Weekend With My Master


Published on Jun 14, 2008



It was Friday evening. I had left work and driven to my Master's house. I had been in slave training under this Master for a while, and was beginning to make some real progress.

I had been given a front door key, and as my Master was not home yet I let myself in. I knew the routine. I went straight to the bedroom and took off all my clothes and placed them neatly in the wardrobe. I went to the kitchen cupboard where my collar is kept and placed it around my neck. My dick was already hard with the thoughts of how my Master may use me during the weekend. I knelt by the back door in the 'present' position and spent some time letting the thoughts of work and the outside world disappear, and began to focus my mind on my Master and my slavery. My cock grew even harder as my mind concentrated on how I could serve my Master better this weekend. After I had focussed my mind I said aloud, "To my Master, I give my all".

I rose to my feet and went to the table in the lounge to read the list of instructions my Master always left for me. It was usually a list of chores to be done before my Master arrives home from work to ensure the house is clean and tidy. This week it was different. The list began as normal - hoover the bathroom, clean the shower, etc. But after the list of items about the chores for the bathroom there was a cryptic statement. It said, "When you've performed the above chores search for an envelope somewhere in the bathroom before you continue the list."

The whole list of chores was broken up like this. There was an envelope to be found after each section of jobs to be done around the house. I was intrigued and excited by what could be inside the envelopes and began my work in the bathroom. I hoovered the floor, cleaned the toilet, shower and sink. Then as I finished wiping the mirror my thoughts returned as to what might be in the envelope. I finished up in the bathroom. I hadn't found the envelope whilst I was cleaning so began to look for it. I eventually found it on top of the bathroom cabinet. I quickly ripped it open and took out the sheet of paper inside and read it. I could hear my Master's voice as I read:

"You're going to be a much better slave for me this weekend. Your limits are going to be pushed and you are going to serve me in the way that I want."

My cock was rock hard and leaking pre-cum at an alarming rate as I quickly read the rest of the note.

"You know where the butt plugs are kept. Take the second largest one and, after making sure you arse is well lubricated, insert it. I want your arse nice and loose for me later."

I quickly got the lube and butt plug. It really was quite large, and I hadn't used a butt plug with these large dimensions before. I put plenty of lube up me. I knew I was going to have to stretch my arse if I was able to get the butt plug to fit. First I used a couple of fingers then slipped another one in to make sure I was nice and loose as instructed. I put the butt plug on the floor and tried to sit down on it. It was quite painful, but I knew I had to do this for my Master. After a few attempts I got it in. The relief I felt was intense. There was a physical relief, and also the relief that I had followed my Master's instruction. I just sat there for a few minutes while my body got used to the full feeling I now had in my arse.

I got up and went downstairs to continue to read the list of chores. The next section of the list contained the bedroom chores. At the end of this section of the list my Master informed me that the next envelope was to be found somewhere in the bedroom.

As quickly as I could I got through the chores, but ensuring that the jobs were done correctly. The feeling of the fullness in my arse ensured that my cock remained hard and continued to leak pre-cum. There was already quite a snail trail running down my leg. The fullness was distracting, as the initial pain had now turned to intense pleasure every time I moved. But I knew I had to remain focussed on the chores.

As soon as I had finished dusting I began to search for the envelope. I eventually found it under my Master's pillow. I ripped it open and read the contents.

"Get on your knees in the 'present' position while you read this.

You've a lot of potential to be my permanent toilet. You have tried hard, and made real effort to be a good pig for your Master. By the end of this weekend you will be begging for my piss and shit.

Take a towel and cover the sofa. Go to the fridge and take out a box of shit. Lie on the lounge floor with the box of shit next to you. Spend a few minutes just inhaling the smell of my shit. Breathe in deeply. Get used to the smell as you'll be getting a lot of it this weekend. Take a handful of my shit and smear it over your chest. Put the shit next to the fireplace. I will now allow you to sit on the sofa until the shit has begun to dry. Then continue the list of chores."

I did exactly what my Master told me to do. His shit was very smelly. It was perfect for smearing - slightly runny. I lay on the floor rubbing the shit into my chest, concentrating on my nipples.

