Wedgied by Kyle

By Unabbook

Published on May 17, 2023


So me N the whole high school football team are helpless wedgeed in the air. We can't touch the ground or get down to escape Dax-n-Kyles boner control.

Remember, Dax polished all our cock tips. He polished our boner tips with itch-creme so all our cocktips are explosively edged, an fucken itch to hell. But we can't even touch our boners.

Okay like these controller rubberlips are so out of control erotic humiliating right?

Theyr locked on our lips an make us look like adolescent pornstars rite? You can try real hard to close ur baby smile. But it just all bounces back. I can see everyone is like tryin to close their lips but the rubber lips are too powerful. Everyone is all face-locked into huge babysmiles by our rubber hulimiater lips, that Dax n Kyle locked on our faces. No way to stop it, no way to talk or stop drippen.

Why is it so sexy to be babyface-controled this way by a immature boyy? It jus makes me so erect man.

Im like tryin to talk -- I was trying to beg Dax to spert a orgasm out of my polished cock? But i couldnt cause i couldnt close my lips or stop baby smilin you know?

But like the more i try to talk or close, the more my boner gets hard. Plus the humiliater lips is forcin me to drippppp straight down onto my erection.

I look around and all these hot muscle jocks are suspended. They are all tryin to close their mouths or talk, but I can see how humiliated they are -- to have helplessly sprung such gay boners -- an no way to stop the drip fountain comin out of their baby faces.

Why does this humiliation make me wana jizz myself dude? HELP MEEE I am such a fucken perv.

Of course the itchin creme makes everyone edged. I CANT HELP IT!!! I keep trying to shove my sperm out of my ragin boner. Everyone in the room is squealin an thrustin.

Im like tensing an somehow tryin to p u s h h h my sperm out of my urethra .. tryin to sperm but cant !!!

Dude an im shovin out an starin at these dozen super erotic huge ass jocks all humiliated an force-smiled jus liek me.

Fucken hell man i feel like i have a orgasm comin out of my ears!!!

  • So now Dax comes runnen back in, totally naked with a big huge-ass curved boner and laughing, u kno? His cock is so fucken BIG man!

Wow like fuck man he is so TALL 6'7"

Hes at the same height as us even while we're wedgeed up in the air !!! I totaly cant believe this olive muscled dude.

BUT, u know he is so immature. His lips are always adolescent an smilin, its like wow man what a fucken humiliater jock right? He is like a gynormous little adolescent boy. His immaturity makes my fkn sperm drip.

An now Dax is all: "OK Fags! Who wants to get masterbated? "

What a perverted fantasy, aw fuck man!!! Now everyone is liek tryin to beg Dax through their humiliater gags like total boy hormone teem group fucken MOAN. Course they cannot talk, it just makes them drippp. This makes Dax laugh real big an hard!!!

Dax is totaly erect now, an his huge shiny cock is drippen precum rite? Now Dax is just running around all jock like, and slappin random boys faces and sayin "what was that you fag? HAHAH!!! I cant fucken HEARRRR u FAG? !!! " An he is all like spittin on boys polished cock heads, an their faces, and doin boyish crap like such an immature jock would do.

So yeah so across from me is this freckled boy? U kno like with translucent skin an light blue eyes?

an I was thinkin -- man he looks like a lil boyy but he is like with SOOO big muscles u know? An like totaly smooth but with huge shoulders an a little little skinny waist. But his boner is like TOTALY HUGE MAN, an point halfay up his chest.

An his skin just seems so... idk like transluschent or something, like all veiny? u kno? Wow maan he looks like a total boy. BUT. I know that if I even saw this total BOY on the strreet, i would totaly be scared he would beat up my ass. Plus if I saw him I might really totaly helpless-sperm in my pants rite? Those babyfaced boys ar always such humiliaters right?

Now Dax has noticed this babyface pale jock boyy and his total sexiness, so Dax SPANKS him an ses "hey fag! who gave u permission to get such a big boner you fag?" An Dax is all spitten in that dudes humiliater-smilin rubber lips, forcin him to totally drool on his itchin huge shiny boner.

