Welcome to Nyetimber

By G Cutter

Published on Apr 1, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.




G. Cutter

Now, Nyetimber sounds like one of those made up places but it's not. My family and I moved there when I had just turned fifteen, I had a year's schooling left and at the time one of my family's main concerns was that my education didn't fall off. I say this as I was a good student and my people were hoping for me to get enough passes in my final exams to go to Uni. With this in mind, why tear me out of a top class London school and bury me away in the sticks for my final year? Anyway, enough of that. I was bright and I knew it, putting the extra effort in was the trick and a lot of kids just couldn't be bothered. I was different, I liked to win in what I did and to top it off I was good at sports as well. Pretty much a good all rounder but now a lonely and slightly pissed off all rounder.

Nyetimber is the arse end of nowhere to be perfectly honest. On the western edge of Bognor Regis of all places and a mile from Pagham Harbour. My father had bought a new house which was a vast improvement on where we'd lived but although I'd been signed up for school the summer holiday had started and I knew exactly no one. All my old chums, pals and wank buddies were left sitting up in Wimbledon... there you go, I had to drop that bit in for the lechers reading. I was a boy's boy if you know what I mean, I liked being with other boys and I especially liked getting up close and tight with other boys not that a lot happened apart from a few hand jobs here and there. Here I was stuck in a bloody great house with exactly zilch in the way of pals. My dad said I'd soon make friends with other boys but that would happen at school not over the holidays. To make things even more difficult our house was up the end of a road, or more of a lane with only two other houses in it. When we moved in I assumed that they were both deserted as there was absolutely no sign of any activity at all. There were building sites marked out and I assumed that sooner or later other houses would be built. Thank God I had my bike for the following days and could get around a bit and explore.

Dad had wobbled on about the harbour and Marinas, the local Butterfly Museum (of all things), a Falconry Centre and Pallant House whatever that was. I was so hyped up with all this exciting trivia as I sorted my gear out and humped it to my room I nearly collapsed with sheer boredom. The consolation was that I had a nice room overlooking the garden and our baby swimming pool. My dad was pretty well off, in fact he was stinking rich and I wondered why he'd moved down here to the aforementioned 'arse end of nowhere', he'd probably got the Russian Mafya after him... just joking. He would be based in Chichester where he'd got offices and my mum would go with him as she served as his Company Secretary for three days of the week. Great, apart from being alone and in solitary I wouldn't even have mum to grizzle at or to feed me.

I got a map out on the first night and set myself a few objectives, there were a couple of rivers nearby and as I've said Pagham Harbour was just down the road, they had to be worth a cruise, troll, visit... select your word. I was a bit suprised to hear the front door bell go after dinner and probably around eight. I was nosey enough to tip toe out onto the landing and overhear someone apparently welcome mum and dad and get invited in. Needless to say I got called down, why not show off the brightest boy in the family, the one and only as it happens.

Mum and dad were fussing over a couple and a boy... a damn boy and he seemed to be around the same age as I was. We gave each other the beady eye as strangers do and got introduced. He, Martin and me, Thomas and commonly known (still) as Tommy. Dad started sloshing whisky and gin around like he was intent on going on a night's piss up and Martin who I'd already christened Marty and myself were given Cokes. They parents immmediately started nattering on about shopping, what they did and didn't do and all the bilge normally associated with the adult world. As the host I invited Marty out into the back garden where we sat on a swinger just ourtside the door trying to block out the mumbling coming from inside.

'Makes a change to have some company down here,' Marty looked at the darkening sky. 'How old are you?'

'Fifteen just.'

'Ah, I'm fifteen next week,' he grinned. 'I'll sort you out an engraved invitation.'

'Brill.' I tried to look enthusiastic. That's all I needed, buying a pressie for someone I barely knew. Mind you he seemed a nice enough kid, very similar to myself I suppose and a daft thing to say but we were both average all the way, the main difference was that I was fair skinned and blond, and he was dark or sallow and black haired. We both had need of a barber but the holidays were on us and I suspect the hair cutting would remain undone until school's next term reared it's ugly head.

