Weekend of Submission

By sean

Published on Feb 4, 2022



I'd already made the decision and it was too late to go back. I locked my dick up more than a week ago and gave full control of the lockup to the Dom. He gave me instructions and I knew it was the only way I'd get this thing off me without finding a way to cut it off--which wouldn't be easy.

He told me exactly what to pack for the trip. It wasn't much. The only clothes I had were on me: a jock, sneakers (with no socks), a tank top, and ranger panties. I carried a small draw string backpack with my train ticket, my ID, one credit card, the lock box with my chastity keys locked inside, my house key, a pair of handcuffs, and a couple dildos.

I had a credit card, I could book a ticket back home. I could, but I knew I wouldn't.

I was dripping precum and had been all week. My jock was damp with my excitement. I wondered if the dampness was starting to show through my obscenely short shorts as a wet spot.

I avoided the dining car. I wasn't sure what the Dom had in mind, but I knew I needed to keep myself ready. He'd ordered me to be hydrated, so I sipped water from the large bottle I brought with me.

The train finally stopped at my destination. I didn't bring my phone, so I had to remember the instructions I had been given. I exited the train and scanned my surroundings.

It was a smaller California town. The summer heat hit like a wall when I stepped outside. Moment later I was already sweating and glad for my very light clothing.

Had He told me to head left or right out of the train station? I struggled to remember.

It took a few minutes of walking, hoping nobody was taking too much notice of me. It was a conservative area and I hoped they thought of me as some military guy from the nearby base rather than the piggy gay guy here to get used by a stranger.

Found the motel. It was just as seedy as it seemed online. Definitely not a place I'd normally choose to stay if I had any choice in the matter.

I booked a room for one night. I showed my ID and charged my credit card. The room rate was cheap. The clerk slid one key card across the desk. I headed to my room near the back of the hotel and opened my room door.

I propped the door open and continued to follow my instructions. I retrieved the ice bucket and headed to the ice machine I had passed near the lobby.

I carefully hid my keycard exactly where I was told, on top of the ice machine. My heart was pounding. By leaving this keycard here, I knew I was letting the Dom into my room.

What did I really know about this guy? Did I trust him? This was unlike anything I'd done before. Sure, I'd talked to him a bit on the apps and by text. His photos were incredibly hot. But had I really vetted him? Or was I so turned on that I was stumbling into this too blindly? Had I been massively and dangerously catfished?

It was too late to catch a train home tonight, but I could catch one in the morning and figure out how to cut the cage off or open the lock box when I got back.

I put those thoughts out of my mind.

I'd made it back to my room and closed the door behind me but didn't set the security latch.

Next step. I stripped every stitch of clothing off my body and laid them neatly on the bed. I opened my small bag and emptied the contents. I set the credit card and ID on the bathroom counter. I carefully displayed the dildo in the room window as a perverted welcome sign--it would be how my Dom would find me. Finally, I took the handcuffs and entered the bathroom, locking one wrist to the safety bar in the bathroom. I twisted the key to double lock the cuffs then tossed the key far out of my reach.

I waited.

It seemed like hours and may well have been. The only entertainment I had at this junction was to examine the stains on the walls. I listened to the noises from the neighboring rooms and tried to make up stories about the unsavory denizens of this grim place.

I heard the motel room door crack open then slam. I didn't hear a voice and I knew better than to call out. I stayed put. The door to the bathroom shut. I couldn't tell if it had shut on its own from the wind of the front door opening and closing or if He had pushed it closed.

Still, I waited.

I could hear the door open and close again.

Silence. I think He left.

Wait?! Had He just left me completely naked and locked to a wall in a shitty motel in a strange town? How would I explain this or the cock cage to the hotel maid who would find me the next morning? How would I get home? Fuck!!!

I waited. More panicked by the moment.

An eternity later, I heard sounds again. Had the door opened and closed again? Was He back? He was!

The door opened. I finally got my first glimpse of my Dom in person. He was even better looking than his photos suggested. He definitely stayed fit and just oozed masculinity.

