Welcome to Salem

By Chase Donovon

Published on Jan 29, 2001


Advisory: This story is pure fantasy and doesn't reflect the actual characters or actors on Days of Our Lives. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

Note: There isn't much action in this chapter, but more is coming. The delay was unintentional but some personal stuff came up. If you wrote to me, you'll get a reply, though it may take awhile.

My eyes fluttered open slowly and I felt completely dazed. Where was I? For a few moments, no actual thoughts seemed to exist in my mind, just a haze of uncertainty and confusion.

Then I slowly realized that there was a certain taste in my mouth, a taste that was hauntingly familiar and yet somehow elusive.

"God," I heard a voice next to me moan softly. My body jerked at the sudden sound and a tingle of shock rushed through me. Glancing towards the sound, I realized there was someone next to me on the bed.

And not just any someone, this guy was completely naked, his gorgeous dick still semi hard. At the sight of him, something connected in my mind. The taste in my mouth! It was cum, with a little aftertaste of something else- hand lotion?

As I stared at the beautiful hard body of the naked God next to me, I tried to recall what had brought me here. This wasn't my dorm room, so I must have come home with this guy. But I didn't even remember going out, let alone meeting someone! Did I get drunk?

"Phil, I can't believe that just happened!" The guy moaned, raising his head up off the bed and opening his eyes to look over at me.

It was at that instant that it all came back to me. Somehow, I'd woken up this morning in someone else's body. A fictional someone, at that, a character from my favorite daytime soap.

I was Philip Kiriakis, the hot young blond with the impishly sexy smile. I'd even gone to school at Salem High that day and met Shawn Brady! And then...

Then, I remembered, I'd come home with Jason! His part of the show wasn't very big, but the arrogant young trouble maker was gorgeous, a blond God in his own right.

And I'd sucked him off! I could still taste his juices in my mouth. I must have passed out afterwards, I realized. And yet, I'd still woken up in this place, as Philip! Was that possible? Was this more than a dream, after all? Was I seriously delusional?

"Phil, why did you do that?" Jason's voice cut through my thoughts with it's underlying tones of fear and accusation.

"What are you talking about, Jason?" I asked, smiling slightly as I once again heard Philip's voice instead of my own.

"You know what I'm talking about! You... you just..." Jason stammered, his face and chest flushing bright red.

"I sucked you off? Is that what you're trying to say?" I asked, trying to help but mostly feeling amused at this typical turn of events. Now was the time for him to play the outraged straight boy. Now, only after he'd gotten his rocks off.

"Are you... Phil, man, are you a homo? Because I'm not! Why did you do that?"

"Jason, relax. I didn't hear you complaining while you were moaning and shooting off in my mouth! Besides, it's no big deal. Just one friend helping out another. I knew you weren't getting any from Jan, so I decided to be a nice guy. If I'd know you were gonna freak, I wouldn't have bothered."

Jason looked at me for a few moments, his mouth still hanging slightly open. It was obvious that he had no idea what to say but felt he had to say something, anything in response.

"Look, man, don't worry about it, okay? Most guys experiment with other guys at least once. It's just that most won't admit it. It doesn't make you gay, man. Just chill and focus on the fact that you just got a really great blow job, all right?" I smiled at the swaggering self assurance in my own words, spoken in Philip's voice.

Somehow, I doubted that I'd ever been quite so at ease in my own body. But being Philip was somehow so liberating. It made me feel like I was wearing the world's greatest Halloween costume. I could do what I wanted and no one would ever recognize that it was me inside!

Jason still looked a little freaked, but I could see that part of him was grasping onto my words. Most people, it seems, can do pretty much anything and still feel okay afterwards as long as they find an explanation that excuses them from blame.

I watched, still lying half naked, as Jason scurried around, pulling on his clothes. Normally, I'd feel a little used, maybe, or at least insulted by this quick get away, but right now I felt almost deliriously happy! The possibilities of being Philip Kiriakis- rich, gorgeous, and living in a world filled almost entirely with other beautiful people, seemed almost like Heaven.

Sitting up, I watched as Jason pulled on his last shoe and headed for the door. He stopped just short of opening it and turned around to 'face' me, although his gaze seemed fixed on the floor directly in front of me and not my face.

"Don't... if you... listen, you'd better not say anything about this to anyone, Kiriakis."

"Jason, I'd have as much to lose as you, remember? Think about it. Why would I tell? It's just between us, man," I assured him. He met my eyes then, like he was checking to see if I meant what I said. He must have been satisfied with my answer because after a few seconds he turned and left the room.