'You're Nelson,' he looked at me suddenly. 'T. Nelson.'

'That's me,' I admitted.

'Ah,' he exclaimed as if he'd solved a puzzle. 'We saw a strange name on the class list for next term and wondered who it was.'

'That's handy,' I grinned with relief. At least I'd know one boy when I joined the school for my final year and my exams.

'You'll meet some new classmates at my party,' he nodded. 'A couple live over the field,' he pointed vaguely into the darkness. 'And Jerry at the farm down there,' he pointed again. 'A couple of the fourteen year olds down the road.'

'Your little gang?' I smiled.

'Not really but we go swimming in the little river down the back and bugger around... you know.'

I really didn't know what he meant but at least there were some local boys and I would hope to meet them in the near future. As for the 'you know' remark, that could mean anything. At least I wasn't as isolated as I'd first thought and the more I sat and listened to Marty the more I liked him. I mean, really. He seemed pretty laid back and at least he talked unlike many his age who seem frozen with shyness when they meet someone new. He was a boy who'd got over that stage or had it yet to come.

'They're getting on OK,' I jerked ny head back to the newly christened lounge.

'Getting pissed up,' he dropped his voice and grinned. 'My dad drinks like a fish.'

'He'll get on well with mine,' I laughed.

We got called inside in the end and before Marty went home he arranged to collect me around nine for a cycle around so I could get my bearings and hopefully more. The last bit was me not him you understand. I hadn't exactly got him down as an object of desire yet but at fifteen I was just one great big horny dog, I just couldn't help myself. As I got undrerssed for bed I tried not to imagine him getting into his jim jams, but then again why not. I knew he was that off-white, the sort of sallowness you get with Frenchies but as I thought about the small of his back (one of my kinky spots), his smooth (it had to be smooth) belly and his sweet snub nosed face I imagined yet further. His dark pubics and he had to have them with his healthy hair growth, his noodle which had to be uncircumcised... Shit, I leapt into bed and had my first mind blowing wank in our new house thinking of a naked Marty, now there's an over active imagination for you.

I was awake early the next morning and went downstairs to find that mum and dad were taking the rest of the week off. So much for my recent dream of getting Marty upto my room, stripping him naked and tickling him to death (or something). You need to know at this stage in my life I'd never actually done anything with another boy other than trade furtive wanks. I wasn't really a sex artist supreme, I lagged well behind some of my peers in that respect. As I ploughed through my Cocoa Pops and fruit juice I wondered how the day would go. I finally decided to play it by ear and see what developed. Well, what else could I do, I couldn't expect to find a like minded boy pervert on my first day out.

I was out in the sunlit lane by nine in the usual holiday kit of shorts and t-shirt, trainers with no sox and the mandatory baseball cap pulled down to shade my eyes. I had some pretty flash sunglasses somewhere but couldn't find them. I was chuffed, delighted or over the moon (once again pick the word that fits) to see Martin, now my Marty wander out trying to cram something into his mouth and negotiate his wheels down a rather cluttered front garden. It was clear that his people were into garden ornaments big time and some of those gnomes were big enough to bring down a rhino.

'Heyup, pal,' he grinned and gave me the once over, no harm there, I did the same to him and he was dressed exactly as I was only his cap sported a Portsmouth FC logo. Jeez, I never knew they had a football club. 'Wanna ride down to the river for starters or the harbour.'

'I'm in your hands,' I replied eyes glued to his smooth brown legs, I hoped that I wasn't drooling but he just gave me a grin.

'River,' he decided. 'A bit to early for visiting and we can drop by the Marina later, they have a couple of snack bars. You got some money on you?' He asked anxiously.

'I brought a fiver.'

