We Will Remember Them

By Don Cornelius

Published on May 27, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters are real and any similarities between this story and/or any characters in it and real life is purely coincidental.


The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Please send all comments to doncornelius69 at yahoo dot com and please donate to NIFTY!

The next month was a blur of baseball practice and games, end of school, and Kami.

Alan and I tried to limit our activities to twice a week but that didn't last long. By the end of the month we'd moved on to head and, surprisingly, he reciprocated even the first time. I asked him about it at one point and he just smiled and said this was about two friends getting off, if it was anything else he'd feel weird. We never kissed again for which I was pretty thankful. I know it's cliché to say that kissing is really intimate, but it is for me, far more so than going down on someone just to get them off. To this day, I still can't keep my eyes open while kissing someone which has been a source of pride for the guys I've dated because they always think it's about how great they are, rather than just how I'm wired. Except for one.

As a side note, I didn't get a blowjob from a gay guy until the summer before my freshman year in high school so it wasn't until then that I realized just how bad Alan really was at sucking dick. His rhythm was always off, he gagged, and then there were the teeth. I actually asked him about it around the Fourth of July when he repeatedly dragged them along the shaft of my dick. He thought it would be fun to mix pleasure and pain. So, I did it to him and that broke him of that misconception very quickly.

The sad thing is that just as he was starting to get good at it, we stopped because he started dating a junior who wasn't at all bashful about liking sex with him and him, in that order.

Mrs. Jenkins was released from the hospital on the ninth. Roger called my mother and asked us to stop by to see her the next day. That Saturday we had a double header (lost the first 2-3, won the second 4-1) and after I hung out with kids from school who'd come out to watch. A lot of them were going to the movies later but I decided to go home. It had been a long day and I was pretty tired and dirty.

At that point, I was on the same team as Alan so we hung out that night and watched a movie. We talked briefly about messing around but we were both too tired. I made it through about 30 minutes of Avatar before I was out. The next thing I remember is my mother throwing a blanket over me and another over Alan.

The next morning Alan rushed home to get ready for church. Mother, Cat, and I did the same and drove over to FUMC. The sermon was about service, not to the community at large but to each other individually. I still remember it because it made so much sense... put yourself directly with the person who needs your help, don't just sit back and write checks.

After lunch, mother and I drove over to Mrs. Jenkins. Roger was there with some cousins and I finally got to see Mrs. Jenkins who wanted a few minutes alone with me.

"Mrs. Jenkins, I'm so sorry about everything,"I said. "I know there's nothing anyone could have done but I wanted you to know how much I'm going to miss him."

"Son, I know it's going to be hard but you have to remember that Charlie loved you and you need to go on living."

I looked at her as seriously as I could, "I know ma'am and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

She smiled at that. "Good, and remember there's an old woman over here who'd like to visit with you from time to time."

We talked, laughed, and cried a bit longer before Roger came in to let us know there were some other people there to see her. He walked my mother and me back to the car and when we got there he handed me a piece of paper with his name, email, and phone number on it.

"This is for any time you just want to talk. You may not be my nephew, but you were close enough to him that I consider you family. Just remember, I'm always here."

My mother said, "Thanks Roger and I'll make sure he keeps in touch."

The next week was hard, especially the following Tuesday. Occasionally something would remind me of Charlie and I'd sniffle a bit. After what Josh had told me, I realized people were watching me more intently than I'd ever realized and I didn't want them to because I was the fragile freak that constantly broke down crying. Willy and Brent started sitting on either side of me at lunch which was kind of weird at first, but neither of them ever made a thing out of it so I just got used to it. Willy had been like that since we were kids (our dad's hunted together). He always just knew when I needed support and never made an issue of it.

There were two bright spots that first week. The second best was the presentation on our polling project in Social Studies. I'd finished the report the week before but on Sunday, after we got back from Mrs. Jenkins, I made some additions to it and included a section on the returned questionnaires with comments and how many of them were racist. I then broke them down on a scale of one to five with five being very racist. Mr. Tate wasn't thrilled with it, but he did think it was pretty enterprising on my part. When class was over he asked me to stay behind.

"Was the section on racism something you and Charlie cooked up together?", he asked.

I smiled. "Nope. Charlie was the one who noticed the pattern, I just wrote it up."

He kind of laughed, not a full on guffaw but definitely a real chuckle. "Well, I really wish you'd left it out of your remarks, but I did like it and think it was appropriate. Honestly, I can't wait to grade it. Nice work."

