
By Hank

Published on Apr 16, 2013



I called you Friday afternoon and after our greetings I simply sai "pack a bag we are going away for the weekend". I didn't mean to sound bossy but I knew we both needed some time off and I had been planning this for some time now. You were surprised at this but I could tell you were smiling at the thought and you said sure when will you be coming by? I told you to be ready by 6:00. We said our love yous and goodbyes and I hung up.

I started packing my bag too. Since I told you it was for a weekend I knew you wouldn't pack much. On the other hand I was going to pack all of my girly things I could fit into my small suitcase which turned out to be a lot since most of the girly clothes were silky and squashed easily into the case. I couldn't know how you would take this surprise I had in mind but of course I hoped you would enjoy my idea as much as I knew I would.

You were ready when I arrived and after I shut the car off ready to go to your door you were coming out with a small suitcase locking the door behind you. To my surprise and delight you were wearing a multi-colored tie dyed sun dress of blue red yellow and purple on an off white background. The sandals on your feet and the daisy in your hair polished off the look and as a full picture made you look so stunningly beautiful with your hair pulled back into a pony tail. For a moment it reminded me of a free spirited hippie girl which might be perfect for the weekend I had planned.

You opened the back door of the car and tossed your light bag in the back seat closing the door then got into the seat beside me closing that door too. Your lavender perfume embraced me as soon as you entered the car and even if I had never met you I think I would be close to have been falling in love with you. Of course I knew you well so it was more icing on the most wonderful cake anyone could imagine! For a moment I stared at your beautiful face then the radiating colors of your dress before I leaned over to give you a light kiss on your lips. We still had not said a word to each other. Your hand came around my neck holding our lips tightly together our tongues as if on cue shot into the other's mouth and began to dance wildly inside our mouths. I felt an eletric like shock shoot through my body from head to toe and almost felt I would cum right then. Our embrace parted slowly and you said hi babe lets do this! I was disoriented and at first thought you meant have sex right here (which I was so willing to do). Coming to my senses somewhat I started the car and said I love your dress and your perfume, I gushed I love everything about you! I put the car in gear and we were off.

As per my plan we stopped at a grocery store near where we would be staying and picked up every estential and a few other things to get us through the weekend. We bought food bread and milk along with beer and wine collers for you. As we packed everything away in the back seat and knowing we were far from anyone that might know us I stabbed a hand up your dress as you bent over to put sacks in the car gently rubbing my hand across your panties. You jerked bumping your haed on the top of the car and I apologised profusely. You calmed imediately and told me it was alright it had just surprised you. Before pushing the cart back to a collection site you turned and said is that a hhint what the weekend is going to be like. I just smiled as you walked away not waiting for a reply. I couldn't take my eyes off of you as you walked pushing the cart then back to the car.

I was so excited driving away I realized I was driving too fast and slowed to a more appropriate speed knowing we didn't have far to go. Still the only thought in my mind was pleasing you and savoring the sight and taste of you cumming over and over in my face my mouth ALL over me.

I don't really know how to explain the place we would be staying at. It was on a back road and not much traffic I really don't know how I found it in the first place but it was perfect I thought. The units were all individual little bungalos(?) they were one room little buildings about twelve of them I guessed. Parking in front of one I said here we are babe looking at you with a big smile. You looked at the block building then back at me smiling and said it looks cozy. we started carrying our things in and upon seeing the inside you smiled very big. We put the groceries away after we had totally emptied the car and began to settle in.

I think you were surprised at the interior. It was more like a small little condo than a motel room. The walls were freshly painted and everything was clean. I thought the very faint pink walls were perfect for us. Almost at once you exclaimed your surprise. It had a small fridge but nearly new and a built in range top to cook on. A small but adequate sink with an adjoing drainer for dishes and pots also furnished and clean thought I suspected we would wash them before we used them. The bathroom was also modern even the tub/shower looked new.

After we had all the things we brought for the weekend stowed away I took my suit case towards the bathroom and excused myself. I changed my clothes and my entire mindset. Coming out of the bathroom without my suit case I said I hope you like and stood in the doorway for a moment. Without a word I saw you taking me in. I was wearing a hot pink baby doll night gown with matching panties that were also open at the crotch my slightly erect clit poking out making it's precense known. You licked your lips then smiled broadly noticing my hot pink painted toe nails. As I came completely out of the door frame you noticed for the first time I think I was carrying a pink dog lease and also had on a rinestone studded pink dog collar. I reached out handing you and smiling I said Hi my name is Kat do as you wish with me. Sitting up on the bed you appeared to be in a mild shock but quickly recovered and said with a little force come and sit on the bed. I did my best to priss over to the bed and sit on the side slightly facing you. Now getting into it you said sternly lean over. You attached the leash to the collar and said kiss me Kat!

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