We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on May 27, 2000


Now do we all remember when I stated the rules in part one? Like the rule about this all being the product of my highly over-active imagination and that I have never, as yet, met any of the BSB? Do you remember? Good. It still applies.

Myka, tell Chelsea you really were talking to an adorable, talented, man. And that its all my fault that you were late.

People. Where's the love? I'm not feelin' it. I enjoy far more feedback than I'm getting. Speaking of.... Read the following stories: Don't Want You Back, Justin's Dark Angel, My Surprise Romance, & Brian and Me. They are some of my favorites and are definately worth a read.

And now...

We Admitted It part 4

"Can we do that again?" I asked Brian.

"I think we had better." was all he could say before our lips met once again. His mouth opening for my tongue, snaking its way into his steamy mouth. Our tounges battled for control in his mouth before he moved for a change of venue and the battle was now taking place behind my own lips. Brian ravaged the steamy cave exploring it as though he were studying for the most important test of his life. (If a test is in store I can gaurantee I'll suggest it be oral. He'll pass with flying colors.)

Slowly the battle calmed and our heads retreated, mouths the last to break contact. We just sat there staring into each other's eyes until Brian finally broke the silence.

"Wow. That was-- Wow."

"You said it." I grinned at him as I realized how I was still reeling from the power of that kiss. Those two kisses. Wow. "That felt-"

"Great." Brian finished for me. He reached for my hand and held it in his own. Smiling. "Now THAT'S what I call a fantastic beginning."

"I couldn't agree more." I turned my grin from playful to down-right mischevious as I said, "Now what am I gonna do with ya'?"

"Show me off?" he said with pride and playfulness.

I cocked an eyebrow at him and simply said, "Naaah. I think I'll keep you all to myself."

"Oh, I'll bet the guys would just love that." he replied rolling his eyes and dripping sarcasm. "Speaking of, " He said with a more serious look on his face, "we're supposed to meet them in about an hour at AJ's house."

"We? They know I'm comming?" I asked perplexed.

"No, but you will won't you?" He looked at me with hope in his eyes and a twinge a fear that he may be rejected.

"Of course I will. But, how do you think they are gonna take it? What are you going to tell them?"

"I'll tell them the truth. That you are my friend and that I wanted you to hang out with us. They guys are really cool so I know they won't have a problem with it." he sighed, "As for us... I want to give them a chance to get to know you a bit like I have before I tell them about us. Well I guess I have to tell them about me first, but then I'll tell them about us. First I want them to understand why I like you so much. I know they will too and that will make this easier on them."

"Speaking of making this easier... How DO you think they'll take it?"

"About me? I'm sure they'll be cool. About us? That all depends on how well you're able to dazzle them with your charm." Brian started smiling at the end.

"Then we're in trouble." I dead-panned. "I'm not the least bit charming. Now had you said it depended on my dazzling them with my wit..."

Brian thumped me up-side the head with a throw pillow from the sofa. "You little..."

"Wouldn't you like to know." I taunted

'Would I ever' Brian thought to himself. "You're not THAT cute."

I shot him a look of feigned shock. "Moi? Less than utterly adorable? Surely you jest."

He just rolled his eyes at me and laughed. "Okay, okay. You ARE that cute."

"Thank you!" I beammed. "But I knew that all ready."

Thunk! Another pillow to the cranium. (I'll have to remember to hide those before being a smart-ass again.) "Seriously. You'll come?"

"Of course I will! do you really think I'd pass up the chance to hang with four seemingly awesome guys?" Seeing the look of confusion when I mention four I ventured, " I already know YOU are awesome."

He began to blush. Hard-core. "Awww. Ian't that cute?"

"Shut up."

"Why don't you come over here and make me?" I taunted.

So he did. He tackled me bringing me underneath his body as he pressed his lips to mine in a kissed filled with heat. We were positively thermal. Low moans were escaping from both of us egging the other on. Causing new pleasures. Reality came in the form of the phone ringing.