'Score one for Charlie' was the thought going through my head. Charlie's problem with racism wasn't the overt bullshit directed at him, which was actually minimal and usually isolated to a redneck. His problem was the systemic racism that just wouldn't allow folks to accept that a black man was President. Adding the racism section to the report was like a final 'fuck you' to all the people who considered Charlie a friend yet still called President Obama a 'nigger'.

The other bright spot was Kami Weston. We'd been friends for a few years and had gone to a dance together in sixth grade, but that was the extent of our romantic involvement. Like me she had blond hair, but green instead of blue eyes. She'd been dating Ross Sanders but they'd broken up in February near Valentine's Day and no one really knew why. I'd guessed it was because she found out Ross got to third base with Val Campbell, but I'd never brought it up.

Kami started passing notes to me the week before, just asking if I was OK. That quickly developed into texting and long phone conversations. It was the first time we'd gotten close to one another and really talked. What had been a superficial and very agreeable relationship was rapidly becoming more intimate. It was Tuesday night when I realized that I was enjoying more than just her sense of humor, I was enjoying her. I was thinking about her. I wanted to kiss her.

That of course really fucked with my head since I was certain I was gay. I thought about it a lot over the next few days and finally decided to just not worry about it and let it see where it was going. I didn't mention anything to anyone, even Josh, deciding instead to keep it all inside. I'd decided to make a move Friday morning when I'd ask if she wanted to go with me to the movies. Willy, who was usually the weekened ringleader, had decided we'd go see the Star Trek remake and so I'd ask her if she'd like to go with me.

My plan, however, was deeply flawed as it didn't anticipate her.

As I got to school Friday morning, I saw her out front talking with some of our friends. She waved as she saw me getting out of my dad's car and I walked over, a loopy grin on my face. She gave me a hug and said, "I need to ask you something."

I smiled and said, "Shoot."

"Well, Becky and some of the other girls wanted to go skating tonight. Do you want to go with me?"

"I'd love to, but I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the movies instead. Willy is getting everyone together to see Star Trek."

She just rolled her eyes. "Star Trek just sounds so dumb, but if you're dying to see it, I'll go with you tomorrow night," she finished with a smile.

I was kind of exasperated. "But I have a game tomorrow at 715. I can't miss it just to go... wait, did you say you'd go with me to see a movie you don't want to see."

See, even a chump can figure a few things out. She had this beautiful smile on her face as she saw me realize what was going on. She at least didn't have to beat me over the head.

"OK, forget the movie. Just come to my game tomorrow night?" I asked, with just a hint of a whine.

She leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. It didn't do much for my dick, but I suddenly felt a little taller and happier. "Of course, I was already planning for it."

And like that, we were going together.

We walked back over to the group who was looking, but not looking, at us while holding hands. That was enough to tip everyone off and by the time I ran into Ross in third period, the jig was up.

"So, you and Kami, huh?" he smiled at me. He was still with Valarie so he had no reason to be angry with me. Except just being a dick which he could definitely be at times.

"Yeah. We've gotten pretty close and I really like her. It's not going to be a problem with us, is it?" There weren't many people I could physically intimidate, but I knew I could kick Ross's ass so I was disinclined to take any shit off him. About that time Willy walked up and, being Willy, slapped the hell out of Ross's back and said, "Whatup, bitch? You got a problem with my boy?"

Ross managed to choke out, after having the wind knocked out of him, "No, I just heard he was going with Kami and wanted to wish him good luck."

"Cool," was all Willy said as he sat next to me in his usual spot. While a matchup with Ross and I would have been somewhat even (advantage, me), a fight between Willy and Ross would have been very lopsided. Willy's family owned a ranch and he'd been working on it since he was a kid. Needless to say, he was strong as hell even to the point of impressing Josh and Alan.

The final bell rang and Mr. Grant began trying to teach us math, a task which was usually pretty difficult but now, with less than two weeks left in the year, pretty impossible.

During class Willy passed me a note.

So, you and Kami? Nice!

To which I replied...

Yep. We're going skating tonight so I can't make the movie. Sorry.

He quickly scribbled out

Don't worry about it. Skating will be more FUN anyway!

The conversation went on for a while so we learned absolutely nothing. Next week was testing, so for all intents and purposes we were done with math for the year.