The list of chores continued with the upstairs office. This room didn't take very long at all. I found the envelope under the computer keyboard. The instruction was simple:

"As before smear yourself with shit, but this time cover your cock and balls. Do not wank your cock if you get hard!"

I returned to the lounge and lay on the floor. I took a handful of my Master's shit. I was so tempted to have a quick taste, but that was not part of the instruction. My cock was already hard by the time I moved my shit covered hand towards my dick. I covered my balls first. I took my time to feel the shit covering every part of my bollocks. My pre-cum was leaking out and I rubbed a piece of turd onto my knob, mixing it with my own juice. This just made my cock even harder and it throbbed and twitched. It was begging to be wanked. But I had been instructed not to, and so began to cover my shaft in my Master's shit. I was careful to not wrap my fist around my cock, but just used a couple of fingers to rub the shit up and down.

Again I sat on the sofa until the shit had begun to dry, and then continued my Master's list of chores.

The penultimate section of chores was the ironing. I found the envelope on the ironing board before I started, but resisted the temptation to open it until I had ironed the last shirt.

"Stand in front of the mirror in the lounge. Smear your face with my shit. Include covering your lips which you can then lick clean."

I stood in front of the mirror. I covered my forehead first. I smeared from my left temple to the right. I looked in the mirror. It looked so sexy. The erection I had almost continuously since I arrived at my Master's house sprang to attention once more. I took another handful of shit and cover the left side of my face first and then the right. My chin, nose and lips remained clean. I covered my chin next, ensuring I did not touch my lips - I wanted to savour that moment. My nose was covered next. When I looked in the mirror I could see that only my lips reminded clean. I smeared my top lip first, making sure there was a good thick coating. Then I repeated this with my bottom lip. I stood there for a few minutes just staring at myself in the mirror. My cock was throbbing and was begging to be touched. I began to watch myself as I licked the shit from my lips. It tasted good - slightly bitter but not too strong. I took my time over each lick. Even when I had finished there was still a tinge of brown covering my lips.

I got on with the list of chores. These concerned the kitchen and didn't take too long. The envelope was on top of the microwave. I opened it.

"You've now finished your chores.

Take a pair of nipple clamps from upstairs. Put them on and write your journal. When you have finished writing take the nipple clamps off. Put them on the floor next to my chair. Then open the final envelope which is in the shed.

As the pair of nipple clamps to wear was not stipulated, I chose my favourite pair. I put them on and wrote in my journal. It only took me a few minutes. I took the nipple clamps off, placed them carefully on the floor next to my Master's chair. The clamps were covered in little bits of dried on shit.

I found the final envelope on the floor in the shed. I opened it and read the contents.

"You are my slave. I have complete control over you. Even when you're alone you follow my instructions and that pleases me. My slave is in my house covered in my shit with its arse being stretched ready for my return.

I want you to lay all the slave equipment on the lounge table, ensuring like items are grouped together.

When you have done this you're free to be 'at ease' until you receive a text from me telling you I am on my way home."

I got the slave items from the bedroom and did as I was instructed. There are too many items to list here, but it included an elecro kit, ropes, anal toys, poppers, lube, a blindfold and pin-wheel.

Just as I was finishing laying the items on the table I heard a beep from my phone. My cock twitched as I read the message. "10 mins"

My Master would be here soon. I followed the routine that I had done many times before. I had a quick look around the house to make sure everything was clean and tidy. Then I got my journal and placed it on the floor next to my Master's chair. I knelt on the floor facing his chair and awaited my Master's return.

As soon as I hear the door open I knelt up in the 'present position' with my journal in my mouth. My eyes are lowered to the floor, but my cock is most definitely pointing towards the ceiling. I see my Master enter the lounge from the corner of my eye. My Master sits in his chair in front of me. He takes the journal from my mouth. With my hands still behind my back I bow my head towards the floor. When my forehead comes into contact with the floor I say "Oh My Master" and breathe in and out deeply. I raise myself to the upright position and repeat my bow towards the floor twice more. After the third bow I raise myself to an upright position and wait for my Master to speak.

