Weekend with Big Jim

By MeatMeNKs

Published on May 29, 2004


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen year of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do.

Weekend with Big Jim Part 1

It had been a long week at work (but aren't they all when you're just a regular guy trying to get by?) so I had stopped by my favorite watering hole on my way home that Friday nite hoping to leave the week behind me and start the weekend with a few drinks. I sat down at the bar so I wouldn't have to travel far to get a refill.

As I started on my third beer, someone pulled the barstool next to me aside and the deepest bass voice I have ever heard asked, "Is this barstool taken?" I turned and looked at the towering bear hunk of a man that was standing next to that barstool and managed to croak out "no, it's free...if you want it." He chuckled and said, "I hope there's more than just this chair that's free for the taking". We both laughed and I noticed a mischevious gleam in his eyes. It would not be the last time I'd see that look!

I'm an average sized guy at about 5' 9", but this guy was head and shoulders above me... he had to be at least 6' 5", and built like a football lineman. He said, "Hi, I'm Jim.... but my friends call me Big Jim. I hope you'll be calling me that soon." as he grinned and stuck out his hand in greeting. I smiled, shook that hand and said "I'm Bob, nice to make your aquaintance Big Jim." Being that I'm a serial smart ass, I also exclaimed "Now, why on EARTH would your friends call you Big Jim? Not that I noticed your hat scraping the ceiling or anything!" He laughed and replied, "Who said my nickname has anything to do with how close my cowboy hat is to the roof when I'm wearing it?" We both laughed... and there was that gleam in his eyes again.

He sat down, and we shared more than a few more beers as we chatted about the usual things one discusses with a new friend... work, life, and love. In my current situation, more like the lack of love, and the abundance of work. I related to Big Jim my woes of working too hard during the week... the many hours I'd put in so I could have my weekends free to do as I wished. He replied he didn't work that many hours but wasn't "married or anything" either. I raised my bottle and toasted "here's to being single and ready to mingle!" He raised his bottle and agreed with a loud "YAHOO!" We laughed at the startled expressions on the faces of the other sad sacks around us who were apparently not having as good a time as we were.

"Time to do some recycling" I exclaimed as I jumped off my barstool to head to the mens' room....and damn near hit the floor when my wobbly legs suddenly had trouble doing their job. I managed to stumble across the bar and back. As I approached the bar, I noticed it was damn near 10pm... I had been there for nearly 4 hours drinking beer with my new friend... no wonder my legs were unsteady! Big Jim was standing at the bar as I approached, and said "let's go someplace the beer's free."

I laughed and asked "what bar has free beer on a Friday nite?" to which he replied, "Who said anything about a bar? I already picked up the tab...so you'll owe me one, ok? I have a 'fridge full of paid for beer back at my place, wanna go with me?" I said "hell yes," He laughed and smiled and I followed him out the door. Once in the parking lot, he said "You better ride with me...so you don't get pulled over and go to jail. We'll get your car later." I agreed, and jumped into his pickup. It was a short trip to the outskirts where Big Jim lived on his "lil' ranch" as he likes to call it. He has about 20 acres of land so he can do what he wants "without bothering anyone". When we arrived, he opened the door and I stumbled inside. I was barely past the threshold when his strong arms grabbed me and pulled me back against him... and his hands started roaming all over my body. I moaned and ran my hands all over his chest, pulling at the buttons of his shirt... then he stepped back and told me "we do things my way here... I'm in charge. If you can't or don't want to do things that way I'll take you back to your car now." I saw that gleam in his eyes get brighter when I replied, "I'm not going anywhere, you promised me a free beer!" He laughed and said I'd get that beer when he decides, I said "ok, what now?"

Big Jim motioned to a door on my left... "in there"... and I opened a door into a room the size of my entire apartment. The room was lit by the moon coming through several windows, and had a big four-post bed in the middle of the room. Big Jim followed me in, closed the door and said, "strip for me". I kicked off my boots and began to pull off my clothing as he stood watching. He said, "Turn around while you take off those jeans... I wanna see that ass getting uncovered for the first time in my house" so I did as he said.... and heard him moan softly and say "oh, man... this is gonna be more fun than I thought!"

