We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on Jun 25, 2000


Its about damn time! Now I get my presant Cass! Gabriella, I await your review. Myka, enjoy. Greg, still doing ok? Is it flowing well for you? And to everyone who has sent me an email concerning my little story, Thank You. For those of you that haven't, What are you thinkin'? he he. Take care. And Cass, was it worth the wait?

Y'all know the rules. They still apply. And you bet your ass I'm taking creative liberties, but I'm the author and its my perrogative. =)

We Admitted It part 12

Brian and I arrived at his house in 5 minutes. We made good time. I followed my wonderful man into the house and up to the bedroom with my eyes glued to his firm gorgeous ass the whole time. By the time we reached the bedroom I was going nuts. "Chase, do you want to-" Brian started to say before I cut him off with my mouth.

I inserted my tongue into his hot mouth and made sure he had no doubts as to how much he turned me on. Grinding into his crotch the entire time certainly didn't hurt my case either and if his was any indication, he understood perfectly and felt the same.

"Chase. Yes oh Chase." Brian was very excited. "Huh?"

I pulled away suddenly causing Brian to stare at me wondering why I did that until I said, "We have to get up really early tomorrow and I don't want you worn out for the long day we're going to have."

"But Honeeey." Brian whined.

"No butts. Although yours is the cutest. Its time for bed and we're going to sleep." I said to Brian in a firm tone of voice.

"Anything for you." Brian at me.

"Don't worry Baby. I'll make it up to both of you." I laughed a touch at that. "Promise. Now go to sleep."

"I'll remember that promise. Goodnight"

"Night." And I fell asleep wrapped up in the arms of the man I love.

I awoke promptly at 5:30 and snuck out of bed being careful not to awaken my sleeping beauty heading downstairs to get his coffee started. 'After this is over I'll start working on getting rid of that habit.' I thought to myself. I don't care for the taste of coffee, so hopefully I can get him to stop drinking it, but if not no biggie. The caffiene isn't exactly good for you either though. My mind kept drifting back and forth between what I was doing today and just Brian until finally the coffee was ready. I poured my Bri a mug and headed upstairs to wake him. I love waking my Brian.

I crept back into the bedroom and set the mug on the nightstand. With that I crawled up to Brian underneath the covers from the foot of the bed. I only made it about halfway.

<Bridget! Close your eyes>

I noticed his morning steel and decided to let him know what he had to look forward to with my making up for last night so I stopped where I was. I reached into Brian's boxers and pulled out his beautiful manhood. Pleasant torture would have to wait until next time. We had a definate time-frame to deal with today and didn't have time to waste, but I wasn't going anywhere without this so I placed my mouth around the head and sealed it shut. Brian instanly awoke to the feeling of a hot mouth surrounding his pulsating manhood. I started bobbing my head up and down over his eight inches of steel. I loved every minute of it. Up and down I went swirling my tongue round and round. The poor boy didn't have a prayer. "Oh! Oh! Chase!! Chase! I'm...I'm...I love you Chase!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" And with that I got my first taste of my wonderful Brian.

<Ok Bridget, you can open your eyes now>

"That was great." Brian said. "What a way to wake up!"

I smiled back at him. "No better way to start the day." And with that I gave him a kiss. "Now its time to get up. Your coffee's on the night stand there. I'm heading into the shower and you're joining me." With that I went into the bathroom and started the shower. Brian followed soon after we enjoyed a quick shower being very careful not to arouse each other too much while scrubbing every inch of each other's bodies. We did have a great deal to do that day after all.

We dried each other off and Brian got started with brushing his teeth and such while I went off to get dressed. Once I was fabulously attired in a a pair of khaki cargoes and a black ribbed shirt I traded with Brian and started my morning routine. When Brian finished getting dressed he quickly fixed his hair and we headed off to the venue.

Thankfully it only took 20 minutes to get there. The hotel was right acroos the street which will make a lot of my life for the rest of this week significantly easier. Thank God for small favors.