"You've got a hard on." My Master says as he slaps it. "I hope this is a sign of your keenness to please me"

"It is, Master." I say as my cock gets another slap.

"Thank you, Master." I say as my Master opens and reads my journal entries from this week.

"I'm pleased to see that all you have focussed on scat this week and that your wanks have reflected this." My Master smiles at me as he says these words whilst reading my journal entries. I kneel at my Master's feet and think how sexy he looks in his suit. He obviously hasn't shaved for a few days as I can see his stubble. I don't know why, but my cock begins to twitch again. My Master doesn't notice as he continues to read my journal.

As he continues to read he comments or asks questions about the entries from my week. When he's finished reading, he closes the journal and puts it on the table next to his chair.

He looks at my face, and then looks me up and down. "Sit back." he orders.

"You've followed my orders well. I like to see you covered in my shit. It turns me on to think of you smearing my shit over yourself whilst I'm at work." he grins. "I'll take my own suit off and hang it up today. I don't want to get any shit on it. Put the nipple clamps on and be 'at ease' until I'm ready."

"Yes, Master" I said as I sat on the sofa.

After a few minutes my Master came back downstairs. He was naked, except for a shiny metal cock ring. He was slightly tanned and defined. He looked so handsome, and my dick sprang to attention again. It always does when he is naked and I see his perfect cock and balls swinging between his legs.

"I need a piss!" my Master announces. I knew what to do. I knelt on the floor in front of him. I took his cock and lifted it into my eager mouth. I placed my hands behind my back as the stream of warm piss flowed into my mouth and down my throat. It tasted bitter and strong, as it often does when he first comes home from work and has only drank coffee all day. But I don't complain, of course, and keep swallowing until the flow becomes a trickle, and the trickle becomes a drop. When my Master has finished pissing I begin to suck his cock as I have been directed to do many times. It slowly becomes hard as I do my best to take the whole length into my mouth and down my throat. After sucking his cock for a few minutes my throat had become used to the welcome intrusion and I am able to lick my Master's balls every time I force my head down. My Master seems to enjoy this, and thrusts his hips and holds the back of my head so I am forced to take every centimetre of its length.

"Take off your nipple clamps. Go and have a shower and clean yourself up. I've got plenty more shit for later. Keep the butt plug in."

"Yes, Master." I reply "

"And when you're done you can be 'at ease' until I'm ready for you."

I took off my collar, had a shower and cleaned my shitty body. My skin felt so soft afterwards. It always does when I've been covered in shit. I dried myself off, placed the collar back around my neck and went back downstairs.

My Master had poured me a glass of wine and had placed it on the table next to the sofa. Unlike before he had placed a small piece of shit into the glass. I didn't comment on this, and neither did he. I drank from the glass. It didn't taste any different to normal. But the shit had sunk to the bottom of the glass, so I knew the taste would change the more I drank. I was tempted to down the whole glass of wine and chew on the shit at the bottom, but I knew there was no rush.

For the next hour or so I was 'at-ease'. My Master cooked dinner, as he preferred to do, and we just chatted about what had happened during the week. It was normal for my Master and me to chat about what we had been up to, what was happening with our families, our jobs, etc. I cleared the plates away and washed up.

My Master had remained naked all evening, which he had never done before. This, of course, meant that I had a semi-hard dick all evening.

"Put on some porn." my Master ordered.

I chose his favourite scat film.

My Master clicked his fingers and pointed at the floor in front of him. I knelt down in the 'present' position and lowered my eyes. My Master began to speak. "I'm very happy with how much you've tried to please me today. I've got some treats for you over the next couple of days. Kneel back and you'll get your first."

I knelt back and my Master stood up. He took an item from the table. He sat back down, handed it to me and ordered me to put it on. It was a blindfold.

I put the blindfold on, and returned my hands behind my back. I heard my Master stand up and walk away. I was curious as to what was about to happen. I heard my Master walk back towards me and sit down in his chair. I then heard the familiar sound of a plastic box being opened. A familiar smell began to waft towards me. I could smell my Master's shit.

My dick became rock hard instantly. My Master went to the table and picked something up. My dick got a light slap. "You like my leather strap, don't you boi?" he asked.

