We Need a Daddy

By moc.liamg@ruof4kram

Published on Nov 3, 2008


We Need a Daddy Part 2

By Frank Lee

Did I remember him? The familiar young voice on the phone was seriously asking this as though I could ever forget him as long as I live.

The image of him walking into my phys-ed class that first day of his freshman year stayed with me like a video clip. I called him Edward as it said on the roster and kept calling him that, even after finding out that all his peers called him Eddie. I worried that if I called him Eddie I would one day forget that I was not a peer and try to do with him what I imagined doing from the moment I first saw him. He was the most desirable kid in the class, a perfect specimen of the kind of cutie pie who can make a gay high school teacher crazy enough with lust to land himself in jail. He remained a lust object of mine all through high school. Now he was on the phone asking if I remembered him. Oh, Lordy!

As he spoke I recalled gratefully that he and his constant companion Chip provided me with many nights of bedtime fantasy. I'd find excuses to happen to be in the locker room when one of them was likely to be there for a shower. Seeing either one naked would make me weak and make my week.

So when Eddie suggested a reunion of sorts, it was like an impossible dream realized. I agreed without hesitation. He said he was living with Chip while they earned enough for college. That was the first inkling I had that these two studly boys might be more than friends. It was a very agreeable surprise. I was not out at Ridgemont, having decided early in my career that the combination of being gay and coaching sports was too risky. Nowadays it seems foolish to let such fears affect one's life, but that was then, and I prided myself on my total discretion. Even in recent years I figured I might as well keep up the straight act and did so until my retirement last year. As far as they knew I was a typical straight coach. Come to think of it, as far as I knew, Eddie and Chip were typical straight jocks. Suddenly the whole picture was all out of focus.

Being closeted did not prevent me from privately lusting after my students, especially ones like Eddie, who seemed to revel in showing off his gorgeous body. Strolling casually from shower to locker, he'd have his towel draped over one shoulder, resembling a moving David statue, every curve in the right place. The only thing concealed was one side of his steel-hard, slightly fuzzy chest behind the draped towel. It was all I could do to avoid gasping at the sight of his gorgeous penis as it flopped confidently from one thigh to the other. When he'd pull the towel off his shoulder to dry himself, he'd plant one foot on the bench and bend over to dry between his toes.

Sometimes I had an eerie feeling that he knew I was there and was deliberately putting on a show. As his smooth, perky butt poked out behind him, his stance would proudly reveal his awesome pucker hole, a raw, pink treasure framed by sizzling globes of teenage flesh. Many's the time I fantasized quietly stealing up behind him and taking those curvy cheeks in my hands, widening the sunburst hole with my thumbs and forefingers, and slipping my tongue into the delicious tunnel to taste his nectar. I'd imagine him moaning in appreciation and turning around with a big smile to reassure me that he didn't view this as the illicit assault it really was by a dirty old man on an innocent teen, but rather, the pleasant launch of a consensual bacchanal afternoon.

My day dream would inevitably be shattered by the slam of a locker door or the arrival of a kid behind me. An intruder would surely have wondered, had I continued standing there, what the hell I was doing outside the doorway ogling his naked classmate, so I'd give him my well-rehearsed, plausible alibi of what I was doing there.

Now this boy of my day dreams and wet dreams is telling me that he and Chip live together and want me to visit. I didn't want to draw any premature conclusion, but the idea of them together, possibly being lovers, got my juices flowing. I told him I thought it must be fun to be rooming together and left it to him to take my salacious meaning ... or not.

When the date arrived, I was so excited and nervous I could hardly get ready. The hard-on that woke me in the morning kept returning all day to remind me of the lust dream I was hoping for that evening.

