Waysa Way

By Jamie R.

Published on Nov 25, 2003


Same warnings and copyrights from the first Chapter apply.

Please excuse any mistakes in the stories grammer, punctuation, and spelling as I didn't have anymore elese edit it before posting. Hopefully me and the computer caught most majore mistakes. Thanks

Feedback and comments welcome. No flames please.

Chapter 2: The bully

It was Tuesday. Jamie walked from his new home wearing a pair of long Khaki shorts plus a silver and black shirt. He wore his hair in a loose ponytail that was tied at the back of his neck. He arrived at the bus stop a bit late. Jared and Jacob were already there chatting. Jamie approached the two boys with a smile on his face.

"Hey guys, what's up?" he said.

Jared and Jacob turned towards Jamie. "Hey, not much dude. We were just standing around talking," Jared said with a wink and a grin.

"Today is the first full day of school isn't it?" Jamie asked. "Yeah, unfortunately. Jared, here, was telling me what a good time he had at your house yesterday. Maybe we three could get together and go swimming or something soon," Jacob replied.

"Sure guys. That would be cool," Jamie said while he wondered if Jacob knew just how much fun they had.

"Here comes the bus. I will talk with you guys soon my woman is waiting," Jacob said as the bus pulled to a stop and the kids boarded.

Jamie and Jared took a seat together while Jacob was busy with his morning make out session. "So Jared, are you cool about what happened yesterday?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah man. I am fine. It was fucking fun dude," he said before continuing in a whisper. "You're a hot little shit you know that? God that mouth and ass of yours drove me wild yesterday."

"That's great! I was afraid you might have been freaked out or something. A lot of guys go weird after things like that. By the way, did you tell Jacob about it?" Jamie asked.

"Nah, it was cool with me dude. Hell, we can do it again any time. Nah I didn't tell Jake. I don't think he would understand that type of thing you know what I am saying, dude?"

"Yeah, I understand. I was just curious."

The conversation turned to more mundane things like classes and teachers. The boys chatted away for the rest of the trip to school, mostly about nothing in particular or of importance. They shared a laugh at Jake's hard on when they got off the bus and split up for their separate classes.

The school Jamie went to was fairly large and at least two stories high. There seemed to be many unused or empty classrooms. It seemed as though the school had been built during a time when the local population was higher.

First and second block went by with little incident. Jamie was teased some for his looks, but was able to laugh it off. As he made his way towards the lunch hall, he heard a boy screaming in one of the empty classrooms. Worried that someone might be in trouble he rushed to the room. Inside he found a fat and rather ugly boy around sixteen years old pushing a small cute boy around fourteen years old around. He heard the fat boy making nasty comments.

"What? Is the little fairy crying? Huh? Does he want his mommy? You fucking faggot, I am going to kick your ass. People like you shouldn't be allowed to go to school with real men like me," Jamie heard the fat boy say.

"Come on Chris leave me alone. I didn't do anything to you man!" the younger boy whined.

"Shut the fuck up you little pussy. Everyone knows you're a fucking little faggot, Sebastian," the boy named Chris said.

The younger boy only whimpered unable to deny the older boy's accusations. Chris punched Sebastian in the stomach and it was then that Jamie spoke.

"Leave him alone you ugly pile of cow shit!" He said in a loud voice.

Chris turned around and looked Jamie from top to bottom before he turned back to Sebastian. "Awww, look Sebastian your little girlfriend is here to save you," he said before he turned back to Jamie.

"Fuck off you little shit, before you get some of what he is getting. This is none of your business," Chris said.

"I said leave him along you son of a bitch," Jamie said in reply.

"What part of fuck off, do you not understand you little queer?" Chris said while he moved towards Jamie aggressively.

"The part were you have any business tell me to you dumb fuck," Jamie said before he threw a hard flat handed punch to Chris's solar plexus followed by a round house kick to Chris's gut.

Chris doubled over with the breath knocked out of him. Jamie walked over to Sebastian and helped him stand up. "Come on, lets go before this moron decides to try and stand up," Jamie said while he placed his arm around Sebastian to support the younger boy as they walked from the room.

Chris lay on the floor where he had thrown up from the kick to his stomach. He was shocked that a small boy, that looked like girl, could hurt him so much and with so little obvious effort.

