Welcome to Paradise

By dream lover

Published on May 9, 2002


Welcome To Paradise.

Chapter2: Anywhere but here.

Hey everyone, how's it going? Did you think I would leave it there? Nah I couldn't do that to you or to Josh and Ryan. That would just be mean lol. So here is the next segment of the story. I'm sorry I update so slowly but I have a lot on my mind so leave me alone, jk. If you have any comments or questions feel free to email me any time at jcsonlydreamlover@hotmail.com got it? Good. Talk to ya'll later. Barbie

P.S. I want to dedicate this chapter to Kav, Ry, and Jeremy. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

"Sometimes you tell me things that I don't wanna know...You say exactly how you feel about her, I wonder could you ever think of me that way?" - Mandy Moore, "Crush" I lay on the beach 3 days later, thinking about Josh. That guy on the plane was sweet, funny, sensitive and sexy as hell. And I let him walk away. Stupid, Stupid Stupid, Stupid Stupid. I scolded. But he does have my cell number, I thought to myself. You have his too you idiot my sensible self shouted. I groaned inwardly. "Hey dude what's happenin'?" Alex, one of my best friends asked taking a seat on the sand next to me. "Not much just relaxing before I head out again." I replied opening my light brown eyes and looking at him. "Sweet! Look at that set coming in! I'm going to get it!" Alex said excitedly. I sat up and grabbed a beer for him and one for myself. I looked out over the ocean and saw the huge group of waves coming in; they would be perfect for riding. "Dude, you'd never make it. When the sets over then head out, if you go now you'd get crunched. So drink with me for a few minutes then leave." I explained taking a sip from the Budweiser. "Wow look at that guy! He's totally taking off on that wave!" Alex said pointing at a dark haired guy who was catching a huge wave. "Damn, that's one fine wave." I commented. But the guy riding it's even finer, I thought to myself. I watched as the guy rode the wave. He wasn't a bad surfer, not as good as Alex or me but not bad. Suddenly the guy lost his balance and fell. "Oh wipeout. That one had to have hurt." Alex laughed. I watched, waiting for the guy to resurface...but he didn't. "That guy's not coming up." Alex vocalized my thoughts, concern sketched in his voice. My survivor mode took over and I grabbed my board. "Dude what are you doing? You said yourself if you head out now you'll get crunched!" Alex yelled at my retreating figure. "The guy's drowning, I have to try and help!" I screamed back. I reached the water and jumped on my board. I didn't really have any idea where I was paddling to, but I let my instinct kick in. I held my breath and ducked under the first wave's whitewater. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. But then again I was close to shore so most of the waves power had disappeared. The next wave came sooner than I thought it would, but I was ready for it. I took a deep breath and dove under, the current was stronger now then it was on the last one. I opened my eyes and saw a sliver of the guy's surfboard. Well at least I was heading in the right direction. The next wave came and I took another deep breath. This wave was really powerful. Nothing compared to the previous two I had faced. It took me a lot more strength to reach the top of the water again. When I resurfaced I gasped for air. Guess I didn't take enough air that time. Opps, my bad. I blinked the salty water out of my eyes and saw the guy's board floating in front of me. The easy part was done, now I have to help the guy. Ok you can do this, I told myself over and over. I slid off my board and dove under. I saw the guy hanging by his cord. He didn't appear to be breathing. Shit this is worse than I thought. I grabbed the guy's wrist and attempted to pull him up. Then again he's underwater dork he cant breath, this thought helped a little but that hope quickly faded as I realized seaweed was wrapped around his other wrist. I let go of his hand and resurfaced for another breath and dove down again. But this time on his other side. I ripped the seaweed off of him and pulled him up to the surface. I checked his pulse, nothing. Shit. I threw him on my board and got on after him. I paddled back into shore carefully, making sure he didn't fall off. Once I reached shore I picked the guy up and ran to the sand where a crowd of people were waiting. I