We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on May 28, 2000


Disclaimer: All rules still apply. IT IS FICTION. =)

Remember, I still like comments. 'saintwirk@aol.com' hurry before the address changes after I move (yet again) but yuo can write me there know too. its 'saintwurk@aol.com' did you catch that. there is only a one letter difference so try and grasp the subtlety=) Take care all.


We Admitted It part 5

After kissing Brian for thirty minutes I looked a bit...disheveled. Actually Brian and I both looked like we'd been in a train wreck if you want to be a little more accurate. We spent the next 15 minutes trying to make it look like we hadn't in fact been rolling all over the living room floor in a major make-out session. When the living room, as well as the two of us, were back to looking like normal, we headed over to AJ's a little early. That way we wouldn't run the risk of losing track of time.

Well it was just as well we left when we did. AJ's is only about ten minutes from Brian's under normal circumstances, but with the crappy traffic it took us twenty-five. We pulled into the driveway noting that, as we suspected, we were the first to arrive. Brian, ever the gentleman, chastized me for opening my door and went around to let me out of the car himself. He then proceeded to lead me to the door where we knocked thrice before just coming in. "Hey AJ!" Brian yelled into the house.

"Hey Brian! You bring Chase?"

"Is Kevin Anal?" Brian said shooting me this look with his eyes like even I should know the answer to that one.

"Hey Chase! I'll be down in like five minutes guys!" AJ yelled.

"Hey AJ! We'll be here!" I yelled back. I followed Brian over to the couch and sat down next to him.

"Five minutes. Sounds like enough time for a kiss to me." Brian smiled seductively at me.

"Why Mr. Littrell, that sounded like a proposition to me." I said grinning at him.

"Care to take me up on it?" I kissed Brian before he could say anything more. My tongue searching every nook and cranny of his delectible mouth. His mouth opening up. Inviting me in. "Mmmmm." he groaned.

"Yummy." I said as we finished the kiss. Brian smiled at my reference to 'The Wedding Singer' and we both started to laugh.

"What are you two laughing at now." AJ said as he walked into the room.

"Never mind." Brian said.

"You had to be there." I added.

AJ just shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever you guys say. The other guys should be arriving in about twenty minutes or so. Lets listen to some music and we can talk until then." He walked over to his stereo and hit the play button on the CD player. 'Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.' by C+C Music Factory was the first song to come on. AJ just smiled when I looked at him.

"I love this song." I said looking at AJ with a little smile of my own.

"Yeah its great." Brian put in.

At that moment Kevin walked in through the door. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Kevin." From us all. "Nice to see you again." I said.

"Its nice to see you too." He said to me. "Now as soon as Nick and Howie get here we can get going. Nick called me on my way over here and said he should be here in fifteen ."

"I called Howie and he should be here in about ten." AJ informed us.

"Can I speak with you in the kitchen for a moment please." Kevin said to me. It wasn't a question. I looked over at Brian and he just nodded reluctantly so I followed Kevin into the kitchen.

"I just wanted to let you in on a few things." Kevin said with a serious expression. "First, the group and its image is something I take very seriously. So I'm not saying don't have fun or anything, but I am saying not to screw around. Secondly, I will not tolerate lying. I won't put up with it from them and I sure as hell won't put up with it from you. Third, if you try to hurt any of us in anyway I guarantee you'll be sorry. Four, don't mess with me. You can't handle it. And five," Kevin smiled, "I'm not particularly worried about you so don't be offended. I just want people to know that I really care about the group. We are a family and I intend to keep us that way."

"No problem Kevin." I said with a slight smile. "If AJ and Brian can put up with you, so can I." A big grin appeared as I said that making Kevin give a little laugh. And we walked back into the living room to find Nick and Howie already there.

"Well you aren't dead so Kev must think you're O.K." Nick said smiling. "Hi Chase."

"Hi Chase." From Howie.

"Hey Nick. Hey Howie." I turned to the rest of the group. "You all ready to go?"

"He's as bad as Kev is already and they were only in there for five minutes!" Brian said with a smile.

"Shut up." Kevin and I both said as we smaked him in the back of the head. We just looked at each other as the guys started to laugh again. We all shuffled outside and got into AJ's Hummer. Being the brightest color they came in, it was yellow. And very sweet.

The drive to the theater was uneventful. We parked about a block away and seeing as how Kevin had already purchased the tickets earlier we skipped the line and went right in to our seats. Kevin sat in the dead center of the auditorium while Nick and AJ sat near the front. Howie was with Kevin while Brian and I sat in the last row. The movie was good and with the exception of holding hands throughout the whole thing Brian and I were on our best behavior.

After the movie we walked to the car discussing where we were going to eat. We still hadn't agreed on anything by the time we got into the car so I told AJ where we should go and since I did such a great job picking the movie he went for it. Everyone was so busy arguing where we should go that they didn't realize that we were there already as we pulled into the parking lot. AJ turned off the Hummerand the guys finally noticed where we were.