Jamie walked with his arm around Sebastian and guided the young boy towards the nearest bathroom. He noticed that Sebastian was about his height and build with brownish blond hair in a shaggy bowl cut. His eyes were a dark, but clear blue. His skin was pale and almost the color of alabaster. He had full pink lips and round boyishly cute cheeks. Jamie definitely thought he was cute and wondered whether the bully was telling the truth when he called the boy gay.

"Here, let's get you cleaned up," Jamie said while he wetted some paper towels to wash the tears off of Sebastian's face.

"Man, thanks! You saved my life. Where did you learn to do things like that?" Sebastian replied as Jamie washed his face.

"I took martial arts for several years. My mom thought it might come in handy. Seems she was right," Jamie said with a smile.

Sebastian giggled. "Yeah, seems so. I am really sorry you had to witness that. Chris rides my bus and has been giving me shit for ages. He finally decided to take it beyond verbal abuse today when I told him to shut up in class in front of some of his buddies,"

"That's not right. He shouldn't treat you like that."

"Well he thinks he has every right to treat me like shit. Because of^Ånever mind."

"Because what he was say about you is true?" Jamie asked softly.

Tears began to leak from Sebastian's eyes as he whimpered and nodded slowly. He didn't know why he answered the question honestly. He simply felt that he could trust Jamie. His tears turned into real sobs and he buried his head into the crook of Jamie's neck.

"Hush now. No reason to cry it is cool with me. I am too. Come on now perk up," Jamie said while he hugged the other boy and rubbed his back gently.

When Sebastian's tears had stopped flowing, he gulped and then smiled at Jamie. Jamie ran the wet paper towels across Sebastian's face once more and gave Sebastian a sweet smile.

"Come on, let's go get some lunch," Jamie said.

Sebastian nodded without saying a word and silently followed Jamie from the bathroom. After they had walked a little ways down the hall, Sebastian regained his voice. "Are you really like me?" He spoke softly, but not so softly, that Jamie couldn't hear or understand him.

"Yeah, I have known I was for years. It is ok to be like this you know. You can't listen to people like Chris. They're all messed up in the head," Jamie said.

The two boys made it to the lunchroom with enough time to get a tray of food. They sat by themselves in a small corner of the cafeteria and ate in silence for a while before Sebastian decided to speak again.

"So, uhmm, I don't know your name. Why did you help me?" Sebastian asked.

"Well my name is Jamie Alexander Waysa and I helped you because I hate people who act like that moron Chris and you seemed to need it," Jamie replied.

"So Jamie, do you have a boyfriend?" Sebastian asked as cute blush spread across his face.

"No, do you?" Jamie replied with a smile. He was thinking about how cute Sebastian looked when he blushed.

"No way, how would I find one around here?" said Sebastian.

"Good point. This area doesn't seem to be over flowing with young gay guys does it?" Jamie laughed.

"No it isn't. You're the only other gay guy I have ever spoken to, Jamie," Sebastian replied.

Overhead the lunch bell rang. The two boys walked together to empty their trays. Sebastian looked sad that lunch was over. The truth was he thought Jamie was hot and wanted to get to know him better, but was too shy to say anything.

"Hey Sebastian, if you want you can come over my house this afternoon," Jamie said when he noticed the look on Sebastian's face.

"Really, you mean it?" Sebastian replied.

"Of course. I always invite my friends over. Especially the cute ones," Jamie said with a wink and a smile, which caused Sebastian to grin and blush again.

Jamie reached into his book bag and pulled out a pencil and a sheet of paper. He wrote his number, address on it, and gave it to Sebastian. "Call me this afternoon. Maybe your mom or dad could drop you off or something," Jamie said.

"Great! I am sure they will bring me over. Oh man I can't wait," Sebastian said a bit over enthusiastically.

"Terrific! See you later then Sebastian. Bye," Jamie said as he waved and walked away from the grinning boy.

Jamie noticed that people were looking at him more than they had before and that whispered comments seemed to follow him as he walked between his classes. He noticed that some of the hostile stares had disappeared and that some had grown more hostile. He was fairly sure someone must have heard about the fight.

He wondered if he would have trouble from Chris again. As school ended, he thought that he wasn't going to have any more trouble that day. However, when school ended he found out that he was going to have more trouble after all.