We walked into the arena at 6:30 and I headed over to where the stage had been constructed to my specifications. Not bad. A whole stage built to my specs in about twleve hours. Not bad at all. Its amazing what you can get done when you're friends with an architect. And a Damn good looking one at that. I stopped one of the crew and asked about my friend. Apparently they wouldn't be there for a couple of hours yet. I turned around to find Brian talking to a blonde woman with dark skin who was fawning over him like nobody's business. I walked over to them sure that this must be the infamous Fatima.

"Good morning Fatima!" She and Brian just looked at me with confused expressions on their faces.

"You two know each other?" Brian inquired.

"Well we haven't formally met, but between your reactions to her and that voice I knew this had to be the fabulous Fatima that I have heard so much about not to mention talked to for several hours in the last 48." I explained to Bri.

"Then that makes you Chase." Fatima said while taking my offered hand before shaking it and pulling me into a hug. "The wonderful man who is making my little Brian here so happy. Oh, I mean our little Brian."

"He's also the one that is bossier than Kevin ever thought of being." Brian said playfully dodging the punch I threw to his arm.

"Well, well." Fatima said nodding her head apprasingly. "Someone to give me run for my money on bossiness huh? We'll just have to see about that." She winked at me whilst she said the last to let me know she was pleased.

"Oh he'll give you a run alright." We all turned around to see Kevin standing there grinning at us. "Watch out Fat. He definately knows how to take control of a situation."

"Good." Fatima said simply. "Now maybe I'll have someone to keep YOU in line." She stated pointing at Kevin when she said 'you'. Kevin just got a look of shock on his face causing us all to laugh.

"Oh Kev! You should have seen your face!" I said before I fell down laughing. Damn that was funny.

When we all calmed down we made our way over to the table where Kevin had set up breakfast before alerting us to his presence finding everyone else there waiting. Kevin looked at everyone. Then he looked at his watch. 6:55. Then he looked over at me. "I can't believe you did that." Kevin said in shock as he realized that I did the one thing he had never been able to do. Namely get JC, Justin T., and Nick C. to be on time for anything stating at 7 in the morning.

They, of course, knew what he was talking about so Justin T. looked at Kevin. "He didn't even call us either."

That just caused another lok of shock to appear on Kevin's face. "He's just that good." Brian said before giving me a kiss. "Mmm." That set everyone off. We HAD to laugh at Kevin. It was just too funny.

"Alright!" I said snapping everyone back to attention. "Here's the drill. BSB, you're up first. Christina, you're next. Britney after that. Then 98 degrees followed by Jessica. N*SYNC after that and we'll finish with Mandy. At that point there will be more of us here and we'll let them have a go. By the way, we're all warming up together because we have some joint choreography to work on before we split up that way you can start teaching it to everyone who does want to join in the combined performances. The choreography will be relatively simpleso it shouldn't be hard for any of you to handle." I said that last part looking directly at Lance.

"I'm not THAT bad." Lance said. Everyone just turned and stared at him. "Ok, maybe I am. But I'm getting better." He said quickly in his own defence.

"Yes you are Lance, and you'll have enough to worry about with your own moves so we're keeping the joint stuff simple. Besides, you all will be the only ones who'll know it to show it so lets get started with warm-ups! And remember, you'll be taught the joint steps by our guest choreographer and you will listen to everything she says. She definately knows what she's talking about. If you don't listen to her, Fatima here has my permission to torure each and every one of you. Even Brian." I added before anyone else could ask. "Besides," I said smiling, "you all know who she is. Now everyone up on stage!" And with that, 18 singers and 1 choreographer extraordinaire hurried to the stage.

I followed with Bridget close behind after informing her that we might as well learn it too. After all. It wasn't supposed to be hard adn it'd be a great bit of excersice to start the day with. After cursing my highly up beat mood, Bridget agreed and we followed after everyone and started warm-ups right along side everyone else. Fatime noticed this and nodded at me knowing full well what i was doing. We had already discussed this. Fat led us through some great stretches and a bit of yoga until we were all limbered up for the day.

"Now I'd like to introduce our guest choreographer. " Fatima intoned. "I've been a fan of hers for many years now and I know all of you have seen her work, so without further ado I present her to you."

With that they all noticed someone walking out from behind the curtain. Everyone gasped in shock. Fatima and I were right. They all knew who she was and had definately seen her work before. "Hi everybody." she said with her cheerful personality shining through. "I'm Paula Abdul. Nice to meet you. Now lets get to work."