"I've heard of this place." Howie said. "They're supposed to have great food."

"That's what I heard too." Kevin added. "Well, lets go in."

We all shuffled into the restaurant and the Maitre 'D took one lookk at who was there with me and gave us the table in the vault. I had been there many times before so he knew me well and knew that I would appreciate that. Since the restaurant used to be a bank the vault was the most secluded spot in it. The only entrance faced to the side of the rest of the dining area so that you were assured privacy.

We sat down and our waitress, Mary, came in taking our orders right away and bringing us their appetizer sampler. Obviously the Maitre 'D had told her who I was with. She was my favorite waitress here and she always waited on me whenever I came in. And knowing what I like she had brought the best of all the wonderful appetizers for us to munch on while we waited for our orders to cook.

"Wow." Nick said. "This is cool. Good job AJ."

"It wasn't my idea. Chase picked it out. I just figured that since he was so right with the movie that I'd go with it. I must say, he had a good idea" AJ explained.

"Then good job Chase." Nick said.

"Yeah. Its nice."' Howie said.

"Nice going."' Brian whispered to me smiling.

"It is a nice place." Kevin said. " How'd you hear about it?"

"Oh a friend of mine owns it. I come here all the time." I told them.

"Awesome!" Nick spoke up.

"If you'll all excuse me for a moment I'm going to give her the surprise of her life and tell her who I have joining me at her restaurant this evening." I said with a wicked grin.

"By all means." Kevin responded.

So I headed through the kitchen to Bridget's office to let her know I was here, knowing that Jason, the Maitre 'D and a good friend of mine, would let me surprise her myself. I saw her through the window to her office going over some paper work so I just let myself in. Bridget glaced up at me and then, realizing who it was, beamed a smile at me.

"Chase! How are you! I haven't seen you in a month."

"I know! How was your vacation? And I hope you noticed that neither your son nor myself burned the place down while you were gone." I said to her.

"First of all I DID notice and thank you very much. And second, it was great! I love St.Thomas. Its such a peaceful place. And Grand Cayman is always great for scuba diving. Not to mention the shopping on St. Croix and the Partying on St. Barts." She said laughing a bit at the end.

"I know what you mean. I remember the last when you and I went together." I said smiling. "Now THAT was fun!"

"Sure was! So did you need something or did you just stop by to say hi?"

"Well actually I decided to eat here and I brought some friends along. You know who they are but you've never met them." I told her.

"Who?" She said with a puzzled expression on her face.

"You'll see. Follow me." I led her towards the vault. As we walked into the vault I said, "Hey guys. This is my best friend Bridget. She owns this place."

Before I had even had the chance to finish my sentence, Bridget's eys had poped out of her head and her jaw hit the floor. "Excuse me a moment please gentlemen." She said and walked out of the vault dragging me by my hair. As soon as we stepped to the side of the doorway the guys could hear her as she started to smack my shoulder ranting, "How could you do this to me! How could you not tell me! I'm gonna kill you you little shit! Oh! I should never allow you in here again!" all the while still hitting me. " You little shit!"

All the while, I could hear the guys stiffling their laughter. We rentered the room and Claire had sufficiently recovered. "Its a pleasure to meet all of you. I really enjoy your music and I'm honored that you came here tonight." Bridget said sincerely.

"Its us that are honored to partake of this wondrous place." AJ said to Bridget. Then he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it. Bridget blushed. I've never seen her embarassed by anything before. That's part of why we made such great friends. Neither of us minded at all when the other was just getting more than just a little bit crazy.

"Oh. Um. Well, Thank you. Uh, if you would all excuse me I have some things to take care of." Bridget stamered.

"Certainly." Kevin said.

"Please feel free to join us if you have the opportunity." AJ offered. Looking directly into her eyes. Bridget just nodded and then backed out of the room. Her face still showing the surprise of AJ's kiss to her hand.

"I think AJ just made himself a new friend." I said with a smirk. "She really is a great one. Definately a person worth knowing. She's just great."

"I know." AJ said simply. "You have great taste and I trust your instincts completely. We really are a lot alike."

"You're telling me. The last time I saw her that surprised was when I first met her. I heard her talking to herself and I just went over to her and smacked her on her butt. She was absolutely shocked but when she recovered she just smacked mine as well and said it hurts more if you leave your hand there. we've been best friends ever since."

"I can just see you doing that." Brian said looking at me and then to AJ. "Both of you."

AJ and I just looked at each other and grinned.

Well that's it for this installment. I'm tired and need a break for the night. What do you think? Didn't expect that last part there did you? I'll finish that up don't you worry. responses please. I do like them. saintwirk@aol.com

Next: Chapter 6

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