As Jamie walked outside to wait on the bus, he saw Chris and three other equally ugly boys headed towards him. Several other people seemed to notice as well and a crowd began to form. The four older boys surrounded Jamie. He looked small and weak compared to the much taller teens and their rather fat ringleader Chris.

"Your so dead man. You should have minded your own damn business. I am going to teach you not to stick your faggot nose were it doesn't belong you damn fairy!" Chris growled. His buddies laughed and nodded.

Jamie remained calm and looked at each boy in turn. "I see you realized aren't man enough to take me by yourself you moronic asshole. Had to make sure you had back up after I kicked your ass this morning huh?" he said in a surprisingly calm voice.

"Fuck you pussy boy. I don`t need these guys to kick your fucking gay ass!" Chris said while he made a lumbering charge towards Jamie.

Jamie easily dodged the clumsy assault and to add insult to injury kicked Chris in the ass causing him to fall into one of his buddies. Quite a crowd had gathered around the group by this time. Chris's buddies didn't offer him any help except to steady him on his feet.

Chris approached Jamie with a bit more caution this time. He grabbed Jamie's shirt and tried to punch him. Jamie ducked his head in time and stomped Chris's foot. The startled bully let go of Jamie as he instinctively reached for his foot. Jamie landed three quick punches to the bully's face and as Chris staggered erect, he planted two roundhouse kicks to the older teen's chest.

Chris fell like a tree and lay sprawled on the ground. One of his buddies came at Jamie, but got his feet knocked out from under him before he could throw a punch. Jared had come up behind the guy when he saw him heading for Jamie and tripped him. The bullies quickly scatter after the second boy crashed to the ground.

Cheers actually rose from the crowd. Jamie remained in a defensive position until a teacher came up to him and Jared.

"Ok now that is enough. Your bus is here go," the teacher said as he motioned some of the football team to help him pick up the two boys on the ground. The teacher pointedly ignored Jamie and Jared as if they hadn't had anything to do with the fight at all. The teacher actually admired how well Jamie had handled himself and wanted to keep Jamie from being suspended for fighting.

Jamie got several pats on the back, several compliments, and no little respect as he walked calmly towards his bus. He saw Sebastian getting on another bus and waved as he and Jared got onto their own bus. The kids on the bus gave Jamie a big cheer before returning to their own affairs.

Jared and Jamie sat together as was becoming their habit. Jared looked at Jamie as if he had grown a second head or something. "Where the fuck did you learn to fight like that?" Jared exclaimed.

"My mom made me take martial arts for self defense. It stuck I guess," Jamie replied modestly.

"No shit! That was awesome. Chris is a real asshole. Someone needed to teach him a lesson. I bet no one ever thought someone your size would give it to him. He will likely die from embarrassment because a guy six inches shorter and two hundred pounds lighter than him kicked his fat ass. Why was he coming after you anyhow?" Jared said with a laugh.

"One can always hope so. Oh, probably because I caught him beating up this kid in one of the empty classrooms before lunch. The kid was mess. I left Chris in a puddle of vomit, which I guess made him decide to attack me after school," Jamie sighed.

"Fuck that shit ain't right. Why was he beating up the kid for?" Jared asked.

"I can't be sure, but he may have found out that the kid was gay or just assumed that anyone that wasn't big or a jock had to be gay. Whatever got him started doesn't matter though. He was really ragging on the kid about being gay and hitting him and stuff. I couldn't let that continue so I put a stop to it. The guy he was beating up is named Sebastian and he's really cute," Jamie whispered to Jared with a grin that caused the older boy to snicker.

"Cool, so what happened with Sebastian after you saved him oh great hero?" Jared snickered.

Jamie explained how he had help Sebastian calm down and about him inviting him over to his house. "I hope you won't mind not getting to come over today. I think Sebastian will be coming over and I'm not so sure he would be all that comfortable around you. He seems really shy," Jamie told Jared.

"That's cool man I understand," Jared said with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

"Don't worry man I will make it up to you," Jamie said while he quickly grabbed and released Jared's crotch.

"Shit! Don't do that! You scared the fuck out of me," Jared snarled before him and Jamie both burst out laughing.