"I'll be right back." he said breaking the kiss. He walked over to the phone in the kitchen.


"Oh hi Kev!"

"Yeah. O.K."


"We'll be there."

"Yes we. I'm bringing a friend of mine."

"No you don't know him."

"Okay. Bye."

I looked at Brian with a raised eyebrow. "That was Kevin." He said. "The guys are all there early so he wanted me to get over there now instead of in a hour. I told him we'd be right there. Is that alright with you?"

"Sure." I told him with a smile. "I said I wanted to meet them. Why not do it even sooner?"

"Great! Then lets get going."

We walked out to Brian's car, his real one, and got into the 2000 Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse convertible. Blue of course. He lowered the top as he started the engine so we could feel the wonderful Orlando sun on our faces as we pulled out of the driveway and headed over to AJ's house. The radio was on and we listened to Brittany, Savage Garden, Aqua, and more as we drove. We also talked. Brian began filling me in a bit on the guys.

"AJ is nuts. Period. The boy is IN-SANE. I'm sure you too will get along great." I laughed at that. "Kevin is the serious one. Obviously. He's cool though. He just needs to loosen up a little. Howie is the 'normal' one. He tends to be the most grounded of all of us. Nick is my best friend. If any one of the guys more than another I hope you and Nick will get along because of how much he means to me. He's been there for me through a lot. Not that Kevin hasn't. We were always close. But Nick is there when Kevin is busy taking care of everyone and everything. And when I don't feel like a lecture for my stupid behavior. And No you can NOT ask Kevin why I should get a lecture." He said witha smile reading my mind.

"What about you?" I asked innocently.

"Me? I thought that was obvious. I'm the cute one." A big grin split his face wide open.

"I don't know. I've seen some pretty hot pictures of your cousin. DAMN!"

"Shut up." He smiled and started blushing both.

We turned into a driveway and Brian announced, "We're here. Lets head in and see what the guys are up to."

We got out of the car and headed up to the front door. Brian gave my hand a little squeeze and then opened the door heading inside. I followed him into a sight to behold. There was Nick and AJ wrestling on the floor while Howie and Kevin were watching TV.

"Gotcha!" AJ shouted triumphantly as he pinned Nick to the floor.

"Alright. You win. But next time your ass is mine." Nick said.

"Yeah. Right. Sure." AJ reaplied sarcastically.

Brian decided to speak up announcing our presence since we couldn't have been heard coming in over the sounds being made by Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dummer on the floor. "Hey guys!"

Four heads imediately swivled in our direction. "Hey!" They all said. "And who might this be?" AJ asked with a smile.

"Guys, this is my friend Chase. Chase, these are the guys. AJ. Nick. Kevin, And Howie."

I nodded to each in turn. "Hi guys." I said as AJ walked up to me. He offered his hand so I took it.

"A pleasure to meet you Chase." AJ said as he shook my hand.

"Yes a pleasure." This from Nick as he too shook my hand.

"Same here." From Howie. Also with a shake.

Last to shake my hand was Kevin. "Yes its nice to meet you. Brian told me he was bringing someone with him." He said this while looking me up and down giving me a far more detailed inspection than the quick once-evers the rest of the guys contented themselves with.

"It's an honor to meet you guys. I really enjoy your music and I'm glad to get the chance to meet all of you."

"That's nice to hear." Nick said. "So how long have you known Bri here?"

"Oh I just met him the other night. I was sitting in the Ale House just thinking about things and then he had the audacity to break my concentration and talk to me." I looked over at Brian. "Like I'd want to talk to this dork." I said smiling.

"I like him already." AJ said.

"See? I TOLD you you and he were alike." Brian said.

"Yeah." AJ interjected. "We both know your a dork." He smiled.

I looked over at AJ and smiled. "Not to mention overbearing, pretentious, obnoxious, and a pain in the ass!"