The rest of the day I pretty much floated around. All day I got congratulations from a lot of people, jealous looks from some others, but none of that mattered to me because I was going with one of the hottest girls in our grade, school was almost over, I had a date tonight with the aforementioned girl, and we had a cakewalk game tomorrow against a group of losers. Did I also mention that I was hours into my first real relationship and so I, quite naturally, was on top of the world? Oh, and she was hot and just about every guy I knew would have busted a nut if she so much as smiled at them?

I had it pretty bad. From the looks she gave me when we passed each other in the halls, so did she. After school, we were talking as my dad drove up and she gave me a kiss before I got in the car. My father, ever curious about my personal life, just grunted and asked who 'the chick' was.

"It's Kami Weston. She's in my grade and we started to going together today," I told him.

His response, and you gotta know my dad to appreciate it, was a gruff, "Well, she's cute at least. Just don't get into any trouble."

I looked at him and in a really serious voice said, "I won't. We've had sex ed. I know all about condoms." And neither of us said another word all the way to my mother's.

When we got there my dad came in with me, presumably to talk to my mother about my sexual activity, and I went to my room after telling her I needed to be the skating rink by 730. It was around 4 and I decided to play Halo Wars to kill time before dinner.

About 30 minutes into the game I heard my phone go off and paused the game. It was a text from Josh...

Whatever you're doing stop and call me now

I sighed because I had a feeling this was about Kami. So, I went over, picked up the phone and made the call. It rang once before he picked up.

"Why didn't you say anything to me? She's hot and I have to tell you I'm impressed!"

"Like hell, you just think she's tuna and therefore completely uninteresting..."

He laughed, "Not at all true. She's actually pretty funny and fun to be around from what little I saw when she was with Ross. I'm just shocked I'm hearing about it from Lane and Brent. You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm not going to judge... I mean, there's nothing written in stone that you have to be gay."

I took a deep breath. "Actually, I'm still gay. That's not changed. There's just something different about her that I really like and that I respond to. I know I should have talked to you sooner, but I've been thinking a lot about last week and I felt like I needed to work through this on my own, rather than constantly running to you or someone else for help.

It's weird, but she just makes me feel good. I decided earlier this week to just go with it and see where it leads. I know a lot of people fool around with the same sex, but I'm certain I'm not going through a phase and I know she isn't my way out. I mean, I know that's not what's going on."

Josh just sighed, "I think she's the first girl you've really wanted to spend time with and, I'll just toss this out, rather than you experimenting with the same sex, I think you're experimenting with the opposite sex which for you is the deviation from the norm."

That was one of the conclusions I'd reached. Along that line, I also reached a conclusion that I had to be honest with her.

"Ok, so what do I do? I need some more of the famous Josh Hastings advice."

Josh laughed, "So, NOW you come to me? Well, for starters, she makes your head swim a little, but not much, when you kiss but isn't giving you instant wood, right?"

"Yep, that's it exactly."

"Well, you're definitely gay because a kiss from her would be enough to get any 10 straight guys hard. I think you're right to just go with it, but don't lead her on. If you know it's not right for you and keep going, you're going to feel like shit if she falls in love. Then you'll just break her heart and that's a dick move."

I sat for a second thinking. I took so long that Josh finally spoke up, "Earth to Rob? Are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here... just thinking. Man, I really like her so much and it would kill me to hurt her. Any other options?"

"Sure. Do you think she's safe enough to tell the truth? Even then, she might get mad so are you ready to come out? You know it's an option and your real friends will be here for you."

The day had been so nice and now was rapidly spinning out of control. "Yeah, I think she is. So, I should come clean with her and let her know the whole thing?"

"Don't you think it's best," He asked.

I sighed, knowing it was. "Yep. I know it is... I don't want to mess this up, but I know you're right. Shit, I didn't really want to come out yet but I also don't want to mess with her head."

He cleared his throat and in a deeper, raw voice, "This is why I love you, man. You'll do the right thing always and I know I can trust you."

I told him, "Thanks. That means a lot coming from you, dude."

When I came downstairs for dinner, mother and daddy were having a drink in my mother's office. I asked what was going on and mother said dinner would be ready in a bit. I went into the living room where Cat was watching a movie.

I got her attention and quietly asked, "What's going on?"

"Divorce. They've been talking about it since you and daddy came in. I think they're getting ready to sign papers or something."

I just sat down on the sofa next to her and made the decision not to let this get to me. This was their decision and as far as I was concerned, they'd been divorced since my birthday the previous fall.

