We Met on the Net

By MeatMeNKs

Published on Nov 5, 2004



DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen year of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do.

We met on the 'net one nite, while I was surfing and chatting. I checked mail, and saw I had a note from an interesting sounding screen name. In his email, he invited me to chat with him should I be interested in the things he liked to do, and so I perused his profile and found we had more than a few common interests. I'm a total bottom with a sub side I hadn't really explored, and he a total top with a Dom side. "This could be fun" I thought as I read thru his info. He was all the things I like... somewhat older, taller than me (altho there's nothing wrong with guys my average height or shorter!) and good stats, too... and that Dom and B/D side of him really made me curious!

I checked to see if he was online.... sure enough, there he is! "Whew! He's online... hmmm.... now what to do?"

Sometimes one must take a chance in life to have fun and live life... so I decided "What the hell", and started the chat...

"Hi! How are you? John here... I'm glad you sent me email, I find your profile interesting, let's chat!" A long minute passed before he returned my initial message. "Hello, Name's Butch, I'm glad you are on tonight and liked what you saw enough to chat with me."

And so our chat began.... first, with the usual complimentaries..."I like your photos", "Great stats!", things like that... you know what I mean, you've most likely had this chat if you've ever chatted online! I was almost too embarrassed to bring up what I was most interested in.... but he brought it out of me finally.

He asked "So, what part of my profile information made you decide to chat with me tonight? And BE HONEST!" I thought, " I like this man and his direct, to the point ways." I was honest and told him I had some fantasies about someone like him showing me "the ropes".

"Good boy, and have you ever done this kind of thing before?" he asked.

"No, not really... I"ve had a friend or two that said they wanted to play that way but really didn't know what they were doing, so it was more of a disappointment than fun. That's why I want to find someone that has experience, that already knows what to do and what they want." I responded.

"And you're sure this is something you want....you wouldn't back out or change your mind at the last minute?" he asked.

My answer.... "YES... and NO!"

"GOOD! Now, I want you to meet me back online tomorrow nite at this same time, and we'll chat again." And with that he logged off. I was left to ponder... what had I gotten into? I did exactly as I was told and logged on the next night and sure enough, there he was...

"Hi again!" I began our chat. "Hello my boy, glad to see you on again tonight."

Thus started a two week process of us chatting for a while each evening and then him instructing me log back on again and chat with him the next night, or several nights later. I began to wonder if the first evening's chat about our mutual interest had all been in my head as he never mentioned it again. I truly enjoyed chatting with this man however, and learned as many things about him as he learned about me so I didn't mind that we had not continued our chat about that "area" but I was disappointed, to say the least, but glad to have made a new friend.

Until one nite when that all changed.

"Hello, my boy! What are your plans for the evening?" his chat started out on that night, as it had on many previous nights.

"Hello sir! Same as has been for the past few days, sitting here and chatting with you." was my reply as I grinned.

"No, that's not going to happen... you are going to have a different night tonight. I want you to get yourself showered and cleaned up, then put on the short short jeans cutoffs you have... the ones you have on in your photo you sent me last Thursday, a T-shirt your flip flops and drive to my house. WEAR NOTHING ELSE, understand?" "Uh, yes... yeah, uh... sure!" was all I could think. What was all this about?

"When you arrive, you are to do exactly as I say, do not look at me or say anything or the evening I have planned for you will be at it's end. Can you agree to that?" "Uh, YES!" was all I could manage... I was beginning to grasp what was happening!

"Good boy, you will receive an email shortly with the instructions you need. If you feel that you cannot or do not want to go thru with this, you are to respond to that email that you cannot and that will be the end of our experience together. If you choose to follow that message, follow it to the letter. That is all." And with that he logged off just as I got the email. I opened it with a sense of excitement, alarm, caution and hope! So many emotions were pouring thru me as I read his directive. I decided as I headed to the shower that come what may, I was going to meet this man and see where this experience led me.

I drove nervously to the address he gave, not far from my own home. I pulled up to a nice, well kept house on an otherwise non-descript street in an otherwise average neighborhood. I parked where directed, and walked to the door and got ready to knock when the door swung open, and his voice told me "Look down, at my feet boy! Get in here and kneel on the floor!" I did as I was told, and the door swung closed behind me as I knelt on the floor in the entranceway to his house. "GOOD boy, now.... open your mouth!"

I did so as he opened his robe to reveal his large, hard cock... that was dripping with his precum! Just as my mouth opened, it was filled with that cock.... a cock that was now filling the back of my throat! I started to suck and lick it as he plunged it back and forth into my mouth, making me moan with desire.

"That's right boy... suck my big fat cock! I'm gonna make you my bitch tonight, and you're going to love what I do to you!"