I laid backwards on the bed, glancing down once again to check out Philip's impressive body and even more impressive package. I felt like I could dance through the streets like this, yelling at the top of my lungs! Euphoria rushed through me and I buried my face in a pillow and let out a triumphant yell that would probably have brought the entire mansion running into my room if I hadn't taken the precaution.

Whatever was going on, it was real. I'd passed out after giving Jason head, but when I came to, I was still Philip. A dream was out of the question, and though I had no experience with them, I doubted even a delusion would be this detailed, right down to the taste of Jason's cum in my mouth.

So, what was going on? I'd never been that into science fiction, but this seemed like something right out of one of those stories. Or maybe it was something else. What was it that I'd thought earlier? That this seemed almost like Heaven?

What if I'd died? Maybe there'd been some terrible fire in the dorm and I hadn't gotten out in time? Or maybe some unknown medical condition had caught up with me in my sleep? Was that possible?

Looking around the room, I smiled. Anything was possible. And i'd always thought, somehow, that the afterlife would be personally tailored to each person. I mean, one person's Heaven is another's hell, right? How can there just be one place for everyone?

I lay there for awhile, still completely naked, thinking my way through a maze of ideas, but the truth of the matter was that I had no real idea what was going on. All I could really do was enjoy it while it lasted.

It was already pretty dark in the room when I realized that my stomach was making demanding noises. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a plain white t-shirt and pulled them on, admiring in the mirror the way they complimented Philip's toned body.

I headed down the familiar staircase and wondered just where the kitchen was in this place. We never saw such a place on the show, though it seemed that small children were forever be sent there with Henderson to get some treat from the cook, so the adults could play their scenes in privacy.

Just when I was about to chose a direction and set off in search of the elusive room, Henderson appeared behind me, as if out of nowhere.

"Master Philip, how are you this evening?" he asked politely.

"Hungry, Henderson. Where's-" I stopped short, realizing I'd almost asked where the kitchen was, when surely Philip would know the answer to that question. "What's for dinner?"

"Well, Master Philip, your parents are both working late this evening and won't be requiring an evening meal here. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are also out for the evening. Cook is preparing a meal for Master Will and I could ask her to put something on for you as well. What would you like?"

The idea of sitting alone in the Kiriakis dining room, watching some nanny feed little Will wasn't very appealing to me.

"Um, I think I'll just go out and grab a bite somewhere, Henderson. But thanks," I smiled. Henderson nodded and left me alone, ever the efficient butler.

Where could I get a meal in Salem? I wondered. The Penthouse Grill and Tuscany were far too upscale to just walk in off the street. Dot Com seemed to be more of a coffee shop than a place to grab a meal, and I didn't feel like going to Salem Place, either.

Of course, there was always the Brady Pub, where I was sure to be able to grab a juicy burger and some fries, or maybe even finally sample some of that legendary Brady Chowder. And, this being Salem, I was bound to run into half the other people in town there. No one seemed to ever go out to eat in Salem unless the majority of the cast was eating out as well.

But, how was I going to find the Brady Pub? I wasn't exactly familiar with the streets of Salem and it would seem awfully strange to ask directions to a place Philip had been many times.

Well, I'd been pretty lucky in finding the school this morning, so I'd just have to try my luck again. And maybe, just maybe, Shawn Brady would be there.

Of course, there were any number of hot guys in Salem besides Shawn. I let my mind drift over the current cast list- besides Shawn, there was Brady Black, another hot young blond but with a sexy edge to him; Austin Reed, possessor of the best body on the show, even if he was a bit dense; Brandon Walker, who had a body almost as fantastic as Austin's and a fiery Latin passion to go with it; Lucas Roberts, who was sexy in a boyish, arrogant way, even in those stuffy business suits. It was just too bad that I'd become Philip too late to meet up with Eric Brady and Nicholas Alamain, but then a person couldn't have everything!

Of course, there were some problems in the mix. Namely that Philip was related to most of the hot guys in town. Shawn, for instance, was his nephew, in addition to being his best friend. And so was Brady Black. As for Lucas and Austin, they were his half brothers! I sighed, thinking of the twisted web of soap families. Only Brandon was free and clear, with no known ties to Philip.

But, I wasn't really Philip, so I wasn't going to let something as petty as family ties get in the way. I was going to enjoy this, for however long it lasted.

Opening the front door, I breathed in the evening air and looked around the expansive Kiriakis driveway, with the street beyond it.

"Welcome to Salem," I said softly.

Thanks to the people who wrote to me about the story. Please let me know your feelings, good or bad. I don't want to write unless I know people are reading. chase_donovon@yahoo.com, and I'm also available on Yahoo! Messenger a lot of the time.

Next: Chapter 4

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