'Good, you're buying,' he laughed. 'Come on...' We mounted up and cycled down the lane, he had a Roughrider like mine with the chunky tyres and three million gears of which only three worked, we must have looked as if we were poured from a mould apart from the difference in colouring. 'It's great to have a neighbour at last,' he waffled on as we took a leisurely ride down the lane which degenerated into a cart track and a big heap of soil which effectively put us into a field. 'I love it here,' he fell off his bike and climbed the heap of soil surveying the scenery. 'Pity there aren't a few more kids about.'

'There's me,' I pointed out.

'So there is,' he looked at me and his gaze lingered. as he sat atop the heap. It's funny how just one look can say it all about a boy and that look did it. He'd zeroed in on my shorts, my crotch in particular and that gave him away. It was only momentarily but enough for me, my juvenile gaydar was whirring and spinning around like something out of Space Rangers. Then again... caution.

'Harbour down thataway,' he pointed to our rear and where we'd come from. 'One small river thataway and another larger river past that one, that's where we swim.'

'Oh, it's a big river then?'

'Nah but there's some nice pools, it's more splash around than swim but it's nicely out of the way. Jerry, Donny, Danny, Fred and Pete go down there some afternoon,' he ticked the names off on his hands and I guessed they were the boys who lived locally. He looked at me again and laughed. 'You and I make the numbers up: The Magnificent Seven, local lads that is.'

'Do I get a badge?' I grinned.

'Ooooh, who knows,' he tried to look mysterious. 'Anyway, to early for the muppets, I'll take you round to Jerry's later, he lives on the farm over thataway.' Another wave of his smooth brown arm (grrrrr) disposed of Jerry. 'Jerry's a ginger.'

That one stopped me. In Wimbledon school speak 'a ginger' indicated that someone was gay. You know 'ginger beer', rhyming slang for queer. 'Really,' I squeaked.

'Ginger as in Ron Weasley ginger you plonker,' he laughed. The rat had read my mind.

'What else,' I laughed trying to shrug off the moment but he wasn't letting go.

'Mind you, the way he walks and the way he talks, who knows.' He looked at me for a moment and seeing my carefully cultivated stone face gave up. 'Nah, he's OK, our Jerry... he does look like Ron W. a bit though.'

'Depends on his wand I suppose,' I gave way an inch and smiled. I think we were into word games but it was early days.

'Now that's another thing,' he burst out laughing and got to his feet. 'Come on Tommy, Tom Tom, let's tour.'

We mounted up and I followed along what was barely a footpath to a line of trees. It was a perfect summer's day for two boys, crickets chirping, thingies buzzing and other thingies droning . Mind you I was so engrossed in Marty's tight little bottom on his cheesecutter saddle that I nearly fell off a couple of times. Of course, Jerry's wand was tucked away in the back of my mind. I could handle a Ron Weasley lookalike. We dismounted at the treeline and walked into shade and sweatiness but not for long. I could hear the sound of running water and the small path opened out into a clearing by a fair sized pond.

'This is the paddling one,' Marty sat down again. 'The bigger and better is a short ride through there,' he pointed out a clearing on the opposite side to where we were. 'That's where we go when it's really hot, it's dead private, no one goes there...'

'Except you boys,' I pointed out.

'Spot on, our secret place... it's deep enough for skinny dipping.' he flashed me a glance.

'Great, it sounds wicked.'

'Excellent, Tom Tom,' he slapped my bare knee. I'd clearly passed his test. If boys are boys (and they are) he'd be passing on the information to his pals that the new guy in town was alright. I was in and if my diseased mind was working right he may even make a move on me today. Yeah, I know, masses of assumptions and a load of wishful thinking but it was the start of a long hot summer and why not.

'It's beautiful here,' I lay back and let the air to my belly concious of his eyes on me once more. Maybe a bit early but there was that certain something in the air. I don't know if boys give of a scent when they're in heat or randy but I knew Marty and I were going to make contact before the day was out. Close Encounters of the juvenile kind, it had to happen it was in the stars. We were both of the age, we were both lonely and... Marty was on the move.

'Wanna walk over the other one, I'll show you what I mean and then we can circle around to Pagham or Sidlesham for a drink and some munchies.'

