Wayne and I

By Ti Ja

Published on Jul 12, 2016


This is a story involving sex and romance between adult males. If such material is not to your taste or if it is not legal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. All characters are over the age of eighteen. This story and its characters are fictitious and resemblance to real individuals is coincidental.

Wayne and I

`I don't like the sound of this,' my friend Graham said, taking a swig of his pint.

We were sitting in a bar, just up from where Wayne and I had had our first proper conversation. He'd texted me a couple of times that afternoon, saying everything was quiet at home and he was going to stay in for the evening, and that he couldn't wait to see me again. I was glad to hear he was okay. I'd spent the afternoon thinking about what had happened, and about him. None of it made sense really. Everything had happened so fast, and almost everything about Wayne as a partner was wrong. But it felt right, somehow, and whereas in similar situations before the doubts had set in when the immediate buzz had faded, here that wasn't happening. I couldn't understand it, but I knew I wanted to see him again, and soon. Graham, however, was doing his best to rain on the parade.

Sounds as if it could all get messy quite quickly,' he said. Be careful.'

`Oh I'm going to be. But I don't know. What could happen – to me, anyway – aside from just possibly his mum's psycho boyfriend trying to turn up and kick the shit out of me?'

`Well, that. He sounds like a proper nasty piece of work. And what about this Wayne? You don't really know much about him, do you? Can you trust him?'

`I don't know. I feel as if I can...'

`Yeah, but you're a soft-hearted bugger, and you always see the best in people. Besides, you fall in love too easy, and with all the wrong guys.'

`I haven't fallen in love or anything like it!'

`Not yet.'

`Well, I can't see Wayne going and telling either that Joe or his nasty mates too much about me. He's got too much to lose. He's the one in the closet after all.'

`Sure about that? What if he was just spinning you a yarn to get a quick fuck out of it? I hope you were careful.'

`Hmm, not very, to be honest. But I'm not worried about that. I definitely believe him about being in the closet, and you'll have to take it from me, but he's definitely a virgin ... or he was yesterday anyway!'

`Well, we'll see I suppose ... but anyway, he's only bloody twenty!'

`Twenty-one. But yes, well, that's why I don't think anything will really come of it. But he is very sweet, and I do believe what he told me about his situation, and I'm going to keep my promise to him about doing what I can to help if he needs it. Short of getting the shit kicked out of me, anyway.'

`Let's hope that doesn't happen...'

I didn't hear from Wayne for a few days, and on the Wednesday I had to go to London for a couple of days with work. I couldn't help thinking of him, and I was tempted to text a couple of times and ask if he was okay, but then resolved to leave it with him. In any case, he'd hinted that it would be better not to text him out of the blue, in case he was in company where someone might see his phone. I was beginning to worry about him by the Thursday afternoon. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket as I was getting onto the train home. For some reason I just knew it would be him.

  • Hi u ok? Luv 2 c u if u in xxx

  • I'm just on my way home now. Back about 11. What are you up to tomorrow? I'm out in the evening, but fancy coming round in the daytime? Mxx

-cn do mayb meet u l8r wen gt bk? x

  • If you like. Shall I text when I'm on the bus home? Mxx

-Yeh do c u l8r x

So I sent him a text whilst waiting for the bus, then sat impatiently as it filled up with passengers coming out of town and a couple of foreign students quibbled with the driver over the fare. Finally we got going, trundling through the darkened, rain-wet streets, past the lights of the taxi offices, pubs and takeaways, and then turning onto the avenue. I stood up as we neared my stop, and spotted a familiar figure waiting in a hooded top, watching expectantly as the bus drew nearer. My heart pounded. I got off, thanking the driver with a dry mouth, and there he was in front of me. He beamed, as if seeing me had made his day, and all of a sudden everything seemed brighter.

`You okay?'

`Yeah, long day. Looking forward to getting home! What about you? Come on, let's get out of the rain. My place?'

He filled me in on his week as we went. There wasn't much to tell. He'd been to sign on the dole that day and spotted a couple of things in the jobcentre that he was going to apply for, although he didn't think he'd get anywhere with them, and his old mate Nick had been arrested in town for possession of heroin.

I didn't even know he was using,' Wayne said dismally. Fookin' idiot. I can't stay round this lot much longer. They're killin' themselves.'

`Well, let's hope something comes of one of these jobs ... here we are, anyway. Bloody hell it's cold. Come on in. Do you want a cup of tea, or a beer or something?'

Tea'd be nice,' he said, as I closed the door behind us. But first... I've bin wantin' to do this all week. Come `ere.'

It was only four days, but it seemed ages since I'd felt his sweet lips on mine like this, run my fingers down his back, felt his breath on my face and his little contented sigh in my ear as he put his head on my shoulder.

I made the tea and we went and sat in the living room, talking about my day. I'd been doing some work with a university and giving a guest lecture, and he asked a lot of questions about the place.

Wish I could do that,' he said wistfully. Go to uni, I mean.'

`You can.'

`Nah, not me. I'm not clever enough, an' anyway, can't afford it can I? I can't get into all that debt.'

He looked unconvinced when I told him I often dealt professionally with people a lot less clever than him, and it was all a matter of opportunities; opportunities that people from his background were being denied. I began to embark on a rant about how awful it is that poorer students are being shut out of education. He finished his tea at a gulp, and put a hand on my knee.

`You're right, I agree with you, it's shit. But there's nowt we can do about it here an' now, is there? Shall we...?'

He came closer and then drew back, looking suddenly awkward, as if something had just occurred to him.

`Oh, I bin thinkin',' he said coyly.


`Well, you know when we shagged without a condom ... well, is that okay? I mean, like, have you bin tested? Sorry, I don't wanna say that ... But y'know...' His voice tailed off.

No, that's okay,' I said, smiling. Good on you for being careful. It shouldn't really have happened like that, to be honest, but yes it is okay. I got tested a couple of months back. All clear, and I haven't ... well, you know, since. I'm guessing you're fine as well.'