And with that Paula got us all started.

"No JC. Its like this. Justin, you're not concentrating. Either of you. You know, I was warned about Lance but he seems to be better than most of you." Paula knew just what to say. With that everyone redoubled their efforts including Bridget and I. After an hour it was over. Thank the merciful heavens. I just wasn't used to that.

"BSB stay put. Everyone else, get off of my stage!" Fatima said to us all. Every person not in the BSB hurriedly got off of the stage and started talking. I made my way over to Paula Abdul.

"You must be Chase. Hi. I'm Paula." With that she offered her hand to me and I shook it. "Thank you for this wonderful oppertunity. I'm so glad to be able to do something to help save music. I wouldn't be here without it." She said simply before taking a drink from her water bottle.

"I know what you mean, and thank you. I'm so glad you agreed to do this. I've been a fan of yours for ages. I've always loved your choreography and I have loved your music from the fist time I heard you sing 'Straight Up.' I absolutely love your music and I have long thought you to be the best choreographer in music and one of the best period. I love everything you've ever done.

"Thank you so much. That really means a great deal to me." Paula said. "I'm so happy to be doing this. I love dancing. I always have. And I love music. Its always been the inspiration in my life. They keep me going. I just wish I could get anyone to take me serious as an actress. After I did that made for T.V. movie noone would even think of giving me a role and it wasn't easy for me to get that."

"I saw that movie actually." She cringed a bit when I said that. "Its O.K." I said patting her arm. "Like I said, I saw it and I have to tell you. It was horrible." Her head dropped as I said that. "Wait, let me finish. It was horrible, but that's because the writing was atrocious. And that director should be shot too. Meryl Streep couldn't have saved that movie." She perked up a great deal at that. "I think you'd make a wonderfull actress. You're already a fabulous dancer and singer. You just need a decent movie to be in. Besides, didn't I tell you I'd have a surprise for you?"

"Yes you did. What?" Paula carefully inquired.

"Well, in addition to the many talented singers we're going to have here that I already told you about, we're going to have a few actors as well. Several actually." And with that I proceeded to tell her everyone whom I had spoken to about saying a little piece to help save music.

"Wow. When you say you've got a surprise you just pull out all the stops." Paula said excitedly. "That's great. I haven't seen too much of Hollywood since Emilio and I broke up and that's been a while. Too long."

"And you Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are coming together. They've been goofing off a bit while promoting their movie 'Practical Magic' and their director is planning on showing up also. And two of his stars from 'Charmed' here you can bet Aarron Spelling will probably show up which also means Torri will be here. So we'll both get the chance to meet a lot of incredibly talented people. Speaking of which, the actors should start arriving on Wednesday and here come a couple of our victims for later this morning." I said as Nick Lachey and Chris Kirkpatrick walked up. "I'll talk to you later, Paula." And left her talking with two very enthusiastic boys.

I was headed over to Jeff when my phone rang. "Hello."

"Oh, hi!"


"Sure. I'll see you then. Bye."

That was my friend the architect. Soon. With that thought I found Jeff again and walked up to him. "So what do you think of our little surprise choreographer?" I asked him.

"I'm thrilled." Jeff replied honestly. "I've always loved her talent. I love her singing, I love her dancing, and I love her choreography. I think it was a great surprise." Jeff sighed. "I just wishh she could get a part in a decent movie. That T.V. movie she made wasa joke but it wasn't her fault. She did the best she could, but not even Meryl could have saved that movie." I just burst out laughing. "What? What did I say?" Jeff asked me whilst looking quite confused.

"We were just talking about that." I said between laughs "and that's almost exactly what I said to her." Jeff joined my laughter at that.

Drew and Christina walked up ot us as we were laughing. "What are you two finding so funny?" Drew asked.

"Besides the sight of your boy up there?" Christina added with a smile.

"Nevermind." Jeff and I said in unison causing another fit of laughter to errupt between us. "You explain it to them." I said to Jeff who complied. After that the four of us got to talking about what was going to happen when something caught my eye. I checked my watch and noticed an hour had almost gone by already and as Christina made her way to the stage I excused myself telling Jeff and Drew that I had to greet someone who just arrived and left them talking to each other.