laid him down. "Does anyone know CPR?" I yelled. On guy with a shaved head steeped forward. "I do," he answered. "Great you do CPR and I'll do Mouth to Mouth." I ordered. I usually wasn't the take-charge kinda guy, but if I wasn't than this guy was going to die. I kneeled down and took another breath I put my mouth over his and breathed in my air into his lungs. Even in the emergency state I was in I couldn't help but notice how soft the boys lips were. But I quickly pushed those thoughts from my mind, neither the time nor the place Ry I lectured myself. I lifted my mouth off his and felt for his heart beat, nothing. Damn it wake up already! I sighed and took another breath. I gave him my air. All the sudden I felt water in my mouth. I sat up and the guy spit up half the ocean pretty much... on me. He opened his eyes. I knew who he was... Josh. "OMG JC! Are you ok? We were so worried about you!" The shaved haired man said wrapping his arms around Josh. "I think so Juju. What happened?" Josh asked trying to sit up. "I don't think so mister. Lay back down." I said gently pushing him back down. "You took a major wipeout and hit your head on your board. But this guy here saved you!" the guy, I guess, who's name is Juju said. 'Juju, now that's a strange name. Must be short for something or that boys childhood must have sucked. "Oh thanks," He told me, then suddenly realizing who I was. "Hey I know you!" "You do?" Juju asked surprised. "Yeah we sat next to each other on the plane." I explained happily. 'He remembered me!' I thought. Then why didn't he call? My brain asked. Good question. "Your Ryan? Oh YOUR Ryan." J smiled a mile wide. He and Josh obviously knowing more about something then I did. "Um yeah. Ok so why don't I take Josh and you back to my place 'cause it's only a few minutes away so he can rest and I can take a shower." I laughed still spiting out Josh's spit from my mouth. "What you don't like my spit?" Josh asked pretending to be hurt. "You're spit yes, your water throw-up no thank you. Now come on lets get you in a bed." I said lifting Josh off the ground. I put one arm under his armpits and the other his knees, accidentally touching his ass. Ok so maybe it wasn't THAT much of an accident. "Why mister aren't you even going to bye me diner and drinks first?" Josh asked in a high voice, batting his eyelashes at me. I smiled at him and went over to Juju. "Is he always like this or has the near death experience damaged his brain cells?" I whispered smiling. "He's always like this, but only with people he likes." Juju laughed. "Oh I feel so honored." I laughed. "Hey keeping secrets isn't nice you two. You might hurt someone's feelings." Josh scolded. "Whatever Big Daddy." Juju laughed. I just smiled. They were a weird couple of guys, but I like 'em I decided as I opened my car for them to get into. "What about you guy's car?" I asked. "Oh a friend dropped us off an his way somewhere." Juju answered buckling his seatbelt. "Just asking." I smiled, but something about his tone made me curios. What were they hiding? "We're here." I smiled 2 minutes later. I pulled in front of a small baby blue house with white trim and two palm trees in the front yard with a hammock strung between them. "I like the color." J commented as he got out of the car. I smiled as I got out of the car myself. "Thanks, my students picked it out." I laughed. "Your students?" J asked confused. "Yeah, I teach the 2nd grade. When I moved in here and it was this bright purple, really ugly. I was new to the islands and didn't know any one outside of the school I worked at so I didn't know who else to ask. So I wanted to make it a little bit more...a manly. So I choose 2 colors this and a green and asked my students which one they liked more and all the girls said, and I quote, 'the blue because Justin Timberlake likes that color'. It was funny." I smiled. "Justin Timberlake?" Josh smiled. "Yeah that guy from *N SYNC. Never seen him before in my life, but my students say 'he's the cutest thing in the world next to puppies.'" I laughed, but J and Josh were on the floor practically sobbing from laughing so hard. I raised my eyebrows and laughed. "Um ok." I smiled. I hoped over the two and opened the door. "You don't lock your door?" Josh asked confused, noticing that I hadn't used a key. "My best friend I supposed to be stopping by today or tomorrow around 3. So I left it open for her. But sense she hasn't