Yeah,' he said, looking a bit embarrassed. I've only slept wi' two lasses, and that was ages ago. Sorry, seemed best to ask, like. Now...'

His lips pressed against mine again, tongues playing gently together, and his hand slid slowly down to my thigh. I rolled over on my back, pulling him on top of me, loving his weight, the eagerness with which he rubbed his crotch against me and kissed my neck. His cock was stiff in his jeans, and he gave a little chuckle of pleasure as I lifted his top and began to fondle his lower back. I reached around, undid his belt, stroked his cock through his pants, and then slipped my hand into the back and began fondling his bottom, running my finger up and down in his crack, tickling his hole gently. He squeaked in pleasure, reached down and began massaging my crotch.

You do have the most perfect arse,' I whispered. Come on, shall we go to bed?'

He nodded, lips still pressed hard against mine, and slid off me. We tumbled upstairs, stopping to kiss every few steps.

`I wanna suck your cock,' he whispered urgently as he took down my trousers.

He dropped to his knees and took my cock in his mouth, sucking greedily, pushing his face down onto it until he gagged and my pubes tickled his nose. Slowly we shuffled over to the bed and fell across it, his lips still locked around my shaft and his busy tongue sending exquisite sensations through my body.

`Come on; let me lick your arse.'

He wriggled round, thrusting his gorgeous bum in my face. I buried my face in his lovely, musky crack, and he whimpered through his mouthful of cock as my tongue played all over his hole and the back of his balls.

`Oh fook me ... please fook me!'

Still licking his bottom madly I reached out for a condom from the drawer. He took it from me and put it on, then dabbed a bit of lube on my cock, turned around and lowered himself onto it. He squeaked as he impaled himself.


`Hurts ... wait a bit.'

He bent and kissed me hard, and as he did so I felt him starting to relax. He slid further down, pausing every so often, until I was right inside him, and then we began to move. He pulled me upright and kissed me again, and we fucked like that for ages, grunting and sighing, kissing and biting at necks and ears and lips and noses. I began to wank him as he rode harder and harder, bringing me closer and closer to cumming.

Fookin' cum in me,' he moaned. Wanna see you cum.'

`I am ... I'm cumming ... oh god!'

He cried out aloud as he felt me go, firing it deep inside him. Then as I kept wanking him his face screwed up and he shot his big load all over me. Sated, aching, we subsided into one another's arms as our breathing slowly came back to normal. He kissed me yet again.

`You tired?' he asked, tenderness in his voice, seeing my eyes closing a bit.

I nodded. It had been a long couple of days. I'd have liked to lie and talk to him for a bit, but I was exhausted.

Let's get to sleep then.' He kissed me softly on the lips, wriggled a little away from me and closed his eyes. Sleep tight,' I heard him murmur as I dozed off.

We got up quite late the next morning. I was working from home that day and could pick my own hours as long as I got everything done, so we went on the internet, found the two job adverts he'd seen, and started work on his applications. They weren't much – part-time posts in a factory and as porter in a restaurant kitchen – but, as he said, they were better than `hangin' about on the fookin' dole all me life.' Besides, the kitchen porter one, which was with a large restaurant with a good reputation locally, might be a step to something better. He set about that one with a will, scribbling down notes on how much he enjoyed cooking, what his particular skills were, and, with a bit of prompting from me, talking up what he'd got out of his college course and his qualifications in food hygiene and the rest. I couldn't help but notice that, for all he'd said about not being very clever and not having taken school seriously, he wrote fluently, in a boyish round hand.

There,' he said. That's done. Will you help me with my CV an' all that? And can I print it all out here? Me computer at home's crap.'

`Sure. I'm going to have to get on with some work, but why don't we do it over the weekend sometime? Closing date's not until next week so there's no hurry. Might be an idea to leave it for a bit anyway and come back to it with fresh eyes: you usually spot something you can improve, in my experience.'

Aye okay,' he said, smiling gratefully. Shall I come round tomorrow?'

`Yes. Or later on, if you like. I'll be home by 11ish, so if you want to come round here and stay over...'

`Ooh, can I?'

`Course you can. I'll probably be drunk later though, so don't expect too much of me!'

Later that evening I ambled home from town, more than a little tipsy after a nice evening in some of the real-ale pubs with a couple of old colleagues from when I used to work nearby and some other friends. Graham had been there, cautioning me again about getting involved with Wayne when I mentioned he might come round later, and at that the others, overhearing, started ribbing me about being a cradle-snatcher. I wondered how Wayne would cope in that company. In the end I concluded he'd probably be okay. He wasn't stupid, and once he'd got over his shyness he'd probably have enough to say for himself. Or maybe I was being hopelessly optimistic. Graham certainly thought so, although he did also say he wanted to meet Wayne and see for himself what he was like. I was still musing on it as I turned onto the avenue. The big pub on the corner was still busy, and I cast an eye over the groups sitting out in the garden. There, amid a group of scallies in their hoodies and tracksuit pants, was Wayne, sitting quiet and slightly apart, and looking a bit lost. He caught my eye and looked momentarily startled, and then looked away again quickly. Understanding, I kept walking. A few minutes later, as I got near my house, my mobile phone rang, his name flashing up on the display.

`Hiya, it's me,' he said cheerily.

`Oh hi Wayne, how you doing?'

Pissed! Bin drinkin' since 3. Can I come round? S'okay, I'm on me own. Told the others I was off ome. They're all headin' into town.'

`Okay then. See you in a minute.'

He turned up a few minutes later, grinning drunkenly as he wobbled into the hallway, clutching a half-eaten kebab in one hand and a carrier bag with a few more cans in it in the other. He gave me a garlicky kiss, flopped on the sofa and set about finishing his kebab.

Sorry bout this,' he mumbled through a mouthful of bread. Not ad any tea. Nick and that lot dragged me down pub this afternoon.'

`Oh no problem. That smells nice, actually.'

`Wanna bit?'

`Cheers. Mm, that is good. So all your lot have gone on into town, then?'

`Yeah. Gone to that new place that's opened up over river, down that way. You know where I mean?'