With one word he commanded, "open." I opened my mouth. His soft uncut cock came out and he sprayed my face with piss before putting the tip of his dick in my mouth. I closed my lips and did my best to swallow every drop he gave me. The rest was dripping from my head and body.

He walked away and returned. I heard clanging before I saw the heavy chain he carried. This was no dog collar--it was a very heavy metal chain that would not be hidden under clothing nor easy to explain. He laid the cold metal around my neck and locked it closed with a heavy padlock. I felt the weight against my shoulders and chest.

The Dom produced the handcuff key from his pocket, removed the cuffs from my wrist and the shower bar, and deftly pocketed them. Without looking, he pocketed my ID and credit card from the counter.

"Up." I quickly rose to follow the command. "Follow."

I followed him toward the beds. He tossed me my shoes and my shorts. He left the jock sitting on the bed. I quickly noticed the lining from the shorts had been torn out. Without it, there was little hope of maintaining any modesty while seated. I quickly pulled them on and slipped my feet into the old sneakers.

He grabbed my tank top and headed out into the parking lot. I followed behind him, my bare torso exposed to the warm evening air which quickly dried the last of the piss still clinging to my skin.

I followed Him to his truck. He drove a muddy F150. I waited for him to unlock the passenger door and climbed in.

He drove us quite a distance to a restaurant alongside a major Highway. I was unfamiliar with the area so there was little chance I'd have been able to navigate back to the same place if I were forced to. Outside the truck, he tossed me my tank top and I quickly pulled it on before following him into the Diner.

We waited for a hostess. He was friendly and talkative with the hostess. I'd almost thought it was impossible He could speak given than he'd only uttered 3 words to me so far.

We were seated at a booth in the mostly empty restaurant. I sat near the wall. Rather than sit across from me, He sat next to me.

After the waitress handed us our menus and walked away, I reached for one to browse the options. He silently dropped his hand firmly on top of the menus, signaling I wasn't to lift the menu.

When the waitress returned, He ordered himself a pretty hefty meal of steak, baked potato, veggies, and a beer. He ordered me a plain salad with no dressing and water.

The food took a little while to arrive. We sat in silence. The Dom was reading a news app on his phone. I looked around the diner. I was surprised when I felt his hand reach down my back. I felt Him push his hand reach past the waistband and paw at my ass. His finger was idly playing with my dry hole. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "pull your shorts down."

I complied, nervously. I hoped nobody would be able to see. My cage would probably be visible to the waitress when she came back, but, I reasoned, nobody else could possibly see that my shorts were no longer covering my ass or balls.

When the food came, He cut the gristle and fat off his steak and scraped it onto my plate. He kept encouraging me to drink my water, and I did, eliciting a few refills from the waitress who must have known something kinky was going on at this table.

If the waitress noticed my nudity, she never let on. The Dom had removed his hand from my ass and focused on his plate.

After so much water I was desperate to pee. I wasn't sure how to signal to my Dom. I continued eating but was beginning to shift uncomfortably in my seat. Still, He tried to get me to drink more water, now win a grin on his face. Barely noticed that He was almost done with dinner.

He got up to settle the bill at the register near the entrance. I started to rise but He stopped me and looked down to remind me I still had my shorts down. Fuck. I blushed and quickly pulled them up.

He whispered in my ear, "use the first urinal but be sure to have your shorts pulled down below your ass and wait there until I release you." I nodded and rushed to the bathroom.

Standing next to the first urinal, I realized there was absolutely no way to protect my modesty with my shorts down. My bare ass would be immediately exposed to anyone who opened the door. My next realization was that there would be no way to piss standing at this urinal with my cage on without making a mess. I pulled my shorts below the level of the urinal in hopes of keeping them somewhat clean.

Just as I was getting ready to piss I could sense the door opening behind me. Was it Him?

Nope. Some trucker. He pretended not to notice me, headed to the stall and closed it behind him.

I was quickly becoming piss shy and couldn't get my stream to start.

The door opened again. Still not Him. Some 20-something guy taking a roadside leak at this truckstop. He used the urinal two stalls away. I could hear him muttering something about faggots under his breath.