We usually ate dinner with daddy, maybe, twice a week. When he was here we just treated him as if he still lived here. Tonight, though, was a little awkward and finally mother broke the tension.

"Sunday we're going to have lunch here and discuss some changes."

Cat just rolled her eyes and I know my face reddened as a blurted out, "You're already divorced for all practical purposes, why ruin a perfectly good Sunday talking about it over lunch?" I got up, took my plate to the sink, washed it off, and went up to my room.

I was pretty mad and I honestly shouldn't have been. My parents were good people and whatever issues they had, I knew they loved Cat and me. About 7, daddy came into the room.

Daddy sat on my bed and I turned from the computer where I was sending an email to Richard. We looked at each other for about 10 seconds before I finally spoke.

"Daddy, I'm sorry. My outburst was disrespectful and y'all didn't deserve it."

My father sighed, "I appreciate that, but it's understandable. The last two years have been hard on us all and your mother and I have decided it's time to settle it out and get on with our lives."

He stopped for second and I could see his eyes water. I rarely saw my father cry, the only real time I remember was at my grandfather's funeral.

"Son, I just want you to know that we're not ending badly. Your mother and I were friends before we got married and we want to be friends after we're married. When it comes to you and your sister, we both love you unconditionally and nothing is going to change that."

We both stood and hugged each other, which was unusual considering my father was, like a lot of southern men, about as stoic and unemotional as a granite statue. It always struck me as strange since my grandfather was from New York and I always assumed it came from my grandmother's side of the family which wasn't real warm and fuzzy.

I noticed it was almost ten after 7 and I asked him if it he could drive me to the rink. We walked downstairs and I hugged and apologized to my mother before we left. She told me she'd pick me up at 10 sharp and I nodded OK.

Daddy was more talkative than normal in the car, asking me about school and Kami. At one point he said, "You were kidding about the condom thing, right?"

I told him yes. I knew about condoms but we'd just started going together and neither of us were thinking about that.

As we pulled up, he just told me to have a good time and that he'd be at my game tomorrow, which was pretty nice since my father wasn't a fan of baseball or of me playing it.

I got out of the car and walked inside, paid to go in, and immediately went to get skates. Some kids were already there so I said hi and asked if they'd seen Kami. As if on cue, one of them pointed back toward the entrance and there she was, moving to me with a wicked smile. Even then, she was beautiful and I was happy to be with her in a way I didn't think possible. Proud, I guess you could say and more than a little bewildered. She could be dating anyone and she chose me.

"You look good, babe,"she said, walking up and hugging me. She was wearing a skirt and a knit shirt that showed off her tits nicely. She was very developed for thirteen and it was already clear she'd be stunning when she was an adult. For now, she just looked and felt good and I had a goofy grin plastered all over my face.

We got out and skated, as a couple at first and then, when it was clear she was a pretty weak skater, she let me go for a while. I have to admit, I was and still am a good skater... I'm pretty well coordinated and athletic, so it wasn't a huge shock. What made me really good was the fact that I wasn't afraid. Having broken my leg when I was younger made me realize whatever happens, I'll be fine. Physical pain ends is, I guess, the best way to put it.

We skated a few more times and got off the rink about 9, with her leading me by the hand. When we got back to the carpet, she whispered in my ear, "Let's get these skates off and head out back," which immediately made me perk up. Behind the building, there was an area where kids would go to make out and a wooded area further back for more privacy. I'd only been back there once, with Denise Morrow, who was a really terrible kisser, (she would lick around your lips, it was really strange, almost like she was practicing some dope move she'd picked up from someone but didn't pay attention long enough to know how to really do it) but who did let me get to second base.

We quickly turned in our skates and put our shoes back on. With that we were hand in hand walking out the door. I barely heard the guy at the entry scream, "If you go out you have to pay to come back in!!!"

We went to the back wall and noticed another four couples making out and they seemed completely oblivious to us. I saw Willy making out with Susie, but it was so dark I couldn't see what was going on.

We started kissing and it was really nice. Of the girls I'd kissed, she was definitely the best. She had this swirly motion with her tongue that really drove me wild, a move I still use today. As we made out, I had both hands cupping her face and let my left drop to her waist, then slowly moved it up to cup her breast under the knit shirt she was wearing. She was wearing a bra so it wasn't skin on, but I was soft and gentle (something I had picked up from Denise) and paid special attention to her nipple which was sensitive even through the sports bra she was wearing. This caused her to moan out and drove me to kiss her a harder.

