
By moc.loa@tramhtlH

Published on Mar 6, 2003


This story involves crossdressing and sex. Only read if you are of age andlike this type of material. If you have any comments please feel free to sendthem to Bob at hlthmart@aol.com. Unfortunatley it is also fantasy!

Chapter 6

The sun was in my face as I woke up and Sammy still lay fast asleep at my side. I gently left the bed, picked up my suitcase and went into the bathroom where I quietly closed the door and locked it. I hoped my activities in there would not wake him.

I removed my 'necessary' items from the suitcase and placed them on the sink table along with the box. It really wasn't until now that I began to wonder just what was in it.

Finding a bath towel in the closet I picked up my scented soap from the table and stepped into the shower. The hot water felt marvelous as I soaped myself down and stared at my erect cock. With my anticipation at this level there was no way I was going to be able to soften it other than jacking off - which I proceeded to do. My full load of cum then joined the shower water sliding down the tiled shower wall.

I was too anxious to linger in the shower so stepped out and toweled myself down.

Quickly I reached for my bra and then my eyes took in the 'box' Jan had given me. She had that look on her face when she handed it to me that it was rather special. I tore off the brown paper and looked at the elaborate cardboard box with simple note on it that said 'Enjoy'.

By now my hands were trembling as I opened the box . Whatever was there was covered with tissue paper and, taking a deep breath, I removed the paper.

I know my mouth dropped open as I stared at the two beautiful breasts laying before me. They were identical to the set I had seen and longed for many times on the TGF website.

I had even memorized the instructions on how to handle them. Quickly I put on my bra and gently inserted the first one. Just the feel of it brought my cock back into an alert position despite the fact I had cum just a few minutes ago. Using the marking pencil contained in the package I quickly marked on my chest where the outer edges would be and removed the breast. I then applied the tape where the marks were and back went the breast. I caressed the edges all around and just couldn't believe how the blended into my skin to the point where they were barely discernable.

The other breast went right on and I stood back to view myself. Before turning to the mirror I stopped and wondered how they would be without my bra. 'What the hell', I thought and undid the bra clasps. Gently I slipped off the straps and, holding my breath, I slowly, and hopefully, lowered the cups. My new tits were on their own, defying gravity as the -my- nipples stood erect and taunting.

Cautiously I checked around the edges and they were fine. Matter of fact it was rather difficult to even find them. Now it was time. Slowly I turned and had to gasp at what I saw in the mirror. They were absolutely beautiful!

I gently swayed and just loved the way they swayed with me and even after I stopped. I thought back to my 'sessions' with Jan and just how similar they looked - that's a compliment when comparing to Jan's wonder chest. Their weight was as I would guess it should be and I couldn't help the tears of joy as they came down over my cheeks.

There was no way I was going to cover my beautiful tits with a bra - it just wasn't needed - so I proceeded to get dressed. It only took me a short time for my garter belt, stockings, wig and make-up and then I was ready for my 'outer' clothes. It almost seemed a shame to cover my lovely undies. Nonetheless I slipped on my shortsleeve sweater and buttoned up the front. This left an attractive V in front. I felt so proud as I saw my exposed cleavage.

My short skirt came next and then my heels. My necklace, ear rings and a bracelet then completed my ensemble. It was all I could do to walk away from admiring myself in the mirror. Down the hall I went and into the kitchen where Sammy was busy at the stove generating the delicious smell of bacon and eggs. The scent of my perfume must have overcome the bacon and eggs as he turned toward me.

I'll never forget the look on his face as he stared at me from head to foot. His voice was somewhat choked as he breathed "Jeannie you're ---- beautiful", and with that he came to me, arms outstretched. I could feel the pressure on my breasts as he brought my body against him. His arms held me as he nuzzled his head against me and whispered into my ear, "I can't believe how wonderful you look and just how wonderful you make me feel. Here dearest, lets sit down and get this breakfast out of the way as I admire you."