I walked over to my BSB after they got off of the stage to congratulate them on their rehersal. "Looking good guys." I said to them.

"All of us but Bri." AJ said trying giving Brian a punch in the arm.

"You're right AJ." They all looked at me funny. "Brian looked great!" I said pulling him in for a quick kiss.

"Howie. Howie. Howie!" Nick was saying trying to get his attention.

I looked over to where Howie was staring and smiled. His eyes were glued to a 5'5" tall goddess. She had medium length, black wavy hair, with light brown eyes that Howie was lost in. She had a small waist and weighed about 115. She may be small but she had some muscle to her. And her skin was coffee with just the right amount of cream. Like Hally Barry. In short, she was beautiful. And Howie was hooked.

I waved her over and her smile brightened as she walked over to us. "Guys, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. This is Cassandra. She's an architect. She is responsible for getting our very specific stage up after I gave her a call last night. Cassi, this is Brian, AJ, Kevin, Nick, and Howie." The guys all shook her hand in greeting exchanging 'hi's' with her until we got to Howie.

Howie turned her hand and kissed the back of it. "A pleasure to meet someone as beautiful as yourself." He said softly looking into her eyes.

"Its my pleasure to meet such a gentleman. There are far too few." Cassi said with her eyes locked onto Howie's as well. They didn't even notice as the rest of us left. They talked for four hours straight. Britney, 98 degrees, Jessica, and N*SYNC all took and left the stage before they stopped looking into each others eyes and began to notice what was going on around them.

We all watched as it was now Mandy's turn. She being the least experienced of all. This was her first real show and if it went well, she would be opening for BSB and N*SYNC for the rest of their concerts until her CD gets released. This was her big chance and we were all pulling for her. We wanted our Mandy to take off like we all knew she could. I had managed to get a copy of her CD as the label thought it would be released and we had all heard it so we knew she had what it takes. Now it was time to see what she did on stage when it was her turn to shine. After all, she was only 15.

"Girl has been watchin' LeAnn Rimes." Cassi said as we all stood together watching Mandy.

"What do you mean?" Justin J. asked.

"I mean, LeAnn is the last 15 year old I saw that could do that." We all knew what Cassi meant by that. Mandy had nothing to worry about. She knew what she was doing. We all watched Mandy until she was done and then joined her on the stage where we all did a quick run through of the joint stuff before breaking for lunch.

"Alright everyone. Lets head over to the hotel where we can get cleaned up and grab some lunch while I find out who else has arrived and get a plan for what's happening after lunch is over with." And we that we walked across the street to the hotel.

I had checked us in and gotten everything settled while Britney was on stage so I knew what awaited us. The banquet hall was set up with all kinds of good things for lunch and those that had already arrived were instructed to start eating and wait for me in there. After showing everyone to their rooms I walked downstairs followed by the entire group. These people were ready for some food! I walked into the banquet hall to find RIcky Martin, Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, the Dixie Chicks, Savage Garden, Boyzone, B*witched, Robbie Williams, Aqua, Blink 182, LFO, Shania Twain, SheDaisy, Faith Hill and her husband Tim McGraw, and Garbage all having arrived. I was exstatic! I didn't expect to have but half of them here by now. They all looked up at me as the lot of us walked through the door. Bridget stopped talking to Shirley Manson for a moment to introduce me to everyone, having spoken to them all as they arrived. She left as soon as Britney took the stage during rehersal. I told you she didn't like Britney. I welcomed them all and thanked them for coming so quickly, especially our friends from Europe, and told them what to expect and who was up whenand when we were meeting back here for dinner. After that we all got started on eating and talking amongst ourselves. Jessica went over to Ricky having been touring with him before taking her vacation with Nick and they started talking, While I walked over to Jennifer Lopez to ask her my favor.

Alright. I'll get back for the next part sooner. Sorry this one is so short. I just don't have time to put everything I want on here at the moment. But I thought I'd get this section out before I got strung up by my toes by a few people. You know who you are <cough> Cass <cough>. "til next time" Corrupted Saint saintwurk@aol.com

Next: Chapter 13

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