`Oh yeah, there are a few places down there. Bit rough though, isn't it?'

Aye, not very good some o' them places. Nick reckons he can get some pills down there, and there are lots of lasses go out down that part of town now. He's gonna end up shaggin' some townie slag, he says. Reckons they're all gaggin' for it.' His brow darkened. I hate the way they talk about lasses, sometimes. No respect for `em, like.'


They're jus' boring me too now,' he carried on. Birds an' shit telly programmes an' football's all they talk about. And drugs, more an' more; smack, like. Told em I don't like it again tonight but they tell me to mind me own business. I'd have gone ome earlier, but I got talkin' to a few other guys for a bit, older blokes like. One of em's a cook and we got talkin' about is job. Give me some good advice about that one I'm gonna apply for, he did.'

With that he crumpled up his kebab wrapper, took a swig of beer and reached for his cigarettes. We went out in the back garden for a smoke. He was swaying a bit, but he still made sense as we talked about my evening, where I'd been and who with. He laughed about my liking for real ale and what he called `old men's pubs,' but even so, he'd never been out round that part of town very much and he said he'd like to try sometime.

I might even start drinkin' that old man's beer you like,' he said teasingly. Not really ever `ad it before. Never know, I might like it.'

Eventually we decided to turn in. I gave him a spare toothbrush I had lying about since his breath still reeked of garlic, and then he went upstairs as I went to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. When I got up there he was lying in bed with his hands behind his head, looking completely at home. He watched me intently through slightly unfocused eyes as I got undressed and slipped under the duvet alongside him, snuggling up to me for a long goodnight kiss.

Y'know,' he said softly. I bet none o' them end up ... like this.'

`What, Nick and Daz and that lot?'

`Yeah. I feel so ... content, like. I love spendin' time with you.'

`Me too.'

We kissed again, more passionately, hands running across one another's bodies, and cuddled up together. Then he farted loudly.

Bloody ell, that kebab ... phew, sorry.'

`Oh Wayne, that stinks! I'll make you go and sleep on the sofa if you do that again ... no, don't be daft, I'm joking. Come here...'

We lay and had a long cuddle, and then turned over and fell asleep.

We woke up slowly the next morning, kissing sleepily under the covers, rubbing our morning hard-ons together, idly at first, then harder as we woke up a bit more. He chuckled delightedly as I ran my fingers down his back and stroked his bottom, running my tongue over his neck and biting gently at his lovely, sensitive ears. Then he pushed me over on my back and worked his way across my chest and tummy, and then further down still.

Love you being so hairy,' he smiled sexily. You're like me big cuddly teddy bear.'

His mouth closed warmly around my cock. I pulled him round into the 69 position, teased his balls with my tongue as they hung over my mouth, buried my face in his sweet arse, and then went for his cock. Lying there stroking one another's legs and balls and arses, sucking one another greedily, we started to cum together. He jammed his face down into my pubes until he gagged as I came down his throat; I jerked mine back so his cock hung over my face, watched in hazy wonderment as it jerked and spurted, and relished the feeling of the sticky warm cum trickling down my cheeks. He wiped it solicitously away with a tissue, and cuddled up next to me. We dozed off again for a bit. By the time we woke up again both of us needed a piss, and in any case I wanted coffee and a cigarette, so we got up, and whilst I made a pot of coffee he vanished into the bathroom.

I'd give that ten minutes,' he said sheepishly when he emerged. That fookin' kebab!'

We took our coffee upstairs and finished off his job applications. He was, he said, `real crap at typin',' so I did that bit whilst he poked through my bookshelves. He'd been boyishly impressed when I'd told him the weekend before that I'd written a couple of books and now he sat and thumbed through one of them, chortling that he had no idea what it was all about but it seemed interesting all the same. An hour or so later he was beaming his thanks as two completed application forms, covering letters and two copies of the CV we'd knocked together for him came off the printer.

I'd best get off,' he said regretfully as we stapled the last sheets together. Don't want mam and Joe askin' too many questions about where I've bin.'

We stopped just behind the front door for yet another lingering kiss, and then I watched him wander off down the street, feeling suddenly worried. How long could this go on?

Nearly three weeks later I was in my office in London, plodding through some paperwork and looking forward to the evening train home and then probably meeting Wayne when I got back, as I had for the last three weeks. He'd had an interview for the kitchen porter job the previous afternoon. Getting that far had done a lot for his confidence, since he'd tried and failed a few times before and, as I pointed out to him, it was a lot further than most applicants would get. He was very nervous about the interview, but we'd had sat down a few days before and worked out some likely questions and good answers to them. He knew it all anyway: it was just a matter of helping him to get over his nerves and put his thoughts in order. I'd kissed him and wished him the best of luck before I went, and then been faintly surprised by how anxiously I'd waited for his call when it was over. Eventually he'd phoned me in the evening to say he thought it had gone okay, but he wasn't sure. I'd been at a work function and couldn't talk for long, but I'd promised him we'd talk properly about it that night.

I wanted to see him anyway. He'd become part of life, and I'd come to miss him when he wasn't there. He'd got into the habit of popping round for an hour or two in the afternoon or early evening for a chat, and usually more than that. I drifted off briefly into happy recollections of a couple of afternoons before, making love urgently and then lying with him in a sweaty, contented tangle of legs and arms. Moments like that were lovely, but it was even better when he slept over, for sharing the bed with him just felt right. His breathing shaded off into a light little snore, and occasionally he would mumble and whisper as he dreamed. I loved the sound of him at peace, and the sweet smell of his skin and his hair, especially when we lay close together, spooning as we often did. I loved waking up with him too; opening my eyes to his tousled bed-head and sleepy little smile, and his morning glory rising against my leg as he snuggled up to me. The ringing of my phone jerked me back to reality, and I saw it was him.

`Hiya! Guess what! I got the job!'

`Really?! '

`Yup! I'm startin' next week, Monday mornin'.'

`Oh that's brilliant news! Well done you!'

`Aye, I'm well pleased. I couldn't've done it without you. Thank you so much.'

`Oh it's nothing. Everything in that application was your words: I just helped put them in order.'