There was little conversation as we ate. It was more of a mutual admiration time as we gazed with longing at each other. With every movement of my arms when eating I could feel the jiggle of my tits and it was obvious Sammy was longingly taking it in. Breakfast finished, we cleaned up and washed the dishes. As I stood at the sink, finishing off drying, Sammy came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Gently pulling me toward him he put his chin on my shoulder and proceeded to nibble on my ear.

I let myself relax in his arms as he continued to nibble. His hands slowly came up over my stomach until they encountered my breasts. Even though they weren't real I swear that I could feel every little movement as he caressed them gently. He muttered in my ear "I want you so badly lover". His breathing became heavier as his crotch began to press on my ass cheeks. I wondered how his old comment about not being into anal would apply.

"It's such a beautiful day", I said. " Couldn't we go out on the deck and enjoy it for a while? I've never stepped outside 'dressed' before." I knew my cheeks were red from more than just my make-up. He gently let go of me and, holding my hand, led me through the kitchen and out onto the deck.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath as the freshness of the woods and lake melded with that of my perfume. We stood at the deck railing with Sammy's arm around my shoulders and my arm around his back. This brought my right breast in contact with his chest as I leaned my head on his shoulder. He obviously enjoyed it as he glanced down and squeezed me a little tighter. Our lips met in a short, light kiss that meant a lot more than some of the ardent kisses we had had before.

Sammy released me and we walked to the other end of the deck where there was a couch covered with a rubber protector from the weather. Sammy removed the covered and exposed a comfortable looking couch with many soft, fluffy cushions. With Sammy sitting at one end with a couple of cushions on his lap it didn't take much for me to accept his obvious invitation. I stretched out on the couch and nestled my head on the cushions on his lap. I raised my head as he slipped his right arm under my head.

This was truly heaven with the light breeze rustling the leaves and the beautiful lake and trees around us. While the scenery was gorgeous it was only a matter of time until my attention turned to my lover. I surprised myself as I realized my thoughts didn't even hesitate at calling him 'my lover'. I smiled at the thought and Sammy noticed it.

His right hand traced lightly around my face as he stared at me. "I don't know why I'm so lucky", he whispered. "Here I am, a foreigner with an accent, I'm not especially attractive and I'm twenty years older than you. How is it that I'm blessed with the presence of such a beautiful creature as you"? With that he placed his hand gently on my cheek and lowered his head to kiss me.

'How could this possibly be any better', I thought to myself as our tongues gently sought each other out. 'Pure ecstasy' was the only way I could describe it.

Sammy took a deep breath and I just knew something was coming. I tensed as he said "I have something I must tell you and I hope you won't be upset". Another deep breath and he continued, "My real name is not Sammy - or Sam. It's really Tony. Please don't be upset. I use Sammy as my internet name to try to maintain secrecy". He stared into my eyes as he continued "I don't want any secrecy with us".

With that his eyes questioned my reaction to his admission. "Lover", I whispered. "I only care for you more for telling me. And - I love the name Tony".

Our lips met in one of the longest and sweetest kisses I had ever had.

His left hand had been caressing my breasts and now I eased it down over my stomach and to my crotch. I then removed my hand and let him do as he pleased. He pleased 'well'. Shivers went up my spine as he moved his hand back and forth across my crotch and I knew he was likely wondering where my cock was. The 'V' was doing it's job.

Next his hand moved down my thigh to the bottom of my skirt which was loosely spread out. Gently he lifted it and his hand went smoothly over my stockings. Despite the tightness of my "V" my cock was in the hardening process as he came to the top of my stocking and encountered my garter.

Tony (damn - I liked that name) smiled and stared into my eyes as we both enjoyed this adventure. I quickly glanced down my body and saw that my tits were heaving up and down as my breathing became deeper. My smile encouraged him to proceed.

My thighs were freshly shaved and his hand slid lovingly over them as he finally approached his goal. I gently spread my legs to provide a welcome to him. His face took on a puzzled look as his hand came to my panties and directly over my - snatch? Still puzzled he proceeded up until he came to the top of my panties and gently began to pull them down. I raised my hips and his hand proceeded around my hip and onto the cheeks of my ass. I held my position as he caressed my buns and then hooked his fingers onto my panties and pulled the rear down. I lowered my hips and pulled my feet up as he removed them completely.