"Yes Master"

"Open your mouth!" my Master ordered.

I knelt on the floor with my mouth open for what felt like ages, but was probably no time at all. My Master put a finger in my mouth. He had dipped it in his shit and I could taste the bitterness on my tongue. I closed my mouth around his finger and licked and sucked until I could no longer taste his shit. My Master pulled his finger out.

"Open!" he ordered again.

This time I could feel, and taste, two shit-covered fingers. I licked and sucked even more greedily than before. I wanted to clean every last spec of shit from my Master's fingers.

My Master removed his fingers from my mouth again. I opened my mouth automatically waiting for whatever was about to happen next. It wasn't what I was expecting. I didn't feel fingers entering my mouth, but instead I could feel a lump of shit being rubbed over my tongue.

"Hold the shit in your mouth." my Master said.

I closed my mouth and breathed deeply. I could taste the shit sitting on my tongue. My dick was throbbing. My Master began to wank it - just a few long, slow strokes.

"You've got me hard, boi" he said. "I can't help but stroke myself."

"Open your mouth and drop my shit out."

I felt my Master's hand on my chin, and I dropped the lump of shit into it.

"Take the blindfold off and stand up."

As I took the blindfold off I saw my Master's cock. It was fully erect and twitching. My Master really did have the perfect dick. It was long and thick, and I was always happy to wrap my lips around it. I was hoping he was going to ask me to suck it now.

"How's your arse feeling?" my Master asked.

"It feels stretched and full, Master." I replied.

"Good. Get on all fours facing away from me. Stick your arse in the air." he ordered.

"Yes, Master." I replied and quickly span around and followed his instructions.

My Master sat on the floor behind me. I could feel his breath on my arse as he was inspecting the butt plug in my hole.

"I'm impressed you managed to get that in and keep it in for so long!" There was definite surprise in my Master's voice.

"Thank you, Master. I knew it would please you if I could do it." I replied,

"I'm pleased! You're becoming a more obedient slave. Take a deep breath and relax your arse."

I felt my Master reach around the edge of the butt plug. He began to pull it out. "You're going to have to help me out a bit! Try to push it out while I pull."

I took a big deep breath in and pushed like I was taking a huge shit. My hole was stretched as the butt plug made its way out. There was a distinctive 'pop' as it left my hole.

"Well done, slave." said my Master "Turn around and have a look at this."

I turned around and my Master was holding the butt plug and it was covered in my shit.

"When did you last have a shit?" my Master asked

"Yesterday morning, Master" I replied.

"So you've still got an arseful?"

"Yes, Master."

"Well I think you should have a shit now then. Get back on all fours and shit on the floor."

I got back onto my hands and knees and began to push. It didn't take very long for me to feel a piece of shit about to exit my hole. I gave an extra big push, and my first log slid out of my arse and landed on the wooden floor with a slight thud. It was a proper firm log.

"If the rest of your shit is like this I'll be very happy!" my Master said with a smile.

I pushed again until I could feel my next log about to come out. Again it was a good-sized firm log. I continued this process until there were four logs in a pile on the floor behind me.

"I think I've finished, Master." I said with relief.

"Do you feel empty now?" my Master asked?

"Yes, Master" I replied

"Well I think I'll fill you up again.

I didn't quite know what he meant by that, but I was definitely intrigued. I heard him get up, and I stayed on all fours waiting for him to return.

I heard his footsteps returning.

"Lie on your back."

I turned over. I could see my Master standing above me holding another box of shit. His cock was still rock hard and throbbed. He wanked his cock a few times. Then he knelt on the floor between my legs, and pushed my legs into the air. I held my legs behind my knees to keep them in the air. My Master opened the box and I got another waft of his wonderful shit.

"Your arse had still better be nice and loose for me."

"It is Master."

"Good! I've frozen and defrosted this shit, so it's a bit runnier. Perfect for what I want to do."

My cock throbbed as I realised what my Master was about to do.