shown up today she'll be here tomorrow." I explained I was really psyched. Jen and Alex were coming to visit and I couldn't wait. I had seen Jen almost 4 days ago, but I had a lot I needed to tell her. "Are you sure we're not intruding? We could always head to our hotel." Juju asked. "Not at all. Josh probably needs to rest after having a near death experience and traveling isn't going to help. And I'm bored so you're staying. Okie dokie?" I smiled sweetly. "Okie dokie?" Josh asked his eyebrows raised. "What? When you're stuck with 8 year olds all day you pick up some of their lingo." I defended. Josh still had his eyebrows raised. "Oh shut up." I gave in. Josh and Juju laughed. "So what hotel are you guys staying in?" I asked getting a glass of water out of the fridge fir Josh and three Advil. "Thanks. How'd you know I have a killer headache?" He asked as I handed him the pills. "Personal experience." I smiled. "What are you super man and you rescue people for your living? School teacher by day, super hero by night?" Juju asked laughing. "Oh no you guys know too much, now I have to kill you. Damn and you were starting to grow on me." I laughed. "Do you wear a little cap and everything?" Josh asked. "Yeah, and I have little ears too like Batman. Only mine are bigger. I'm Bunnyman." I joked. "Oh I'm scared Bunnyman's going to hurt us J what are we going to do?" Josh mocked. "Wait I'm confused. You called him Juju earlier, and now you're calling him J? What's you're name?" I asked. They both laughed. Ok I must be missing out on a lot here. "Someone very stupid once said 'Hey keeping secrets isn't nice you two. You might hurt someone's feelings'" I quoted. "Hey I am not stupid." Josh defended. "My names Justin, but my friends call me by my nicknames Juju, J, that sorta thing." Justin cleared up. "Oh gotcha. I was going to say, being named Juju must have been horrible as a kid." I laughed. The other two laughed along. "J can you hand me another...a...thingy with the bottle?" Josh yelled from his spot on the coach. For the last few hours Josh, Justin and I drank beers, talked and goofed around. "You mean a drink Josh?" I laughed. "YES! That's it! How'd ya know?" he said excitedly. At this I cracked up falling off the chair I was sitting on. "Uh Josh, that's what we've been having for the last like day." Justin answered. "Whoa, the chair fell." I said shocked. "Dude, you fell off the chair." Josh replied. "Oh." I replied nodding my head in understanding. "Well it's been a pleeeeeeasure Ryyyyyyyyyyyan." Justin slurred standing up, but immediately falling down. "Man do you need a rideeeeeeeeeee?" I asked trying to stand up, and surprisingly successful. "Nah I'll call a cab." He said bracing himself on the counter next to him. "Bye Jujuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Josh replied doing a movement that resembled a wave. "Bye, bye, bye." Justin sang happily doing the little hand movement along with it. He tried to do the leg thing too, but his legs got tangled and he fell over. This made all three of us howl with laughter. "Oh my gosh, you are so blond!" I laughed. "No, I don't have hair." Justin replied confused. "No he means you're stupid." Josh clarified. "Oh ok...hey!" J said finally getting what I meant. "Bye J. Come back, uh, soon." I yelled as he walked out the door. "So Josh what do you wanna do now?" I asked walking over to the coach were he was sitting. "I don't know, what do you wanna do?" Josh replied looking at me. "I don't know what do you wanna do?" I asked again my eyes crossing slightly. "Dude I just asked you." Josh laughed. "Oh yeah." I replied blinking my eyes. "So what do you wanna do?" Josh asked again. I started cracking up as he asked this. "What?" he asked his blue eyes growing big, this made me laugh even harder. "You, you look so cute when you did that." I laughed. "Oh thanks!" he smiled and kissed me on the check. I was so surprised I turned to look at him and hit his nose with my forehead. "Owe!" Josh yelled grabbing his nose that started bleeding. "Josh! I'm so sorry! Geese you'd think I'd stop hitting you!" I exclaimed. Josh laughed through his pain. "Do you want some, uh, cold, hard, slippery stuff for that?" I asked. "You mean ice?" Josh asked. "YES!" I replied. "Sure." "I'll be right back with your ICE!" I said happily. I tried to get up, and as soon as I stood up I tripped over the rug on the floor. "Stupid rug stop moving!" I yelled