lifted my legs over my head. I didn't know that I was that limber. He lowered his head and aimed his tongue right at my ass cheeks. Now, I wasn't into rimming a guy, but it wasn't that bad having it done to you. He spreads my cheeks and plants his face more eating my pucker. Darting his tongue inside my asshole, I gasped from the sheer excitement.

"Oh, yeah. Eat my fucking asshole!" I groaned grabbing his head forcing him to go deeper into hot wet canyon. He stops and gets up on his knees.

"Now, Konn, I'm going to fuck the shit out of you." He starts to place his cock at my asshole; I had to stop him.

"Warren, I want you to do me doggie style. I really love that." I requested a lusty look in my eye.

"Okay, get on your knees, bitch."

"Yes, sir." I was so excited that this stud was about to give me a meat injection in rear hatch. He moved out of the way so I could lower my legs and crawl on my knees to Warren's chair. I place my hands on the seat to rest my head as I felt Warren hock up a loogie into his hand to slather it all over the length of his sausage. I felt a little heat as the head of his dick was knocking at my back door. I prepared to feel a helluva a lot of pain. Warren forced his cock into my chute, I winced a little bit, but I was fine. But when he stuffed his whole 8" into my colon, I grunted really loudly. As I relaxed my sphincter muscle, he slowly pulled out to alleviate the pain.

"Are you okay?" Asking me in my ear.

"Oh, yeah." Lying to him about sheer, but overwwlming joy of our bodies being as one.

He pushed himself all the way in and we both groaned together. His movement was getting more faster as we were disturbed again by a knock.

"Warren! Warren! We need to go back onstage. Come on!"

"Fuck off, Terry, I'm busy here!" The fear of getting caught was really getting my engines going.

Then, there were indistinct yelling and a fight breaks out. He started to fuck me harder. Luckily for me the brawl outside drowned out our fuck session, a real good fuck section. I was literally screaming as he did an offensive on my asshole. I heard a few people chant, `Warren! Warren! Warren!' Cheering him on as force of thrusts slap was a loud smack. I was yelling that same phrase as he fucked my ass raw pounding. He was almost there.

"Oh, shit! Konn, I'm gonna cream."

"Do it! Do it! Yeeeaaaahhh!"

"I want you to suck me until I cum." He inquired as he withdrew out of me. I eagerly turned around to receive the fruits of my labor. I gingerly sucked him off. With the corkscrew jack off, his breaths were getting shallow, as his climax was apparent. I felt the first blast of an unbelievable 12 shots that flooded my mouth with his spunk.

"Konn, I want you to shallow it." Warren said grabbing a hold of my head. I sucked it up and tried to drink hot protein drink. Some of his cum dribbled to the sides of my mouth making a path to the floor. He fell to his knees and place of kiss upon my lips. He swirled his tongue around to lick the last of his cock juice from my face.

"Oh, goddamn you're a get lay."

"Well, I aim to please." I said with a smirk upon my face.

"Your name is not Konn E. Langus, huh?" saying putting his pants back on.

"What?" I took a double take, because I was caught.

"No. My real name is Wesley. Actually, Shaun Wesley Jaxon."

"And you're not from Moist Hole magazine either?"


"Well, Shaun Wesley, I guess you wanted to give cunnilingus and get fucked in your moist asshole, huh?"

"Oh, hell yeah. Thank you for that."

"No problem." He kisses me and slips a piece of paper in my hand as he unlocked the door and left the room. I opened it and it was his phone number and also a message, `If your ever want to get your rocks off again, call me. We'll have fun!' I finished getting dressed and left the room with imminence of hot sex in the stale air.

After the long sex session, I'm chronicling my sexual liaison on my laptop. Another victim that fell under my spell. Buff Bagwell, David Justice, Kerr Smith and countless others are coming next. More adventures lie ahead for me; I hope you will stick around for another quickie.


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