My Master reached his right hand into the box and took a handful of his shit. He moved his hand towards my arsehole. He rubbed the first load of shit onto my hole. He easily pushed a finger into my hole because my arse was still stretched by the butt plug I had been wearing. Then two fingers entered me. After scooping up some more shit three fingers slid in. Each time he pulled his fingers out, and then pushed them in again more of my Master's shit entered my hole. My Master took another handful of his shit and repeated the process until he was happy.

My arse felt so good. My stomach was covered in pre-cum. My Master pulled his fingers out of my arse. He moved his hand towards my head and rubbed his hand over my face. He made sure he covered my lips with his shit. I stick my tongue out and licked some of the shit off my Master's fingers.

"Good boi" I could see the grin on my Master's face. "You want my shit, don't you?"

"Yes, Master." I said whilst still licking his fingers.

My Master took another handful of shit and smeared it onto my hole. He took hold of my legs and pulled me towards him. He took hold of his prick and pushed it into the lump of shit on my hole. He rubbed his cock around my hole, and then in one slow, smooth movement he pushed the whole length of his dick into my hole.

He held his throbbing cock inside me for a few minutes while he moved his hand down to my hole and rubbed the shit around it.

He pulled his cock out until only the head remained inside. "You're making my cock twitch, boi" he said. He took some more shit and covered the rest of his dick in it, then thrust back into me.

Then he took one of my logs and smeared it with his own, runnier, shit. He placed it on my stomach and broke a piece off. He took the small piece in his left hand, and put the larger piece back onto my stomach.

To my great surprise he lifted the small piece of shit towards his mouth and licked it!

"I've never tasted slave shit before. Maybe it'll taste okay if it's mixed with mine." he said with a smirk on his face.

Even I had to smile. Then my Master placed the whole lump of shit into his mouth and chewed on it a few times. He opened his mouth to show me his handiwork.

It looked very sexy. The thought of my Master tasting my slave shit really turned me on. Then to my astonishment he bent towards be and kissed me. The chewed shit transferred itself into my mouth, and between us we mashed it up until it was a thick liquid with only a very few small solid bits remaining. My Master used his tongue to push all of this liquid shit into my mouth. "Swallow it!" he ordered.

I did as I was told. It was the first time I had ever tasted my own shit. In fact the only shit I had tasted before had been my Master's. When I finished swallowing my Master called me a "good boi". I was pleased with myself. My Master began to fuck me. He fucked me hard and really pounded his prick into my arse. I couldn't help but moan - partly with pleasure and partly with pain. It felt so good. I hadn't been fucked in a while. Every so often my Master would take some shit and would feed me some. I was eager to eat every bit I was lucky enough to be given.

I had obviously been pleasing my Master this evening, as he took some shit in his hand and began to wank my dick with it. Not just the usual one or two strokes, but continuously. I could feel my dick throbbing and getting harder in my Master's hand as he wanked and fucked me simultaneously.

I was breathing heavily as I was getting closer and closer to cumming. I could tell that my Master was also not far from emptying his balls into me.

"Can I cum Master?" I asked.

"Not yet" he panted.

I was finding it hard to hold off as my Master continued to wank me, He was thrusting hard into my arse now. It felt wonderful.

"Grab my nipples" my Master ordered.

I lifted my hands towards his chest, grabbed hold of his nipples and pulled and twisted them. My Master let out a deep moan. I pulled on them harder.

"Cum now!" my Master shouted.

My dick exploded, and wave after wave of spunk hit my chest and stomach. I could tell by the thrusts that my Master was cumming too. His spunk hit my insides mixing with his shit.

While still inside me, my Master lent forward and kissed me and we just lay there for a few minutes panting and catching our breath. My Master's dick began to soften and slipped out of my arse.

"Let's go to bed." My Master said.

"Would you like us to have shower, Master?" I asked.

"No, we can sleep in the shit tonight. We don't have to leave the house tomorrow and I want you stinking of my shit all day."

I turned off all the lights and followed my Master upstairs. I got into bed and my Master put his arm around me, pulled me towards him and said "You've been a good slave boi today. I'm pleased with you. Now get some sleep as you'll need all your energy tomorrow!"

My Master kissed me on the forehead, rolled over, and we both fell asleep.

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