which caused Josh to burst out laughing. I got back on my feet and studied myself before walking into the kitchen to grab a bag of ice. I took a washcloth and wrapped the ice bag init before walking back into the living room. "Here you go a bag of ice." I said proudly, hading him the bag. "Thanks," he said taking his hand away from his nose, which was now not bleeding and not swelling. "What did I need this for again?" He asked. "I'm not quite sure." I replied narrowing my eyebrows. Josh started laughing. "What?" I asked looking at his hunched over form. He looked up at me and smiled. "You just look cute all confused." He smiled and kissed my check. This time I wasn't as surprised. I just looked at him and kissed his soft pouty lips I vaguely remembered from earlier this morning. He kissed back, lightly brushing his nose against mine. He opened his mouth a little more inviting me. I jumped at the chance. I lightly ran my tongue over his. His softly moaned in my mouth. I pulled back and opened my eyes. "Josh what are we doing?" I breathed. "I don't know." He replied, "But I don't care." And I realized neither did I. The last thing I remember is walking into the bedroom and shutting the door. (*Sorry no sex this chapter. Something's have to be left to the imagination*) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The Next Morning I woke up to the sun shining bright through my bedroom window and the steady breathing of my pillow. Wait a minute sense when do pillows breath? I opened my eyes and saw Josh lying next to me. He looked so peaceful lying there with nothing covering him except the comforter. As I watched him he started to stir a little. "Good morning Sleepyhead." I greeted smiling, but stopped because it made my head hurt. "Morning." He yawned. I smiled, he was so cute. "Tired?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Aren't you? After last night I'm wouldn't be surprised if you slept till Wednesday." Josh laughed. I blushed. "Hey no fair picking on the host." I pouted. "Ok ok it's too early as it is to be making jokes." He gave in. "Just don't pout." "Good." I smiled and pecked him on the check. But he didn't smile back. "What's wrong Josh?" I asked confused. After last night I thought we were...together, I guess, maybe, hopefully yes that's the word. Hopefully. . "I have to tell you something." He sighed. "What? Was I THAT bad." I laughed. "No, it's not that at all. But I'm trying to be serious here." He said trying not to smile. "And no you weren't horrible at all." "Then what? It can't be that bad." I reassured. I mean geese, the ways he's acting he just learned his aunt Mary had just died. "Oh trust me it is." He sighed. "I have a girl friend." I just stared blankly at him for what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few minutes. "Ry please say something, anything please." Josh begged. I snapped out of my daze and realized he had tears in his eyes. "O...Oh." was the only word I could come up with. I suddenly very a wear I was naked. "Oh my gosh, look at the time. I have to be somewhere in like 5 minutes so I better get going." I said looking at the alarm clock next to me. I had to get out of there. Well away from Josh. "Ry please don't. I want to be friends." Josh said, his eyes pleading with me. But I couldn't. Not yet anyways. "No really I'm ok Josh. I just have a teacher meeting to go to." I lied, grabbing the sheet and wrapping it around my waist. "But it's summer." He pointed out, sitting up in bed. "Well it's about the Music program for next year." I said slipping my boxers on and a pair of kaki shorts. "But yesterday you said you were free today except that your friend was coming." Josh said confused. "Opps. I forgot sorry my bad. Look I have to be leaving, so you can let yourself out when you're ready ok? Have breakfast, take a shower, whatever you want k? Just make sure you lock up when you're done. Bye, it was fun. Give me a call we'll have to do lunch sometime k?" I asked while slipping a Billabong T-Shirt on, and my sandals. I gave a feeble attempt at a smile and walked out the door. I leaned against the hood of my car with my head pounding. Not only from the killer hangover I had but also with the realization I lost my virginity to a one-night stand. I sighed and hoped into my car. I put the keys in the ignition and driving away to...anywhere but here.

Next: Chapter 3

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