I heard a flush. The trucker finished up and left just before the 20-something finished and walked out. I still hadn't gotten to pee and was seriously hurting now.

He finally walked in. I felt his presence and could smell his musk before I felt his hand on my ass. "Let's go" he ordered and led me out of the room. I was still pulling my shorts up when we walked out of the restaurant.

I'd fine through humiliating exposure and hadn't gotten to relieve myself at all. If anything, I was in worse condition and could barely hold it.

At his truck, he ordered me to strip in the parking lot. The clothes he tossed in the cab. I was let into the bed of this truck and told to stay down and out of sight.

I lay there desperately hoping not to be noticed and doing my best to hold my piss. The last thing I wanted was to soil anything of His.

We finally stopped. It was obvious we weren't in town anymore. We were deep in the country on a dirt road between fields. It felt like there wasn't another soul for miles.

He climbed out and helped me down. He pointed to the ground and I knelt on the hard dirt between his boots. He pulled his cock out and lowered his jeans a bit giving me better access and a first glimpse of his magnificent bush.

My mouth was on his cock and my nose in his bush as fast as lightening. I took every drop of his golden nectar. But the liquid intake was too much for me and my bladder forced itself open, piss dribbling from my cock onto the dirt and mixing into mud all around me.

I kept on his dick. After he was done relieving himself in me, he got hard and it didn't take long to work a load from him. He held my head tightly and forced me to deep throat him the moment he shot his cum. I had hoped for the taste of his seed in my mouth, but he shot directly into my throat.

He had me stand up then sat across the tailgate of the pickup. I was made to bend over His lap.


His big, strong, rough hands came down hard on my ass. I tried to bear it stoically but soon found it impossible.


The blow kept coming. Sometimes in a rhythm, sometimes sporadically. I could never tell which cheek would get hit. I screamed. I was sobbing. I tried to reach back to stop him but I was no match for his strong arms. I'm sure I would be bruised for weeks.

I was out of it when he pulled he high into the bed of his pickup and held me close to him. He pulled something from the pocket of his pants. A pill. He put the pill to my mouth and I opened up. He dropped it in and I swallowed reflexively. I was sobbed with my head buried between his solid pec and his ripe armpit. He held me close and tenderly touched me. I fell asleep in the warm night air to the smell of my Dom's natural scent.

The pill must have been a sleeping pill and He must have dressed me while I slept. When I woke up, I had my shorts on, we were riding through town, and I was sitting in the cab of his truck, still cuddled against Him, very drowsy.

We pulled up to the motel and he let me into the room. He disrobed completely and, for the first time, I saw the dark pelt of fur on his big, strong chest. He held me close against him as I drifted back into sleep.

Morning came and the light through the windows was striking my face. I tried to roll over but was pinned down. My wrists and ankles had been tied to something under the bed and I was restrained spread eagle on my back. He was gone. So were my clothes.

Terrible scenarios kept running through my mind. Had he ditched me in this room to be discovered by housekeeping? How would I get home today with no clothes, no ID, and no money? How would I explain the chain on my neck or the cage on my dick to the cops who would inevitably get involved?

To make matters worse, I needed to pee. Badly.

I lay there in near silence holding back my piss. I could hear the housekeeper pushing her cart from room to room. Her squeaky cart inched closer, but wasn't here yet. Still, I waited, sweating nervously.

The housekeeper was in the room next door. Still I waited. She finished vacuuming and I listened as the squeaking cart moved again. It passed my room.

I let out a sigh of relief.

My relief was short lived. My bladder was again at a desperate point. And like when I was drinking His the night before, there was no holding back. I finally let go, soaking my sheets and the bed.

I had to lay in that wet bed as it turned cold. The smell of urine mixing with the other odors from this crummy motel.

Judging by the position of shadows from the window, it had been at least a few hours since I'd woken up. Who knows what time, really? And I had definitely dozed off a few times. It was possible the Dom had slipped me another sleeping pill in my morning stupor.

I was napping when I heard the door finally open. It was Him!

He carried a paper grocery bag into the room, closing the door behind him. He paid little attention to me, heading straight across the room and toward the bathroom where he disappeared from my view. When he returned, he brought with him a plastic dog bowl and a can of beer.