Driving to their condo, I had to steer with one hand. My left hand was nestled in my crotch. It felt good diddling my nuts and then running my palm over my cock head. I pressed the hard shaft against my inner thigh and felt it stiffen every time I recalled the sight of Eddie or Chip showering in their naked glory. In the 10-minute drive I progressed from eager anticipation to desperate, unbridled sex hunger. My left pant leg darkened with the leakage from my cock. The pre-cum actually oozed right through the fabric, and I could feel the sticky liquid on my fingers. Rubbing it around to dissipate it only produced more of the same and a bigger wet spot. I wondered if it would be noticeable. Then I decided I didn't care and gave up trying to hide it. So what if my guess about these sexy guys was wrong? What would they do, beat me up? No way. Straight or gay they were two of the sweetest students I'd ever met at Ridgemont. They were highly unlikely to emerge as homophobic rednecks a year later.

Eddie answered the door looking every bit as hot as I remembered him. We shook hands, and he led me to a comfortable couch where Chip was seated. They both seemed a bit ill at ease. After initial small talk and catching up there was a gap in the conversation until Chip asked if I wanted a tour of the place. Eddie said he had a few kitchen chores left. Chip took me to the first of two bedrooms. I asked whose this was, and Chip said matter-of-factly, "This is the guest room. We're together in the main bedroom down here."

Wow! No doubt left now.

Their bedroom was gorgeous. It had a four-poster king size bed, gigantic antique dresser with rococo mirror, and two stylish night stands: Simplicity with a touch of overstated elegance. The macho design of the bedcover and curtains did nothing to diminish the overall impression that this was the bedroom of two gay men. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked around.

"Surprised?" asked Chip.

"A little bit," I said, "because you were both so damn 'straight' in school. But when Eddie called to invite me and said you lived together, I thought you might be lovers. In fact that is what I hoped. You probably realize that I am gay. I don't know if you've also guessed that I am mightily attracted to you both and have been for a long time."

Eddie came into the room, and seeing me sitting down, asked Chip, "What are you ..., starting 'the conversation' without me?"

"Well, sort of," Chip replied with a chuckle. "Don't worry. We just broke the ice. The big subject is still to come."

The intrigue of his comment got my sap flowing big time. I sat there, a hand on each thigh, gazed first at one then the other, and tried to convince myself that it was not just my libidinous imagination. Reading my mind, Eddie and Chip walked to the bed and stood on either side of me, each putting a hand on my shoulder, as though they'd rehearsed this moment. Eddie on my left ran the back of his hand up my cheek and mussed my hair. Chip caught my eyes in a vise lock and wouldn't let go. Here were these two gorgeous boys, students of mine up to a year ago, seducing me, and doing a very good job of it. The fact that not a word was exchanged only intensified the intimacy.

I finally snapped out of my trance long enough to ask, "What is this 'big subject' Chip mentioned?"

Chip replied, "We have a proposition, but first, why don't we all have a drink." He took my hand and led me back to the living room. Eddie followed with his hand on my shoulder. As soon as Chip made us drinks and we sat down, Eddie said, "We need a daddy."

"OK," I said. I had a notion of what he was getting at. These were not na‹ve high school boys, at least not any more. In the year since they graduated they'd done a lot of maturing. Still, I wanted no misunderstanding. "Look, you both have fathers. They're both alive. How do you mean, 'we need a daddy'?"

Eddie repeated himself with more clarity. "We need a REAL daddy. Our biological fathers were never real dads. Now we have cut the cord and are basically alienated from them, and we would like to make up for that absent relationship. We'd like to try it with you."

After that sank in, I let us all sit in silence a while. It was long enough to make them nervous that I didn't respond. Then I smiled and said simply, "You bet. Tell me more. Obviously, you have a plan in mind."

Ignoring my curiosity for the moment, Chip said, "What I have in mind is about the here and now instead of discussing plans. You feel that way too, Eddie?"

"Yeah," said Eddie. He was sitting close to me with his hand caressing my thigh. His seductive rubbing slowed when he reached my cock to give it a prolonged squeeze through the cloth. The second time he held it that way, feeling how stiff it was, he turned my head toward him and kissed me firmly. He reached deep into my mouth with his roving tongue. I tongue battled with him. As our lips locked, I watched his dreamy eyes widen and crinkle, conveying the smile his lips were too busy to express. My cock was raging hard by now.