She'd started off with both arms resting loosely on my shoulders but, as I massaged her tits, one of them began to inch it's way to my crotch, which was filled at this point (I was wearing briefs that night... in my mind, it was the closest thing to a jock and I needed everything stable in one place since I would be skating. It was the last time I would ever dress for a date with athletic support a primary concern), and she started rubbing me through my shorts. It was amazing... in some ways, far better than what I'd been doing with Alan. It was the excitement of it that got me. We were in a public place (relatively speaking) and near other couples doing basically the same thing. To a thirteen year old boy, it was pretty exhilarating, even for one who was sure he was gay.

I felt her move, subtly, spreading her legs a bit and she gently moved my other hand from her face which I dropped to her waist as she pushed into me with only the wall of the building stopping us from falling to the ground. It was when she rubbed herself into me that I thought 'THIRD BASE! FUCK YEAH' and moved my hand down to her leg, then slowly up the inside of her thigh. I took a small moan from her as permission to proceed. And, after moving her skirt up a bit, I hit her moist panties. I thought about grabbing them and ripping them off (porn is such a shitty teacher) but opted to go slow and started to gently rub her. This just made everything wetter and I then I started small circular strokes near her clitoris and matched them in time with rubbing her tit. We were still kissing and she suddenly got really intense. Then her breathing started to quicken, faster and faster little gasps and she let out a squeal as her whole body shook in a way that made me shiver despite the fact that she'd given up on rubbing me through my shorts. Her panties got really wet and she sort of collapsed against me. We kissed, softly, a few more times and I removed my hand from under her shirt. Her arms came back up to my shoulders and she smiled this awesome lopsided grin, then said, "thank you."

We kissed one last time and straightened ourselves up. I ended up cleaning my hand off on the inside of my shorts, hoping like hell mother wouldn't notice. We then walked around to the front to see Willy and Susie sitting at one of the picnic tables. We'd been so into what we were doing we didn't even realize they'd walked right past us. Willy just gave me a nudge to the ribs as we sat down and the girls started talking about class or makeup or clothes or something. I just kind of sat there in a daze, not really sure what happened. Over the next 30 minutes, we talked and I finally came out of it and back into the real world. I'd also pulled my shirt out to hide the massive dogwater stain on the front of my shorts.

Willy's dad picked him up first and within a minute mother showed up. I got up from the table and leaned in to give Kami a kiss. After, she whispered in my ear, "Thanks again, stud" and I smiled at her. As I got in the car, I was still in a daze, not really understanding what had happened. I'd never made it as far as I had tonight and, of my close guy friends, none of them had either... except Josh. My knowledge base was really lacking but I was pretty certain I'd done well.

Mother and I didn't talk until we got to the highway and I knew I had to say something.

"Mom, I just wanted to tell you again I'm sorry. I know this is hard on you, too."

My mother, ever a wonder, glanced over at me and smiled, "It is, and it isn't. To be honest, I'm more worried about you. I want to make sure you're OK since you're more like me and it's hard for us to let go of things. Cat I know will be fine, but I want to make sure you know your father and I both love you no matter what," she lifted her hand and put it on the back of my head, one of those things that always relaxed me.

"I know, and thank you," I replied, softly.

"So it looks like you had a good time tonight. Please tell me you weren't tearing up the rink while that cute girl sat and watched?"

"No, we skated together a bunch too, she's just not very good."

"So give me the details? What's her name?"she asked.

"Kami Weston. She's in my grade and we've been talking for the past few weeks. As of this morning, we're going together."

"Oh, you hooked up?"

"MOM! No, we didn't. Not at all. We're in seventh grade, why would you think that?"

She glanced over at me, "I thought hooking up was what you said when you were dating someone?"

"Where did you hear that," I asked.

"From one of the kids at the high school," she replied.

"Hooking up means having sex."

"Oh. Guess I got that one wrong. So you're 'going together'."

I smiled, "Yeah mom, we're going together."

"Is she Don Weston's daughter?"

And here begins my mother's interrogation. She's good, I'll admit. She's sneaky and before you know it, you've already given up everything you were trying to hide, including the throwing stars that, I don't know, Brent got you out of some catalog his older brother had. Cat and I both thought she should be working at some base interrogating terrorists. She'd have the war won in, maybe, two days.