'Yeah, yeah,' I scrambled to my feet.'

'Follow behind me.' He hoisted his bike onto his shoulders and started to wade across the pond. It came upto he hem of his shorts so I was OK being just a fraction taller but it was still dodgy, the stones underfoot were slippery and I was quite relieved to get to the other side in one piece. 'Dickhead Jery tried to cycle across one day and he got drown.'

'Shit, was he alright?'

'He was after we all piled in and tried the kiss of life on him,' Marty cackled and led off again.

'Whooo... giving Ron Weasley the kiss of like,' I mocked. 'Every girly teeny bopper's dream.'

'Some boy teenies as well,' Marty giggled from up front.

'Indeedy,' I hurried to catch up. I was getting hard and I had to be careful, luckily I had tight briefs on but if he suggested a swim or anything I was lost. Mind you, perhaps that was his plan. He'd had the opportunity to divert elsewhere but we were now heading for his little gang's 'secret place', the plot thickens as someone says on the TV. the problem was that the plot wasn't the only thing thickening.

'Must be a bit of a bastard being wrenched away from all your mates at the start of the long hols,' Marty spoke over his shoulder. 'It's just around this bend.' I'd worked that one out by the way as the sound of running water was now quite audible and it sounded faster and a bit livelier than the last lot.

'It is but life goes on,' I answered. 'I've got the boy next door to keep me company.'

'The boy over the lane,' he laughed. 'And I'm a classmate along with Jerry and whatsit.'

'Playmates, classmates,' I laughed.

'All of that,' he broke out into another clearing, a smaller one than the last but the pool was bigger and clearly deeper. It was fed by water running down a mini rapids at one end and disappeared into bullrushes at the other. Superb, the trees were thick, the water so inviting and I couldn't understand how come it hadn't beed discovered by the tourists.

'Old MoD land,' Marty spoke. That boy was definitely a bloody mindreader. 'We're trespassers but this neck of the woods has been abandoned for years. There's not even a fence around it but it's literally in the middle of nowhere so it's ours now.'

'Brilliant.' There was little else to say. We selected a spot on the edge of the pond where the canopy thinned a little and dappled sunlight came through, warm but not too hot, perfect. 'When I die I'd like to be buried in a place like this,' I gazed up at what I could see of the brilliant blue sky.

'Now there's a cheery thought,' Marty laughed and lay alongside me.

'It's true, Batman,' I sat up and started to remove my wet trainers. That water looked so inviting and I was willing Marty to suggest a dip.

'So you like it, Tom Tom?' He grinned at me seemingly pleased with himself or perhaps he was just as happy as I was to find a pal so close to home. He peeled off his sweaty and now grubby t-shirt and lay back with his cap covering his eyes. I knew he was still watching me but I didn't spoil his fun, in fact, I played along. I made a raking around movement with my hand straightening my sweaty penis so that I was comfortable. I knew he'd seen, I wasn't a moron.

'Yeah, I love it,' I stretched out and then as if an afterthought sat up again and pulled my t-shirt over my head and lay back down but not before I'd seen it. This runt who was a little bit shorter and younger than myself actually had a treasure trail or the beginnings of one. I'd spotted a few black belly hairs protuding above the top of his shorts. My first glimpse of Marty's pubes and now I was excited. I groaned as I felt my penis thicken, my over active imagination will be the death of me.

'You've got a good body,' he murmured. 'Do you work out?'

'Not really, I was in the school football team back home and did some track running.. ah yeah, some competition swimming as well.'

'A jock,' he giggled.

'No chance,' I flapped my arms giving my pits some air and my hand knocked against his side. 'Sorry.'

'No matter,' he lifted the front of his shorts either for ventilation or display and I saw the darkness and what could have been the bulk of his privates but not enough. 'We could have a splash around,' he ventured. 'Knicker dipping.'

'Have we got time?'

'Yeah, loads of time,' he pushed his cap back and glanced at his watch. 'Half an hour splosh, dry off and cycle down to Sidelsham Marina for something to eat and drink.'