When our lips parted, Chip, who sat on the other side of me, picked up where Eddie left off. Gazing into my eyes, he whispered, "Daddy, I want you." It was as though he relieved an entire pent-up frustration in that one sentence. Chip's kiss was fully as stimulating as Eddie's, and when he stuck his tongue down my throat, he guided my hand behind him to his rounded butt cheeks.

I needed no more coaxing than that. I grabbed one cheek and worked my middle finger into the crack, pressing the seat of his pants steadily against his ass hole. Feeling his lips against mine and his hand diddling my cock and balls egged me on. I started pushing hard against his hole. I could sense that this was triggering a flash of passion. Each time I'd push my finger, I'd feel his hand tighten around my dick. It was like a pavlovian reaction. The thrill of each passionate kiss and each cock grip stimulated my own surge of revived libido. I can't remember when I last felt such compelling erotic energy.

Chip kept playing with my cock while Eddie traced the inside of my ear with his finger. Eddie massaged my neck while Chip reached under my shirt and searched my hairy chest for my nipples. He squeezed each one.

Chip took our foreplay to the next level. He unbuckled my belt, pulled my pants to the floor, and exposed the wet spot left on my boxers by my moistened prick. He pulled on the waistband of my boxers for a closer look at what was making such a spectacle and reached inside to grip it with his palm and thumb. He held the head close to his mouth and blew on it gently then stroked the whole joystick with his thumb. He continued teasing until I blurted in frustration, "Take that fucking thing in your mouth and suck on it!"

Biting his lower lip with a mischievous grin, he bent his head into my lap and licked my cock head. He French kissed the piss hole, fluttered his lips around the crown, the tip of his tongue flicking in and around the hole, thumb and two fingers wrapped around the base of the throbbing shaft. When he swallowed the whole thing, it was obvious he'd become an expert at sucking cock. It shook me that this former student was sucking my man tool with all the skill of a professional escort. As the surpassingly pleasant sensation of his cock sucking consumed me, I realized that I would have no problem whatsoever loving Chip and Eddie as my sons.

While Chip was hoovering my cock head, Eddie fondled my neck and ears, rubbed my chest and pinched my nipples, pinching each one in turn, twisting and letting go. Eddie pulled Chip's head off my cock so they could continue disrobing me. He yanked my outer shirt over my head, then my undershirt. Chip pulled my pants from around my ankles and tossed them over a chair before removing my shoes and socks. I felt like a Chippendale stripper letting smitten fans disrobe him. They shed their own clothes while stripping me.

Eddie zeroed in on my cock and claimed his turn. He went down on it so far he briefly choked and pulled away. The gagging stoked my fire. I lifted my hips up hard and dug the head of my cock deep down his throat. I repeated this four or five times until eliciting a muffled, desperate gasp. After inhaling some air, he resumed the suction and happily swallowed any lingering discomfort. He rubbed the purple helmet around the lining of his throat. I could feel pre-cum oozing from my cock as he held the swollen head firmly in the grip of his throat muscles.

I was shifting my attention to what a thrill it would be to fuck these boys and get fucked in return. The image flashed through my mind of me in the middle of a chain fuck. Eddie's strong hold on my cock never loosened. I soon reached the edge, just short of unleashing my juice down his throat, but I wanted to savor this joy as long as possible. I gently took his head by the ears and signaled the intensity of my passion by pulling his mouth to the tip of my cock and holding it there. I leaned over and whispered, "Slow down, stud. I'm real close. I don't know how much longer I can hold out."

"Don't worry about that," he said. "I'm gonna make you cum over and over, and I don't care how long it takes each time."

Music to my ears!

"God," I thought. "If you and Chip can manage to pull more than two loads out of me, you'll be giving me an experience I haven't had in a good 10 years."