She was still asking questions as we pulled into the garage and my only thought was to get changed and wash my hands which, I'd noticed, had taken on a smell from Kami. My bathroom was attached to my bedroom and I walked straight into it, soaped up my hands and rinsed them off. Honestly, it wasn't a terrible smell but it wasn't good either. One thing was sure, I didn't want it on my hands. I knew that for damn sure.

I went ahead and changed, taking off my very soiled shorts and briefs, and put on some basketball shorts and just kept on my undershirt I'd had on earlier. I looked at the clock and it was almost 1030 so I texted Josh to see if he was home yet. He and Alan had gone into Dallas with Josh's dad after school to look for camping equipment. They had this wicked plan to camp in Colorado on some land Josh's dad owned near Aspen in late July. Despite a plethora of reassurances from Josh's dad, my mother was having absolutely none of it. I was pretty jealous, mostly because I was going to be here. By myself. For a week.

About 10 minutes later, Josh responded

About 15 mins away. What's up? Need us to pick you up?

I just responded

No, just need to talk to you. Something awesome happened tonight and I need to tell you about it.

I went back to the email I'd been typing earlier to Richard. Not long after mother poked her head in my room and said she was going to bed and 'not to stay up too late'.

Josh finally texted


So I picked up the phone and he picked up on the first ring.

"So what's up? Did you have fun skating?"

I smiled, "Yeah, did you and Alan find the stuff you want?"

"Some of it," he replied. "My dad is going to order the sleeping bags since it gets cold even at the end of July. You sure your mom won't let you go?"

I laughed, "Yep. I think your dad could set up a webcam to watch us the whole time and she'd still say no."

"That sucks. Lane is going to come and now Alan won't have anyone to hook up with."

"I'm sure he'll be ok," I said with a laugh.

"So, what's the big news? I'm guessing you went out back?"

I sighed, "Oh yeah and it was awesome." I then proceeded to give him the blow by blow. I finally asked, after telling him about her collapsing against me, "Do you know what happened?"

He laughed. "Yeah, I know what happened... you made her cum, dude! Congratulations!"

I scoffed, "That's not possible. I wasn't even fucking her!"

"Dude, you don't have to fuck a chick to make her have an orgasm. Sometimes, like what you were doing with the clit and her nipple, it's enough. Most of the time, you can make a chick pop with just your mouth. It's actually pretty hot, but not nearly as tasty as a dude's nut."

I sat and thought about that for a second. I got her off. I was probably the first to do it and I'd done it completely by accident and instinct. I started to smile, very impressed with myself.

Josh continued, "So, that happened which is cool as hell and I'm really proud of you, by the way. The real question is did you talk to her about yourself?"

I sighed, "No, there wasn't enough time and we weren't alone where we could talk. She's coming to my game tomorrow so I'm hoping after we'll have a chance to speak privately."

"OK, just make sure you take care of that. With what you did tonight, and you were probably the first to do it since she wouldn't let Ross anywhere near her pussy, she's going to be really sensitive and need some reassurance."

"Gotcha," I yawned out, looking over at the clock when I suddenly remembered my hand.

"By the way, her smell is like stuck to my hand. I've washed them four times and it's still there."

This got a pretty good laugh out of him. "It's OK, use some lemon juice to wash them. It'll help a lot and it'll be gone completely in a few days."

"Thank you... see you tomorrow?"

"At your game? Sure," he said.

We hung up and I rambled downstairs as quietly as possible in to find lemon juice.

The next day was a perfect near summer Saturday. I mowed the grass, cleaned up, and then just read while watching TV. We had dinner early so I could settle for my game and by 7 I was nagging mother with "we're going to be late." I was way more excited about this game than the others since we were playing a team composed of kids from a private school nearby and who were inexplicably snobby because they went to what my father affectionately referred to as 'that damn Baptist madrassa'.

I got there right at 715, just in time to stretch. Last year, I thought stretching was a waste of time and one pulled hamstring later, I was a complete and total convert to the benefits of it. When we went back in, some of the guys noticed a fat woman walking on the track near the field and started cracking wise. I'd had enough and told them to knock it off since she was at least doing something to get healthy. Having been a chubby kid, and often the butt of those jokes, fat shaming always rubbed me the wrong way. Josh was different about stuff like that. He'd never been a chubby kid, he just didn't like people making fun of someone who was trying to help themselves.