'Ok,' I sat up as he stood and watched as he tugged his shorts down, he had light blue briefs on underneath and they left absolutely nothing to the imagination. He kept himself turned away for the moment but I could quite clearly see his firm young buttocks and the darker cleft between them, a moment later he was in the water and screaming at the chill and shock. I ripped off my shorts and splashed in, I was going to do a flash dive but not for starters I wasn't too sure how deep it was. It was cold but after a jump around it was fine and the first brush of his slippery and chilled skin against mine sent me over the top. I had to stay in the water now or until I shrunk that was.

We were both as good as naked in our skimpy cotton briefs and I kept getting glimpses of his darker pubic area and his partially inflated penis contained by the wet cotton. Of course in that sort of situation all shyness disappears and the first time he grabbed me from behind and hugged me I felt his bits press against my bum and he was hardening up. Great minds think alike, eh?

He giggled and broke free but I was on him and this time we were belly to belly as I wrapped my arms around him and crushed us together.

'Tommy, Tom Tom,' he sighed and lazily rubbed up against me and I felt both our sexual organs harden in sympathy with each other. He was all boy and as we lazily moved against each other in the water I felt his hands slip down my back and he clasped my bum pulling us in even tighter.

'Let's hope Jerry doesn't turn up,' I whispered toying with the idea of risking my lips on his smooth neck.

'Jerry doesn't get up early and his dad always has some chores for him,' he slipped his hands into my briefs and cupped my bottom squeezing and fondling my springy flesh. 'Jerry's alright anyway.'

'Alright as in alright?' I swallowed water as we bobbed up and down.

'Yeah,' he giggled as I took the plunge and finally slipped my hand between us and grasped his firm youthful erection. It was so hard and he was so nice, the thing pulsed in my hand and I swear he was on the verge of cuming but suddenly he gave me the briefest of kisses on the lips and broke free. That was it, I was so hot I was on fire. I was at that stage of my development I wasn't sure what I wanted and to further confuse me I suspected that Marty may be further on the sex trail than I was. That bum grabbing bit was a bit over the top for me. The thought of that meaty boy cock of his between my legs was turning me on big time. Under the water I slipped my briefs off and ignoring hinm splashing around for a moment gave them a rinse and hung them on a bush by the water's edge.

'Good thinking, Handsome,' he grinned and carried out the same maneuver and then with a coy glance swam away, this time I was after him and caught him in deeper water. We wrestled around until we were exhausted and this time it was cock fencing, erection against erection and laughing and spluttering all the way. We both knew how this would end but not quite how I'd expected.

We eventually climbed from the water and lay panting and gasping on the warm moss grass. We looked at each other and then at each other's erections and that was it. We moved in and this is where it went from good to wicked. I was still at the wanking stage but he was a couple of light years in front of me and they call country boys Simple Simons and yokels. Nothing simple about this kid, as I moved in cautiously and grasped his penis he was on me, his lips were on my neck and his hardness crushed gainst mine as we wetly Moved together belly to belly. We were chilled but the sun filtering through the leafy overhand was working it's magic. If there was a boy's heaven it had to be somewhere like this.

'I like you, Tommy, I like you a lot,' he stared at me with his green eyes and then his lips met mine. I was lost and submitted to his eager mouth as his tongue probed at my teeth and slipped into meet mine. We tongue tangoed for a while and that is an experience for a first timer. I was getting so hard I was actually dribbling and he kept wriggling against me making it worse or is it better?

'I like you, Marty,' I blushed. What I wanted to tell him was that I was in love but you can't say that to other boys at least not on a first date which this was... sorta.

'Good. Want a treat?' he grinned impishly for a moment and with a question in his eyes.

'Anything you can do I can do better.' What a bloody stupid thing to say but once said I was stuck with it.

'Really?' He beamed this time.