`Yeah, but ... well, you know, you're good at puttin' thoughts in order, aren't you. Anyhow, are you still gettin' back tonight? Really wanna see you an' ... well, an' give you a big kiss to say thank you!'

`Now I like the sound of that! Yeah, I'll be back on the train that gets in just after 11.'

`Okay, I'll meet you at bus stop.'

I was grinning as I put the phone down, well pleased for him.

A few hours later I passed him on the bus. I couldn't help but notice how he was carrying himself. When I'd first met him he'd walked with his hood up and head down, looking a bit vulnerable no matter how much he tried to swagger. Now he was striding along the avenue with his head up and an air of quiet confidence about him, and I felt pleased for seeing it. I got to the stop before him. He was beaming as he walked up, and all I could do was smile helplessly back at him. It'd have been nice to fall straight into one another's arms, but that was risky, and we set straight off for my place, making small talk about my day and the train journey, casting hungry glances at one another as we went. No sooner were we in through the front door than he pushed me back against the wall and kissed me passionately. We tumbled upstairs, lips locked together, fumbling with one another's clothes.

Fook me,' he whispered urgently as we stumbled through the bedroom door, his jeans slipping down to his knees. Bin thinkin' of you all day, wantin' you in me.'

`Pass me a condom.'

`No condom ... cum in me, please!'

I pushed him down onto the bed and tore down his pants. He thrust his bare bottom eagerly back towards me, exposing his hole for me to daub lube round it. Then I grabbed his hips and went right in. He squealed as I thrust deeper and deeper into his warm, soft inside, pulled back and went in again.

`Oh! Oh my God that feels so fucking good! Do it hard ... make it hurt!'

So I did, fucking him until he was crying out aloud with pleasure, pausing to pull him upright, tear off his top and kiss his neck passionately. He pulled me down on top of him and we collapsed forward across the bed, writhing together sweatily, me biting at his neck and shoulders and ears as he gripped me tightly inside him.

`Ooh, gonna cum...'

`Oh, inside me ... cum in me ... ooh!'

He squeezed my cock tight as I fired deep into him, then when I pulled out he rolled on his back, gave a few quick tugs of his cock and spunked all over his tummy and chest. He snuggled up to me and pillowed his head on my shoulder, tilting his face up for a long, slow kiss, looking deep into one another's eyes as we drew apart.

`You're lovely,' I said tenderly, trying and failing to find words for how I felt about him right then.

`So are you...' His lip trembled, as if he was trying to put something else into words and failing, and he tightened his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

`One thing bothers me a bit,' I said, as we sat with a coffee and some toast the next morning.


`Look, all the time we're spending together... How much longer are your family going to think you're knocking off some lass? Aren't they going to start asking questions sometime?'

Nah, not really. They just let me get on wi' it. I never took me last girlfriend home ... I was only seein' her a couple of month, like, but they didn't ask about her really in that time. Me mam might, but ... well, it's Joe. He don't give a fook about me or Jade, me sister, an' it's like the rest of us can't talk when he's about.

`He doesn't actually live with you though, does he?'

No, e's got is own place, but it's a shit-pit an' e's always round at ours, spongin' off me mam. E's there more often'n not. Anyhow, I wouldn't trust im with any lass I brought home ... well, y'know, he likes the lasses, and when he's pissed...'

`Fuck's sake.'

Yeah,' said Wayne, his face darkening. He's a nightmare. Life'd be so much easier if he'd just fook off. Mebbe then I wouldn't have to `ide like this.'

I didn't see so much of Wayne for the next six weeks or so. His job was only part-time but he had to work a couple of evenings a week, and as luck would have it they didn't often coincide with my days away. Time spent together became more precious, and when we got it we always made the best of it. We spent hours on the sofa drinking tea and talking, becoming more and more open as we got to know each other more deeply. He came to know the ins and outs of how I'd smoked far too much cannabis since I was a student, become dependent on it and ended up with a few mental health problems that were still affecting me, months after I'd finally managed to quit. I told him about the dark depression I'd sunk into a few years before and only recently emerged from. In turn I heard about his family history, how much he loved his mum and wished she could do better than his adulterous, lying father and then drunken, violent Joe. He cried as he related some of what he'd had to live with as he grew up, but as he described how in what little ways he could he tried to make life easier for those he loved I began to understand that, for all that he was a sensitive soul, he was no pushover. He was feisty and determined, passionate about things he cared about, and his quiet, shy façade hid a hot temper and a sharp, inquisitive mind. It took a while to realise just how sharp, for he was shy about expressing an opinion on things; probably a hangover from school, where to be seen to try too hard or be a bit too clever had been to make himself a target. Having had a hard time in the first couple of years, he'd come to regard his natural bookishness as something to be hidden away, like his sexuality, and instead he'd fitted in with what most of his mates were up to.

I was a horrible kid for the teachers,' he said ruefully. I just didn't do owt, an' then when they put me in detention I didn't turn up. I were always skivin' an' gettin' into fights too. Wish I'd tried a bit `arder now.'

Despite that he read obsessively at home – when he could – and although books didn't feature much at his house he'd spent hours online, and on subjects that interested him he was formidably well informed. I realised that one day when he came round as I was watching the news one day, saw one of the headlines and launched into an animated explanation of what was happening and why. Then he caught my eye and blushed.

`Sorry, I'll shut up,' he said awkwardly.

`No, don't. You know way more about this than I do. So are you saying that...?'

We ranged over all sorts of areas, agreeing and disagreeing, laughing and crying together, and always wanting more. We never – as he pointed out – found each other boring, and even though our life experiences were wildly different we seemed to see the world in a similar kind of way. The difference was, I lived life in a state of perpetual impatience, whereas he was calm and laid back, eyeing the world with a philosophical air and a cynical sense of humour which concealed an underlying optimism about life that I didn't share but found stimulating all the same. He said he'd already come to think of me as his best friend, and I was feeling the same. For all the differences between us in age and life experience, we just seemed to understand one another. The sex was only getting better too. We got tested together for complete peace of mind, and gave up using condoms almost entirely when the all-clear came back, for we both preferred sex without them. Wayne loved being fucked: deep and slow and gentle in bed, or a quick hard fuck bent over the kitchen table with his pants round his knees. He loved it, and I loved doing it to him. I loved the feeling of being inside him; how his body responded to every move; the long, deep, ecstatic orgasms he had, and then the tenderness he showed afterwards. It was just a shame that now we had less time to spend together.