Somehow, though, I did not doubt that they could make me spill seed multiple times and still have more for the morning. I was like a third randy teenager, surrounded by two gorgeous studs who couldn't say enough about how much they desired me. The thrill of the moment, the incredibly sexy feeling throughout my body, overwhelmed me. I didn't know what they'd propose once we got to the delayed subject of their plans for the future, but it was sure to be good.

While Eddie continued flicking his tongue over my tingling cock head, Chip maneuvered around so he straddled me, facing away, his butt crack directly in front of my mouth. I pulled his ass to me, stuck my tongue inside his hole, and elicited a guttural, animalistic grunt of ecstasy from him. I've always prided myself on my rimming skills. He clearly appreciated them.

His ass and groin emitted a musky, macho scent that invited me to satisfy my hunger for man booty. Each lick was a delight, like savoring the most delectable of desserts. Each moan from Chip urged me to bury my tongue deeper. I stuck my thumbs in his hole and pulled its edges wide apart, keeping my hands on his warm, tender butt flesh.

Eddie sat up next to me and reached behind my neck and around my chin to take hold of Chip's ball sac. He pulled him down by the balls so his knees were on the couch and his ass at a good level to get fucked. My hard-on did a double take. It sprang up sharply as I rose to kneel behind Chip and enter that tasty butt hole. Eddie handed me a condom and before I put it on gave my cock a couple of tight twists with his fist. I rolled the latex onto my roaring hard cock. It wasn't easy. My hands and legs were quivering with excitement. Eddie squirted some lube on his fingers and smeared it up and down Chip's crack, slathering lots of it in and around the hole, then gave my cock another fist twist to lube it up. The winking hole shined with lube, waiting for me to penetrate.

I positioned the throbbing head at his sweet opening and leaned my body into his. At first I encountered minor resistance. His tight opening soon gave way and welcomed me inside with a swoosh of suction that pulled on my shaft with such pressure that my pubes hitting his ass cheeks made a loud slapping sound. It was a stunning sensation. I stayed still, my cock inserted to the groin bone in his love tunnel, my balls rubbed together by his butt cheeks. I could have stayed forever locked inside him that way, feeling his ass hole tightly spasm against the entire length of my cock. Staying still at this point was my only defense against losing my load then and there.

Eddie got behind me and played with my ass as I gradually started moving my hips and fucking his lust buddy. He pushed me in and pulled me out. As his hands warmed my already hot flesh back there, I realized that I needed him to penetrate me as I was penetrating Chip. "Fuck me, Eddie," I said. "Get inside me now before I lose it. I want us all to cum together."

Eddie moved quickly. He lubed my hole, wrapped his stiff tool and stabbed it inside in one breathtaking motion. The three of us rocked back and forth, a daddy-and-sons sandwich about to be flavored with the mayonnaise of man seed.

Eddie had his hands on my shoulders and used them for leverage to slam his cock deeper with each thrust. The third pump into my ass gave me a start. It felt like his cock head was pounding against my belly button from inside. It was such a powerful charge it swept my whole body forward. My cock pounded Chip's innermost organs and elicited a loud scream from him. I worried that I had hurt him and asked if he was OK.

"Oh yeah," he said. "I could not be more OK. The pain is fantastic. Hurt me again, Daddy."

I took him at his word that he was not only enduring these invasions but loving the pain so much that it redoubled his pleasure. I pulled out a couple times so I could rub my cock head over the ass hole and reenter him with even more force.

While I had my throbbing cock outside him and diddled his hole that way, Eddie was all the way inside my bowels. He rocked his hips left and right and made his cock do an incredibly hot twist dance inside me. Out of the blue Eddie cried, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum."