The bus arrived at their stop and the two friends went their separate ways. Jamie hadn't been in his house long before the phone rang. It was Sebastian calling and telling Jamie that his mom would be dropping him off in a few minutes as soon as she spoke with Jamie's mother. Jamie told Sebastian his mother's cell phone number so Sebastian's mom could clear things with Jamie's mother before he said bye. Sebastian called straight back not long after the first call to tell Jamie he was on his way. Jamie could tell the boy was practically bursting with nervous energy.

Jamie grinned as he hung up the phone. He puttered around in the kitchen and made some snacks for him and Sebastian. He undid his hair and brushed it thoroughly. He then took a chair from the dining room and sat it in front of one of the living room windows so he could see the driveway.

Jamie had called his mom earlier in the day after the first fight and had told her what happened. He made sure it was ok for Sebastian to come over. He knew his mother wouldn't mind, but he had figured correctly that Sebastian's mom might want to check with his mom.

The sound of gravel crunching alerted Jamie to Sebastian's arrival. He watched the car pull up the driveway before he stood up and went out the front door to greet Sebastian and his mom.

He noticed a friendly looking woman driving and then the excited smile on Sebastian's face. The car pulled to a stop. Sebastian and his mom stepped out. They moved to stand in front of Jamie.

"Hi, I am Maureen Richards, Sebastian's mom. I'm just so glad that you invited my little boy over to play. He gets so lonely at the house by himself. It makes me worry so. I do hope you two have lots of fun. I would stay and chat for a bit, but I need to run. Mr. Richards is taking me out to dinner while you two play. Besides I am sure you don`t want a n old woman hanging about, getting in your alls way, and what not,"

Sebastian stood there blushing and smiling while is mother went on. "Mom! Stop! Please!" Sebastian pleaded.

"Oh, ok honey. I just wanted to thank him for inviting you over to play. I don't know why your blushing so," said Maureen

"I hope you Mr. Richards have fun at dinner. I am sure me and Sebastian will have a great time while your out," Jamie said with a grin and plenty of charm.

"Ok, I guess I should go then. Have fun boys!" Mrs. Richards said with a wave as she got in her car. Jamie and Sebastian watched her drive away before heading towards the door.

"Come on, I have snacks and stuff waiting," Jamie said after he took Sebastian's hand to pull him towards the front door. Sebastian gripped Jamie's hand back and followed him into the house.

"Oh wow, your house is nice!" Sebastian gushed as he surveyed the living room.

"Yeah, I love this house its neat. Come on let's get the snacks and head up to my room. Mom has some things to take care of at work and won't be home for a while, but she won't disturb us when she does get here. She is really cool that way," Jamie said with another grin and a tug on Sebastian's hand.

The boys gathered the tray of chips, sodas, and sweets Jamie had set up in the kitchen. They walked up the stairs with each boy holding the other's hand and the tray at the same time.

At the top of the stairs, Jamie took the tray and told Sebastian to open the bedroom door. Sebastian opened the door and walked in just ahead of Jamie. He grinned when he heard soft music playing and saw that the drapes had been drawn on all the windows.

"Wow, your room is nice. Really cozy looking!" Sebastian grinned.

"Come on let's sit on the futon and get comfortable," Jamie said.

The two boys sit the tray down on the table in front of the futon. They sit side by side, their hips and legs touching, while holding hands again. "Jamie, I really want to thank you again for helping me earlier. I think he would have really hurt me if you hadn't shown up. I am really glad you invited me over here and^Å" he trailed off while he looked at his feet.

"And?" Jamie said while using his free hand to move Sebastian's head so that they were looking into one another's eyes. Jamie's deep clear green eyes met Sebastian's dark clear blue eyes. Neither boy spoke or moved for what seemed a long time. They simply stared deeply into one another's eyes lost somewhere in the depths of their individual minds.

"And I wanted you to know I think your really cute," Sebastian said softly breaking the silence.

"Sebastian, I think you're cute to. Actually I think you're hot and well^Å" he trailed off as he moved his head towards Sebastian's and their lips met in a tender kiss.

Their kiss lingered for several seconds before Jamie stood. He grinned down at Sebastian and pulled on the boys arm so that they were standing face to face. Their bodies nearly touching. Jamie motioned towards the bed and the two boys lay down together on their sides. Their eyes and lips locked again and this kiss was filled with passion and tenderness.

Jamie hugged Sebastian to his body as their lips and tongues wrestled together. They could feel the pounding of one another's hearts as their chests pressed firmly together. The growing cocks ground into each other and their breath came in bursts through their noses.