I miss you,' he said plaintively, lying in bed one afternoon. Bein' on dole was shit but at least we could see each other when we wanted, `cept when you were away of course.'

Yet he was enjoying the job. It was quite hard work and he was getting all the menial tasks – skivvyin' an' washin' up,' as he wryly described it – but he was sticking at it, and from what he told me the rest of the staff were impressed with how hard he worked and how keen he was to learn. After all, as he put it, If I'm there to cover someone else when they go off sick or summat and I mek a good job of it, that's gonna make me look good.' The head chef had already noted his attitude and praised him to the owner, and now he was first in line for more hours if any became available, he told me proudly. He liked the feeling he was achieving something and had a reason to get out of bed in the mornings, he said, and he was enjoying having more money in his pocket as well. We'd gone shopping in town together a couple of times, and now he was sporting a smart new jacket and some shoes he'd saved up for.

Bet we look like a proper gay couple, shoppin' together like this,' he grinned one Saturday afternoon, as we came out of the big department store opposite the station clutching our carrier bags and went for a cup of coffee. Be goin' to Ikea together next!'

He wasn't seeing that much of his old crowd either. Being in work gave him an excuse to avoid them more often, and anyway, he'd become friendly with a couple of older girls at work and started going out with them. He hadn't told them he was gay, he said, but they'd probably guessed as much and they'd taken him under their wing a bit.

Turnin' into a real gay boy me, wi' me fag ags an' everything,' he chuckled.

`Yeah, and you've started going to the gym!'

You ain't complainin' though, are you? Least, you weren't the other night when you was sayin' ow nice me pecs an' arse are these days!'

Too right I'm not!' I laughed. You look gorgeous.'

'Gonna get me tattoo done next week as well, not so far, but just mek it a bit bigger so it goes further up an' down me arm. You reckon I should?'

'Mm, yes. I like your tattoo. Looks really sexy on you.'

Things were changing at home too. Joe had made a few difficulties about Wayne going out to work, but Wayne's mum, with his quiet backing, had stood up to him and told him it was none of his business, and that he wasn't to go trying to scrounge money off him either. She'd even dropped a couple of hints about splitting up with him altogether.

I'm talkin' to me mam more an' more now,' he said thoughtfully, sipping his coffee. Like we're both grown-ups, not me bein' a kid any more. I'm thinkin' ... well, I might tell `er about us, like.'

`Wayne, are you sure? I mean, I don't like it being a secret and it'd be nice not to have to hide away like this, but you did say you thought she'd kick you out if you told her you were gay.'

Ye-es,' he said slowly. But I think it's kind of different now. She ... well, thing is, it was me dad who hated gay people – used to say he'd kick me or Jade out if we were, like – and she kind of went along wi' that, and then wi' Joe too after dad left. He's the same. She ain't ever really said much about it erself. She'll not be very appy I don't think, if she finds out I'm gay, but I'm startin' to think it's best she knows.'

`Well, you know best. But be careful, especially with Joe. He could get really nasty.'

I know,' he said soberly. Anyhow, I'm not goin' to do anythin' quite yet. I'll see ow things pan out next few weeks. Come on, let's get bus ome and...'

He shot me a sexy little smile and a wink, and we finished our coffee and set out into the winter sunshine. The bus was busy and we sat next to one another upstairs, legs touching, exchanging little glances that clearly said, `I want to fuck you.'

Back at my place we went straight to bed for the kind of long, slow, leisurely afternoon sex we'd not had for a while.

I've not ad a wank for two days,' he grinned, lying naked across the bed with his lovely cock as swollen as I'd ever seen it. `Horny as fook!'

`But you wank three times a day! Your balls must be ready to burst!'

`Aye. I'm gonna shoot such a load. Wanna cum all over you!'

His cock was oozing pre-cum without my even touching it. It dripped from him as he knelt, bottom in the air and face buried in the pillows, whimpering and sighing as I gave him a long, slow rimming, wanking him and stroking his balls from behind as I did.

Oh!' he grunted, jerking upright. Feel like I'm gonna cum soon.'

I lay back and he straddled me, waving his pulsing cock in my face, sighing with pleasure as I ran my tongue all over it, teasing his balls, licking my forefinger until it was nice and slippery for me to slip it up his bum. He rode it gently, thrusting his cock in my mouth as he did so. The end came suddenly.

`Fook, here I go!'

He jerked back out of my mouth, forcing my finger even deeper into his hole. His dick pointed straight at my face. There was a split second's pause as his pretty face contorted, and then he shot. I'd never seen so much cum in my life. He cried out as great gouts of it shot from his slit and spattered all over my face and chest and into my mouth. It was warm and sticky. It felt awesome. Slowly, as I withdrew my finger from his bottom, his breathing came back to normal.

I love watching you cum,' I said gently, as he wiped up the mess. Your face is so ... sweet as you do it.'

He grinned coyly and lay down, half on top of me. We lay there for ages, kissing, stroking, teasing, tickling bottoms and backs and nipples and tummies; revelling in just being able to give each other pleasure like this. He wriggled himself tighter alongside me, smiling blissfully and I felt his dick stiffening again as we kissed. His hand slid down my back and between my cheeks, probing gently where he'd never gone before, and I opened my legs wider to let him, moaning with the sensation of his fingers in my crack. He worked his tongue all over my neck and into my ear.

`I wanna fook you,' he whispered urgently.

`Really?! You want to?!'

`Yeah, big time. Can I tek you up the ass, nice an' slow?'

`Yes ... yes ... I'd love you to!'