So much for cumming together. I was not quite there. I leaned onto Chip's torso, arched my back, my cock stiff against his ass crack, and got ready for Eddie's blast. He pulled out and shot a wad that soaked my ass cheeks. The thick, warm fluid felt wonderful. He scraped some onto his fingers and brought the dripping boy nectar around to my mouth for a taste. I kept the jizz inside my mouth and turned Chip's head around so I could share it in a kiss with him. Then Eddie took hold of my cock and jacked it back to full erection so I could reinsert it up Chip's butt. Now it was Chip's turn, and with me inside him, he let loose a tumbler full of hot cream. I said I was getting real close, and Chip yelled, "Hold on. Not yet. Let Eddie and me lie under you so we can drink it."

He pulled his ass off my cock and turned around, face below my cock. Eddie got down there from behind, his face next to Chip's. I wanked my rod no more than three strokes before it spewed gush after gush. I aimed each spurt at one or the other's mouth. At least two shots hit each target. The rest drenched their faces like white rivers, covering Eddie's chin, under Chip's right eye and into his hair. I had no idea I could shoot such so much volume.

Now I was done for and ready for a rest. I didn't want to stop. I wanted this to go on without end, but my body was telling me it needed a break. I breathlessly suggested that we eat.

"Good idea," said Chip. "We are the naked chefs. You want to be the naked diner?"

I laughed and said fine. Putting on clothes would be too much trouble and rather pointless after our orgy. I felt like a decadent Roman patrician whose day consisted of gorging on sex, then food, then sex. The most I would have wanted to wear anyway was a toga.

Eddie and Chip busied themselves in the kitchen while I stayed put on the couch. I had a partial view of them. It was fun to see how frisky and playful they were, still full of energy. It felt like deja vu, with me back at the locker room doorway spying on them. (I made a mental note to confess to them some day about my voyeurism.) At one point Chip swatted Eddie on his ass with a dish towel. That took him by surprise and prompted Eddie to grab Chip by the waist, spin him around and give him a knuckle rub on the head. Then he pulled their lips together for a passionate kiss. Chip dropped to his knees, swallowed Eddie's cock and brought it back to full-flowered rigidity.

Eddie jacked Chip's cock to a matching state. At the same time he reached his other hand to Chip's ass and stuck a finger in it. As Eddie bent over Chip's body to reach his cock and hole, his own ass cheeks separated splendidly like a curtain unveiling the prize jewel. Gazing on that auburn sphincter, I realized I had to get my cock up there soon so my reunion with the boys would be complete. Not that I thought this was the last time we would be together, far from it. I had a feeling we would spend many future days and hopefully years in one another's company. Still, I harbored a slight disbelief that what was happening was real. I had a compulsion to make the most of this opportunity in short order. I would fuck that boy just like I fucked his buddy, only harder.

My cock, which had momentarily subsided, sprang to life at the sight of those wondrous boy buns and the shining disk between them that promised an entry I could only imagine. My dick was actually doing the imagining. Would I ever lose this hard-on? If those randy scamps had their way we would be making love on this visit at every moment when not sleeping or eating. I had no problem with that agenda.

Finally Eddie lifted his head from Chip's back and straightened up. He looked around to see me ogling and noticed my hard-on, which was hard to miss. This prompted a huge smile, and he winked at me and pointed to his own stiffie, fresh from Chip's mouth. He made a jacking motion and licked his lips fetchingly, then winked again and turned to the stovetop grill to flip the steaks. One of these days, I thought playfully, I'll teach that cock tease a lesson, but right now I was enjoying the show. He put his tiny chef's apron back on and turned toward me to show his boner protruding from his crotch under the skimpy cloth. Chip wore a matching one. They were labeled "His" and "His." These boys had been doing some adventurous shopping. I was tempted to go in and untie both aprons so their tools could become my appetizers but decided not to.

"I'm leaving you two alone for now, against my better judgment," I said. "If we start up again, we'll never eat anything but cock and ass."

"Yeah, right," Chip replied with a chuckle. "Like that would bother you!"

"There could be worse fates," I conceded. "But after our play session I am hungry enough to eat a cow, so I hope those steaks are good and thick."

"Thick, but not as thick as that meat you're packing," said Chip.