Sebastian rolled over on top of Jamie while he kissed him with a passion. He began to work his way across Jamie's face to his neck. He licked and sucked on the smooth skin of Jamie's graceful neck. His hands were roaming under Jamie's shirt. He rubbed the smooth yet firm skin of Jamie's chest and stomach. He reached for the hem of Jamie's shirt and proceeded to pull it over Jamie's head and off his body. He squatted with his crotch grinding into Jamie's as he pulled his own shirt off.

The two smooth boys lay down once more and began to kiss. Jamie sucked Sebastian's tongue into his mouth as if it were a cock. Sebastian moaned and ground his hard six-inch cock into Jamie's equally hard seven-inch cock. Jamie rolled over on top of Sebastian and began to sensually suck and lick on the other boy's ears and neck. Small gasps escaped from Sebastian's mouth as his whole body seemed to tingle.

Jamie's hands worked on Sebastian's buttons and zipper as he worked his way down the boyish chest. As his mouth and tongue reached the other boy's stomach, his hands gripped the boy's shorts and underwear. He slid the boy's remaining close down his hips, past the throbbing erection and soft pubic bush, and used his feet to kick them off of him completely. He then began to kiss around Sebastian's belly button as he undid his own shorts and pushed them off of his round bubble butt freeing his dripping erection.

When Jamie neared Sebastian's eager young cock, he stopped and slid up Sebastian's body so that his cock rubbed against the other boys cock and stomach. Their lips and tongues locked again and their hips began to thrust rhythmically against one another. Their pre-cum mixed together making their cocks slick. Their moans vibrated inside their mouths as Jamie once again began sucking on Sebastian's tongue and rubbing his thick cock against Sebastian's body.

He licked Sebastian's lips and then worked his way down Sebastian's body. He licked and sucked on the other boy's nipples causing him to squirm and groan in pleasure. His hand caressed the boys balls as his hot tongue and steamy lips worked their way lower.

Sebastian could feel Jamie's breath on the head of his cock. His cock twitched as he felt the hot air strike it. His hips bucked as Jamie's hand encircled his fairly thick six-inch cock. He bucked again and harder this time when he felt the hot, wet, warmth of Jamie's mouth engulf him.

He squirmed and whimpered as Jamie applied suction to his smooth round helmet. He felt Jamie's tongue working on the head of his dick. His lips sliding up and down, the soft hand rubbing his nut sac, and the other hand jacking him off in time with Jamie's sucking mouth. Sebastian couldn't take much of this and with a grunt; he grabbed Jamie's head and thrust his cock into Jamie's mouth as he came harder than he ever remembered cumming before.

Jamie sucked until Sebastian's spasms subsided and then worked his way back up to Sebastian's contented face. "Did you enjoy that love?" Jamie asked as he planted his lips against Sebastian's once more.

Sebastian could taste his own cum and pressed his hand on the back of Jamie's head. He sucked on Jamie's tongue as Jamie had sucked on his. Moaned into Jamie's mouth and pushed Jamie onto his back. He proceeded to do to Jamie as Jamie had done to him. He worked his way down Jamie's body with surprising skill. He jacked the uncut seven-inch monster with his hand, which caused pre-cum to bubble up like water from a spring. He placed his lips on the tip of Jamie's dick and sucked the pre-cum from his slit as his hand continued to stroke the thick cock.

Jamie moaned and thrust his hips upward trying to get more of his thick cock into the hot mouth that was sucking the pre-cum from his cock. Sebastian let Jamie's cock slide past his lips and across his tongue as he began to bob up and down on it. He increased his suction and his motions going wild as he tried to suck more and more of Jamie's dick into his eager mouth. Jamie was running his fingers through Sebastian's shaggy blond hair and thrusting his hot cock into the soft mouth.

Jamie suddenly pulled Sebastian off of his cock. "Baby, please can I fuck you?" Jamie panted while looking into Sebastian's Startled eyes.

"Will it hurt?" Sebastian asked timidly.

"Only at first babe. I will make you feel so good. Please." Jamie said as he placed pillows under Sebastian's hips and got behind the trembling boy. "Trust me love." Jamie whispered in Sebastian's ear as he kissed the back of his neck and down the slender boys back. His lips kissed down to the trembling boy's ass and his hands spread the soft milky white cheeks apart.