Kneeling up, I hunched over him and began to suck him, running my tongue softly over every wrinkle of the gorgeous cock that would soon be in me, wanting it more than anything else in the world.

No ... no!' he grunted, pushing my head back. Stop, stop or you'll mek me cum! Put a condom on me.'

I rolled the condom down over his shaft and knelt, anticipating with every fibre of my body what he was about to do to me as he dabbed a little lube around my hole and advanced on me. Then his thick head was nudging urgently at my ringpiece and I gave a little push to ease its passage.

`Oh ... oh my God!'

He was inside me suddenly. I hadn't been fucked for years and it hurt a bit, but it was wonderful. Slowly, carefully he came further in, pushing deep until his pubes tickled my bottom. He bent forward over me, his hands searching out mine, his lips and tongue busy on my shoulders and neck, twisting my head round to kiss as he began to move, pulling out and in again, and again, and again.

`Oh ... oh ... oh!'

I couldn't help but cry out with each thrust he gave, so powerful was the sensation. Him deep inside me, his hands squeezing mine and wanking my cock, his tongue butterflying everywhere it could reach... it was the most intense, most wonderful thing I'd ever felt.

You like this, don't you,' he hissed into my ear. Like `avin' me in you, don't you; fookin' squealin' like this ... an' that!'

He thrust harder and I howled, gripping his hand tight in exquisite pain, bucking my hips to drive him even deeper in, feeling myself starting to lose control completely, getting close and closer to cumming even as his grunts grew harsher and louder. Then we were there, and he rammed his cock deep inside against the spasms bursting through me. Howling again, vision blurry and tongue hanging out, sweat pouring from my face as cum oozed from down below, I felt him suddenly bite hard into my neck and his dick jerked and pulsated in me.

`Oh ... fucking hell ... Jesus that was incredible...' I sighed as he pulled out.

He pulled me upright, running his hands all over my sweating, aching, tired body, bringing me down from the high with kisses and smiles and touches. Exhausted, I flopped down onto the bed and he snuggled himself in alongside me, nuzzling my neck affectionately.

I ... I've wanted to do that for ages,' he said, almost bashfully. I mean, I love havin' you fook me, but I wanted to do it to you too. Feels kind of ... different, y'know ... in a good way!'

It feels amazing,' I grinned at him. You feel amazing inside me. Honest, I've thought about you fucking me too a couple of times, but didn't know if you'd want to, or whether you were just ... well, you know, a bottom, as they call it.'

Reckon I'm both,' he grinned. So are you too ... and that's awesome.' He sighed contentedly, and then his face grew suddenly serious. `So, can I ... well, can I call you me boyfriend?' he asked, hesitantly.

I laughed. We'd not had that conversation or anything like it but, I realised, I was starting to regard him that way. Certainly I'd stopped looking for anyone else, and I realised my feelings for him were getting steadily stronger as time went on. And here and now, on this exquisite afternoon together, the answer to his question was very obvious.

`Of course you can. God you're lovely: you're such a sweetheart.'

`So are you,' he smiled.

And look,' I said, getting suddenly serious. About telling your mum, and everything else. It's up to you what you do there, but you know that whatever happens I'll be here for you.'

`I know. An' you've no idea how much better that makes me feel.'

Not long afterwards I came down with the flu. It hit me suddenly and hard. One evening I was fine: the next morning I woke up more ill than I'd been for years. For four days I felt so groggy and exhausted that I could hardly get out of bed, and all I could do was lie and sweat out the fever. Wayne was wonderful. He came round as often as he could get away from work and home to help out and keep me company. He made me up the sofa bed in the living room so I didn't have to bother going up and downstairs to the kitchen and bathroom, and assembled a pile of books and DVDs to keep me amused. He did some shopping for me, cooked what little food I was up to eating, and kept me plied with tea and fruit juice and medicines. Best of all, though, was simply that he was there, always kind and solicitous and sympathetic, trying to make things as easy and comfortable as they could be. He'd have made a magnificent nurse.

You shouldn't be doing this,' I croaked, lying feebly in bed as he dabbed a cool sponge on my sweaty forehead. You'll get it too.'

Nah I'll be okay,' he said airily, and then turned away, put a hand over his mouth as I coughed and pointed to the hand sanitizer he carried with him. I'm bein' careful. An' anyhow, if I do get it I got me mam to look after me. I can't leave you `ere on your own when you're as poorly as this, can I?'

`But ... what about work? Do they know I'm ill?'

Yeah. Well, not you; not me boyfriend, like. I tell em me sister got it an' they don't ask no more. S'okay unless I start with it. Now, I gotta go `ome an' get ready for work in a bit. Is there owt else you need afore I go?'

I shook my head, smiling gratefully at him, and he took my hand.

`You're startin' to look a bit better anyhow, an' your temperature's down a bit today if I read thermometer right. Bit o' luck you'll be fine in a few days.'

He blew me a kiss before he let himself out, leaving me reflecting on him, and me, and what was happening between us. Much as I liked him, I realised, I was a bit troubled by how much younger than me he was. Maybe Graham's scepticism had started to get to me, and I knew my parents, whom I'd told about him recently, weren't very keen either. Part of me wanted just to ignore my doubts and enjoy the moment; the other part suspected that unless I did something to quell them soon the doubts would only grow and maybe end up spoiling everything. Lying awake in the early hours of the next morning, feverish and sweaty, I resolved to talk it through with him sometime soon. That started me worrying again about how he'd react to my doing that; whether he'd see my point of view or whether he'd take offence my starting that kind of conversation. If he did, I thought in a rational moment, then maybe that should show that he really was too immature for it to work. Then I cursed myself for being so cold about it and realised that I'd be gutted if I scared him away, even though it might be for the best in the long run. Torn between my heart and my head, I slipped back into a fitful, troubled sleep.

Two days later I was up and about, feeling much better and starting to put the house back into order, when he came round. I didn't really mean to start a serious conversation about `us.' It just kind of happened, as we sat in the living room that still smelled of illness.

I always did fancy older guys,' he mused, sipping his tea. Men, like, not boys.'

`How much older?'