The game was, surprisingly, tougher than I'd imagined it would be. The Saints were a lot different this year... not as many nerdy kids and more than a few who looked like us and could obviously play. We were winning until the fifth and one their new guys hit a home run and batted in himself and two others, which flipped us 4-6. By the bottom of the ninth, we were down three but we'd had a run of luck. As I got up to bat, the bases were loaded.

Their pitcher was definitely getting tired despite the relief he'd had in the 6th and 7th. I'd batted off him once during the game and the other time he struck me out. My odds weren't great but for some reason I knew he was going to drive the ball at me with everything he had in him. As I walked on to the field, I glanced up at the stands and caught Kami's eye and winked. I got in the box, I choked up on the bat and waited for the pitch. He looked, nodded at the catcher, pulled back and shot the ball dead center and fast. I swung and knocked the fucker into left field where they were weakest. It was a dream hit and I dropped the bat and ran like hell for first. By the time I got there, the bumblefuck they had in left field was still trying to throw into the infield and I took off for second, where I had to slide in. I looked up at the board and we were now even.

Alan got up to bat and I kept saying, to myself, 'Please knock this one hard. I really want to beat these jerks'. Alan ended up with a single but it got me to third. Brett Wright was up next and I already knew what he was going to do. Brett liked to show bunt when pitchers had decent fastballs and he wanted one. The first pitch sailed right into the pitchers glove and he got in place for the next, knocking it again to left field. Alan and I ran like hell for home. The game ended after Dan Thomas struck out and then Brett tried to steal home. Still, ending two up was absolutely wonderful!

We talked to the coach and then our families. Alan's mom was going to hang around since Alan wasn't to watch the game that was playing at another diamond and she agreed to give me a ride home. It gave me a chance to talk to Kami. I told my parents bye and grabbed Kami's hand.

We walked up the sloping hill that overlooked the ball fields and sat down.

I looked over at her and caught her looking at me. She blushed, bent her head down, then looked back up at me.

"You played well tonight and you looked really hot out there in your uniform. It made me think of last night," she said, her face going crimson.

"Thank you, but I need to talk to you about last night."

She had this questioning look on her face, "You're OK with what we did, aren't you?"

Now it was my turn to blush. "Of course, it's just that... well, you see... I'm..."

"...gay?" she said, finishing my statement. I just looked back at her, my mouth hanging open, while she was smiling at me.

"How did you know?"

She let out a long breath and said, "Well, you know how like seeks like?" and I nodded, still unsure where this was going.

"I'm a lesbian."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

She laughed, "Probably for the same reasons you don't come out. I don't want to deal with it right now and honestly, I want to try things with a guy to see what it's like. Ross was always so anxious and stupid, I just didn't feel comfortable with him. With you, it's different. It helps that you're cuter, I won't lie," which brought a smile to my face, "but that's not the whole reason. You're nice, sweet, and gentle. When Denise told me earlier in the year about how you handled her breasts, it got me hot and I realized you were what I was looking for, a guy who wanted to make someone else feel good, too."

I laid back in the grass, putting my hands behind my head. This was a lot to think about and I wasn't at all ready.

"OK, I think I understand, but how did you know about me?"

"Oh, that's easy. You do the same thing my cousin does, you let your eyes linger longer on guys than you do on girls. It's hard to notice, but once I spotted it I knew. My biggest concern was that you were going to reject me last night. I was so nervous when I walked into the rink and then I saw you, looking at me, with that sweet smile, and I knew this would work."

I laughed out and she looked at me with a question on her face. "We could be a joke... so a gay guy and a lesbian get together..." and we both laughed. It wasn't funny, and I knew that at the time, but it did break the tension.

She had this warm look in her eyes that was nothing but affection. "Now that we're on the same page, I have to make sure of something... you're going with me because you want to, because you want to explore, and because you like me, right?"

I just looked back at her the same way she was looking at me and said, "Absolutely. This has nothing to do with trying to deflect attention. Now, I have to ask..."

She smiled back at me, "Yep. For me it's exactly the same. I want to see where this leads and, at the end, come out of it friends. I really like you."

We gave up talking at that point as she laid down next to me, resting her head on my shoulder and chest, as I hugged her to me with my right arm. It felt really good and while I knew I was being honest with her, I also knew this was going to be the last girl. We were going to help each other answer questions and then we were going to part.

And I was completely at peace with that.

Thanks for reading! Any comments can be sent to doncornelius69 at yahoo dot com. PLEASE take a moment to make a donation to NIFTY http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Next: Chapter 4

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