The hairless pink rose bud lay before Jamie's hungry eyes and he leaned forward and kissed it. Sebastian bucked forward in shock and the feel of Jamie's lips touching his asshole. He moaned when he felt Jamie's tongue trying to worm its way into his body. Sebastian didn't know what to think. He knew about rimming from the internet, but had never expected to have it done to him.

His body shook in reaction and his cock, which had never went soft, gushed pre-cum onto Jamie's pillows. Sebastian laid his head on the soft comforter and closed his as his body basked in the tingling pleasure center on his asshole.

Jamie gently inserted one finger into the tight slick hole and wiggled it around making Sebastian to buck and squirm with pleasure. He kept licking and sucking on Sebastian's asshole as he finger fucked him with one, then two, and finally three fingers. When he was sure Sebastian was loose, enough he stood on his knees behind to the white fleshy globes of Sebastian's ass and pressed his pre-cum soaked cock head against the trembling hole. He gripped the boy's hips and leaned over his body. His tongue found Sebastian's ear. He nibbled and licked on the fleshy ear lobe as he eased his fat cock head into the steamy asshole.

Sebastian gasped in pain as Jamie's fat cock pierced his anal ring. He bit his lip, but didn't pull away as Jamie slowly eased inch after inch of his thick cock into the amazingly hot, tight, slick tunnel. He gasped as he felt the thick cock head graze across his prostate and felt Jamie's soft pubes grinding against his up turned ass.

Jamie moaned into Sebastian's ear as he ground his cock into the amazingly hot ass. He began a gentle rocking motion to loosen Sebastian up. He rose up onto his knees and gripped Sebastian's hips firmly as he began to withdraw his rigid cock from Sebastian's ass. He pulled out until only the head remained inside. He then slowly inched back into the other boy's hot body in one fluid motion.

He continued to thrust into Sebastian's body at this slow fluid pace, but began to slowly pick up speed. As his thrusting became faster, his balls began to slap against Sebastian's upturned ass and his cock began to throb. He reached around to grip Sebastian's cock as he began to fuck to other boy harder. The sound of their hips slapping together mixed with their gasps of pleasure and grunts of exertion.

Jamie began to pant in earnest as his cock plowed the tight virgin ass beneath him. His mouth latched onto Sebastian's neck. He licked and sucked on the hot flesh as his hips rammed his thick seven inches of teen cock into the milky white ass. His hand was a blur on Sebastian's six thick inches.

As Sebastian began to cum his asshole began to spasm around Jamie's cock triggering Jamie's orgasm as well. The two young boys moaned and shivered as one as Jamie's cock and Sebastian's cock seemed to burst as one. They lay together panting as Jamie's hand milked the last of the cum from Sebastian's dick and Sebastian's asshole did the same for Jamie's. The two spent boys lay together in each other's arms sharing kisses and caresses as they basked in the silence of each other's company.

"Jamie?" asked Sebastian softly.

"Hmmm?" he replied.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Sebastian asked.

"Sebastian I would love to, but tell me if I say yes will you be willing to share me with other guys?"

"Why would I have to share you?" Sebastian said a little upset.

"Well, I like you a whole lot even though I don't know you very well, but I want to be able to have sex with other guys to." Jamie replied.

"Like who?" Sebastian asked.

"Well did you see the boy I got on the bus with after the fight?"


"Well, me and him had sex together yesterday."

"Wow really? He looked totally straight though!" Sebastian exclaimed.

"Yeah, well he is bi and I would kinda like to have sex with him again."

"Uhmm, do you think he would do it with me to?"

"I bet he would. He is really horny and you are very hot!" Jamie said which caused Sebastian to blush. "You're really cute when you blush you know." Jamie said before kissing Sebastian.

Sebastian broke the kiss. "If you want to be with other guys that is ok, but will you promise to tell me who and when? Also I would be much happier if we did it together as a couple with any other guys." Sebastian said with conviction.

"Really? Are you sure?" Jamie asked.

"Yes, I want to be with you and if that means I have to share so be it. Just remember your mine and we will be fine. Besides I wouldn't mind getting it own with that boy you rode the bus with either!" Sebastian giggled and the two boys started kissing once more.

"So I guess we are boy friends then huh?" Jamie asked

"For as long as you can stand me." The two boys laughed and started kissing once more.

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