
By moc.loa@tramhtlH

Published on Feb 26, 2003


We shared a bathroom with separate doors from each of our rooms. The doors remained locked from the bedroom side so we each went to our own room and by the time I opened my door there she was, ready to go. She carried several items including some clothes and a couple of wigs. There was more there but I couldn't tell just what.

I retrieved my suitcase from the closet, set it on a chair and carefully laid out my purchases on the desk. I turned around and not only had she set her items on the chair but she finished unbuttoning her blouse and was in the process of removing it.

She saw my bulging eyes and said "There's really no point in being shy about this, now is there"? With that she dropped her blouse to the floor and stuck out her already ample chest as she did a slow pirouette. What marvelous tits!!!! Next her jeans and socks were disposed of and there she was, clad only in a beautiful bra and thong panties.

Needless to say I had been locked in a staring mode and still just stood there taking her all in. "Well, are you just going to stand there or do I have to undress you too", she said with the sexiest grin you could imagine?

"You do remember we aren't really brother and sister so that shouldn't be a problem".

Her last remark spurred me into action. First thing I knew all except my thong shorts were on the floor and I stood before her fighting mightily to keep from getting a hard on. "Beautiful, just beautiful", she commented as she took my hand and led me over in front of the full length mirror.

We stood there side by side taking in the display before us. Before I knew it she had reached behind her, undid the bra and cast it on the floor. What an eyeful!!!!

"You know we could be twins Gene, just look at our similarities in height, slim bodies and blond hair. Just a couple of 'minor' differences in the chest and hip areas". She smiled in a most possessive way and turned to face me.

" You realize that a proper assessment for my report to Ralph would have to include two different experiences to really be meaningful, don't you"? With that she reached down, hooked her thong and then there it was, around her ankles. Her trimmed bush looked so inviting.

"Well", she said? It was obvious what she expected so I obediently reached down and my thong landed around my ankles. She stepped back and gazed at my semi hard, cut 5-1/2 inches and licked her lips. "Beautiful", she said . "Just right for a guy who wants to 'dress'. Any bigger and 'we' would have a tough time hiding it".

Before I could do anything she was on her knees and softly holding my cock in different positions and examining it. "Just beautiful and all the better for having been shaved - yum". With that she had me in her mouth and exhibited what must have been her vast experience as she squeezed her lips around it and began a back and forth ritual. Her hands tightly gripped my buns and pulled me into her on each entry trip my cock made.

"This could be a lot more comfortable - and sharing - if we were on the bed", I managed to say over her slurping sucking. She stopped reluctantly, got up with a major grin on her face and kissed me. "There, step-brother, it's not just your cock that attracts me".

With a smug look on her face she went to the bed and spread herself in a most inviting position. "I could manage a little more of that tasty morsel in my mouth - if you think you can handle it". I went over and leaned down to kiss her after which she just pushed my head down to her crotch. "I love your kiss bro but first things first.".

As my head went down she guided my legs until I was astraddle her head and damned if my cock was deep into her throat just like that. Going as I was told I looked right into her crack which was just in front of my face. It smelled wonderful and I regretted I hadn't got this far with my one and only previous fuck.

My tongue went out and touched the already wet and slimy surface of her cunt lips and it didn't take long before I buried it into her and felt her lips envelop my nose. She groaned and I knew I was on the right track. I continued to work my tongue in, out and around her clit as her juices flowed more freely. She then began humping up into my face as the pace quickened and her groans came more frequently.

All this time she was pulling and pushing my hips up and down as my cock began to near it's 'high' point. Now was the time for me to give directions.

Raising my head -reluctantly - I spat thru the juice in my mouth, "Now - now I want to fuck your cunt"!

She must have been wanting the same thing as she pushed up to free her mouth of my cock and pushed my hips off to the side. Quickly I raised up, put my hands on the inside of her thighs to keep them spread and jumped into a kneeling position between them. I paused then so I could gaze down at her beautiful tits and then bent down to have my face between them and squeezed them against my face.