All I could do was moan and suck his wonderful piece of meat! He had to be a good 8 inches, and very thick... I couldn't quite get my fingers around his girth! I could also barely deep throat him, and if he had been longer than 8, I wouldn't have been able to... let's just say I know that from experience! I had no idea from our chat that my new friend was so well equipped... he never gave me an opportunity to ask, I guess! "OH, yes... you do know how to suck dick, don't you boy? You've had a few down your throat before! I knew you were a good cocksucker the first time I saw those lips of yours in your pics... and you like being called cocksucker, don't you boy?"

I prepared to take his cock out of my mouth and answer him when he grabbed me by the ears and slammed his cock back into my mouth!

"Did I say you could TALK BOY? SUCK THAT DICK!"

For quite a while he kept me on my knees in front of his door, with his cock in my mouth. He instructed me to take of my T-shirt... and I did so, briefly letting his cock out of my mouth. Before he filled my face again tho, he whipped his cock against my cheeks, and said

"That's not the only set of cheeks of yours that will feel my cock before the night is out.... now, stand up and let me watch you take off those shorts. Turn and face the door and pull them down around your ankles!" I did as he instructed and he began to run his hands up and down my torso, pulling on my nipples and stroking my hard cock... then moving down to my ass.

"AAAH, yes.... just what I was expecting.... you are going to be a wonderful toy to play with! I knew when I saw your profile that you were going to be just what Daddy wanted! NOW, back down on your knees and turn around so I can face fuck you some more, you cocksucker!" "Yeah, just like that.... MMMM.... use those lips, use your hands.... run your hands and fingers thru Daddies' chest hair... play with my nipples... oh, just like that!"

Needless to say, I did as he said. This was a hot, sexy time with a hot sexy cock and I was in heaven! He soon had another suprise for me that drew a sharp breath of excitement from me and made my cock that much harder. As I ran my hands around his chest... he suddenly clamped my wrists together with the cold steel of his handcuffs!

He then reached down and placed a blindfold on me, as I continued to suck him. After a few more moments of my oral manipulations, he pulled me up by the shoulders and told me it was time to move to the this little party into the bedroom. He led me down the hallway by my dick and pulled me into the bedroom and over to the side of the bed.

"Lie down on the bed on your back, slut." he commanded me, and I did so... even tho I more fell on the bed than lay down as I couldn't see where I was going. He then took some rope and tied my legs to the bed, and moved up and took the cuffs off and tied my wrists to the headboard. I was helplessly spread eagle on the bed, tied and blindfolded! He moved up and sat on my chest, and fed his cock into my mouth again. He had that big cock lodged in the back of my throat again, but not for long... he had other plans for what he was going to do with his cock and my holes in this room! He pulled out of my mouth and moved between my legs and pulled them as far apart as they would go... and began to rub cock into my ass.

"Are you ready for this fat cock, boy? Can you take it? Do you want me to shove this hard pole into you? Tell me you want it!" he said as he rubbed his cock up and down my crack, and teased my hole with it. I could feel his precum wetting my ass, and the feeling was making me hot for him to plow me! "OH yes, I gotta feel your cock in me, please.... please fuck me!" I was panting, gasping and trying to move my hips and ass into a position where I could get him in me, but I was firmly tied to the bed. I begged him "PLEASE!! FUCK ME!!"

He just laughed at me, but he lubed his cock and my ass and began to press his cock into the entrance of my tight hole, and I could feel my ass start to stretch to accomodate his big dick. It was a little painful at first due to his thickness but as he pushed farther into my hole he paused and gave me a moment to get used to his size. After just a short pause, he pushed in and was suddenly balls deep in my ass! I could feel his nuts brushing my asscheeks and we both moaned as we realized that he was all the way in!

"OOOOOHHHHH! oh, Oh, OH!" I moaned again as he began to pick up the pace and fuck me harder and faster. He was beginning to sweat and moan too, and I was more turned on than I ever had been in my life! His hands were under my legs and hips, pulling me onto his cock and his balls were slapping my ass. I had never felt so full of cock! I had precum dripping all over my belly as his cock slammed into me over and over and caused my hard cock to bounce up and down.

As I was being rammed hard and fast by his big hard cock, I came to the realization that being tied to a hot, well hung stud's bed with him buried deep in my ass was the hottest thing that had EVER happened to me and I started to feel my orgasm begin deep in my being... I started a low moan that grew louder and stronger and ended with a shout as my cock began spasming and shooting cum all over my chest, belly and the bed! "OH, SHIT!!!!" he shouted as my ass clamped down on his cock in sudden orgasm. I could feel his cock swell, and he blasted his cum into me!

"OHHHHHH!!! AHHHH! HELL MAN! OH! OH! WOW! I've never felt a guy's ass do that when he cums!" he exclaimed as he collapsed onto my chest and started to rub my cum into me. "You've obviously not been fucking the right guy then, huh?" I smiled at him as he pulled off my blindfold and I looked at this handsome man for the first time. He laughed and agreed with me.

"Yeah, and since I still have you tied down, I just might fuck you again, just to see if you're really the right guy!"

I just smiled and moaned my approval as I felt his cock begin to grow inside me again!

email inquiries and comments to meatmenks at yahoo dot com, thanks!

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