Brian just reached over and punched me in the shoulder. Than he punched AJ as well. "You both deserve that! Smart-asses!"

"Better a smart-ass-" AJ started.

"Than a dumb-ass." I finished.

We just looked at each other as the rest of the guys busted out laughing. "Oh no! Now there's two of them!" Howie remarked in mock horror.

"Shut up!" AJ and I said at once sending the room into another fit of laughter.

I smaked Brian up-side the head. "See what you started?"

"Yeah. And its DAMN funny." He replied. AJ and I just rolled our eyes at him as he fell to the floor still cracking up.

AJ and I just looked at each other and then over to Nick. He caught the look and we all rushed over to Brian with Nick sitting on his legs while AJ and I took an arm each. Then Kevin and Howie came over to help us as AJ and I began to tickle Brian like crazy. He started thrashing around on the floor but we all had a pretty good hold on him so he was powerledd from us and just began begging for mercy. "PLEASE! PLEASE! Stop! I can't take it anymore!" He gasped and we all let go. This time we were all laughing at Brian. It was a sight.

AJ and I reached out to help him up and we all found places to sit as Brian said, "Now that that's over, what's up?"

"Well we just wanted to all hang-out together today so we thought we'd meet up and see what we felt like doing." Kevin said. "Ideas?"

"The Mall." from Nick.

"NO!" They all said at once. "You have no idea what its like. "Howie said to me.

"How about a movie?" Brian suggested

"Sounds good." said Howie.

"I'm up for one." AJ said.

"Me too." from Kevin and Nick.

"Sounds good to me." I said.

"Great! It's settled then. We'll catch a movie and then grab some grub. Now which movie are we gonna see?"

"How about 'A Mid-Summer Night's Dream'?" I suggested. Five heads all turned towards me with strange looks on their faces. "What? Can't a guy like Shakespeare? Besides, Michelle Pfeifer and Callista Flockhart are two of my favorites and Stanly Tucci, Kevin Klein and Rupert Everett are hillarious."

"Yeah." Kevin piped in. "You guys could all use a little Shakespearean culture if you ask me."

"Well we didn't. But I do want to see that movie. Michelle is so hot!" Nick said.

"She's twice your age Nick, but I also want to see it."Howie offered.

"So do I"

"Me too."

"Wow. Picking a movie usually takes us a lot longer than that." Nick commented.

"Well it looks like I just know how to handle y'all." I said.

"'Y'all'? " AJ laughed. "How much time have you spent around our little Brian? You sound just like him. Accent and everything. 'Y'all.'"

"Well that's 'cuz I usta live just outside of Kentucky for years." I said in full accent.

" I don't sound that bad do I?" Brian asked.

"Worse!" Nick laughed.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up." Nick immitated.

"Hey guys." Kevin spoke up. "Let's all get ready for tonight. We'll meet back here in two hours."

"Yes, SIR!" We all said laughing. Even me.

"You're horrible." Kevin said looking at me. I just smiled at him. HE smiled back and told us all to get out of here.

"We'll see you guys in a bit." Brian said as he led me out the door to the car.

"Later guys!" I called out.

"Bye!" They all shouted in unison.

We hopped in the car and took off back to Brian's house. "Well?" Brian asked as we rounded the corner. "What did you think?"

" I think you were right. They are a great bunch of guys.What do you think they thoguht of me?" I asked him.

"They thought you were great. I knew that they would. Now lets get ready for tonight." Brian said as we pulled into his driveway.

"I'll need to run home and change then."

"No you don't. You look fine. So do I for that matter. They're the ones who were lounging around in shorts and t-shirts."

"You do have I point." I consented. SO what will we do with all that free time then? " I innocently inquired.

"How about this?" Brian said as he kissed me.

"Mmmmmmph hmmmmmmm." Was all I could manage as Brian and I liplocked for the next half-hour

Next: Chapter 5

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