"Now, turn around and kneel!" I did as I was told and he walked up to me and instructed me to take his clothes off with my teeth. I had already unbuttoned his shirt, it hung loosely around his torso as I undid his belt and zipper with my teeth and tongue. I could already begin to feel the heat coming from under those jeans. As he stepped into the light coming through the window I could clearly see the outline of his cock straining for it's release from it's denim confines. He slipped out of his boots and I reached for the top of his jeans and pulled them down ... his cock sprang free and bounced off my chin and jumped upwards... leaving a trail of precum across my face. I instinctively licked my lips, something that did not go unnoticed.

"You want that cock, boy?" He barked. I just moaned, as I could now see why his nickname was Big Jim! He was fully 8 inches long and as thick as a proverbial beer can... and I was drooling! He grasped the back of my head with one hand and took his massive meat in the other, slapping my face with it...covering even more of my cheeks and chin with his dick lube. He declared "I hope you know how to deep throat, but if not you are gonna learn!" and as I opened my mouth to answer, he crammed his cock into my hot mouth. I was in heaven as he started slamming that gorgeous cock in between my lips, over and over... pushing my head down farther and farther each time... forcing me to swallow his entire shaft! I had never deep throated a cock that big... hell, I had never sucked a cock that big! It was not easy at first, but I soon learned... but I had no choice...so learn fast I did! Soon, I could begin to feel his cock throbbing so I sucked and licked and tongued and kissed that cock with everything I had... I could feel him beginning to swell. Suddenly, he held his cock deep in the back of my throat and let loose! I thought the spasms of his orgasm would never end! I nearly choked on his load... hell, I didn't know how there was any room left in my throat for his cum, it was so full of his cock! I swallowed as fast as I could, but some of his seed trickled down my chin. I eagerly lapped it up as he let his cock fall out of my mouth. "Don't move boy... you've earned yourself that beer. I'll be right back with it." He left the room and I stayed on my knees on the floor, wondering what I had gotten myself into but equally eager to find out.

When Big Jim returned with my beer, he said, "put your hands behind your back". I asked "how am I gonna drink my beer if my hands are behind my back?" He replied, "Who says you need your hands to drink this beer? And DON'T talk back again!" I did as I was told, and he returned to stand in front of me... and began to pour the beer down the shaft of his cock! As the tasty beverage trickled down his cock and into my waiting mouth his cock began to slowly grow again... and before that beer was done his cock was at full mast again and I was licking the flow of fluid off his low hanging balls. He once again grabbed my hair and began to rub my face in his crotch but would not let me suck his cock again. Then, he pulled me up by the hair and kissed me, and I felt his big arms envelope me, pulling me into his chest. After a moment he released me from his embrace and turned me around to face the bed. He lifted me up from the floor and carried me forward, stopping by the foot of the bed. I could feel his hard cock against my back as he stood behind me... I panted with anticipation!

He grabbed the hair on the back of my head again and pushed me down and over the footboard onto the bed. I was now sprawled across the mattress, feet on the floor and my ass on full display! He stepped back for a moment, warning me not to move... as if I would WANT to! He left me there for a moment (he later told me he was enjoying the view!) and shortly I felt some cool, slick lube being applied to my ass. I moaned, and started moving my ass up and down, inviting him to take the plunge! He stepped behind me and began to rub his hard, long thick cock up and down the crack of my exposed ass... and asked me "Are you ready boy? Do you want me? Can you handle this cock in your ass?" I panted, "YES! I WANT it.... please, give it to me!" I heard him chuckle as he continued to make me moan and beg for his cock. Finally, he began to rub his cock around my hole... slowly pushing into me, more and more of his cock filling me with each stroke. I felt like I was being stretched to my limit! I didn't know if I COULD take that cock! Then, I relaxed just enough and with a grunt, he pushed all the way into me...I moaned as I felt him fill me with cock.

The heat from his cock spread to my entire body... he started to slowly fuck my ass... building speed as I relaxed and accommodated him more and more. I was panting, moaning, gasping like a fish out of water as he pounded his meat into me over and over and over! I worked my ass as much as I could, fucking back into his cock, milking him with my well-stretched asshole. He began to grunt and moan, and soon I knew he was near another eruption. I slammed back into him as hard as I could, and about that time he reached under me and grasped my hard cock, stroking me as fast as he was fucking me! I instantly began to spray the bed with my seed, screaming out in my release! He moaned loudly and began to spray my ass and back with almost as much cum as I had just deposited on the bed! He collapsed on top of me, and then pulled me up and onto the bed with him as we dropped off into a deep, satisfying slumber. It was after 1am, Friday was over.... Saturday had begun. Day two with Big Jim would hold ever more interesting possibilities!

email inquiries and comments to meatmenks@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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