Well, summat like your age; about ten years older'n me. Not guys old enough to be me dad – I don't want a daddy – but not guys me own age either. I jus' ain't attracted to em. But you...'

`A thirty-something with more hair on my back than my head!'

Mmm, that's what I like though. You're ... you're a man; a real man, not some pretty-boy. You're beautiful ... I mean, really gorgeous, an' I fancy you like mad! You're a proper manly guy, but ... well, you're so sweet as well. But it ain't jus' about ow you look or `ow good you are in bed.'


`Ooh you are! I always thought doin' it wi' a guy would be good, but nowt like it is wi' you. You fook me like a real man an' I love it! But it's ... well, you been about a bit, you seen summat of life, an' ... an' I love talkin' with you. It's like ... like I learn from you, y'know?'

`But ... you don't want a daddy, and you don't want a teacher either, do you?'

Course I don't,' he laughed. But that ain't what I meant. I jus' like being with people who seen summat a bit different from me. Or mebbe clever people, an' you're certainly that, ain't you. I don't ever get bored talkin' to you or `avin' you about, an' I don't reckon I ever could. You just got an amazin' mind, an' you make me think an' see everythin' different, and...'

He tailed off, looking bashful. I raised an eyebrow.

Oh ... I don't know ow to say it really. It's summat about ow you mek me feel. Confident, like; content; appy like I not felt before. You mek me believe in meself, if you know what I mean.'

He reached out and took my hand.

Look, I know what you're thinkin',' he said gently. We're different, ain't we, an' I'm so much younger than you. But that don't matter to me, an' ... an' well, I like older guys, an' you like younger ones, don't you? You like bein' ... well, the experienced one, I guess. Like when you said you'd `elp me come out, an' that. But you ain't some ol' fooker tryin' to be me daddy. So, no problem to me. see?!'

I couldn't have been more impressed with him then. It was pretty obvious that he'd been thinking along much the same lines as me, and he'd read how I was feeling probably more accurately than I could myself. Yet again I realised that, for all he lacked confidence in himself, he was anything but stupid, and mature way beyond his years.

Serious,' he said, taking my hand. I know what I'm gettin' into, an' I understand why you ain't so sure. That's alright. Jus' ... well, give it a chance to work, eh? `Cos it can. I know it can.'

`You know what? I believe you. I really do. You're...'

I tailed off, slightly lost for words. He smiled.

Come ere, eh?'

I still wasn't well enough to take him up to bed, but we sprawled on the sofa together, for the first time in more than a week, and he lay in my arms for a long time. When he left, saying he ought to get home before people asked questions, I realised I wanted nothing more than to have him back.

I went down to stay with family for a few days over Christmas, and inevitably they asked a lot of questions about my young boyfriend. They still weren't convinced it was a good idea, I thought, but I'd at least rid them of the impression that sex was all there was to our relationship. The fact they heard us talking for so long, about so many different things, probably helped to dispel a few impressions they'd formed about him. By the time I left my mum was saying she wanted to meet him. Wayne was working over most of the festive season. I had thought he might be a bit unhappy about it, but he said he was looking forward to making some good overtime money and not having to spend too much time at home. We talked on the phone almost every day, sometimes for hours. I can't wait for you to get back,' he said eagerly, the day before I was due to head home. I miss you. I'm really lookin' forward to New Year.'

`Me too. It's gonna be lovely.'

He and I had a little night in together planned for New Year's Eve, with a special meal and a couple of bottles of wine. He was working the next day, but it would be nice to spend the evening together, and the night too of course. There'd been a bit of an awkward moment, he told me on the phone, when Daz and another mate had asked him if he wanted to go to a club they'd managed to get tickets for.

Fook that,' he said firmly. Watchin' all them get off their eads an' ask why I'm not tryin' to pull lasses ... no ta! I told em I'm workin' early New Year's Day an' havin' a night at `ome wi' mam.'

`What did they say?'

Daz tell me I'm a borin' bastard. Oh well, let em think what they want. Seeya tomorrow.'

I passed most of the long train journey back the next day sipping tea and watching the countryside slide by, musing on how excited I felt at the prospect of seeing him again, and smiling to myself as I anticipated what would no doubt happen later. I got home late afternoon, and I'd not long finished unpacking my bags and sorting out my laundry when he knocked on the door. His smile was like a sunbeam. He plonked the bag of ingredients on the kitchen table and turned to me, fingers twining gently into mine.

`Oh God it's so good to see you,' he breathed, noses almost touching and his breath warm on my face.

I ran my finger down his back, fondled his bottom and drew him in closer. All of a sudden I could feel his cock stiffening through his trousers as he pressed himself against me. He kissed harder, tongue probing deeper into my mouth, and then we were tumbling upstairs, treading off shoes and socks as we went, until we lay on the bed together, snogging passionately with our hands all over one another. He sighed deep in his throat as I sucked his tongue, wanked him through his pants and then slowly pulled off his top. His tummy was toned and taut, with just the beginnings of a six-pack thanks to all that time in the gym. His skin tasted lovely, and he sighed in pleasure again as I sucked long and hard on his tits. Then he sat up convulsively and pulled my top off, and we settled back again, kissing and fondling one another through our trousers.

`Turn over,' I whispered, unbuckling his belt.

His back tasted delectable too, and he moaned still louder as I ran my tongue all over it, and then down to his waistband, following his pants down as I pulled them slowly off. He helped me take them off completely and lay face down, a pillow under his hips and his bottom sticking out.

`Oh yes,' he sighed as I ran my tongue down between his buttocks.

His arse was as sweet as ever and he moaned louder and louder as I rimmed him. He popped his head up as I stopped, rolled on his back and watched, smiling, as I took my pants off and knelt over him, my cock in his face. He licked and sucked at it reverently, looking up into my eyes, then pulled me down for a kiss.

Fook me babe,' he whispered, wrapping his legs around my back. I really want you inside me.'