By this time I was beginning to shake. This was my first time to be dressed - and being undressed - by a real man. I couldn't help whispering in his ear, "Ohhh darling. This is truly wonderful being dressed and being loved by you. It can't get any better than this - or can it?"

He smiled and sent his hand back to my crotch. Still puzzled he gently felt all around. I couldn't let him wonder any more and I giggled as my hand went down and deftly removed my "V". Up sprang my by now rigid cock, providing a tent in my skirt. A look of relief came onto Tony's face.

'Now or never' I thought and got up and stood in front of him. "I can feel your cock even through the cushions honey. Time for action". With that I turned my back on him, undid the buttons on my sweater and let it fall to the deck. I hoped he was imagining the front view of my breasts. Quickly I followed that by undoing the zipper on my skirt and let it fall, temporarily stalled by my cock. Looking down at my tits, garter belt and stockings (along with my cock) I only hoped Tony was as excited as I was.

Just to add a final touch before facing him I bent over and slipped on my heels - while wondering how the view of my ass was. Then I slowly turned, placed my hands on my hips and thoroughly enjoyed Tony's look of wonderment. I couldn't help thinking it was great to be a she-male slut when one is the subject of such an adoring look

Reaching over and pulling the cushions from his lap I said "Now is the time. Cum on lover". His cock was obviously aroused as he got up and took my extended hand. "Let's make things even", I said and started to unbutton his shirt. Quickly his clothes joined mine on the deck and there we stood, me in my lingerie and Tony bare ass naked and his rigid cock pointing right at me. I'm sure the wanton look on his face was no different from mine as we took our hands and began the trek inside to the bedroom. The only thing that concerned me was if Tony still lived with his original limitation of 'no anal'.

In addition to anticipation of what was to come I couldn't help reflect on the enjoyment of being semi naked outdoors with the gentle wind caressing my skin and my whole female clad body being exposed to the great outdoors.

Upon entering the bedroom we proceeded to the full length mirror and stood side-by-side as we jointly admired the view. My hard cock stood at attention but had to play second fiddle to Tony's which also stood at attention but was half again as big as mine - also much bigger than Jan's dildo. I became somewhat concerned about my ability to take that monster up my ass even if I could talk Tony into it.

'Oh well', I thought. 'Now's the time'. Just as I was about to broach the subject Tony turned to me and , with what looked like a pleading look on his face said "I wonder if I could ask you something Ronnie".

I paused as he went on. "Sometime ago I told you about some things that just didn't appeal to me and that included anal. I really meant as far as me being bottom or rimming goes. Just seeing you like this I can't resist asking you if you would let me fuck you".

My eyes opened wide as a great feeling of relief came over me. I turned to face Tony and put my arms around his neck, drawing him tightly against me. With my mouth right in his ear I whispered "I can't think of anything I'd rather do than have your beautiful cock enjoying my ass". As I said that I swear I felt both of our cocks shiver with excitement

Right away we were in each others arms on the bed. Finally breaking apart Tony reached over to the bedside table and pulled out the necessary things - one condom and a tube of KY. "You can see I had thought about this in advance", he said as he handed me the condom. 'Do you know what to do with this", he said with a challenging look on his face?

"Your damn right I do", I said as I grabbed it and kissed it. Seconds later I was fondling his cock and imagining this throbbing shaft penetrating my ass. The fact that it was considerably bigger than Jan's dildo was totally overcome by my desire. Over his knob went the condom and then I gently rolled it down his pulsing shaft. It ran out of rubber about three fourths of the way down but that was ok.

Quickly I laid over on my back and raised my legs. Reaching down I tucked my balls up into my body, reached down and pushed my hard cock down between my legs. I then squeezed my legs together and straightened them out on the bed.

All this happened before Tony could even move.