"Enough foreplay, my man", she gasped. "You wanted to fuck and so do I. Let's get with it so I can cum and squeeze your cock in my twat". With that I immediately directed the head of my throbbing rod right into her slimy cunt just as deep as I could go.

She groaned again and then just went nuts as her legs wrapped around me and locked our bodies together. We both arched our backs and just stayed that way as my cock blew it's wad and must have just stuffed her cunt since I could feel my juice forcing its way out.

Jan let out what seemed just about a scream and then just fell back on her back, totally exhausted. Our bodies were drowned in sweat and cum as we tendered one soft kiss before collapsing into an exhausted sleep.

I checked my watch as the Chevvy and I just continued to roll across the endless plains. My watch indicated that I was well ahead of schedule and since I was getting a little weary I pulled off into the next rest area, parked and closed my eyes for a nice snooze. It didn't take long for me to continue to reminice.

I opened my eyes finally and it was morning.. Still beside me and grinning like a chesire cat was Jan. "I could just kick myself for not getting 'personal' with you a lot sooner", she said. "You were about as good as it gets even though you're no bigger than me. If you combine that talent with 'dressing' you won't ever be short of company".

I just lay there enjoying her comments while she continued. "Now it's time for phase two of our qualification procedure. I think it would be best if we showered first and get the smell of sweat and cum washed off. Ok with you"?

Suddenly reminded of my potential 'other self' I said "Let's go. Can we do it together"?

"Of course, silly", and she took my hand and led me into 'our' bathroom. Thank goodness the shower wasn't over the bathtub but in a stall with a bench in it. We were in it in nothing flat and the hot water rejuvenated the both of us.

I eyed the many scents and soaps Jan always kept in there and I had always wondered about. She saw me and said 'Yes hon, those are the ones we both use for today". I took a sponge and poured a delicious scented soap on it and turned to face her. It was just delightful to sponge her entire body - tits, cunt, ass and all - as she just stood there obviously enjoying every bit of it. The scent that filled the air just made me that much more giddy.

Her outstanding boobs looked marvelous as the water ran over them and the soap went with it. I just couldn't help standing back and admiring them. Her crotch was coated with cum and took some extra attention - which was great fun. My turn came and she lovingly stroked and caressed every inch of me with special attention to my cock, balls and the crack of my ass. I was totally overcome just thinking of what we had been missing.

Next we tenderly dried each other off. I lingered over massaging her cunt with the towel after which I held it against my nose and inhaled the luscious odor as she laughed at me. Needless to say she lingered around my cock and balls until, finally, we were both dry and exuded the exotic perfumes of the soap.

"Ok, chum, follow me and we'll get started". She took my hand, led me back into my bedroom and sat me on the chair. From there I could see myself in the full length mirror directly in front of me.

Jan didn,t bother to get dressed as she sorted out the things she had brought in and arranged them on the desk. First she opened her make-up kit and went to work on my eyes and eyebrows. I was just in a trance as she had to bend over in front of me and her marvelous tits swung like pendulums right in front of my eyes.

Next I felt her lightly brushing my cheeks with a powdery substance. "I'll teach you how to do this another time if everything turns out ok and you like it", she purred. She then stood back and looked at her handywork. I still couldn't see the mirror. Then came a tube of lipstick. She said "you can change the shade another time if you wish".

Finally she was ready for the wig. It was a blond piece with medium length. She fondled it as she began to position it saying "I certainly never thought I would be doing this with my wig when I bought it".

She then stood back and surveyed her work. Seemingly satisfied she said "Are you ready" and moved over and stood beside me so both of us were facing the mirror.

I was overcome with the image that appeared before me. I had to admit that I just appeared as a very beautiful girls' face atop a slender, graceful neck. If only there were a lovely set of tits appearing on my naked chest. To help things along Jan stood naked right alongside me and her image in the mirror told me she was very pleased. She even lifted my arm and slid it around her waist just over her great hips and extended her right arm around my shoulders.