'Really.' I groaned as he flathanded my chest pushing me back down onto the grass. He kissed down my throat and chest with butterfly kisses until he got to my belly and then he grasped my stiffy and held it up. I'd heard about this but couldn't believe it was happening to me. He dodged my dick but dived onto my tight balls and nuzzled at my hairless scrotum and licked under but then came back up again. He licked the shaft of my twitching cock and then tongue bathed it until it was slick with saliva. I closed my eyes and ruffled his scruffy dark and damp hair until I felt the first lick across my oozing glans.

'You like?' He whispered.

'Very much,' I gasped trying to force his head down onto my cock but he went willingly. I nearly passed out as I felt his wet warmth engulf me and then his tongue flickered at my pee slit and he started to suck moving his lips up and down my spit slicked shaft. I nearly passed away in that secluded spot with Marty giving me what I knew was called a blow job. My first and I knew that when he was finished I'd do him. He reached under me and clasped one cheek in each hand and went to town. Fast, slow and then fast again until I cried out that I was about to...

'Jeeeeez...' I wailed as I felt my cock throb in his mouth and then the relief as my spunk shot up my shaft and splattered into his busily sucking mouth. It felt as hot as molten lava and his cheeks bulged as he took it all in and gulped my slimey white offering right down. 'Gawd...' I wilted and felt the tenseness drain from me as he milked me dry even down to squeezing my softening cock until the last dribbles oozed clear.

'You saved that up,' he looked up my belly grinning with his lips shiny with my juices. 'When was the last time you had a wank?'

'Last night.'

'Must be my beauty then,' he took my softening noodle into his mouth again. 'Spunky Boi.' he gobbled with a mouthful of softening cock.

'It is,' I grinned and escaping his clutches rolled him onto his back and looked at his beautifully tanned body. I work up to a nice golden tan over the long summmer breaks but nothing like his, he was like one of these elfy types you read about. Slender, brown skinned with long black hair and a swinging meaty penis far too big for his boyish form but not for me. I was keen and did the kissing down the chest and belly bit at speed, I was eager to taste him and when I got to sucking his smooth scrotum I made a meal of it. I sucked his eggs in their velveteen sac and played with his thick and crisp black pubics which did indeed peak just under his cute innie but then came the jackpot. I did as he had I held his erection upright and lapped and licked up it's length until I sank my mouth over his dribbling purple skinned glans.

''Ooooooh... Tommy,' he sighed and flopped stroking my hair and playing with my ears as I bobbed my head up and down making sure to keep my teeth out of the way. It was my first time and I had my doubts but I was honour bound and I have to say, it grew on you. I took him in as far as I could and sucked away merrily as he started to fuck into my mouth. I was nervous about the obvious outcome but if he could handle it then so could I.

When he cum it was a shock. One minute he was jerking about and the next he just gave a little moan and spasmed. My mouth was full of the stuff, I nearly choked but managed to swallow it down and found that it didn't taste horrible at all. It tasted slimey and vaguely of the oysters my dad had tried me on once. It was fun, I smacked my lips feeling like a dirty little boy as I felt a splash on my jaw as he relaxed. I quickly slipped up his body and sealed my spunky lips to his and we kissed . It was all over for now.

We lay there at peace with each other until our briefs dried and then we were off. Even boy lovers need to eat and fifteen year olds more than most.

We'll go to Pagham, it's nearer home and full of touristy boys,' Marty grinned. I was beginning to think he was a bit of a lecher but no mind, a perfect pal for one such as I.

'Whatever... lead on,' I pedalled hard to keep up.

''Do you now what a sixty niner is?'

'Er, not really. I've heard of it but not quite sure how it works.'

'I'll show you this afternoon,' he laughed and cycled along with his arms straight out imitating an aeroplane or maybe a flying sex god, who knows.

'Great.' I loved tutorials especially with someone like Marty my new bestest best friend.


I may carry on with this one but it's a trial at the moment. My characters are becoming a little hackneyed but I certainly don't want to involve people over twenty five or under eleven so I'm a bit restricted by self imposed limits. This could turn out to be my take on "Swallows and Amazons" without the girls.


Next: Chapter 2

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