He set the beer on the nightstand and the bowl onto the floor before releasing my restraints. "Eat," he commanded and I stopped stretching my sore limbs and found my way onto the floor. The dog bowl was filled with a mix of what appeared to be at least a couple packets of instant oatmeal, some kind of tasteless protein powder, and wet with what was unmistakably His piss. With no utensils, I did my best to lap it up and use one hand to scoop what I could into my mouth. I was desperately hungry.

He was on the clean bed, now shirtless, watching tv. My guess was that it was now around 6pm since the news was on. When I had finished the piss oatmeal, He got up, dropped his pants, and climbed back to the bed, inviting me to lay on the foot of the bed.

Sir laid there wearing only His jock. Wait. That was my jock. He was wearing the same precum soaked underwear I'd worn a day earlier. I could tell He's been sweating in it all day, adding the strong scent of his body to the cotton. I was instructed to massage His sweaty feet while He relaxed.

Time passed while He paid more attention to His phone than me. I stayed on my task. My only way to tell time was the passing of tv shows on the screen behind me.

Knock knock knock. Someone rapped on the door.

I froze, momentarily stunned at the disruption to my meditation on His feet. He glared at me and then glanced to the door. The look was laden with meaning.

I sheepishly rose to answer the door, knowing peaking through the peephole or opening the door a mere crack wouldn't satisfy Him. I opened the door widely and another man was standing at the entrance who forced his way in and past me.

The man greeted Him and almost ignored me except for the way he lewdly ogled my naked body.

He smiled, making no effort to cover his own nudity. I took that as a positive sign and chose to close the door and return to my previous task.

Upon reaching His feet, I heard him start giving commands in Spanish. They weren't for me; they were for the third man in the room who was quickly removing his clothes, revealing another locked cock, then joined me at His feet.

Soon He pulled his feet away and gave us a nod to crawl closer to the head of the bed. We both did, pressing our naked bodies against his. He pulled us into a kneeling position and pressed the backs of our necks until our faces were touching. The other boy kissed me and I returned the gesture. We made out sloppily directly over His face while He watched. His hands groped and explored our bodies, pinching nipples, stroking our asses, brushing against our holes, and tugging on our balls.

I was getting lost, once again, in a sex haze. Making out with a stranger also under His command and being felt up by Him was breaking my mind. I don't know when He had removed the jock, but He was now stroking Himself and pulling our heads toward his ripe crotch.

Now there was a war on. The other boy and I struggled with one another to be the sub who would make Him cum. When one of us was blowing Him, the other was sucking His nuts.

Sadly, I wasn't victorious in being the one to put Him over the edge. The other boy held the cum in his mouth then pulled me in for a deep kiss, snowballing His seed into my mouth. We swapped spit and semen back and forth, enjoying the mingled fluids while He watched.

He eventually pulled us apart and put me on the floor. The other boy watched with a mix of awe and disgust as He aimed His cock and let loose another torrent of piss into my mouth. I swallowed it all. He then pulled me to the piss soaked bed where I was tied down again.

The other boy was positioned between my outstretched legs with his face pressed into the damp mattress while He went to work loosening the boy's hole. I watched helplessly as He forced His cock into the boy and deprived my dick of any relief. It took forever for Him to cum again. I could see the boy's pained face as he took the relentless pounding and endured the smell of my stale urine, but could do nothing to help.

When, finally, the brutal fuck was over, He dug out my tank top and used it to wipe the mess from His cock and the boy's ass. The last things I remember were being force fed another pill while the boy was made to wash it down with his piss--much of which did not make it in my mouth, soaking my face and pillow.

The next morning, when I awoke, my clothes were laid out on the bed--the tank top now streaked with cum and a tiny bit of blood or shit from being used as a cumrag, the military issue shorts with the lining torn out, the worn out sneakers, and the jock now featuring His musky scent. The drawstring bag had the rest of my belongings. The chain was no longer around my neck. He hadn't unlocked my cage but left a handwritten note saying he would text me the combination to the lock box when I got home--that is, if I still wanted it.

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