"There," I said. "I guess we could pretend couldn't we", as I looked down my now cockless body. He laughed and said "Only for a moment". With that he got up on his knees and reached down to spread my legs. Up sprang my cock as he clambered in between my legs and proceeded to keep them spread as he lifted one over each shoulder. Staying in that position he took the tube of cream and spread it generously over his condom clad cock and then around and into the hole in my ass.

Tossing the tube aside he took one last look at me. I wondered if he could recognize the lust and the fear I knew were visible on my face. "Please, darling, fuck me. Be gentle at first", I whispered.

"Of course", he said and then his hands went down to his cock and the crack in my ass. I reached up and grabbed my knees and pulled them toward me which raised my ass even more. What a view it was as I stared down through the valley of my braless tits standing at attention. There was my hard cock laying up against my belly and I could even see the crack in my ass as Tony spread it with one hand and directed his cock into it with the other.

I tensed as I felt his knob sliding between my cheeks and then finding my hole. Inserting his knob in the entrance to my ass he gently leaned forward and much to my surprise it slipped right in. He stopped there as I took a deep breath and winced from the penetration of the biggest (and only real) cock to invade me there. It hurt but the pain quickly gave way to the exhilaration and anticipation of what was to come (or cum).

"Ooooooooohkay baby", I moaned. "Do me now, let's FUCK"! With that Tony leaned into me and deeper went his cock until his balls were resting against the cheeks of my ass. I couldn't help moaning and writhing with the thrill caused by his full penetration. He then began to gently pull back and ease himself forward again as my sphincter was enthralled by the passing of this massive, throbbing invader. Soon Tony was pumping faster and harder and the look on his face made it obvious he was loving every minute of it. Soon my own ass involuntarily began pumping in rhythm with his thrusts and withdrawals.

What a scene it must have been, the two of us now moaning and groaning in a sweaty heap. I could tell he must be approaching climax as his thrusts became more violent and he remained momemtarily pushing harder yet at the bottom of my ass -which felt as if it were in my stomach. Finally he stayed at the bottom, leaned forward more and kissed me fiercely before he let out a huge moan. He transferred all his weight to my ass and just exploded inside me.

I can't explain the thrill I felt as my ass supported nearly his entire weight and my hole being a haven for his beautiful cock. My groan of satisfaction was accompanied by a similar reaction by my cock as it spewed several discharges up onto my chest - really my gorgeous tits - and also my face.

I couldn't tell how long we remained in that position but finally I felt his cock growing smaller and I wrapped my legs around him as it finally emerged from my hole. I squeezed him tightly and wasn't about to let go as his body descended on mine and shared the slime of my cum. We remained as one for some time with Tony's head over my shoulder and whispering wonderful things into my ear. I don't think either of us wanted to move.

Finally Tony raised and positioned himself to lick the cum from my face and then on down my body until he had cleaned up all of it including what was by now the sticky stuff on my cock and balls. The guy just didn't seem to be able to get enough of me (which was just fine with me).

Now it was my turn as I raised myself up and gently eased him over onto his back. By now his cock was totally limp like any thing that had just been overworked. The condom barely hung on and appeared to contain some of Tony's cum. I gently removed it before I began licking his cock which was covered with his own slime. Licking cum was becoming a favorite pastime as I finished him and then glanced at the condom. I glanced at Tony and found him watching with great interest as I held it up for closer examination. Sure enough there was maybe a spoonful of cum.

Without even thinking twice I held it up, opened my mouth and emptied it. Holding it's contents in my mouth it felt nice and warm and slimy - just as good cum should. Tony was going to share in this whether he knew it or not. I didn't swallow any of it as I lowered myself onto him again and brought my lips to his.

He knew damn well what I was going to do and opened his mouth to accommodate me. Soon our mouths were sharing and transferring back and forth. Never could I have even fantasized something like this but here we were, obviously enjoying every second of it.

Finally we had jointly swallowed his entire load and I rolled over on my side and he held me close. "I just don't understand", I whispered in his ear. "How can anything as disgusting as what we just did be so wonderful"?

I could just detect his smile as he said "Simple. It was between two people who care a lot for each other". With that we both relaxed and fell asleep in each other's arms

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