It was a generous comment about my endowment inasmuch as each of them had cock girth that put mine to shame.

After Chip put the finishing touches on the salad, they brought the food to the table with fanfare, singing, "Here comes the food" to the tune of the Wedding March. The steaks looked just right, the salad fresh and tempting, but the piece de resistance was the platter of mashed potatoes.

They were neatly piled like a white mountain. On each side was an indentation in the shape of an erect penis viewed from the side. Chip and Eddie had pressed their hard-ons into the sides and left exact replicas. I could even tell which was which. Chip's was on the left, the thick veins running along the inside of the mold as on his real one. Eddie's cock helmet was unmistakable on the right hand impression. They stood by the mashed potatoes, rigid cocks next to the two impressions, trying to trick me. Eddie stood on the left with his cock lined up at Chip's mold, and Chip did the same with Eddie's. I didn't say a word but stood up, took each live cock in hand, and made them move around to the correctly corresponding molds. They burst into laughter.

"Can't fool our daddy, can we," said Eddie. "You know us so well it's fucking scary."

"Oh, I don't think it's so scary," I said. "Those are both monster cocks that I am sure I can tame over time."

We all laughed and sat down.

"The food is delicious," I said, "but I can hardly wait for dessert!"

Chip and Eddie wolfed down their food so quickly that both finished well before I did. They sat like good boys for a while and politely waited for their daddy to finish. Soon, though, Eddie got impatient to start his "dessert" while I was still working on my salad, which I'd left to last. He knelt beside my chair and put his face on my napkin. My cock rose to the occasion. He slid the napkin from my groin and wrapped his lips around the stiffening rod. Needless to say, my salad course was the highlight of the meal. Stimulated by Eddie's vigorous cock sucking, I soon reached the point of no return, threw back my head, and let a massive load pour into his throat.

So that I wouldn't be left hungering for the sweet nectar of our dessert, Chip and Eddie stood on either side of my chair and alternated shoving cocks in my mouth. Eddie was the more aggressive. He face- fucked me with a stabbing motion. Chip would hold his cock at the base and tease me by smacking the shaft on my cheeks and between my lips as I hung out my tongue in desperate desire. I would catch the shaft about every third slap and pull the whole thing inside. I'd twist it around in my mouth, make love to it with my tongue, and feel the pre-cum ooze down my throat.

Eddie was ready to blow first. He yanked his dick from my lips and nudged Chip to take his place. While I was sucking on Chip's engorged manhood, Eddie jacked his and sprayed a bucketful of cum onto Chip's cock. Some got on my chin, but most landed along the cock and in my mouth. I kept sucking on Chip's cock while drinking in Eddie's creamy jizz. Before I had cleaned off the last of Eddie's pudding, I brought Chip to his own climax, which flushed into my mouth. Our dessert was unparalleled.

I was spent again. The boys were also ready for a break. We finally could discuss their proposition. We were all buck naked, sticky with cum, but there was not a hint of discomfort or embarrassment. That's how relaxed we had become in this, our first intimate evening together.

Eddie started, "We both really appreciate your coming over here. Especially we love that we turn you on sexually. We want you to be our daddy, but we wanted to be sure you like us before we asked you to join our relationship." Chip continued, "We both had tough times with our dads, and we both see you as a father figure. We thought you might be gay but weren't sure, so tonight we found out a lot of things. I hope we will also hear you agree to be our daddy."

To paraphrase an axiom, a fuck is worth a thousand words. Instead of answering, I took Eddie and Chip by the arms into the bedroom, put Eddie face down on the bed, had Chip kneel in front of me, and proceeded to ream Eddie a new ass hole with my manhood while Chip fucked my face. This time we did manage to cum in unison, all three of us. It was amazing, and it was spectacular. We were so exhausted that we turned down the covers, crawled under them, and fell asleep.

That was three weeks ago. I haven't spent more than two hours in a row at my house since. I think we were born to be daddy and sons.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 3

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