"Well, now for the next step.". I must admit my legs were shaking as I stood in front of the mirror. I turned toward Jan as she was handing me what she called a 'V'. It looked like a cunt that -and I had no other way to describe it - that would fit into a crotch. "You don't want to advertise your crotch equipment now do you hon". I took it from her and slipped it into place. A glance into the mirror amazed me as now from the waist down I looked like a female. My cock was invisible and the 'V' showed lips just like a cunt. It was a good thing we had played and fucked so much so my cock was in a rather soft condition.

The mirror showed me just how effective it was. I turned sideways and just didn't have a bulge nor was anything really noticeable from the front. "Marvelous. It even feels good", I exclaimed.

Jan was obviously very impressed as she came over and held out my bra to slip my arms through. She let it hang while she got behind me and fastened it. "how did you know - this is my size".

When she appeared in front of me again she had my falsies in her hands. Quickly she slipped one in each side and returned to her never ending pile of goodies she had brought in. Once again her hand went to the bra and she slipped in what appeared to be a rather large ball of foam. That is exactly what they were and they just formed themselves to the inside shape of the falsie.

My eyes bugged out again when I looked down at my 'chest' and then into the mirror. Right there as a part of my chest were two beautifully shaped tits. The filling was apparently just right as the edges of the bra met just perfectly with my chest and actually looked like the real thing.

"Oh Jan", I cried. "They are just GREAT", and with that I threw my arms around her and hugged her as our matching boobs met head on between us. "You're wonderful! How can I ever thank you"?

Jan was having a great time along with me. Before I knew it she had my garter belt and was fastening it behind me. "Can I have the garter straps go under my panties? I've always thought I would like to be able to drop my panties without having to undo the stockings".

"Sure you can. Any old way you want" and she tossed my stockings at me. I sat down and gleefully slipped the stockings over my feet and then up my legs. They felt just wonderful being there as I slid my hands up and down their silky surface. Standing up I then fumbled my way through attaching the garters to the tops of the stockings. This was followed by my silky panties which fit over my "V" just as they would a real cunt and then up the crack in my ass.

Finally finished I was nearly afraid to look in the mirror - what of I didn't know. I stood and there was Jan a few feet away admiring me. I took a few steps toward the mirror and was rewarded with the soft tugging on the belt with each step I took.

There I was! The blonde wig brought my hair down nearly to my shoulders. I shook my head and thrilled seeing it flow back and forth. My make-up couldn't have been better - from my pink cheeks to long eye lashes and 'sexy' eye brows. My lipstick was a nice pinkish - not too dark so it didn't detract from the rest of my face.

Then my slender neck above my slender shoulders which - thank goodness - hadn't grown ugly from swimming and working out. The bra straps then extended down to what appeared to be a lovely set of tits and I twisted slightly for a side view which more than confirmed it. I even gently shook sideways and thrilled as they did sway a bit.

My waist was slim and encompassed by my garter belt which - even though my hips were not outstanding - rested seductively upon them as the garters themselves stretched tightly under my panties and down to my stocking tops.

My legs were actually quite attractive and sexy being clad in black nylon. My thighs were outstanding and I wondered how they would appear when covered with a clinging skirt.

Jan then added again to my ensemble. "Here", she said and handed me a pair of shoes with 4"spiked heels. Everything else about you is my size so let's see about these".

I sat down and slipped on the spikes. She was right - they fit and felt perfect. Now was the challenge - to stand and then walk on these 'stilts'. I shakily rose to my feet and took a moment just getting a feel for balancing. It really wasn't as bad as I had anticipated so I took a slow step forward. So far so good. The first thing I knew I was daintily walking around the room. I could tell that my ass was swaying due to the way I had to walk.

Ending up once again in front of the mirror I gazed sideways and just loved the way my legs looked as they were essentially in a tip toe position.

Turning to Jan I said "What more can I possibly ask. This is truly wonderful".

I walked over to her and we just held each other. She was shorter now with me in my heels and her still naked. "Hon, I couldn't be happier. You are a natural for crossdressing. I'd really like to see you in skirt and blouse but we have one more step to complete for my report to Ralph".

Backing away from me she said "Go and make yourself comfortable on the bed and I'll be right there".

More to cum...

Next: Chapter 4

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