There was nothing I wanted to do more. I worked back down his body, licking all over his chest and nipples and tummy, and then back down between his legs, tonguing his balls and thighs and bottom as he whimpered and writhed and stroked my hair, then passed me the lube. He whimpered again as I pressed my cock against his tight, hot hole, kissed me hard, and then squealed as I pushed forward into him, wrapping his legs around me again and using them to pull me right inside him until his head went back and he moaned his pleasure into my ear. I fucked him slow and deep, looking into his eyes and kissing him often, revelling in the sensations he was giving me and the taste of his mouth and his skin. We began to do it harder, Wayne using his legs to pull me inside him more forcefully, grunting and sighing how he wanted me to cum in him.

`Oh! Oh ... ooh, gonna cum soon ... fook, cumming!'

His voice was suddenly high-pitched, his legs gripping me tight, holding me inside him as his muscles clenched tight around my cock and his face contorted. Then the dam burst. I felt him cumming, his cock oozing sticky spunk all over our sweaty bodies and as his insides relaxed their grip I gave a few quick thrusts, and kissed him passionately on the mouth as I came inside him. We held one another tight as the orgasmic wave subsided.

`Oh, that was wonderful,' he sighed.

We dressed and sat down and caught up a bit over a cup of tea. His Christmas had been okay in the end, he said. He'd been worried that Joe would get drunk and stroppy and spoil it for all of them, even when they all went round to his mum's sister's family for a meal on Boxing Day, but in the event he'd been alright.

Passed out on fookin' sofa most of the time,' he said. Not good, but better'n bein' pissed an' loud an' acting like a wanker all time.'

Work had been good for him too. The head chef had been as good as his word about finding him more hours, and he'd worked a string of long shifts, even doing twelve hours on Christmas day. He was tired, he said, but he didn't mind. If nothing else he'd earned himself a tidy amount of money.

Are you sure you wanna cook tea this evening?' I asked, grinning. Sounds to me as if you've done more than enough in the kitchen for the last couple of weeks!'

Yeah, but s'different innit? That's work, but I cook for you cos I want to. Anyhow, we ain't avin' turkey an' Christmas pudding! Proper sick o' the sight of them, I am! Shall we go an' get on with it?'

Hours later we were curled up on the sofa together, pleasantly full of delicious food, watching a bit of the New Year celebrations on the TV. He stirred in my arms and lifted his face to mine with a sweet, tired little smile.

S'gettin' late,' he said softly. Bedtime soon?'

He was very close again, looking deep into my eyes and squeezing my hand tightly. I nodded. All of a sudden there was nowhere either of us wanted to be more than in bed together again. We worked our way upstairs slowly, hands entwined, stopping to kiss at the turn of the stairs, and then at the bedroom door, and then as we sank down onto the bed together. His lips were soft and caressing, his tongue playing gently with mine as we began to undress each other, spending a long time kissing and touching and stroking chests and nipples. Then I kissed him hard on the mouth again, rubbing his erection through his jeans, pushed him down on his back and undid his belt, and he arched his back to let me pull his pants off. He lay there naked, idly stroking his cock, and I couldn't resist going down on him for the second time that evening. As I licked and sucked he pulled me round so I was straddling his face and pulled down my trousers as well, and I had to get off him to take them right off. I lay down next to him and we kissed yet again, very long and deep, before he ran his lips and tongue all over my neck and cheek and ear, and I did the same for him.

You taste so fucking good,' I whispered, dropping a kiss on his sweet smile. I just wanna lick you all over.'

`Mmm, do it. Your tongue feels so nice.'

I went down on him again, kissing all over his exquisite body, and then pushing his legs back to expose his nether regions. He smiled encouragingly, and threw back his head and moaned as I buried my face in him. I spent ages licking his thighs and balls and running my tongue all over his perineum, revelling in the taste and the sighs and moans that betrayed his pleasure. He stretched his hands down to take mine, smiling again, knowing where I was going to go next, and I looked up into his eyes.

`I wanna lick your arse; give you a real fucking good rimming.'

Even as I finished saying it I went back between his legs. I nuzzled his balls with my nose, then went to the side to kiss his cheeks again and again, getting closer and closer in. Then, very slowly, I put out my tongue and began to tease his hole. His hands tightened in mine.

`Ooh ... oh yeah Marcus. Oh! Fook that's good! Oh that feels so good...'

He moaned and grunted and began to writhe as I kept rimming him.

`Turn over!'

He wriggled round and lay on his front, shoving a couple of pillows under him so his bottom stuck out and I could really bury my face in it, and he cried out aloud as I tongue-fucked him.

`Oh! Oh! Give me your cock Marcus! Fook me! Do it to me please!

His hand scrabbled for the lube. I daubed a bit round his hole, wriggled up on top of him and thrust my cock hard up his arse. He moaned as I pulled back, and then went into him again and again.

`Oh yeah ... oh ... oh yeah ... like that. Harder Marcus, harder! Make it hurt!'

So I did. We fucked like animals, sweating and writhing and grunting, his hand gripping mine ever more tightly as his cries got higher and higher. Then suddenly he just exploded inside. He buried his face in the pillow and screamed as the spasms of orgasm burst through him. I was cumming too, deep in his pulsating, tight insides, moaning my ecstasy into his ear. Then it was over and we sank into one another's affectionate arms, sweaty and tender and satisfied. As we looked into one another's eyes we both found ourselves smiling helplessly at each other.

`Happy New Year sweetheart,' I whispered.

`An' you. You gonna make this year real special for me. I know it.'

`I hope so, and I wanna spend as much of this year with you as I can.'

Aw, you're lovely you are. You ... oh I feel so appy right now. Mmm, come here; I jus' wanna cuddle up to you.'

He snuggled down in my arms and buried his face in my chest, sighing happily as I kissed his forehead and nuzzled into his hair, and we lay like that for a long time, completely contented and at ease with each other. We wriggled slightly apart as we fell asleep, legs still intertwined and his hand on mine. When we woke up to the New Year he'd turned over, and he lifted my arm to his face and nuzzled his face into the hair of my arm.

Mmm,' he murmured contentedly. Man. My man.'

I tightened my arm around him again, and we drifted back to sleep together.

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