Now Dax is laughen at him an lightly ticklen his polished boner head, which is throbing u kno? All those veiny boys are so shiny . Anyway so liek Dax is now demanding -- "tell me ur name fag slave!!!" And the translucent, helpless, boy is like tryin to say somethin, but of course Dax took away his power to talk. So he just sez "sfdughnsfdgl" and Dax SLAPS him an says "what, big dicked faget boyy? Aren't u big enuf to talk yet? Tell me ur fucken name fag !!!" an Now erect Daxx is all laughin right up close in his face.

Now Dax says to him -- "Dude if you don't tell me ur name we're gona have to anaesthetize ur lips!" The dude is like squealin so sexxy.

An now Dax says, "ok dude here's the anaesthetizer!!!" An he gets out this spray bottle, and he sprays it in the dude's baby-gag-open lips. OK so now the dude's squealsget kinda higher. He's all tryin to keep his lips closed, but his lips are so big anyway that u can even see them around the gag. And now h is tongue is liek hangin out an he cant control it, an he starts totally drippen MASSIVELY man, cuz obviously he cant control his mouth anymore liek.

Now Dax is holdin that dudes anaesthetize babyface head between his palms an huge grinning in his face an laughin. An this big-dicked erotic faced boyy cant FUCKEN do a fucken thing except drip like a river !!!! But his shiny boner is fucken rock hard !!!!

N Dax is all "I fucken own u dude an I even control ur face!!!!"

An Dax like is catchin rivers of the dudes wet lips an using it to slick up his whole fucken face, an his hair, while he squeals, while all the other boys are jus starin an thrustin an cant fucken escape or even talk, so hav to jus watch this helpless erotic scene.

Now Dax has his thumb up the shiny wet dudes butt, an all the boys are squealen in desperation, an now Dax starts ticklen the shiny freckle dude so he tickled an tries to laugh. But cant laugh through his inesecapable humiliater rubber lips gag.

Well he cant exactly laugh but he is tensing an tryin to laugh an his whole body is like transluscent and veiny and tight. Now Dax masterbates the boys shiny cock head a little -- not enuf to sperm -- and now Dax is liek Standin behind the boy an squeezin his ragin nipples REALL HARRDDD from behind, MAAAN !!! \

an Dax is liek licken and bitin his neck. An the dude is just gettin so helpless turned on liek rite? An he is like moanin an screamin.

An Dax is laughin an smilin SO FUCKEN BIG man just like a little boyy. An his grey eyes are so wide open. He is such a total immature dominater boyy an he says -- "Fag!!! Spurt it in the air!!!' Yeah!!! U are fucken humiliated u lil fag!!! YOU WILL NOW SPERM !!!!"

"Fucken sperm it NOW ! FUCKEN SHOVE IT OUT FAG !!!!"

An Dax is not touchen that controlled dude's ragin massive errection or anything, but he keeps tit squeezin his titties and neck biting him.

Everyone else is like, aw fuck maaan, tryin to shove our itched up balls an cocks in the air, but we are just edged.

Of course now you know those muscular boyish freckled dudes with thin transluscent skin? -- They are always the most erotic sensitive with ticklin and neck biting rite? So the freckle jock is losin it maan an he just starts desperately shvin his cock out in the air as his controled face helpless smiles, an he screeaammms and drools like a fountain all over his own cock. An he is liek SQUEALIN reall LOUDDDD!!!!!

And Dax is all, "orgasm it fag! ORGASM IT FAG !!!!!"

An suddenly the helpless freckled boy SQUEALS with massive drips from his huiliater gag totaly wetting his big pecs. Then this massive sudden jizz rocket spurts straight out of his cock straight into my huimilater gagged mouth!!! And he has like 8 screamin spurts all over me, without never even havin his cock touched!!!!, as he fucken screams in this high-ass girl voice.

While he is still spurtin, Dax gets rite up in his face, says "fucken YEAH wedgie boyy!!!", an SLAPS his face!!!

Dax smears up his polished cocktip with itch creme again n also puts some on his nipps. He's like shovin his big tits out in the air, while Dax laughs in his face.

      • ->>>


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