Week with Ben

By ethan coleman

Published on Feb 21, 2002


A Week With Ben

This story is purely fictional, intended for adult readers. It describes sexual relations between minor boys and between boys and older men. If this is not what you want to be reading, then you've been warned!

Part 3

Ben and I walked back in silence. I couldn't help wondering why he didn't bleed. He told me that it always happened the first time, so I was not Ben's first fuck, so who was?

We arrived back to their home to find it empty, Ben suggested we watch some videos, distractedly I agreed, I couldn't concentrate on it, my mind was on other things. Ben being fucked by someone already, Mr Lucas sucking my cock in Ben's room. Th guilt I felt, but the desire to taste Mr Lucas' hairy dick, it was all so confusing!

When Mr Lucas returned he straight away began preparing the food. Ben and I watched the end of the video and then helped. After the meal was over, Ben told us that he was going to return the videos to his mate. He left and I became awkward alone with Mr Lucas. I headed upstairs to avoid any conversation and went into the bathroom to take a leak. I was still in there when I heard footsteps climbing up the stairs.

I washed my hands and stood quietly, waiting for Mr Lucas to go into his room. When I heard the door click shut I opened the bathroom door and headed for Ben's room, I opened it, hurriedly and went in. Mr Lucas was lying on Ben's bed naked. I looked at him, speechless and suddenly hard. My eyes darted over his old body, the grey hair, so much of it, all over, the hard, thick cock and furry thighs.

I cleared my head of my lustful thoughts as he ran his thick fingers over his chest, they ground into the hair and I could see his pink nipples emerging from somewhere under all that fur. My thought was dry; I gulped loudly and asked him, what he was doing here? He told me to get undressed; mentally he had already undressed me with his eyes. I told him it didn't feel right.

He stood up from the bed and walked over to where I was standing, my knees trembled slightly as I saw his naked body approach. He put his hands in my waistband and pulled my shorts down, exposing my small stiff cock, I felt his hands caress my balls, I whimpered as he began telling me how good my body felt. I thought of Ben, I thought of someone fucking him, I thought of the guilt that I felt. Why? Why did I feel guilty? Ben had said 'I love you' that is why, but he had been fucked up the ass by someone and hadn't told me, even though we had been messing around for two years.

I felt Mr Lucas, nibbling my neck, he bit my earlobe and licked behind my ear. I groaned and found myself wrapping my thin arms around his huge, hairy body. He slid his firm hands down my back and felt my butt, stroking it. I felt his crotch press against mine, making me wet. He pulled away and led me to the bed, I followed clumsily. He lay back down like he was before, spreading his legs and taking my hand, leading it to his crotch. I explored it with trembling fingers, caressing his thick veiny dick, rolling his hairy nut sack in my palm. He moaned and lifted his hips, I felt his thickness, I felt his hairy thighs, and he closed his eyes and grunted.

Lowering my head I inhaled the unusual scent of his sweaty crotch, it turned me on, and I buried my nose in the forest above his cock, sticking out my tongue to lick his balls. As my wet tongue made contact with his nuts he squirmed and encouraged me. Eagerly, I lapped away at his balls and his creases. Sticking my tongue over his throbbing package and savouring the taste. I lifted his cock and held it firm at the base, the head was leaking precum, I licked it away with my tongue and then engulfed the top half of the hot meat in my eager mouth.

He gasped as I began sucking on his meat; his hands clasped my head and guided me up and down his sweat pole. His scent was becoming overpowering; it was driving me wild I started to shoot without touching my dick. I felt his fingers slide through the puddle on my thigh, I looked up, my mouth full of his cock, and he took his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean. Suddenly, he thrust his hips high and I felt more of his cock bury in my mouth, my tongue pressed the underside and I started jerking off the part that was still out of my mouth. His fingers gripped my hair that it almost hurt, I was desperate to breathe, and I let most of his cock slide out and just sucked the mushroom head. He was audibly urging me on, one glance at his chest told me how much he was sweating, and all the hair was matted down. I ran my fingers through it and found his stiff nipples, as I pinched him he went over the edge, groaning uncontrollably as his cock exploded and I was swallowing more cum than I could imagine, I pulled away while he was still shooting to stop from choking.

His cock let out a few more spurts of cum before slowly subsiding, I licked it when it was soft and gave his nuts a quick feel, and my cock was growing rapidly again. He got up and forced me down on the bed, I lay on my stomach, breathing heavy as he spread my legs. I felt him blow on my sore ass hole, it felt incredible, then his tongue slid along my butt cheeks, he kissed and bit them both and then slid his tongue into my crack, he mumbled something that I didn't catch because his face was buried in my ass. I let out a gasp his tongue pressed against my hole.

I squirmed and writhed as his tongue began probing my ass hole, I felt the warm wetness of it as it slid in my hole. He ran his hand up my back and rubbed the back of my neck, I moaned ecstatically, feeling him lick my tight sore ass.

A sudden slam of the door, shook me upright, Ben was home. Mr Lucas grabbed his clothes and undressed clumsily before running out of the room, I slid my shorts on and wiped my sweat. Just as Ben walked in/ He asked me what I'd been doing, I told him I was feeling feverish.

Ben said he wanted to take a shower before bed so went into the bathroom. I straddled my way downstairs and sat next to Mr Lucas in front of the telly. He gave my crotch a quick feel and then told me to sneak into his room at night. I knew he wanted to fuck me, and perhaps if Ben hadn't got back he would have. So I was glad Ben was back, because I still felt sore and didn't think I was ready for another pounding. I told Mr Lucas this and he smiled at me sympathetically, he said he couldn't wait to fuck me.

When I heard Ben get out of the shower I went upstairs, after the sex I'd just had I needed to have a wash before Ben got near me. In the shower I somehow knew I would end up in Mr Lucas' room that night.

When I came back from the shower, wrapped in a towel, Ben looked at me and grinned. I walked over to the bed and sat next to him, he wrapped his arms round me and started kissing me real hard, smothering me. He slid his tongue along my neck and bit my earlobe whispering the words 'suck me' in my ear. I pulled away and told him that I was feeling feverish and just wanted to sleep. He said okay and turned away and went to bed, but I lay awake.

When I was sure that Ben was asleep I snuck out of the room and heard the telly still on downstairs, I went down and Mr Lucas looked at me. He saw the bulge in my shorts even in the dim light; he stood up and led me to his bedroom. I lay back on the bed and lifted my legs in the air, exposing my sore hole. Mr Lucas knelt down and started tonguing it again eagerly, his wet tongue circling my ass ring and then plunging into me.

He tongue fucked me till I could feel my ass dripping. He knelt up and looked me in the eye "you're so much tighter than Ben" he whispered.

To Be Continued...

Any comments to ethancoleman@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 3

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